
Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Nah, I buy the things I know I'm going to love and rent the rest. And on Xbox it's only Game Pass games.
Oct 25, 2017
Yes. I have switched to PC as my main platform less than a year ago, I mainly play on that or my Steam Deck. I do still use my PS5 pretty regularly for CoD and exclusives and I already had a massive library on there before I made the swich. I haven't turned my Series X on in months and my Switch I never really played much to begin with as I just rip my games to my PC.

Lys Skygge

Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I've been switching from PlayStation to PC. I still use my PS5 for day 1 exclusives, but I don't think I'll be buying into PlayStations next gen console in the future.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, but not how you think.

The current trends of the industry from Physical to digital is spurring me on to buy more physical copies of games. I just don't trust that the games I want to play in the future will stay available in an all digital world. At least with the consoles/handhelds I have now, I can keep playing them well into the future (as long as I perform regular maintenance).

Even if they are more expensive than digitally I will buy them physically 95% of the time. and for that 5% of the time I will likely get a physical copy eventually (if I like the game).

I don't like the current trend towards GAAS and continuously improved multiplayer games. I don't have the time to be "good" at any of these games. I want stories, i.e. games with a beginning and an end.

So if Gaming ever Stops having stories, I'll just have to dive into the backlog. I have plenty there to play.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Biggest vhange of behavior was buying games on PC when I gained a somewhat capable PC that can't really run things partway thorugh 2023.

Switch is still my primary system, but I'm easing back into double dipping on Switch and PC (usually Switch first, Siralim may be a reverse case since I found out it has cross save).

Biggest change of mind was PS5. I have bought games earlier in the year and made good use of it due to what I said in the first comment. That being said, certain things Sony did before PS5 made me think twice on how long I will remain interested in PS. The recent change to porting to PC... even though I'm not really interested in their output, only really told me I don't see much point in them. That and the increase of interest in Switch development.


Prophet of Truth
Aug 25, 2021
I sold my PS5 last month because I just don't see the need for it any more, there's so few big exclusives for it, and I've kind of drifted away from almost all of Sony's first party content in the past few years. Also whatever I do want to play is probably going to end up on PC eventually anyway. I will keep my XSX around cos I have game pass until next summer, and maybe some first party stuff will actually start releasing before then? Otherwise getting a steam deck has really accelerated my migration back to PC as main platform.


Oct 27, 2017

This is basically how I'm making decisions now. Xbox games I'm just lumping with other third parties at this point.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been uninterested in most AAA releases for years now.

Game Pass has always been an indie discovery mechanism for me, and I got to play some truly great titles thanks to it. But right now I'm considering just purchasing games I know I want to play on the Steam Deck. Partially because of the MS shitstorm, but I guess mostly because I haven't had the time to play as much as I did before.

I think my habits aren't changing so much, but whatever trend I've been headed towards (more indies and fewer AAAs) is being consolidated.
Oct 25, 2017
There's too many games for too many platforms so I've basically been living in 2020ish and playing "older" stuff that fall into a few areas: a) runs well on deck b) are evergreen Nintendo titles and/or most importantly c) are all patched up and run properly.

Saves me a bunch of money not chasing the newest stuff anymore. Game companies don't deserve our money to be their beta testers so they can make some quarterly target.


Oct 25, 2017
No. I buy what I want or have time to play. Realistically if I stopped buying anything and relied solely on GP, Humble Bundle Choice and PS+Extra I would have access to more games that I could ever play.

Edit: I do buy most Nintendo first party releases as they make great birthday or Christmas presents for the kids. Plus I love playing most of them.


Oct 28, 2017
Bismarck, ND
It's made me want to expand my retro catalog and flesh out my Steam library with older titles... I'm kind of getting ready to sunset the hobby that I love.


Jan 12, 2021
I mostly am PC only (Generally Steam and GOG but I have also bought Epic, origin, and Uplay on rare occasions.) Although I do buy physical switch games for emulation.
Purchase habits haven't changed much since even 10 years ago. Steam keys, sometimes the store if my last resort or it's a historical low.


Oct 29, 2017

This is basically how I'm making decisions now. Xbox games I'm just lumping with other third parties at this point.

So basically "if console exclusive buy it on that console, otherwise go PC"?

Is it some meme about unnecessarily complicated processes?!

I should do mine, but it would be legitimately complicated.


Oct 27, 2017
So basically "if console exclusive buy it on that console, otherwise go PC"?

Is it some meme about unnecessarily complicated processes?!

I should do mine, but it would be legitimately complicated.

Mostly yeah, but I only count first party games as real console exclusives. Things like Stellar Blade and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth I would rather get on PC, even with the wait.

I just felt like doing a flow chart. I was going to do another yes/no section but skipped it instead.
Regular Sega Fan
Jul 22, 2022
I sold my PS5 last month because I just don't see the need for it any more, there's so few big exclusives for it, and I've kind of drifted away from almost all of Sony's first party content in the past few years. Also whatever I do want to play is probably going to end up on PC eventually anyway. I will keep my XSX around cos I have game pass until next summer, and maybe some first party stuff will actually start releasing before then? Otherwise getting a steam deck has really accelerated my migration back to PC as main platform.

