
Oct 25, 2017
How come everytime a reputable outlet reports on a slightly negative Playstation news, we get the defense force coming in waves to find every possible reason as to how that person might actually be wrong, rather than take the news at face value? It's like the fourth or fifth time this happens in the last few months. Do you really think that as some random era posters you know better than a news reporter, backed by multiple inside and verified sources? Do you realize how toxic and incredibly stupid it is?

Yeah we just did this with the Sony/Japan stories and the production shortage reports. How'd those things turn out?


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry but this is the most "Gut feeling" answer ever. Because you have no proof other than some gut feeling for that.

This shit literally happened within the past few months when Mochizuki reported on Japan Studio and everyone denied it and attacked him. Then lo and behold look what happened. We've seen this song and dance before


Apr 30, 2020
Yeah, people look at this very one sided. Uncertainty about your position in a company can be extremely tough on people. A higher up saying differently, is not going to change the very real feeling these workers had. Especially in an industry without proper unionization in a country that will not necessarily take care of you if you lose your job
Yep. And even if your boss promised you it was temporary, I can see being suspicious. Especially since Bend had been doing a lot of support and probably thought DG was their shot to make their own hit. The article does state this was Dev concern and not objective fact but how it concluded with Bend getting a new IP so quickly while the focus was in the turmoil... I don't know I feel like it could have been structured differently to make things a little more clear. Just my feelings though.


Jan 26, 2018
Frankfurt, Germany
I haven't watched the video, but if Jeff Ross said that Days Gone 2 was in production when he left, he was not telling the truth.

And if he said that Bend was "never" going to become a Naughty Dog support studio, he was making an overstatement about decisions that'd be made over his head in the first place. Besides, have none of you ever worked at companies where management said some corporate shenanigans would never happen and then of course they inevitably happened? You people can be so naive sometimes. Someone at Naughty Dog told me a couple of weeks ago that they already half-jokingly refer to Bend as Naughty Dog North. Would that actually happen? I have no idea, and neither does Jeff Ross.

And please go away with the Sony defense force console war bullshit. It's so transparent.

Hey Jason,
love it, to see you here! Thx for the awesome job you are doing! And thx for the statement!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This shit literally happened within the past few months when Mochizuki reported on Japan Studio and everyone denied it and attacked him. Then lo and behold look what happened. We've seen this song and dance before

Not just denied it, literally used the words "Fake News" and demanded he be banned as source.


Nov 30, 2018
I mean both can be true at the same time. Someone at the top could be confident that Bend will get another chance to pitch an IP and so wants to keep their devs busy while a dev might be like "oh shit they said no to the sequel now I'm doing support for another studio... are we going to be stuck like this forever?"

Absolutely. But Worldwide Studios help each other out all the time. Look in the credits of first party titles. That seems like a rather extreme "oh no we're stuck like this forever" conclusion to jump to.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
No one is doing console war?! LMAO. The original thread about the article is a defense force nightmare. You're out of your mind if you think people trying to find anything to ruin schreier's career for pretty objective journalism isnt console warring. They're trying to sink him all because they felt personally offended by their interpretation of his article as attacking their favorite plastic box box
Maybe not "no one", I shouldnt have said that. There's probably a few console warriors, but Jason is decrying any criticism of his article as sony fanboy console warriors. I took offense to that. Look at my posts in this thread and Jason's article OT Thread. I have been incredibly critical of Sony and I'm a mostly Sony console owner (+ switch this gen).

Deleted member 2791

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sorry but this is the most "Gut feeling" answer ever. Because you have no proof other than some gut feeling for that.

My man this exact same situation happened with this exact same outlet a few months back

Bloomberg: Japan has been sidelined in Sony's PS5 marketing plans; Microsoft seeking acquisitions in Japan

Deemphasis of Japan Microsoft smells opportunity, murmurs of acquisitions Sony's official response


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
Due to a high volume of reports being generated by this thread, we are locking it to review.
Official Staff Communication


Vault-Tec Seal of Approval
Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
This thread is being re-opened, but please knock it off with the vitriol, Metacommentary, personal attacks, and platform warring. Any further instances of this will be actioned accordingly. Thank you



Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Official Staff Communication
This thread is being re-opened, but please knock it off with the vitriol, Metacommentary, personal attacks, and platform warring. Any further instances of this will be actioned accordingly. Thank you

Well that pretty much spells that out. Got to give Jason props for doing his work, it's an unpleasant job that always causes someone to hate you.
May 12, 2020
Official Staff Communication
This thread is being re-opened, but please knock it off with the vitriol, Metacommentary, personal attacks, and platform warring. Any further instances of this will be actioned accordingly. Thank you

There it is.

Like I said earlier, watching the interview with Jaffe, it just seems Bend outgrew Jeff and the old heads at the studio. I don't think him leaving was personal.


Oct 25, 2017
As usual, anyone who says Jason is lying for clicks ends up looking *very silly* once all is said and done.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
As usual, anyone who says Jason is lying for clicks ends up looking *very silly* once all is said and done.

