spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017

My first impressions of web3

Despite considering myself a cryptographer, I have not found myself particularly drawn to “crypto.” I don’t think I’ve ever actually said the words “get off my lawn,” but I’m much more likely to click on Pepperidge Farm Remembers flavored memes about how “crypto” used to mean “cryptography” than ...

Just going to copy past some select bits here instead of using quote blocks to summarize. Read the full thing at the link.

TLDR is that due to how NFTs are useless alone and they need another centralized platform to access the content they render, they end up recreating the same centralized systems that constitute web2, but with less efficiency. Most crypto bros either don't know enough about the platforms to understand, or they don't care because they just want to grift people.

Quotes begin (there's a lot more technical details and insights in the full article, so I recommend you read it):

web3 is a somewhat ambiguous term, which makes it difficult to rigorously evaluate what the ambitions for web3 should be, but the general thesis seems to be that web1 was decentralized, web2 centralized everything into platforms, and that web3 will decentralize everything again. web3 should give us the richness of web2, but decentralized.

It's probably good to have some clarity on why centralized platforms emerged to begin with, and in my mind the explanation is pretty simple:

  1. People don't want to run their own servers, and never will.
  2. A protocol moves much more slowly than a platform.
But web3 intends to be different, so let's take a look. In order to get a quick feeling for the space and a better understanding for what the future may hold, I decided to build a couple of dApps and create an NFT.

With the shift to mobile, we now live firmly in a world of clients and servers – with the former completely unable to act as the latter – and those questions seem more important to me than ever. Meanwhile, ethereum actually refers to servers as "clients," so there's not even a word for an actual untrusted client/server interface that will have to exist somewhere, and no acknowledgement that if successful there will ultimately be billions (!) more clients than servers.

A server! But, as we know, people don't want to run their own servers. As it happens, companies have emerged that sell API access to an ethereum node they run as a service, along with providing analytics, enhanced APIs they've built on top of the default ethereum APIs, and access to historical transactions. Which sounds… familiar. At this point, there are basically two companies. Almost all dApps use either Infura or Alchemy in order to interact with the blockchain. In fact, even when you connect a wallet like MetaMask to a dApp, and the dApp interacts with the blockchain via your wallet, MetaMask is just making calls to Infura!

Partisans of the blockchain might say that it's okay if these types of centralized platforms emerge, because the state itself is available on the blockchain, so if these platforms misbehave clients can simply move elsewhere. However, I would suggest that this is a very simplistic view of the dynamics that make platforms what they are.

Making an NFT

Instead of storing the data on-chain, NFTs instead contain a URL that points to the data. What surprised me about the standards was that there's no hash commitment for the data located at the URL. Looking at many of the NFTs on popular marketplaces being sold for tens, hundreds, or millions of dollars, that URL often just points to some VPS running Apache somewhere. Anyone with access to that machine, anyone who buys that domain name in the future, or anyone who compromises that machine can change the image, title, description, etc for the NFT to whatever they'd like at any time (regardless of whether or not they "own" the token). There's nothing in the NFT spec that tells you what the image "should" be, or even allows you to confirm whether something is the "correct" image.

So as an experiment, I made an NFT that changes based on who is looking at it, since the web server that serves the image can choose to serve different images based on the IP or User Agent of the requester.

After a few days, without warning or explanation, the NFT I made was removed from OpenSea (an NFT marketplace)

The takedown suggests that I violated some Term Of Service, but after reading the terms, I don't see any that prohibit an NFT which changes based on where it is being looked at from, and I was openly describing it that way.

What I found most interesting, though, is that after OpenSea removed my NFT, it also no longer appeared in any crypto wallet on my device. This is web3, though, how is that possible?


All this means that if your NFT is removed from OpenSea, it also disappears from your wallet. It doesn't functionally matter that my NFT is indelibly on the blockchain somewhere, because the wallet (and increasingly everything else in the ecosystem) is just using the OpenSea API to display NFTs, which began returning 304 No Content for the query of NFTs owned by my address!