Yeah. PC handhelds really are a huge driver to consolidate game purchases on Steam or similar storefronts. Albeit a good driver.


This is basically how I'm making decisions now. Xbox games I'm just lumping with other third parties at this point.

This was what I had in mind when I wrote the post lol. Loved it

So basically "if console exclusive buy it on that console, otherwise go PC"?

Is it some meme about unnecessarily complicated processes?!

I should do mine, but it would be legitimately complicated.
Please do


Nov 4, 2017
I don't really pump much money in my Series X, only recent-ish game I bought for it was Dead Space and I otherwise use it for my existing 360/Live Arcade library. I've got about $50 in credit just sitting there, maybe they'll have a blowout on 360 games in July or something.

I'm like 90% into my Steam ecosystem now. My main PC is out of commission and I've basically been on Deck for most of the last year.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't buy AAA games on day one and since I'm on PC I don't feel the need to play the newest thing since I have access to everything that came before. In fact, I just checked, I played 6 games that released between 2020 and now and none of them were from 2023/24.

Goddo Hando

Oct 25, 2017
I own all 3 systems, plus have a moderately decent gaming pc

Xbox: I haven't bought a thing unless the random backwards compatible game goes on sale. Everything is through Gamepass.
PS5: anything new that I need to play that's not on Gamepass, I'll buy for PS5 (digital only, Ive basically given up on physical)
Switch: only first parties and the arcade archive releases, oh and anything with Tate mode
Steam: all the indies


Nov 2, 2018
Right now I play primarily on PS5 but also have a Switch for a handful of their exclusives and to play games with my kids.

I'm never going to waste money on an Xbox again given the last year of bullshit coming out of that company.

I gave up PC years and years ago because I was tired of the technical hurdles and cost but I may grudgingly get back into it if MS keeps their big games console exclusive. I really really don't want to deal with it though. Fortunately the games that would prompt me to make that dive are years away so I have time to see how this all shakes out.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm 99% PC these days. Aside from the inherent strengths of an open platform (flexibility, customization, endless BC, etc...), it's my most capable gaming hardware by a wide margin + Steam is far & way the most feature-rich/player-friendly ecosystem out there. But the thing most relevant to this thread is the PC Indie Scene, which is this everlasting treasure trove of variety, creativity, and quality. Over the past half decade especially, it's emerged as the heartbeat of the medium for me as "big gaming" grows increasingly stale and risk averse.

Consoles are strictly for exclusives/ PC holdouts, and there haven't been many to speak of that I wouldn't rather wait for. Over the past 3 years my only PS5 purchases have been GT7 and Final Fantasy 16(which I regretted). Also bought Elden Ring on Series X since it was the best version at launch.


Oct 27, 2017
No, I still just do not enjoy PC gaming compared to console. I tried again in 2020 to get into it more, but it's just really not for me as a "main platform."
- I'm not into online/multiplayer gaming at all
- I don't like the extra friction that usually comes with PC (on top of getting games running well, upkeep of the hardware is often a pain. I upgraded my RAM last year, and literally spent 5 hours troubleshooting when it wouldn't boot up anymore. Ended up needing to take it to Best Buy to address the issue). Just too much of a time sink into shit that's not playing the game.
- I prefer to play on couch+TV since I already sit at a computer all day for work
- I still prefer physical copies for most games. The only time I've ever bought a digital game at full price was Alan Wake 2.
- and I despise KB+M controls for anything involving even the slightest bit of action/movement. I know you can use a controller for most PC games these days, but that goes back to the "more friction" point.

There are exceptions. I play a lot of strategy games that are very menu heavy, so stuff like that (Civ, Paradox games, RTS, etc.) I do play on PC. I have a more than capable desktop. I also used it for Microsoft games I was interested in, like Pentiment. But with them porting to PS5 now, I'll probably wait to buy there going forward.

But PS5 is still by far my "default" or main system. I buy most third parties there, including indies, if possible. It gets the lion's share of my spending and playtime. Distant second is my Switch, which I just use for the first party Nintendo games I'm into. Then third is PC, which has been 80% just Civ VI the last couple years.


Oct 25, 2017
Spend most of my time gaming on PC theses days. That's where I buy all of the third party games. I don't really buy stuff day one anymore unless I can find it a discount.

The last three console purchases I made were FF 7 Rebirth, Spider-Man 2, and Tears of the Kingdom.


Nov 2, 2017
Not really. I'm buying even more games on multiple platforms even.

But yeah, I am buying more on steam only because its so much easier for me.

A lot of great games coming out these days.


Mar 29, 2022
Nothings changing for me, I mainly purchase on PS5 & Switch, Series X is always just for a few Microsoft exclusives, which may get sold if they go more third party


Mar 14, 2019
Been on PC for decades, and that ain't changing. So much cool AA/indie stuff coming out all the time, there is always something on sale, LOL.

