The Son of Dathomir or the Madalorian Mercenary?

  • Darth Maul

  • Boba Fett

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Oct 25, 2017
I don't like Episode 1 or 2 and I still think Darth Maul or even Jango Fett are improvements over Boba Fett who never really did anything to earn his popularity.


Oct 27, 2017
Maul was one of the coolest characters to come out of the prequel trilogy. He didn't say much in TPM, but his design and actions spoke loudly on screen, and thanks to the addition of the cartoons, he ended up being a pretty good character to bring back. I found Boba pretty underwhelming in all of his appearances and he went out like a lame jobber. To me, Jango was clearly the better of the two.


Dec 5, 2017
Without a doubt Maul. He had so much fantastic character development in the animated shows. Maul was so successful in his plans that he had an entire planet under his control and Sheev himself needed to shut that shit down. And then Maul was still up to stuff all the way past RoTS.

Then they gave him one of the best endings for a Star Wars villain as well as one of the best screams:

(A scream so good they gave it to him as an emote in Battlefront 2)

And sorry, but Jango is cooler than Boba. Better color scheme, better design, dual pistols, got a cool fight with Kenobi, and actually used Slave I in a dogfight.
Oct 28, 2017
Boba Fett fell into a hole.

Maul did something before falling into a hole.

Actually he also did nothing and fell into a hole.



The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Boba was in 3 movies. Maul was in 1. We know more about Boba in those films than we do Maul.

Just in terms if the movies.

Maul was a Sith apprentice that solo'd two Jedi killing Quigon (a jedi master), was cut in half, then returns in Solo as a Crime Lord in charge of the Shadow Collective.

Boba Fett is a bounty hunter that transported Hans body to Jabba's Palace and then got knocked into a pitt.

Who sounds more interesting? What has Boba done in the movies to represent why he should be such a badass lol.
Oct 28, 2017
Just in terms if the movies.

Maul was a Sith apprentice that solo'd two Jedi killing Quigon (a jedi master), was cut in half, then returns in Solo as a Crime Lord in charge of the Shadow Collective.

Boba Fett is a bounty hunter that transported Hans body to Jabba's Palace and then got knocked into a pitt.

Who sounds more interesting?

Neither did anything interesting. Both died like chumps. But the bounty hunter in cool armor wins in my opinion.


Oct 26, 2017
Maul's way better, his arc of pure hatred of Kenobi is one of the best parts of the Clone Wars and Rebels.

And he also has the cool scene above where he kills one of the sith inquisitors like they're nothing.


Oct 25, 2017
Darth Maul is one of the best parts of Clone Wars/Rebels, easy choice. Of course it's lame to bring him back, but they compensated by turning him into an actual fleshed out character.


Oct 26, 2017
i would like a boba fett D+ series where he completely fucks everything up as you would expect but somehow the rumor gets spread of his glorious deed(s).
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