
Oct 27, 2017

From a new interview. This seems to confirm that Rey was nobody in 2015 for JJ as well as more obviously for The Last Jedi.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
How they handled the 3 movies will forever be an oddity. Will be interesting to see how the next trilogy goes.
Gonna guess they make sure they have a general idea of Start, Middle, End next time.


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
It was so stupid that part of me thinks JJ wanted to make her Obi Wan's kid, but changed it just to throw off all the fans that were guessing that, and did the dumbest fucking thing possible.


Oct 28, 2017
3rd movie was shit.

Give any subsequent trilogies to the better director/writer, which was Rian Johnson.


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
How they handled the 3 movies will forever be an oddity. Will be interesting to see how the next trilogy goes.
Gonna guess they make sure they have a general idea of Start, Middle, End next time.
they flew by the seat of their pants, just like the first trilogy!

also proves why the first trilogy probably was a fluke


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
I mean, of course. We've beat this horse to death (and resurrected, and beat it to death, etc), but obviously the last movie was doubling down on nostalgia because that's the lesson that the suits took from The Last Jedi.

I don't hate JJ as much as hard as many of you do in these threads, but his goal for the first and the third movie of the series was to serve the fans the lukewarm leftovers he felt they wanted. He got called in to reboot the movie through hack nostalgia, and to 'save' the trilogy through the same shit. ('save' meaning the some fair, mostly unfair TLJ fan critique)


Oct 27, 2017
I still can't believe the way this trilogy ended. It's so absurdly nonsensical, convoluted, and contradictory.

It just amazes me how a billion dollar IP can be handled with such frivolity.
Nov 8, 2017


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Rey Palpatine will forever remain one of the absolute dumbest things written across all the movies. Baffling levels of bewildering awfulness.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
they flew by the seat of their pants, just like the first trilogy!

also proves why the first trilogy probably was a fluke
George Lucas for all his faults I think always has a theme or arc in mind, probably why the prequels last movie sticks the landing.

I really liked The Last Jedi, and I was laughing my ass off with Rise of Skywalker because of how many silly decisions it made.


Oct 29, 2017
I'll never understand how or why they didn't roadmap the entire trilogy out.
Laziness probably and kinda understandably. Mix fan hate for the prequels/eagerness for better and JJ's lukewarm talent marketed as innovation and they probably thought they had a slam dunk no matter what and could both take a light hand while trying to weld it into the yearly release schedule Disney thirsted for.


Oct 27, 2017
I like having roadmaps, but I think not having a clear plan for the plot going forward is less problematic than pretty obviously going back on what the last movie was definitively saying


Oct 25, 2017
After seeing Trevorrows script, I'd take that over the complete fuckery that was episode 9.


Oct 25, 2017

Young Ian McDiarmid offers window into Sheev Palpatine's early years

Look at this hot sith bod, half obscured by a leather jacket. That effortless swagger. No wonder he had such a meteoric rise in Naboo's political scene. The lady in the second photo also appears to have walked off a Star Wars set. Since Rey's father was a Palpatine clone, this is plausibly what...
He doesn't. Rey's father is a genetic clone of Palpatine.

Because there's no such thing as a solid roadmap when you're writing a single movie let alone three.

Wow even worse. At least it was fun to joke about.
Nov 8, 2017
Rey Palpatine will forever remain one of the absolute dumbest things written across all the movies. Baffling levels of bewildering awfulness.

Like sure, it's dumb, but that was the same movie introduced the literal, physical return of Palpatine with a Fortnite event and had Palpatine hiding out for the last 20 years on a sith planet making a huge fleet of star destroyers with death star planet killing lasers on them. Which was his backup plan in case the first order failed, which he was running using Snoke as a puppet, because he created Snoke in a vat complete with battle scares from Luke on his face or some shit. And they find the sith planet by using an indianna jones dagger that crashed on death star 2 at the end of ROTJ???

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
I thought she said to Josh Gad she was told she was a Kenobi

"Rey these are your first steps"

I prefer nobody though as that contrasts with Kylo Ren's lineage
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Changes all the time.

They plan out release dates but the actual story isn't planned out. They greenlit Captain America 3 but had no idea what it was gonna be and during the writing it became Civil War, it could've very easily been something completely different. Thanos wasn't gonna be the big bad until a few movies into phase 1.


