
Oct 10, 2019
The city is welcoming them, it's giving Beau and Caleb some pretty incredible powers. I wonder if it'll actually be hostile towards them.


Oct 27, 2017
New on the shop. Temporary tattoos, and beanies. Really hitting the 2008 hipster demo.

I haven't been able to get a haircut for a long time because of Covid so I might get the hat. It looks pretty good.

The city is welcoming them, it's giving Beau and Caleb some pretty incredible powers. I wonder if it'll actually be hostile towards them.

Maybe the city will be neutral. It could be empowering both sides, but since Lucian has more of a connection he can maybe turn elements of the city against the party.


Oct 26, 2017
The city is welcoming them, it's giving Beau and Caleb some pretty incredible powers. I wonder if it'll actually be hostile towards them.
It seems very insane, so might just be curious more than anything, we can assume it doesn't just eat organics it comes into contact with anymore at least. The way Lucien was talking about it, it doesn't sound like it even really has a goal and he thinks he can give it 1 basically.


Oct 26, 2017
Matt is fucking killing it this episode, like holy fuck.

Sounds like they'll be at the same table very soon (next week even?).


Oct 25, 2017
Some of the best (or THE best) NPC voice work Matt has ever done. I'm not a big fan of horror stuff, but it's certainly keeping my eyes glued to the screen.

But on the downside what a ridiculously short episode, which feels extra bad after finally getting to a location that has been teased for so long.


Jul 7, 2020
Again, the clash of the dope location vs the chase rears its head. I want 500 hours of Matt's inventive body horror, Cronenberg/Body Snatchers mashup, but they have to hustle to chase characters that, to me at least, are far less interesting then a insane flesh city hivemind that's at odds with itself.


Oct 26, 2017
A Matt narrated flesh city is the best worst thing ever, it's all just so creepy.
Good episode again, seems like the Eyes of 9 are different emotions and a hivemind within a hivemind, with different goals, didn't expect that. Not sure why Tal thinks a rest is happening, kinda only thing that was bugging me, like stop one first at least before even thinking that a 8v1 (well we'll see anyway) is such a ridiculous advantage.

Some of the best (or THE best) NPC voice work Matt has ever done. I'm not a big fan of horror stuff, but it's certainly keeping my eyes glued to the screen.

But on the downside what a ridiculously short episode, which feels extra bad after finally getting to a location that has been teased for so long.
They probably want to be back at the same table (which seems soon) until the big showdown. So I'm expecting shorter episodes until then. Edit: oh and Matt needs to build the map, so he probably didn't expect them to get there yet.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
Seeing the battle map tonight and recently coming across a video from when the show started was really a stark difference.



Jul 7, 2020
Seeing the battle map tonight and recently coming across a video from when the show started was really a stark difference.


As someone who didn't get into CR until about 3/4ths of the way through C1, going back even from then to the beginning is a bit of a shock. The on-screen tweets/chat, the audio teething problems, and the way lower production values (set, maps, etc) really made it feel like...well, exactly what it was: a home game converted to a stream.

It's inspiring to me; I love the fact that they basically willed this crazy huge thing into existence with hard work and talent.


Oct 26, 2017
"We need to find allies..."

Proceed to never bring up Yussa.
I don't think they even wanna think about Yussa at the moment, it's pretty clear his existence is likely nothing but complete torture whilst part of the city/hivemind, trying to find 1 of the 9 who wants to die (I'm not so sure "oblivion" is referring to that though, more good ol' Chained Oblivion) is a good allie, just shouldn't be the top priority whilst Cree and Lucien are speeding to their goal, I'm glad they stuck to the chase.


Oct 25, 2017
man Matt fucking kill it with the creepy flesh city narration.

Also it just occurred to me, regardless of how this all plays out, I really love the idea of someone with a latent connection to a remnant of Cognouza as an Exandria-specific flavor of Aberrant Mind sorcerer.


Oct 25, 2017
As a big Call of Cthulhu fan, I adored the episode. Some of Matt's best NPC portrayals and descriptive work.
Seeing the battle map tonight and recently coming across a video from when the show started was really a stark difference.


This is partly why I wish people at least give the first episode or two of C1 a watch before skipping to 24 if that's what they wish to. There's this very skewed opinion on what Critical Role is in being this big production that isn't "real D&D" because of how smoothly everything goes these days, but I've certainly been in more elaborate set-ups with people bouncing off one another just as well compared to those early days.