Recreating this world

Given the history of why web1 became web2, what seems strange to me about web3 is that technologies like ethereum have been built with many of the same implicit trappings as web1. To make these technologies usable, the space is consolidating around… platforms. Again. People who will run servers for you, and iterate on the new functionality that emerges. Infura, OpenSea, Coinbase, Etherscan.

Likewise, the web3 protocols are slow to evolve. When building First Derivative, it would have been great to price minting derivatives as a percentage of the underlying's value. That data isn't on chain, but it's in an API that OpenSea will give you. People are excited about NFT royalties for the way that they can benefit creators, but royalties aren't specified in ERC-721, and it's too late to change it, so OpenSea has its own way of configuring royalties that exists in web2 space. Iterating quickly on centralized platforms is already outpacing the distributed protocols and consolidating control into platforms.

"It's early days still" is the most common refrain I see from people in the web3 space when discussing matters like these. In some ways, cryptocurrency's failure to scale beyond relatively nascent engineering is what makes it possible to consider the days "early," since objectively it has already been a decade or more.

However, even if this is just the beginning (and it very well might be!), I'm not sure we should consider that any consolation. I think the opposite might be true; it seems like we should take notice that from the very beginning, these technologies immediately tended towards centralization through platforms in order for them to be realized [...]

When you think about it, OpenSea would actually be much "better" in the immediate sense if all the web3 parts were gone. It would be faster, cheaper for everyone, and easier to use. For example, to accept a bid on my NFT, I would have had to pay over $80-$150+ just in ethereum transaction fees. That puts an artificial floor on all bids, since otherwise you'd lose money by accepting a bid for less than the gas fees. Payment fees by credit card, which typically feel extortionary, look cheap compared to that. OpenSea could even publish a simple transparency log if people wanted a public record of transactions, offers, bids, etc to verify their accounting.

I don't think it would have taken off because this is a gold rush. People have made money through cryptocurrency speculation, those people are interested in spending that cryptocurrency in ways that support their investment while offering additional returns, and so that defines the setting for the market of transfer of wealth.

The people at the end of the line who are flipping NFTs do not fundamentally care about distributed trust models or payment mechanics, but they care about where the money is.

If we do want to change our relationship to technology, I think we'd have to do it intentionally. My basic thoughts are roughly:

  1. We should accept the premise that people will not run their own servers by designing systems that can distribute trust without having to distribute infrastructure. This means architecture that anticipates and accepts the inevitable outcome of relatively centralized client/server relationships, but uses cryptography (rather than infrastructure) to distribute trust. One of the surprising things to me about web3, despite being built on "crypto," is how little cryptography seems to be involved!
  2. We should try to reduce the burden of building software. At this point, software projects require an enormous amount of human effort. Even relatively simple apps require a group of people to sit in front of a computer for eight hours a day, every day, forever. This wasn't always the case, and there was a time when 50 people working on a software project wasn't considered a "small team." As long as software requires such concerted energy and so much highly specialized human focus, I think it will have the tendency to serve the interests of the people sitting in that room every day rather than what we may consider our broader goals. I think changing our relationship to technology will probably require making software easier to create, but in my lifetime I've seen the opposite come to pass. Unfortunately, I think distributed systems have a tendency to exacerbate this trend by making things more complicated and more difficult, not less complicated and less difficult.


Oct 25, 2017
South East Asia
Cryptobros would rather eat 100-200 dollar gas fees than buy art directly from the artist :/

It's so fucking dumb. At least move on to less expensive/destructive blockchains. It's better for everyone.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah this has been talked about in my timeline the last few days. Great read and breakdown. Crypto dudes were obviously not happy with it lol


Oct 25, 2017
Cryptobros would rather eat 100-200 dollar gas fees than buy art directly from the artist :/

It's so fucking dumb. At least move on to less expensive/destructive blockchains. It's better for everyone.

It's not about the art. It's just fancy money laundering.


Oct 28, 2017
It's really hard for me to separate crypto bros from MLM weirdos. This is just the same scam nonsense with the same type of people running it.