Oct 27, 2017
Having a plan doesn't matter if JJ is coming in on the last movie going, "fuck the plan!"

TLJ establishes Rey as a nobody. Duel of the Fates ran with Rey being a nobody. And now we know that even during TFA, Rey was considered a nobody. So for the "why didn't they plan it out?!" crowd, this was the plan: Rey was always a nobody. And it was only on the last film that that plan went out the window.


Oct 28, 2017
I'll never understand how or why they didn't roadmap the entire trilogy out.

AFAIK they did, Colin Trevorrow was supposed to direct Episode IX and there's a leaked script out there from his version that shows it was directly following the ideas from Episode VIII.
I think Disney didn't like the reception of Episode VIII and just decided to redo the whole thing.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Like sure, it's dumb, but that was the same movie introduced the literal, physical return of Palpatine with a Fortnite event and had Palpatine hiding out for the last 20 years on a sith planet making a huge fleet of star destroyers with death star planet killing lasers on them. Which was his backup plan in case the first order failed, which he was running using Snoke as a puppet, because he created Snoke in a vat complete with battle scares from Luke on his face or some shit. And they find the sith planet by using an indianna jones dagger that crashed on death star 2 at the end of ROTJ???

Oh don't get me wrong; the entire movie, top to bottom, is peak fucking dumb.


Movie Aficionado
Oct 25, 2017
Rey can still be redeemed

her master and
her padawan


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
Remember when JJ relegated Kelly Marie-Tran to a glorified extra so he could give a role to Dominic Monaghan, because he's his bro?

Yeah, good times.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
AFAIK they did, Colin Trevorrow was supposed to direct Episode IX and there's a leaked script out there from his version that shows it was directly following the ideas from Episode VIII.
I think Disney didn't like the reception of Episode VIII and just decided to redo the whole thing.

Which is hilarious because they ignored all the critical praise and listened to whiney fanboys and the end result was critical and fan rejection in IX


Oct 27, 2017
Just retcon Rey Palpatine as a Palpatine lie since Palpatine called her nobody in the end anyway

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
JJ Abrams is an idiot
IIRC, JJ wasn't the one who came up with the Rey Palpatine twist. The co-writer did because he felt the need to explain Rey's powers, the dude also took credit for the incredibly stupid ending where Rey buries the lightsabers at Luke's home.
I mean nothing is ever totally set in stone and static, but having at least some cornerstones to what the trilogy would be should help.
Yea again, films go through a metric fuckton of changes before we see the final product. SW films especially. Any good storyteller knows that you don't need a roadmap and that all of the meticulous ideas you come up with will get tossed out as the story progresses. TLJ is a perfect example as it followed all of the plot beats established in interesting directions. TROS's writing wasn't an honest follow through of the themes and story being told.

Is an exact example of how things aren't planned out.

It's fucking astonishing that this is how people think Marvel movies are made.

Marvel movies are as messy as anything else. By "careful planning", they have a scheduled release date and Feige is making sure they have contracts ironed out for the availability of any appearing/recurring characters. Maybe a villain is known in advance. But James Gunn isn't making Guardians 1 knowing what they're doing with Thanos 4 years later. Hell, for being the long-tail villain, Thanos is a non-entity until Infinity War. If these movies were so well planned, you'd think they would have done something to set him up better. No one when making Winter Soldier is thlnking "man, I can't wait for Spider-Man in the next Cap movie!"

The writers behind Infinity War had to be told from Taika Watiti and Hemsworth "oh, Thor is funny now." There was no "plan" for that. The producer on Black Panther had to tell them "oh, Shuri is gonna be big, make sure you include her." This isn't careful planning, it's a bunch of people working out of the same offices and with the same bosses just openly communicating and sharing resources because the movies necessitate it.

Other than obvious planting of seeds like Bucky being introduced to become Winter Soldier, they're making this shit up as they go along like anyone else. Hell, the Russos were apparently the ones who told Feige that Cap 3 should be Civil War because BvS had just been announced, and they had to up their game. But that doesn't mean anyone is knowingly planting seeds for a time-travel movie years in advance.