Oct 27, 2017
As a big Call of Cthulhu fan, I adored the episode. Some of Matt's best NPC portrayals and descriptive work.

This is partly why I wish people at least give the first episode or two of C1 a watch before skipping to 24 if that's what they wish to. There's this very skewed opinion on what Critical Role is in being this big production that isn't "real D&D" because of how smoothly everything goes these days, but I've certainly been in more elaborate set-ups with people bouncing off one another just as well compared to those early days.
I really tried to watch episode 1 but the horrible audio mixing was too painful to my ears.... I skipped ahead a few episodes and it was still quite bad, it wasn't until the mid teens that the audio becomes bearable.

I do wonder why he stopped the latest episode short. He had to know the party had a 50% chance to catch up to either Lucien or Cree last night. And with Cree the battle wouldn't take nearly as long as a Lucien boss battle. If he didn't have a tunnel battle map, I'm sure he had battle maps prepared for the chamber where the threshold crests were placed.


Oct 25, 2017
As a big Call of Cthulhu fan, I adored the episode. Some of Matt's best NPC portrayals and descriptive work.

This is partly why I wish people at least give the first episode or two of C1 a watch before skipping to 24 if that's what they wish to. There's this very skewed opinion on what Critical Role is in being this big production that isn't "real D&D" because of how smoothly everything goes these days, but I've certainly been in more elaborate set-ups with people bouncing off one another just as well compared to those early days.

-cough- Matt & Marisha fireplace chat -cough-


Oct 26, 2017
I really tried to watch episode 1 but the horrible audio mixing was too painful to my ears.... I skipped ahead a few episodes and it was still quite bad, it wasn't until the mid teens that the audio becomes bearable.

I do wonder why he stopped the latest episode short. He had to know the party had a 50% chance to catch up to either Lucien or Cree last night. And with Cree the battle wouldn't take nearly as long as a Lucien boss battle. If he didn't have a tunnel battle map, I'm sure he had battle maps prepared for the chamber where the threshold crests were placed.
I don't think he would've, he tried really hard to lose them but Travis rolled a Nat 20 on tracking her and Tal rolled a Nat 20 (like 35 total lol) on the square, which told them Cree was somewhere in that area. Matt probably thought they'd bite on looking for the 2 of the 9 after losing track, not checking all the buildings and finding the secret "doors".


Oct 31, 2017
While painfully short - this was a pretty good episode!

I will listen to Matt describe body horror freak show shit all day along. I'm loving that all the hints and small glimpses and little allusions to what the city was and looked like were hilariously tame and veiled compared to what the city actually is. The half thought and barely a facade nature of the inside of most of the houses and such was picture perfect. The freaky ass screaming when they notice people that aren't part of the city nearby. The relieved sighs when they kill the fleshbeast things. Fuckin JUICY every last second of it.

Also a huge fan of how the Som Novum are represented in the city. The giant red deforming eyes bulging out from the pained and fearful human shells.

I don't think he would've, he tried really hard to lose them but Travis rolled a Nat 20 on tracking her and Tal rolled a Nat 20 (like 35 total lol) on the square, which told them Cree was somewhere in that area. Matt probably thought they'd bite on looking for the 2 of the 9 after losing track, not checking all the buildings and finding the secret "doors".

I think this hits it. Despite Taliesin's best fucking efforts to derail the momentum once more in cancer death city they made insane progress with some great rolls and some actually decent player insight. Cad even had a great contribution in the tunnels - picking up the lore and nature of the city as they move - testing decomp on the for sure flesh house and then again in the tunnel. Putting together the nature of the city and how strong it's ability to form and hold together is. And then flails desperately trying to convince the group to hide out and sleep on flesh beds in a home owned by a flesh beast possessed by a psychotic mage hive mind.
Like no dude. There are 8 of us here. We jump this cat, curb stomp him for his lunch money and then go break his stuff. easy peasy!

More love to Laura - almost the only person actually kicking these people forward towards the goal they've been literally chasing for weeks. Travis as well but holy hell you can feel the waves of "whhhaaaaaat the fuuck" rolling of that girl. She wants to punch that cat as bad as I do.