Oct 25, 2017
One thing that has always felt strange to me about the cryptocurrency world is the lack of attention to the client/server interface. When people talk about blockchains, they talk about distributed trust, leaderless consensus, and all the mechanics of how that works, but often gloss over the reality that clients ultimately can't participate in those mechanics. All the network diagrams are of servers, the trust model is between servers, everything is about servers. Blockchains are designed to be a network of peers, but not designed such that it's really possible for your mobile device or your browser to be one of those peers.


A server! But, as we know, people don't want to run their own servers. As it happens, companies have emerged that sell API access to an ethereum node they run as a service, along with providing analytics, enhanced APIs they've built on top of the default ethereum APIs, and access to historical transactions. Which sounds… familiar. At this point, there are basically two companies. Almost all dApps use either Infura or Alchemy in order to interact with the blockchain. In fact, even when you connect a wallet like MetaMask to a dApp, and the dApp interacts with the blockchain via your wallet, MetaMask is just making calls to Infura!

These client APIs are not using anything to verify blockchain state or the authenticity of responses. The results aren't even signed. An app like Autonomous Art says "hey what's the output of this view function on this smart contract," Alchemy or Infura responds with a JSON blob that says "this is the output," and the app renders it.

This this this this fucking this I have been screaming about this for a while now. Data security is only as strong as the interface used to interact with the database, all of Blockchain's "unhackability" means approximately jack shit because the vulnerability is exactly where the vulnerability lies in current databases; in the interfaces that are created to read and write records to that database for legitimate purposes because you always have to have an interface.


Oct 25, 2017
It's pretty funny that they are just baking a url into the blockchain and nothing else. Opensea seems like a scam.


Oct 25, 2017
This article is actually fascinating, its covering ground I haven't actually seen anyone dive into before, which is that all these "blockchain apps" are basically just working off of a handful of APIs and service providers, completely torpedoing both all claims to decentralization and all claims to trustlessness. Its literally just every other type of webapp development at this point.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Good post!

Think about the dawn of Al Gores Internet Web1; everything is flat, anyone can write some HTML code, it's utilitarian and universal! Geocities for all!

Enter the corporatists; offering cool 'features' files like emails stored in the cloud and not directly on your laptop. Ability to stream gigs and gigs of content (an ability which 99% of most end users are locked out of, see ISP's) but for a 'cut' and for effectively free content on their end. The idea of everyone having their own personal webpage turns into everyone having a profile on Facebook where they data mine and effectively own everything.

We move onto the current golden age the techbros claim we are in; Bitcoin, NFT's etc; everything is flat, anyone can mine/mint, its utilitarian and universal! Buying cocaine off Silk Road baby!

Enter the corporatists; NTF's on Sothesby's and consolidated cryptocurrency apps charging you fees like e-trade of old.

We've moved further and further away from the idea of personalized with our tablets and phones its even more of a pipe dream (along with the basics of ISP costs and no real standards of band width) that the web will be this free world. Can't be free when every access point requires corporate level backing (walled gardened phones, ISP fees, server farms for data hosting, authentication because of scammers in the case of NFT's, etc)
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
New York
This is a great write-up. None of it is surprising, but as someone who is generally knowledgeable about tech, but hasn't looked into blockchain a ton, it's a great resource.


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
It's not about the art. It's just fancy money laundering.
I'd say 9/10 of those "bored ape" avatars you see on twitter are speculators, not wealthy people who need to clean their cash. they really think someone for SOME reason is just going to hand them $20,000 for that hideous ape avatar. They will show you instances where a celebrity like Logan Paul makes $400k from his NFT as evidence of that.

Still haven't heard of a single average joe making any money off it. Also, since there is no authority here, how does my perfect copy of your NFT have any less value if I also made it into an NFT?

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
This is pretty interesting. I was mildly skeptical about NFTs but this is showing them as worse than I could have imagined.

The claim of how OpenSea outright eliminated the NFT that this researcher created is pretty much the realization of that fear that all of your digital games can disappear overnight, except with the bonus that part of the idea of NFTs is that that exact situation isn't supposed to be able to happen.