It's funny that people cite Feige/Marvel as an example of mapping out a franchise cinematic universe right, since Marvel's first several years at it weren't that great! Literally their 2nd movie out of the gate was a flop, Thor and Cap didn't light the box office on fire, and while Iron Man 2 was financially successful it was not that well received (I remember one review at the time saying it was already time for a reboot lol). A lot of people thought the Avengers/SHIELD allusions and build-up were hamfisted and detracted from the films' stories. And basically all of the setups for The Avengers -- Tony working with Ross to bring in the Hulk, Tony just being a consultant for the Avengers rather than a member, Thor being stuck in Asgard -- were totally ignored when it came time to do the film because they just didn't care to be boxed in by them. It wasn't this meticulously planned thing.

And this continued all the way to Age of Ultron, which set up certain plot threads that were never followed up on (Banner/Natasha romance) or ignored outright (Thor's vision of Ragnarok being completely different from the actual Ragnarok film; Thanos putting on the gauntlet at the end of AoU, something that Markus and McFeely said they didn't what that was and just pretended it didn't happen). You can look at Iron Man 3 too, something that, despite being the first post-Avengers film and final solo Iron Man film, has basically been treated as filler: no mentions of Extremis ever again, for example. And its biggest plot contribution, the retcon of the Mandarin as an actor, was itself retconned almost immediately!

The phase 3 stuff is a different story, and clearly some combination of Ike being pushed out and the Russos taking the reins as Civil War/Infinity War/Endgame came into focus helped pull things together tighter (plus the movies over these years were just flat out better so that helps too!). But this idea that, 15 years ago, Kevin Feige masterminded this incredible decade-long plan of Avengers films and has been executing it perfectly ~all according to keikaku~ the whole time is just not true. For at least the first 7(!) years and dozen (!!) films, things at Marvel were very haphazard and being forced to fit together in ways that were either awkward or being reworked on the fly. People just forget this now because it was all 5-12 years ago.

People need to stop citing the MCU as an example of meticulous planning when it's literally the exact opposite.


Oct 27, 2017
Changes all the time.

They plan out release dates but the actual story isn't planned out. They greenlit Captain America but had no idea what it was gonna be and during the writing it became Civil War, it could've very easily been something completely different. Thanos wasn't gonna be the big bad until a few movies into phase 1.
And Thanos was entirely Whedon's idea too, just as an example of someone who should play the emperor role in the first Avengers.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
AFAIK they did, Colin Trevorrow was supposed to direct Episode IX and there's a leaked script out there from his version that shows it was directly following the ideas from Episode VIII.
I think Disney didn't like the reception of Episode VIII and just decided to redo the whole thing.

Trevorrow was dropped and JJ was brought in months before TLJ even hit theaters.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, yeah. The antagonist of Force Awakens is an embodiment of privelege because of one's family. And the heroes overcome that. Rey overcomes that.
Apr 21, 2018
I really dislike JJ Abrams writing and storytelling. His mystery box bullshit sucks. And now he just panders to fanbases. His work on Star Wars was one part regurgitation and one part fanboy fan fiction.

I dread anything he touches.


Oct 27, 2017
Changes all the time.

They plan out release dates but the actual story isn't planned out. They greenlit Captain America but had no idea what it was gonna be and during the writing it became Civil War, it could've very easily been something completely different. Thanos wasn't gonna be the big bad until a few movies into phase 1.
The stories are all planned out. Kevin Feige has talked about this at length. They have entire creative retreats where they plan out the next 5 years of films, what storylines they're going to tackle, and how it all ties into each other.

You don't get MCU without a carefully planned roadmap.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 17, 2020
Rian Johnson really broke JJ's brain with his choices, didn't he? I like a lot of elements of TLJ, but Rey Nobody and the democratization of the force were my favorites.

Sigh, what could have been...


Oct 29, 2017
I like having roadmaps, but I think not having a clear plan for the plot going forward is less problematic than pretty obviously going back on what the last movie was definitively saying
You're not wrong. It would have been forgivable to wing it but completely reneging on set up from the first two was just absolutely pathetic & wrongheaded. They can try to paint it as "fulfilling" their non-existent plan but it was a clear act of capitulating and catering to the worst & rudest of the SW fan base which is worse than winging it.