And right on cue they open a fight by completely forgetting/ignoring/not caring about the literal tether they have to lucien. Which by proxy includes the extremly intelligent and crafty Tabby, who you're trying to hide from in a fold of hallway skin. Every other beat is like saturday morning cartoons with these chuckle fucks!


Oct 29, 2017
I used to follow this religiously, but the last few months I've started the new episodes and then fall off after 20 minutes. I might rewatch the first episode of the season, I just love the beginnings of things.

Wish something big happens soon, something that changes the energy


Oct 25, 2017
I used to follow this religiously, but the last few months I've started the new episodes and then fall off after 20 minutes. I might rewatch the first episode of the season, I just love the beginnings of things.

Wish something big happens soon, something that changes the energy

Yeah in the same spot as you, im about 5-6 episodes behind and just hearing that those episodes they are still fucking around has me not too motivated to get through them.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah in the same spot as you, im about 5-6 episodes behind and just hearing that those episodes they are still fucking around has me not too motivated to get through them.

I can't blame you for not feeling motivated. Those episodes have a kind of weird problem. Matt made a pretty cool dungeon with a fair amount of lore and great atmosphere. I understand the cast wanting to look around and experience it. The problem is that narratively, they should be in a huge rush to stop Lucian, so their exploring almost undermines the story's tension. There have been some solid character interactions, but it really has thrown off the arc's overall pacing.

Thankfully, after last episode, it feels like things are on the right track. This new setting is possibly the coolest Matt has ever made, and the party is making concrete progress towards their objective. My advice would be to just check out Dani's recaps and jump ahead. You can always check the timestamps in the old episodes for any character moments you might have missed.


Oct 25, 2017
I never quite get the complaints about the production quality of the early episodes of C1. I mean I get it, but who cares? They're still really fun. I guess if you're only listening to them as a podcast then that's all you have to focus on and I can see that being a bigger issue, but I'm a big proponent of watching the videos and think quite a bit of the magic is lost when you can't see them or the maps.

I can't blame you for not feeling motivated. Those episodes have a kind of weird problem. Matt made a pretty cool dungeon with a fair amount of lore and great atmosphere. I understand the cast wanting to look around and experience it. The problem is that narratively, they should be in a huge rush to stop Lucian, so their exploring almost undermines the story's tension. There have been some solid character interactions, but it really has thrown off the arc's overall pacing.

The last few episodes were very much like a JRPG in that respect. The world is ending, but somehow you have time to putter around taking on side quests and explore hidden areas. Quite the narrative dissonance, but probably more so for the audience than for the players.


Oct 27, 2017
I always thought it was Orion constantly being so irritating was the primary reason people recommended skipping those early episodes. I very nearly gave up on them because of it and it was really only my partner's insistence that it would get better that I stuck it out.
Oct 25, 2017
I always thought it was Orion constantly being so irritating was the primary reason people recommended skipping those early episodes. I very nearly gave up on them because of it and it was really only my partner's insistence that it would get better that I stuck it out.

That's it for me. I find the lower production values charming. I sort of miss the hand drawn maps.


Oct 27, 2017
I liked the lower production values of the maps. But eating on camera is not the best look and the audio quality was incredibly annoying with the bad sound mixing. Doesn't make for a pleasant watching experience and then you add the antics of Orion, it makes it unwatchable. Skip to the Vasselheim episodes without Orion, then skip ahead to episode 24 that starts the Whitestone arc and only has Orion in for like 2 or 3 episodes.


Oct 10, 2019
Audio quality is indeed the biggest hurdle. Fancy sets and maps can be a matter of preference but there's nothing good about bad sound.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't care they ate on set lol, often I myself eat when watching.

I always thought it was Orion constantly being so irritating was the primary reason people recommended skipping those early episodes. I very nearly gave up on them because of it and it was really only my partner's insistence that it would get better that I stuck it out.

I made it like 12+ episodes into C1 before deciding to skip past the orion stuff, still slowly making my way through.


Oct 25, 2017
I hardly had a problem with the early episodes. Orion was grating and the sound is bad, but the latter isn't the hyperbolic unbearable situation that made it not worth powering through it.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh yeah it likely isn't a hard stop for most people.. I am just extra sensitive to embarrassing/awkward moments and the whole Orion downfall had a toooon of those so I was just out


Oct 31, 2017
I still enjoy the first episodes for what they are. Really the only thing that makes it truly hard to watch is Orion. It's one of those things where like the first time i didn't really notice until things came to a head. On every rewatch you're like... LOOKING for the awkward "that player" shit at the table from him and it's like every episode.