Both of them said the same thing, the problem was the hyperbole people used (and still are using).

Bend had a new IP greenlighted, and people only focused on the "helping Naughty Dog" part.

Deleted member 5028

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
One thing that I find people forget about anonymous sources:

These people are known to Jason. They are not anonymous in the sense that he has no way of verifying who the info comes from.
They are anonymous to us. The price we pay to hear this information. Otherwise they would lose their jobs and we wouldn't have a twelve page thread thats suddenly gone quiet.

When Jeff says that Jason can be more honest he is protecting his own ass and thats fine. For all we know Jeff knows the exact sources and the framing that Jason knows how to conduct his role as one of the best should give all pause to consider their words and deeds today


Oct 25, 2017
Jason takes shit from all sides depending on the company he happens to be reporting on and he's always vindicated in the end. You'd think people would learn.


Oct 25, 2017
One thing that I find people forget about anonymous sources:

These people are known to Jason. They are not anonymous in the sense that he has no way of verifying who the info comes from.
They are anonymous to us. The price we pay to hear this information. Otherwise they would lose their jobs and we wouldn't have a twelve page thread thats suddenly gone quiet.

When Jeff says that Jason can be more honest he is protecting his own ass and thats fine. For all we know Jeff knows the exact sources and the framing that Jason knows how to conduct his role as one of the best should give all pause to consider their words and deeds today
people simply have no idea how journalism works.


Oct 25, 2017
Oof, imagine spending money for this.
LMAO the dude that wept when MLB went multiplat and flipped a desk when Horizon was announced for PC?


Sep 19, 2020
This is a really weird post for someone of your journalistic status. Does this crap really bother you that much?
Have you been reading the shit people are saying about him? People shitting on him and his journalist ability just because people don't like what his story said. This isn't the first time it's happened either. I understand people might not like his personality, but most of not all his stories are true/in depth so he always deserves the benefit of the doubt.


Feb 3, 2019
This is a really weird post for someone of your journalistic status. Does this crap really bother you that much?
Assuming the article is right... then yeah this thread absolutely should bother him. He's doing his job, in a career that he's built for over a decade, I can imagine it hurts to have the Era community try to burn your credibility all because he didn't represent our favourite piece of plastic the way we want him to.

Deleted member 5028

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah... it killed the element of surprise.
Now people are like "lmao who asked for a remake of TLOU?"

I'm sure if we only found out once the first trailer was released the reaction would've been way different.
Fortunately for Jason his job isnt to preserve marketing plans for games. Anyhow, it adds gravity to the mindset the rest of the piece sets: at SIE they only want one type of AAA game irrespective of genre, the printed in celluloid third person adventure. Not to take away from smaller teams making games like Astrobot but thats prestige they want to make their futures on. Thats why TLOU R is coming and why it was worth reporting on.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah... it killed the element of surprise.
Now people are like "lmao who asked for a remake of TLOU?"

I'm sure if we only found out once the first trailer was released the reaction would've been way different.

Besides, for someone that worries so much for "the people", Jason failed to even think on how a leak like this could cause added pressure to the team developing this. Now they have to go online and read / watch all the negativity unfold while they make the game. I know I wouldn't like to be doing something that everyone keeps wondering why the hell it's going to exist in the first place... maybe it's just me. Specifically a team that was already stressed to deliver the sequel last year.

But hey... anything for that scoop. The clickbait title wouldn't be enough.
you say the bolded as if Jason held a gun to his sources heads, and as if it wasn't on their own self interest to talk, albeit anonymously.
the article talks about Sony's direction in what they consider lucrative, and all yall can think is "oh no, we missed the hype train"
please study what journalism actually is, i beg you.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah... it killed the element of surprise.
Now people are like "lmao who asked for a remake of TLOU?"

I'm sure if we only found out once the first trailer was released the reaction would've been way different.

Besides, for someone that worries so much for "the people", Jason failed to even think on how a leak like this could cause added pressure to the team developing this. Now they have to go online and read / watch all the negativity unfold while they make the game. I know I wouldn't like to be doing something that everyone keeps wondering why the hell it's going to exist in the first place... maybe it's just me. Specifically a team that was already stressed to deliver the sequel last year.

But hey... anything for that scoop. The clickbait title wouldn't be enough.
It's not a journalist's job to care about your hype. It's their job to report the truth and what they find out. If he found out that a TLoU remake is coming, then it's his job to report on it. He doesn't work for Sony, he works for Bloomberg.


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
How can Jason be right if what he says goes against the narrative I've built in my head?

Deleted member 12352

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
How come everytime a reputable outlet reports on a slightly negative Playstation news, we get the defense force coming in waves to find every possible reason as to how that person might actually be wrong, rather than take the news at face value? It's like the fourth or fifth time this happens in the last few months. Do you really think that as some random era posters you know better than a news reporter, backed by multiple inside and verified sources? Do you realize how toxic and incredibly stupid it is?

