
Oct 25, 2017
That's exactly my point, it was not true. You cant trust those shots even when they explicitly tell you "Running on the console in real-time".

The Anthem reveal was clearly bullshit from the get go and was never shown being played. Most of the "screenshots" of 2077 that have been released have clearly been given a huge boost to resolution and overall IQ, however many of them have been taken from the gameplay demos they've shown (you go check if you don't believe me).

I really wouldn't compare Anthems obvious bullshit to what we've seen of 2077 so far

This newest screenshot certainly doesn't look implausible to me. It doesn't really look that impressive?


Oct 25, 2017
I do think screenshots often get pumped up, but I thought the gameplay demo last year seemed mostly plausible, because it actually had flaws. Flickering textures, objects popping in, NPC's blinking out, etc. Felt much more authentic than something like that Anthem reveal.

Black Chamber

Oct 27, 2017
United States
Translated highlights from the Polish Antyradiopl interview [via reddit]:

• Creating soundtrack for Cyberpunk 2077 is different challenge than for Witcher 3, because of few simple reasons: it's bigger project overall, there weren't many complications with music structure in Witcher world; when locations change you hear another music and that's basically it. In Cyberpunk on the other hand it's more expanded because there are another effects like night clubs, radio on the streets, music in cars and lively city in general with multiple sources of sound from different directions

• They've been working with Refused for a while, and when at some point they got full plan for the cooperation, another member of composers team - Piotr Adamczyk visited the band in Sweden and they recorded an album within two weeks. It has been mentioned before, but they're trying to use Samurai's lyrics as much as possible, with certain modifications which fits the narrative

• Marcin Przybyłowicz said that another key role in music directing is to choose music which fits their world in the most possible way (he meant music not composed by them, which they want to include in the soundtrack). His role is to "predict" what combinations of music might appear in the future, how music evolves and what society likes to listen

• They mentioned in Cyberpunk 2077 they have prepared something like the Priscilla performance, but on a much bigger scale

• This one is a bit of banal, but talking about endings, the most crucial for them is to create many of them, but at the same time with depth and importance of your story through the game

• Their main purpose for quests is to include as much non-linearity as possible, skills tree is very helpful to diversify possible choices

• Crafting system has two areas in the game. It will let you modify stats of your weapon, but also it's look

• Braindance will appear in the game, but Paweł didn't really want to speak about it

• You don't need any understanding of the Cyberpunk world before starting the game, but players who know Pondsmith's work and other art from the genre will feel it in a different way. Paweł Sasko compared it to playing the Witcher 3 when knowing content from Sapkowski's books


Jun 12, 2019
Didn't they already rule out Lady Gaga?

I think they just ruled out another guest star with as much screen time as Mr Hands.

I have seen posted that they play a lot with twitter, and keanu was half revealed when they celebrated a Matrix anniversary in a tweet.
They also directly posted about Miss Ga.
She might have just came over to see how it's done when Keanu was doing his mocap work, or it may be something more involved, who knows.
I don't follow twitters but i am sure some of our friends here do and will confirm or the contrary what i remember.


Oct 25, 2017
I think they just ruled out another guest star with as much screen time as Mr Hands.

I have seen posted that they play a lot with twitter, and keanu was half revealed when they celebrated a Matrix anniversary in a tweet.
They also directly posted about Miss Ga.
She might have just came over to see how it's done when Keanu was doing his mocap work, or it may be something more involved, who knows.
I don't follow twitters but i am sure some of our friends here do and will confirm or the contrary what i remember.
I don't know, sounds like the Gaga stuff was just a fake rumor.

This is from a July 17th interview with CDPR's UI director

Of course, the big reveal at E3 was Keanu. Can you talk a bit about how that happened?

Absolutely. What we wanted to do is to find the right celebrity match. It couldn't just be someone from a romantic comedy movie or something.

Yes. I mean, there were rumors about Lady Gaga!

She's pretty cyberpunk, so she could fit in! But um, yeah, no Lady Gaga. A lot of people in studio love The Matrix, Johnny Mnemonic, Speed and all that stuff and he was just a really good match for our game genre and what we're trying to do. When we approached him he was like 'Yeah, I understand the artistic vision behind this, I can get behind it.' He was just on board with it, which was great.


Black Chamber

Oct 27, 2017
United States
While I'm not confident Lady Gaga is in the game (I have no idea) I'd take anything a companysaid before a proper reveal with a grain of salt.
After all Larian also explicitly denied any involvement with Badlur's Gate 3 barely few months ago.
Well said.
That's true. I guess they have to say no. A non-answer or "no comment" is practically a confirmation.
Look at it this way - with all the secrecy involved with Keanu Reeves being in the game and that didn't leak, they are not just going to come out and say that another huge star is in their game because someone may have found out already.

They're going to make a big reveal of it.


Oct 25, 2017

Embed, they posted it as 4k x 4k.


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
Oh man, such a downgrade! I going to cry of how bad the witcher 3 looked on my pc.
Wat? I never said that it looked bad. I still consider it one of the better lookin open worlds, especially art direction wise. I'm saying cdpr ain't flawless. I even understand the context behind the downgrade and I'm okay with it. But it still happened


Oct 27, 2017
I think they're actually releasing the demo towards the end of the convention. Since they probably still want people interested in coming to their behind closed doors demo.

So most likely very early September.

Krvavi Abadas

Oct 26, 2017
So uh, this is interesting.

The game is getting a full Chinese dub, and judging from the trailer (It's just the E3 2019 CG trailer, intercut with footage of the dub actors doing their thing.) it's uncensored, incredibly enough.

and yeah, CD Projekt Red has an official Weibo account, though there's nothing major there outside of that trailer.
(In case you're wondering, the whole Witcher Trilogy previously had Chinese text support, but no dubs.)
May 26, 2018
So uh, this is interesting.

The game is getting a full Chinese dub, and judging from the trailer (It's just the E3 2019 CG trailer, intercut with footage of the dub actors doing their thing.) it's uncensored, incredibly enough.

and yeah, CD Projekt Red has an official Weibo account, though there's nothing major there outside of that trailer.
(In case you're wondering, the whole Witcher Trilogy previously had Chinese text support, but no dubs.)

I always love watching VAs working against a scene