
Nov 25, 2019
So the son of the previous empress, Cecilia, takes over. He is a 40-something warrior that's severely wounded, with a botched treatment debuff. SInce i figured things couldn't get worse i decide on radical treatment. Guy loses an eye but makes it. During his reign he basically lived with a wounded debuff.

His reign was pretty eventful, with the anexation of parts of Iberia and most of france (with the kingdom of Aquitaine being eaten in a single holy war). Shortly after forming the empire of Francia and making it scandinavian elective, the emperor finally heals. Shortly after that, he dies (apparently the witches gave him something that got his eye back, since he never got the one-eyed trait. That or he had more eyes than the conventional number for humans). Fool that i am i forgot to make sure all the empire titles would go to the same person.

I flew too close to the sun and got burned. Now the empire of francia broke free, and since the empress of france had a bunch of random counties all over those now belong to her. At least she's Asatrú like me, so those lands will get converted to the right religion. Currentlr expanding in Iberia to hopefully get an overwhelming military advantage on Francia, so i can reclaim my land, one duchy at a time.

Aside from that catholicism is a dying faith, present only in some parts of germany and its whereabouts, and i'm no longer the most powerful military in Europe. I'm starting to get a bit fatigued by CKIII, so i'll probably take a hiatus after this campaign until an update renews my interest.


Oct 25, 2017
Seems there is gonna be a patch next week. Hopefully that debufs the vikings and there is a small buff for christians.


Dec 29, 2017
I wish vassals would war less against each other (which happens even with absolute crown control for some reason, I don't understand why).
It keeps me from satisfying my OCD and having clear and balanced hierachies through the empire.

This has been happening to me as well.

I checked the contracts but it's not even checked to allow for war so I think I'm missing something or did something that allows them to fight each other somehow and I didn't pay attention.


Oct 26, 2017
This Saoshyant goal might be harder than I thought. The Middle East is super aggro. I never got attacked here as much as any other region. Even the Vikings were more chill than this.


Oct 25, 2017
I just signed up to game pass since I pre ordered a series x, can I use game pass on my laptop too and play this?

I believe your windows account has to be the same as the game pass one, but maybe not, so why am I commenting?

If you chose Gamepass Ultimate, it includes Gamepass PC. If you only got "Gamepass Xbox" it is only for console (there is a separate Gamepass PC). I think Gamepass Ultimate is 15$ but also includes xCloud.
And yeah, windows account is the same as MS account.


Oct 27, 2017
Disagree. In a perfect world, every duke controls a single county in the duchy, and every king controls a single duchy in the kingdom. Letting people glob power (and wealth, and levies) can be dangerous, so it's good for them to have their own vassals to worry about. Everyone in your realm should have the least amount of power possible that will satisfy them.
Well, somewhat strong vassals have one advantage: they conquer. A lot.
I never wared in Britain, except during crusades (which didn't give me land). Due to my position at the time, I had to give quite a lot of power to my Normand and Bretagne vassals. In a couple centuries, they conquered the whole of Britain without my involvement (plus Denmark).


Oct 27, 2017
I got 3 years game pass ultimate :)
you can. the question is: Should you?

Are you really fine with doing awful things to keep your dynasty alive such as incest, murdering children, assassinating brothers, torturing traitors, slaying anyone that holds nay of your future holdings, poisoning your strongest vassals, blackmailing people, disinheriting your heir so that their handsome brother can rule, rebel against your liege, etc?

Are you really going to play a game where your dynasty is all that it matters?
Oct 26, 2017
you can. the question is: Should you?

Are you really fine with doing awful things to keep your dynasty alive such as incest, murdering children, assassinating brothers, torturing traitors, slaying anyone that holds nay of your future holdings, poisoning your strongest vassals, blackmailing people, disinheriting your heir so that their handsome brother can rule, rebel against your liege, etc?

Are you really going to play a game where your dynasty is all that it matters?