Oct 25, 2017
It's pretty funny that they are just baking a url into the blockchain and nothing else. Opensea seems like a scam.
From what I remember, the first demonstration of NFTs as proof-of-concept years ago used the URL method as a last minute throwing their hands in the air, purely because they knew that there they couldn't write a block holding an image of any appreciable size, and simply assumed that someone would figure it out later years down the line.
spam musubi

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
Good post!

Think about the dawn of Al Gores Internet Web1; everything is flat, anyone can write some HTML code, it's utilitarian and universal! Geocities for all!

Enter the corporatists; offering cool 'features' files like emails stored in the cloud and not directly on your laptop. Ability to stream gigs and gigs of content (an ability which 99% of most end users are locked out of, see ISP's) but for a 'cut' and for effectively free content on their end. The idea of everyone having their own personal webpage turns into everyone having a profile on Facebook where they data mine and effectively own everything.

We move onto the current golden age the techbros claim we are in; Bitcoin, NFT's etc; everything is flat, anyone can mine/mint, its utilitarian and universal! Buying cocaine off Silk Road baby!

Enter the corporatists; NTF's on Sothesby's and consolidated cryptocurrency apps charging you fees like e-trade of old.

We've moved further and further away from the idea of personalized with our tablets and phones its even more of a pipe dream (along with the basics of ISP costs and no real standards of band width) that the web will be this free world. Can't be free when every access point requires corporate level backing (walled gardened phones, ISP fees, server farms for data hosting, authentication because of scammers in the case of NFT's, etc)

That's the case that Moxie makes here as well. See the end quote:

"At this point, software projects require an enormous amount of human effort. Even relatively simple apps require a group of people to sit in front of a computer for eight hours a day, every day, forever. This wasn't always the case, and there was a time when 50 people working on a software project wasn't considered a "small team." As long as software requires such concerted energy and so much highly specialized human focus, I think it will have the tendency to serve the interests of the people sitting in that room every day rather than what we may consider our broader goals. I think changing our relationship to technology will probably require making software easier to create, but in my lifetime I've seen the opposite come to pass. Unfortunately, I think distributed systems have a tendency to exacerbate this trend by making things more complicated and more difficult, not less complicated and less difficult."

The more complex the web (haha) of systems powering the experiences people want becomes, the more centralized it is destined to get because it inherently requires more people to maintain, and it is in the best interest of the people maintaining it to further push it towards that direction. It's no wonder that even with all the web3 supposed decentralization, there are a handful of platforms that a vast majority of it is consolidating around, because no one actually wants decentralization. It's not convenient, and you lose out on things like doing chargebacks, conflict resolution, etc. Also hosting data is actually inefficient decentrally. But it does make for a good marketing angle to grift some tech bros.

From what I remember, the first demonstration of NFTs as proof-of-concept years ago used the URL method as a last minute throwing their hands in the air, purely because they knew that there they couldn't write a block holding an image of any appreciable size, and simply assumed that someone would figure it out later years down the line.

They basically didn't. Nowadays some are proposing a decentralized file system, which is generally a terrible idea for a variety of reasons (and also basically just bittorrent), one of the many being that nothing can ever be deleted (many asterisks on that statement) which makes it ideal for distributing illegal materials, and it's also a huge waste of space and very inefficient for read access.


Oct 27, 2017
Fantastic takedown. I especially liked the paragraph on NFTs.

Instead of storing the data on-chain, NFTs instead contain a URL that points to the data. What surprised me about the standards was that there's no hash commitment for the data located at the URL. Looking at many of the NFTs on popular marketplaces being sold for tens, hundreds, or millions of dollars, that URL often just points to some VPS running Apache somewhere. Anyone with access to that machine, anyone who buys that domain name in the future, or anyone who compromises that machine can change the image, title, description, etc for the NFT to whatever they'd like at any time (regardless of whether or not they "own" the token). There's nothing in the NFT spec that tells you what the image "should" be, or even allows you to confirm whether something is the "correct" image.

NFTs confer "ownership" of pointer to some URL. It's a bullshit fucking concept with a technical sounding name to try to give it legitimacy.

Next time some cryptobro throws out the ol' "you just don't understand the tech!," point them to this article.
spam musubi

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
Fantastic takedown. I especially liked the paragraph on NFTs.

