
Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
get it

theres a bullseye on his head

get it?


Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
I actually don't mind the Director's Cut all that much. It's still not a good movie, but it's better than Elektra.

And yeah, MCD as Kingpin was one of the few things that movie got right.


Oct 30, 2017
My biggest problem with the movie was that Bullseye said he should get a costume and then just never got a costume.


Apr 14, 2018
Remember when Dudedevil pushed a guy in front of a train then stuck around to pour double D's in gasoline on the floor.

Scott Lufkin

Dec 7, 2017
I absolutely loved this movie, and saw it a second time years later with my son who had heard "it was awful" and I said "no, it's excellent - let's watch, judge for yourself" and he said after credits rolled it was great.

I am less of a fan of the Elektra movie that came after, but I didn't hate it like a lot of folks did, either.


Oct 26, 2017
Is the Director's Cut actually good? I always thought the film was eh, but I've had the DC on DVD for years but haven't watched it.


Oct 27, 2017
I remember liking it a lot more than I thought I would. Granted it's been 20+ years.

I think this and Minority Report made me a Colin Farrell fan. After DD I was like "Wow, that Minority Report guy has range and clearly knows how to have fun with a character."


Oct 25, 2017


Jack of All Streams
Oct 25, 2017
Still the beat live action Daredevil film released in theaters. Fight me.

I don't think anyone can fight you unless Charlie Cox's version gets "Mando & Grogu"(ed) and we get a film version. Or he co-stars in another Marvel film.

Unless we're counting Elektra.

... I'm going to get hit with "that's the joke".png aren't I?


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Oh man, I saw this movie in the theaters ages ago, and as new, but big DD fan at the time, I was immensely disappointed.

I thought the Director's Cut was..."better," but it's still a pretty mediocre early 2000's superhero movie.

However, there are two things I unironically enjoyed about the movie:

1) I thought Michael Clarke Duncan was a great pick for Kingpin. Obviously, it'd be hard to get a comic book accurate Wilson Fisk on the screen from a physical perspective, but Duncan had the intimidating physical presence, and I just loved seeing him show up in movies. Granted Vincent D'nofrio is perfect for the role, but back then I don't think he had the build to pull it off, despite having the acting chops.

2) Colin Farrell as Bullseye was absurd, yet entertaining. He was clearly having fun with it, and was hamming it up in a way I thought was hilarious and ridiculous whenever he was on screen.

Everything else about the movie was...yeah.

I still think it's a fun one to watch with friends and make fun of during, but god bless the Netflix DD series for giving me a version of DD that I had hoped to see back when the Affleck DD movie released. I felt a little bad for Ben, since he clearly loves comics and superheroes, and wanted to play one. But I also don't feel bad for Ben, since he managed to pull off a pretty solid Batman despite Zack Snyder, and I think if perhaps Ben had directed/starred in a solo Batman flick, it could have been really interesting. I think he's a really talented director, though his acting can be mixed (I'm leaning more towards him being a good actor, but it really needs to be the right part for him to lean into).

Oh, wait, also Evanescence, so maybe 3 things I unironically like about this movie. I didn't really know about them at the time, and it wasn't until a year or so later, when I met my wife, that she introduced me to Evanescence proper, and I got to hear more of their music (which I enjoyed that particular album).


Aug 13, 2018
Actually loved this movie as a kid and think a lot of it holds up as an adult.
Was absolutely devastated when someone in my family used the disk as a coaster and ruined it.
Never watched the directors cut so hopefully they include it on Disney+


Oct 27, 2017
I liked it at the time. It wasn't as good as Spider-Man or X-Men for sure, but good enough for me to watch it twice. Haven't watched it again in 2 decades and don't know if I should do that or not!