I dig the post, but ive put like a hundred hours into ck2 so I know mostly what I'm getting into


Oct 27, 2017
I dig the post, but ive put like a hundred hours into ck2 so I know mostly what I'm getting into
Give it a try as soon as you can. I really like the game because it doubles down on the role play aspect really hard. For example if i'm gluttonous when i go to a feast the first phrase is " i can smell the kitchen". Captures my obese ass perfectly!
COmbine that with an UI that is relatively intuitively to learn and in just a few hours you can do a lot of crazy stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
So my first full game almost done. I started with the default Irish guy on Iron man and here's my empire with 50 years left to go. Just took Rome because I could. Not sure if I should keep pressing or just ride out the last 50 years. The Sweden area was a completely new pickup. I had a long gameplan with putting my son in line to inherit both my empire and sweden. There were a few unseen obstacles, but it actually worked. My Nudist religion is also the #2 Religion in the world, so not bad.



Oct 26, 2017
Oh, i figured out why I was getting dogpiled so much. I was the wrong kind of Muslim. Just like real life! Easy 250 piety switch, lets see if things go easier now.


Oct 27, 2017
So my first full game almost done. I started with the default Irish guy on Iron man and here's my empire with 50 years left to go. Just took Rome because I could. Not sure if I should keep pressing or just ride out the last 50 years. The Sweden area was a completely new pickup. I had a long gameplan with putting my son in line to inherit both my empire and sweden. There were a few unseen obstacles, but it actually worked. My Nudist religion is also the #2 Religion in the world, so not bad.

so your char wears a cape but is completely naked? LMAO


Senior Lighting Artist
Nov 15, 2017
Redmond, WA
How well does the tutorial guide you through the games mechanics? Watching some lets plays and the game seems pretty complicated compared to what I'm used to in this space.


Oct 27, 2017
How well does the tutorial guide you through the games mechanics? Watching some lets plays and the game seems pretty complicated compared to what I'm used to in this space.
I didn't do the tutorial but CK3 has some really good sources of info.
  • Everything as tooltips and each tooltip can have tooltips and so on. This means you won't ever read something and look at it trying to make sense of what it means.
  • The UI has a "here are somethings that you should look at" that usually speaking will aim at current/future problems.
  • The UI is really good showing the most important info very easily.
That said this is still a strategy game and chances are that the 1st and 2nd campaign won't go too well as you learn how to manage your realm. Youc an always use save games to go back whenever something you find disappointing happens or you can just roleplay and ride out the losses as something bad that happen to your dynasty.
If you are strategy veteran you proably grasp the mechancis pretty quickly.

If you are still in doubt you can always get a cheap gamepass month and try it out. if you like it then you can buy this game on the winter sale that should be around the corner. I'd advise you however to only buy the full game on steam. Steam, to my knowledge, offers more features such as better mdoability. This might be particularly important because the mods for CK2 were very good.
If you need help feel free to post here.


Oct 28, 2017
Have they fixed, or even acknowledged the save bug yet? I haven't played since losing about 3-5 hours progress


Oct 31, 2017
Have they even made a patch yet?
The first patch is next week
The savegame bug is listed as "under investigation" on the CK3 website

I saw multiple people say that turning off cloud saves fixes the bug. This is not true.
I took another stab at Mother of us All, cloud saves off. I lost the achievement in the list after I save/load for the first time after the leader died.


Oct 26, 2017
There's nothing I love more than a dumbass revolt attempt when you take over a new kingdom, to let you revoke all the duchies and hand them out to your family. Especially when you're sadistic for that sweet free stress relief.


Oct 26, 2017
So I waited too long to convert to Zoroastrianism, since they'd lost all their counties it was going to cost like 18k piety before discounts to convert. But I found a neat trick. Just find one of the last few living Zoroastrians, land them, and you can then convert for 250 piety.

These costs for rare or dead religions really need to be lowered. It shouldn't cost this much.