NFTs confer "ownership" of pointer to some URL. It's a bullshit fucking concept with a technical sounding name to try to give it legitimacy.

Next time some cryptobro throws out the ol' "you just don't understand the tech!," point them to this article.

it's mind blowing that there isn't even some sort of basic md5 hash or something to verify that the content at the URL is what the NFT is actually for. It's wild. Like the bit about how royalties, supposedly a key feature of NFTs, are just not something NFTs can support and had to be hacked in as an additional web2 service by OpenSea.

caffe misto

Oct 25, 2017
the electric city
I feel like I've made an effort to understand this shit, but that bit about NFT data not being stored on chain is something I only learned recently. It's somehow dumber than I had imagined.


Oct 27, 2017
Halifax, NS
it's mind blowing that there isn't even some sort of basic md5 hash or something to verify that the content at the URL is what the NFT is actually for. It's wild. Like the bit about how royalties, supposedly a key feature of NFTs, are just not something NFTs can support and had to be hacked in as an additional web2 service by OpenSea.

The thing about NFTs (in relation to OpenSea) is that this holds true specifically for the NFT implementation in Ethereum, and specifically for ERC-721, the most widely/commonly used standard.

NFT proponents will argue that "their" favorite implementation of NFTs on whatever blockchain they're trying to push has built-in support for royalties, and that it's just a Ethereum/ERC-721 problem, while also ignoring that Ethereum represents easily the vast bulk of the NFT market who's marketshare only continues to grow.
spam musubi

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
The thing about NFTs (in relation to OpenSea) is that this holds true specifically for the NFT implementation in Ethereum, and specifically for ERC-721, the most widely/commonly used standard.

NFT proponents will argue that "their" favorite implementation of NFTs on whatever blockchain they're trying to push has support for royalties, and that it's just a Ethereum/ERC-721 problem, while also ignoring that Ethereum represents easily the vast bulk of the NFT market.

It's basically a no true scotsman argument, for every criticism you can come up with of crypto, there is some random shitcoin somewhere that 3 people use that has a solution.


Oct 25, 2017
This is a fantastic article and I've already forwarded it in a dozen directions. It's super detailed but also understandable to most folks; there are some bits that go off into the technical weeds but the major points are extremely edible.


Oct 25, 2017
From what I remember, the first demonstration of NFTs as proof-of-concept years ago used the URL method as a last minute throwing their hands in the air, purely because they knew that there they couldn't write a block holding an image of any appreciable size, and simply assumed that someone would figure it out later years down the line.
This article actually points out something even dumber: you could hash the image as well using a public hash function and store the hash in the same record as the URL so that you can trivially verify at any time that the image pointed to is identical to the image minted

And they just...don't do that. For reasons


Oct 28, 2017
Really interesting breakdown. I've only seen bare mention of web3 but this has a lot of interesting detail on both its supposed goals and some of its current flaws as well. Thanks for sharing.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Jun 5, 2020
I wonder if this eventually blows up if openseas tries to stay in business by removing the blockchain portion.


Oct 26, 2017
This article is actually fascinating, its covering ground I haven't actually seen anyone dive into before, which is that all these "blockchain apps" are basically just working off of a handful of APIs and service providers, completely torpedoing both all claims to decentralization and all claims to trustlessness. Its literally just every other type of webapp development at this point.

I don't understand how people still keep arguing that any of this is decentralised. None of these crypto coins or NFTs are or can ever be as outlined here. And it's worse because it's completely unregulated with crooks everywhere, that can easily manipulate there systems for there own ends.


Feb 28, 2018
I worked with Web3 in college and created a (sort of) decentralized Shutterstock knockoff and learned a number of things:
1. I still ended up needing a centralized component in order to facilitate search, asset browsing, and other base things that users would expect (Ethereum provides a feature-scant interface for writing smart contracts that's a real pain to use sometimes) so I had to spin up a Go server and saved some of the metadata there
2. You're probably gonna want to host your application on some CDN or public domain which... again kinda beats the purpose, no one is going to pull your dApp's front-end and run it locally
3. There were some massive breaking changes from one version of Web3 and ETH wallet libraries in general to another, and the documentation online can be really confusing to work out

I don't think this ecosystem is ready for mass adoption at all, feels like the people who've been pioneering it went about it in a "ehh we'll figure it out later" kinda way.