Still though - like the first? or 2nd episode or something has Grog turned so dumb he dies :-D


Oct 27, 2017
I hardly had a problem with the early episodes. Orion was grating and the sound is bad, but the latter isn't the hyperbolic unbearable situation that made it not worth powering through it.
Nah, for sure. YMMV and all that. I just think it's worth pointing out to people that if they're not into it right away that it does get better and could be skipped if they really wanted to.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly if I had started with C1 I probably would have dropped it fairly early. I ended up skipping almost everything prior to episode 27 or so.
Oct 27, 2017
Nottingham, UK
Knowing the Orion stuff prior to starting makes those early episodes harder I think. When I started I had no idea and only barely noted his bad play in passing, without necessarily seeing malice.

When I learned of what was going behind the scenes and saw what people were pointing out it became much harder to overlook.

I had also come from watching only the Easy Allies tabletop stuff which was very low key so I was mostly forgiving of tech issues and it not being the "show" that it is now. Going back is quite difficult now obviously


Oct 25, 2017
The audio was extremely bad for the first 10-15 mins, then became merely bad after that. It's honestly amazing so many people stuck around through that.


Oct 25, 2017
The audio was extremely bad for the first 10-15 mins, then became merely bad after that. It's honestly amazing so many people stuck around through that.

I think people stuck around for the same reason we still stick around, even through the meandering and frustrating episodes this campaign. It's because of the cast. Not the fancy sets and maps. Just these people that feel like friends, interacting with Matt's amazing imagination.


Oct 27, 2017
It's all about the cast for me as well. I don't watch any other D&D show. I'd watch these guys just shoot the shit for an hour aka Talks Machina. I think that's why I've felt this season drag a bit harder because it's missing that in-person vibe. Marisha should be able to accidentally elbow the people next to her. It's one of those things that makes the show, the show. A ton of content producers have gone through similar Covid pains though at least Critical Role worked hard to get a covid friendly setup. The ones that have gone completely remote kinda feel drained since it's just a bunch of people accidentally talking over each other due to lag times. Must be frustrating as hell on top of the other difficulties that come with producing a show remotely.

I look forward to some strong energy and good vibes from a lot of groups as they get back into it.
Oct 27, 2017
Nottingham, UK
I've been running a couple of games over discord since the lockdown and honestly I'm at the end of the tether on that, it's just not the same. Gladly, we can start playing in person next week


Feb 4, 2018
I've been running a couple of games over discord since the lockdown and honestly I'm at the end of the tether on that, it's just not the same. Gladly, we can start playing in person next week

It's definitely the same to me, since I've played exclusively online tabletop games for the last 10-15 years. I've forgotten what it's like to do so in person, lol.
Oct 27, 2017
Nottingham, UK
It's definitely the same to me, since I've played exclusively online tabletop games for the last 10-15 years. I've forgotten what it's like to do so in person, lol.
That's obviously fair, and everyone has different experiences. I play with close friends in my local area, so moving to online was a pain and the way we communicate is completely different. I think if one mainly plays online it is easier to deal with it/more comfortable interacting, for us it's an invisible wall


Oct 27, 2017
I think people stuck around for the same reason we still stick around, even through the meandering and frustrating episodes this campaign. It's because of the cast. Not the fancy sets and maps. Just these people that feel like friends, interacting with Matt's amazing imagination.
Couldn't agree more. There's just something special there that's hard to put into words.


Oct 27, 2017
I forgot there was an episode of talks tonight. Did anyone catch it? I'm hoping for news that they're going to start playing live again sometime in the next month or so.


Oct 25, 2017
I forgot there was an episode of talks tonight. Did anyone catch it? I'm hoping for news that they're going to start playing live again sometime in the next month or so.
I forgot to put up a reminder, but I managed to catch it. No word on live games at the table again or Talks couch.

No real revelations. Laura and Sam remembered Yussa, and realized that Veth was tiny still. Jester had interest in Charlie/Devexian. Rest was just theory-crafting and Sam being on a fitness bike the whole time. It was a super short episode too that was over before the hour was up iirc.