Oct 28, 2017
How well does the tutorial guide you through the games mechanics? Watching some lets plays and the game seems pretty complicated compared to what I'm used to in this space.
I thought it was one of the best tutorials I've seen for a Strategy game, though half of that easy onboarding experience came from the UI design with integrated hyperlinks to everything. I had never really played a Paradox game before and within an hour of the Tutorial (You can just keep playing the Tutorial session like a regular one if you want) I felt like I had a pretty good grasp of everything. In the dozen more hours I played there was a lot more mechanics and concepts I discovered, but it didn't feel overwhelming or like I had missed out on not figuring it out earlier
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Oct 27, 2017
I was a Playing a Coptic Nubian and declared a holy war on the tulumind emirate (Egypt). I won and was super excited, but then I found out that because Coptic is a plurist religion, while I got the entire kingdom, all the Muslim vassals kept their titles.

That sucked. How do I change that?


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
A few things pop out to me (a novice)

- Denying Call to Arms now costs Fame, potentially reducing your Level of Fame. Denying offensive wars has a small impact, but denying defensive calls have a massive impact.
- Denying a defensive war now reduces opinion with your ally by -50 for 25 years (decaying)
- Denying an offensive war now reduces opinion with your ally by -20 for 5 years (decaying)

This is gonna be a huge pain if the ally AI is still jacked. Let's see...

- The AI is now much more likely to demand the conversion of heretical vassals, if their refusal would result in them being marked as criminals. This should make the AI less likely to collapse to heresy.
- Outbreaks of heresy now increase the Fervor of the affected Faith much more positively. This means that large faiths are more likely to bounce back to max Fervor after a Heresy outbreak.

Will this solve the Catholic problem? (imagine that said in any other context)

- It is now harder to murder someone you're at war with, or murder their vassals/courtiers
- The maximum success chance/secrecy of Abduct Schemes are now 85% (down from 95%).
- It is now practically impossible to abduct someone you're at war with, with a lesser penalty to their vassals/courtiers
- It's now much harder to scheme to abduct Rulers (especially Foreign Rulers) and subjects of a foreign court.

Massive intrigue nerfs

- Rebalanced debt so that it now comes in levels. The higher the level, the harsher the penalties. Penalties include levy reductions, to make severely indebted realms collapse easier.


- Vastly empowered the Mongol Empire's armies. Now you will truly learn to fear the horsemen of the steppe!
- The Mongol Empire is now much more aggressive, and will attack several times per year, if opportunity arises.
- Weak realms are now much more likely to agree to subjugation by the Mongol Empire.

ruh roh

- Ask to Take the Vows cooldown increased to 10 years.
- Ask to Take the Vows now costs piety to use, rather than giving you piety.
- Ask to Take the Vows improves the opinion of your Court Chaplain and Head of Faith when used.
- The 'Take the Vows' interaction can now be used on characters of 10 years or older (used to be only Adults).
- The 'Take the Vows' interaction can now be used on characters that are married or betrothed.
- The 'Take the Vows' interaction can now be used on characters that stand to inherit titles, this means that it's possible to prune your partition inheritance by disinheriting children using this tool.
- The AI acceptance values of Ask to Take the Vows have been massively reworked to take many things into account. Most notably having a Learning Education makes children much more likely to want to go to church.
- Using Ask to Take the Vows on someone now moves them away from your court, into the court of a theocrat in the realm (if there's one) or into the pool.
- You now need a Strong Hook to force acceptance of Ask to Take the Vows. Weak Hooks give a bit of acceptance instead.

Suddenly, a new way to get that shitty first son out of the way

- The AI (primarily War Defenders) will now consider White Peace more often, to avoid dragging wars on needlessly. They'll look at how long the war has lasted for, and compare that to their current War Score. This should reduce the number of extremely drawn-out wars.
- The AI will now account for Bankruptcy when considering White Peace. Starting at -100 gold, the AI will then progressively pursue White Peace more as they fall deeper into debt (-2 years of income, and -4 years of income), offsetting this by how close they are to winning (at 80 or above War Score, the AI will try to 'toughen it out' as the winnings from the war is more likely to outweigh the expenses of maintaining their army).