Only noticeable trend I'd say is that since GOG introduced sales tax, I'm less inclined to impulse-buy stuff there. My go-to store is now very much Fanatical, which means I've been getting more stuff on Steam than compared to a few years ago.


Oct 25, 2017
I was big on Playstation but had been moving (somewhat) to Xbox, and since the turn of the year have stopped that and instead am moving back to PC - Steam specifically.

I still quite like physical games, and at its best I do like the paradigm of console gaming, but it seems like physical games are becoming rarer (overall) with each passing year, and I simply don't feel comfortable buying digitally on the Playstation store, what with the lack of refunds, things like the repeated PSN license issues, and also the lack of things like Smart Delivery. I'd be buying on Xbox but they don't seem to have a direction atm and are both pulling away from physical on top of the continuous uncertainty they have just in general. Nintendo I don't care much for and even then their infrastructure is not good.

In the end it pushes me towards Steam - I at least know the store won't be shut down, my games from LONG ago are still available to me, and should I choose to move to Linux, they're the ones putting in the legwork to make that feasible. Since buying a Steam Deck this has only increased since I have the added incentive of being able to play portably (which I really like).


Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
The current state of the industry has not changed how I have bought games in forever. If it is on PC I get it there, otherwise I get it on whatever console it is exclusive to.


Nov 1, 2020
Vermont usa
Not at all.

I like fun games, and I'll buy fun games for whatever system I wanna play them on. Lately that's been PC, since I got a really good one just a year ago. So that's kinda been the only thing affecting my purchases, I guess.

I think it's really cool that some people can feel good about themselves by changing their purchasing habits, but that's just not me right now.
Nov 9, 2017
During the previous gen, when Japanese companies started to port games their games to PC, and when Sony started to orient themselves towards AAA games by closing small studios, I slowly started to buy games on PC rather than PS4, because of cheats, mods, possibility of replaying old games, and of course a large choice of indies.

Nowadays, I just play on PC, and with Sony and MS porting their games there, it's the option I prefer.


Jul 17, 2019
The fact that there are very few "big" games coming that I am interested in (only Monkey Ball and Shadow for the rest of the year as far as I am aware) leads to me purchasing only few games at this time. But economic of gossip news of game developers / publishers do not have any effect on me.


Feb 18, 2024
The past few months, I've actually found myself moving away from PC and playing on PS5. I will still play certain titles on PC (Grim Dawn, Blobbers), but schedule/work has really highlighted the appeal of a couch and a console.


Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles
I bought Animal Well day 1 when I probably wouldn't have otherwise due to the state of the industry. And I will probably continue to support indie releases this way. I'm only buying games I want to play, but sometimes I would have waited for a sale.

I cancelled my Game Pass a while ago after I realized that I prefer buying games. It just works better for me.


Dec 4, 2017
Subscription services are the main way I play games on both consoles though, outside of buying Switch games now that eShop sales rival the old Steam Summer Sale crazy prices. I would never buy a game brand new day one, with all the sales that happen.

I play multi-platform games on Xbox almost entirely due to controller battery life. PS5 is my PS+ machine almost entirely, unless something goes on sale for super super cheap. Give me a PS5 controller with AA batteries and I'll turn that console on more frequently.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Steam Deck kinda jump started my "why not buy on Steam" phase more than anything else.


Oct 27, 2017
Pretty much only buying select Sony and Nintendo first party day one. I'm subscribed to gamepass for 3 years and PlayStation premium until 2033. I'm better off playing most games later since tend to be more polished over time, so I'm getting more patient at waiting until they hit sub services. I used to buy a ton of indies but now I wait until they hit game pass or PlayStation plus.


Oct 25, 2017
My current game spending habits are thus:

  1. Buy games physically when I can.
  2. Buy games directly when I can.
  3. Proportions of spending: PS5 > Steam > Switch.
  4. I have stopped spending any money on Xbox, even for "exclusives", since history has shown most of them will come to Playstation soon enough. (Context: I'm not a huge fan of Xbox's historical exclusives like Gears and Halo, which I know are unlikely to move to Playstation, so no huge issue there for me).
I'll likely just quit any "subscription" plan with gaming as soon as I can, aside from what's absolutely needed. I like to support devs by buying games outright and I will hang on to a physical collection as long as possible.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Short answer, no.

Long answer, It would take a LOT LOT to get me to spend money on a gaas product produced in the next 36 months from a studio that was swallowed by a tech giant as part of a different deal involving a different studio being swallowed by a tech giant.

Short term games are still fine, but my confidence in large scale long term games as a service is at an all time low.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm playing mostly indies on either Steam, PS5 or Switch these days. I'll be buying big Switch-games like Paper Mario:TTYD either physical or digital. If I really am interested enough I buy it physical even if costs few more euros.


Oct 26, 2017
When a hobby is miserable for the people making stuff for it, I'm less interested in that hobby. These larger companies can rot, for all I care.


Oct 25, 2017
It affects my purchasing behavior in a sense that I'd want to purchase Sony games on PC but I can't now so instead of purchasing them on PS5 I will stop purchasing them completely I guess.