Oct 29, 2017
I know there was some level of wallet centralization, but not at this level. Web3, more like web2 wearing a fedora

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
I really have no idea how any of this is decentralized. Honestly i've been so confused by this specific point that i don't think i even understand what "decentralized" means anymore.

I worked with Web3 in college and created a (sort of) decentralized Shutterstock knockoff and learned a number of things:
1. I still ended up needing a centralized component in order to facilitate search, asset browsing, and other base things that users would expect (Ethereum provides a feature-scant interface for writing smart contracts that's a real pain to use sometimes) so I had to spin up a Go server and saved some of the metadata there
2. You're probably gonna want to host your application on some CDN or public domain which... again kinda beats the purpose, no one is going to pull your dApp's front-end and run it locally
3. There were some massive breaking changes from one version of Web3 and ETH wallet libraries in general to another, and the documentation online can be really confusing to work out

I don't think this ecosystem is ready for mass adoption at all, feels like the people who've been pioneering it went about it in a "ehh we'll figure it out later" kinda way.

I went to a blockchain workshop some months ago and i heard a lot of "this is not documented by the service, and this lib and that lib do this and that and don't document it either" and it was a bunch of reading extremely technical protocols and lib code and it was hell.


Oct 25, 2017
Unregulated (as in not actively enforced) "decentralization" would always lead to recentralization, anyway, so I guess it skips the middle step.


Nov 11, 2017
It's really hard for me to separate crypto bros from MLM weirdos. This is just the same scam nonsense with the same type of people running it.

At this point there is no difference. They are all equally delusional and trying to sell you crap you don't need for the soul purpose of making money under the lie that you'll be able to easily sell it to someone else in the pyramid.


Oct 25, 2017
All this crypto/nft stuff just seems like a speedrun of getting back to why we have financial regulations and centralization of services.


Oct 29, 2017
From what I remember, the first demonstration of NFTs as proof-of-concept years ago used the URL method as a last minute throwing their hands in the air, purely because they knew that there they couldn't write a block holding an image of any appreciable size, and simply assumed that someone would figure it out later years down the line.
Lmao, amazing


Nov 4, 2017
it's mind blowing that there isn't even some sort of basic md5 hash or something to verify that the content at the URL is what the NFT is actually for. It's wild. Like the bit about how royalties, supposedly a key feature of NFTs, are just not something NFTs can support and had to be hacked in as an additional web2 service by OpenSea.

There's a recent tweet by someone who actually created a dynamic NFT.
If you look at the NFT on OpenSea vs your wallet, it uses the origin of the request to change the image itself.


Oct 25, 2017
There's a recent tweet by someone who actually created a dynamic NFT.
If you look at the NFT on OpenSea vs your wallet, it uses the origin of the request to change the image itself.
Yeah that's this guy, OpenSea pulled the NFT down and then because like every wallet app processes NFTs through OpenSea he had no way to access it anymore



Nov 4, 2017
That's what this guy in op's post did too. Opensea proceeded to remove the nft from their site which resulted in the nft appearing from their wallet because the wallet (metamask?) Used opensea to access the data.

So MetaMask doesn't query the blockchain directly but queries OpenSea's APIs? JFC lol
Oct 25, 2017
This is hands down one of the best breakdowns of the fundamental flaw of that is set forth with Web3

It's funny reading attacks on this with "Yeah but it works X" when all Moxie was doing was breaking down the fallacies of the mission statement of Web3.


Oct 25, 2017
This is hands down one of the best breakdowns of the fundamental flaw of that is set forth with Web3

It's funny reading attacks on this with "Yeah but it works X" when all Moxie was doing was breaking down the fallacies of the mission statement of Web3.
Exactly, I'm reading all the Twitter comments now and its all "just write your own app to do X, its not a problem if you build a new Y". Just complete inability to perceive the structural problem, which is that no-one is doing that