- Viking vassals are now more restricted when it comes to overseas conquests

Hmm... wonder if that'll cause any issues

- Reduced the chance of children reincarnating with an ancestor's sinful personality traits


Ok that's the end of - oh there's an entire section below

- Discouraged the AI from doing naval invasions when land invasions are feasible

Sweet, maybe this will stop the endless embarking issue.

- Sternly told the AI that when it's trying to support the player, it shouldn't try to retreat just because the enemy is coming right at it (except if it hasn't yet arrived at the player's location)
- Told the AI it might as well support the player if there's no enemies around as long as there's enemies *somewhere*, rather than running off on its own to go siege something
- Told the AI that just because it thinks a battle's about equal, that doesn't mean it should refrain from piling more troops into it to be 100% sure
- Told the AI that when supporting the player while the player is at sea, it makes sense for it to go to the same province, rather than stay on land

God I hope this stops the 2k stack from fucking off when my 3k stack engages a 4k stack hoping for reinforcements

ok holy shit this list is long


Oct 27, 2017
I fought a war for the Kingdom of Hungary on behalf of my vassal and then he became King of Hungary and not my vassal anymore. Luckily he is currently my heir which would give me a giant mass of territory but I just can't find a way to kill my current dude.

I may start over with this update and just use what I've learned. I think I need to switch on the Ironman mode to stop myself from save scumming as well.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I fought a war for the Kingdom of Hungary on behalf of my vassal and then he became King of Hungary and not my vassal anymore. Luckily he is currently my heir which would give me a giant mass of territory but I just can't find a way to kill my current dude.

you can commit suicide in the take an actions panel though i don't know what triggers it (old age, failing health?)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Immediate thoughts:

- Big penalties to not joining your ally's war is probably good, since I ignore them 90% of the time.
- Quicker head of dynasty/culture refreshes is good.
- Religions getting a bigger ferver boost when heresies break out is good news for Catholicism.
- Murdering/kidnapping people you're at war with being virtually impossible is good, as is making abduction in general harder.
- Debt coming in tiers is a smart change.
- Stronger, more aggressive Mongols is great.
- Jerusalem constantly flipping back to Islam and Vikings conquering everywhere were my biggest issues, and I hope the changes they made are impactful enough.
- AI not being able to make fake bastards was also a must.
- Steps to differentiate the Hajj from other pilgrimages, also great.
- Lots of minor tweaks to cultures and the like, which is good.
- Not being obese/malnourished eternally, thank god.

Only thing that feels like it's missing to me is no discouragement for dynasties making cadet branches - my current dynasty is near to 100, every duke seems to splinter off their own.


Oct 27, 2017
you can commit suicide in the take an actions panel though i don't know what triggers it (old age, failing health?)

I don't seem to have that option available. I've been trying to build stress as well but it doesn't seem to help. I need to stop myself from save scumming because I just can't help it sometimes and I think it hurts the overall experience of the game.


Oct 26, 2017
The "Told the AI" part has me rolling. Reads like a dev being passive agressive towards his brainchild.

Regarding this:
- Added more restrictions to the check for if characters are willing to cheat on their partners
- Restricted the Intrigue(Scheming) event "Confused Heritage" to players only, as the AI was going a bit wild with it and turning everyone into bastards unnecessarily
The first one is good, but am I misunderstanding the second one? Can only players have bastards now? Or is there more than the above event for that?


Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
Did they fix the achievement bug? I was going for one when I found out it was broken, then I stopped. On a positive side, this made me learn how to play Europa Universalis 4 lol


Oct 25, 2017
- The maximum penalty for being over your domain limit is now -100% taxes/levies, increased from -90%.
- If you vastly exceed your Domain Limit for more than one year (the grace period for new inheritances/conquests), all buildings will deactivate until your domain limit is lowered.

That kills the "one ruler/ no vassal" strategy completely, I assume.

The "Told the AI" part has me rolling. Reads like a dev being passive agressive towards his brainchild.

Regarding this:

The first one is good, but am I misunderstanding the second one? Can only players have bastards now? Or is there more than the above event for that?

If a bastard is created directly (i.e., one character fucking another) then it is still a bastard.
The mechanics of the event consists in turning legitimate children into bastards by retconning the past. Now this only happens to the player.


Oct 25, 2017
All in all I think those are all very good changes.
I hope it changes significantly the value of having allies.

Since they didn't helped out much and there was almost no penalty for refusing to go to their wars, their primary use was to prevent vassals from joining factions.
Now I hope they function as proper assets in wars and comes at a real risk to being dragged into wars you don't really care about.

moon jelly

Jun 24, 2020
United States
I'll honestly miss the ridiculous abduction cheesing to win wars, but I completely understand why they're nipping that in the bud. All in all, it seems like this patch should address most of my issues with the game. Excited to jump back in when it releases!

Did they fix the achievement bug? I was going for one when I found out it was broken, then I stopped. On a positive side, this made me learn how to play Europa Universalis 4 lol
Looks like they did:
- Intended achievements where you need to start as a particular can now also be accomplished after that character's death


Aug 21, 2020
That kills the "one ruler/ no vassal" strategy completely, I assume.

Yeah, definitively. The strategy involved growing your holdings until you had over 10x your domain limit and then confiscating all the lower titles (at which point, you "break even" vis a vis the penalty for exceeding your domain limit). With the new change removing the minimum 10% production, there is no mathematically possible break-even point.

The building change is there to prevent you from getting free MaAs from holding a ton of duchies with military buildings in their capitals. It's related to the so-called "North Korea" strategy, but somewhat distinct.


Oct 26, 2017
Oh god. I was not ready for those patch notes. They addressed almost everything I ran into and issues I have.

They missed the clan governments not being able to assign republican leaders to cities though.


May 3, 2019
I love these patch notes. They're pretty dry overall, but when it comes to the AI, whoever wrote this personified the changes in a way that makes them so understandable and enjoyable to read:
- Told the AI it might as well support the player if there's no enemies around as long as there's enemies *somewhere*, rather than running off on its own to go siege something
- Told the AI that considering the threat of enemies when you're at sea makes some sense even if they can't get to you while you remain at sea
- Told the AI that counting the player's enemies twice if they're movement locked and trying to decide if the player needs help or not might lead to some silly decisions

So much of my time in game makes sense now after reading this. I could read devs scolding idiotic AI for days.


Oct 25, 2017
My favorite line is

- Reduced the chance of children reincarnating with an ancestor's sinful personality traits


Oct 27, 2017
Patch 1.1.1 is live on the MS Store version. 883.2 MB.

If you don't have it/see it, you can force the apps to update via opening the MS Store clicking the settings in the top right (...), going to Downloads & Updates, and clicking 'Get Updates'.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Poking around the new patch - I like the UI updates. Will take some getting used to, but it add some of that "medieval" flair that was missing in the base version.

My current save seems to have converted over fine, and my older game (a cloud save that caused the game to crash whenever I opened it) got fixed too! So I'm pleased.


Oct 25, 2017
Kind Ce II of the Thaton Kingdom (and 2 more kingdoms) finds himself in a similar situation as his venerated ancestor, King Ganda I, except on the precipice of an Empire whereas Ganda was a Duke on the precipice of a Kingdom. I've got 3 kingdoms, and 72 counties, and I need 80 to form an Empire. I also need to save up about 600 more gold. I've got Forced Vasselization unlocked, and two independent duchies nearby that can get me to 80. Can I win those wars and save up the gold before King Ce II, a one legged 60 year old former gout sufferer kicks the bucket? I just unlocked the "black mail for gold" stewardship perk and have a boatload of secrets...

(the other part of this is my son and heir is also heir to YET ANOTHER kingdom. If my wife croaks before me, he'll branch off and become independent with that kingdom, which is bad.... but then when my king croaks, I think I'll take over as him with that kingdom + my OG one, so I'd have a headstart on getting back up to the Empire... but if I can get that Empire created FIRST, then I think I can get my wife's kingdom into the empire for free when my heir inherits...)