Ehhhhh... doing this is how you get scenarios like people still claiming that an ambulance had to be called in for a member of staff at Naughty Dog because they were "overworked to exhaustion" even after the source of the story was shown to have been lying about it though. That was one we initially got from "reputable outlets" not so long ago as well, I believe.

People are free to treat any unofficial/unconfirmed information or report with whatever degree of scepticism they choose. Some might even call that the sensible approach in fact.


Oct 25, 2017
Fortunately for Jason his job isnt to preserve marketing plans for games. Anyhow, it adds gravity to the mindset the rest of the piece sets: at SIE they only want one type of AAA game irrespective of genre, the printed in celluloid third person adventure. Not to take away from smaller teams making games like Astrobot but thats prestige they want to make their futures on. Thats why TLOU R is coming and why it was worth reporting on.

Days Gone fits your big 3rd person AAA game description so there's something more to it. This is the first time i can think of off the top of my head that a studio would build a AAA new IP from scratch (for over 6 years!) , have it sell well, and not get the greenlight for a sequel. That doesn't make any sense, we've seen games that lose money get a sequel greenlit because it's cheaper, faster, and easier to make a sequel than a new IP.

There's some weird stuff going on under the Ryan regime.


Nov 2, 2017
I thought Jeff Ross carried himself as well as he could given the circumstances. There were a lot of technical issues, and it was really unprofessional at times.

Two of the callers were absolutely embarrassing and they need to re-evaluate their life. Especially the person that started swearing and talking about Jeff's appearance.

Anyone that actually watched the interview will have seen that he actually had good things to say about Jason Schreier at the end.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It's not a journalist's job to care about your hype. It's their job to report the truth and what they find out. If he found out that a TLoU remake is coming, then it's his job to report on it. He doesn't work for Sony, he works for Bloomberg.

It's also worth noting that in this case it wasn't mentioned to get the scoop on the game but to inform the reporting about VASG. Kind of hard to talk about what happened there without directly mentioning the project.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Posted in the other thread but I thought it might need reposted here.



Oct 25, 2017
Yeah... it killed the element of surprise.
Now people are like "lmao who asked for a remake of TLOU?"

I'm sure if we only found out once the first trailer was released the reaction would've been way different.

Besides, for someone that worries so much for "the people", Jason failed to even think on how a leak like this could cause added pressure to the team developing this. Now they have to go online and read / watch all the negativity unfold while they make the game. I know I wouldn't like to be doing something that everyone keeps wondering why the hell it's going to exist in the first place... maybe it's just me. Specifically a team that was already stressed to deliver the sequel last year.

But hey... anything for that scoop. The clickbait title wouldn't be enough.
jesus christ


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Days Gone fits your big 3rd person AAA game description so there's something more to it. This is the first time i can think of off the top of my head that a studio would build a AAA new IP from scratch (for over 6 years!) , have it sell well, and not get the greenlight for a sequel. That doesn't make any sense, we've seen games that lose money get a sequel greenlit because it's cheaper, faster, and easier to make a sequel than a new IP.

There's some weird stuff going on under the Ryan regime.

I think it's as simple as Days Gone being successful but not Uncharted, TLOU, God of War, Horizon, Spider-man successful. That's what Sony want, both from critical and commercial stand points.

Also worth remembering that Sony did say first party sales were under expectations in 2019 and their big games that year were Days Gone and Death Stranding. I would imagine that the latter would be more likely to be the underperformer but we can't rule out that the bean counters just had higher expectations.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
People shitting on Jason for doing his job while defending Sony, what's new I guess... And yeah, folks seem to have 0 idea how journalism is supposed to work.

I mean that's understandable considering how gaming media usually works.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah... it killed the element of surprise.
Now people are like "lmao who asked for a remake of TLOU?"

I'm sure if we only found out once the first trailer was released the reaction would've been way different.

Besides, for someone that worries so much for "the people", Jason failed to even think on how a leak like this could cause added pressure to the team developing this. Now they have to go online and read / watch all the negativity unfold while they make the game. I know I wouldn't like to be doing something that everyone keeps wondering why the hell it's going to exist in the first place... maybe it's just me. Specifically a team that was already stressed to deliver the sequel last year.

But hey... anything for that scoop. The clickbait title wouldn't be enough.

Sony's marketing plans are literally none of Schreier's or any other journalists' concerns. The nature of the project--a remake a lot of people explicitly didn't want to work on that was causing internal strife--was literally the point of the article. It'd be very hard to write around that without saying what it was. Without naming the game, the article would either dance around the subject poorly and be insanely obvious (there are only so many things that would fit the description of "blockbuster remake that made employees worry they'd become a shuttle studio for a bigger fish") or it would create a vacuum where 90% of the discussion of the article would be guessing the mystery game Sony is working on, rather than reading about what was going on internally at the company.

like, the developers are already under a lot of unwanted pressure. that's literally what the article was about.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
People just love to embarrass themselves trying discredit jschreier and other journalists to defend the honor of their favorite corporation.

Great work as always Jason.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Theres a contingent of toxic gamers here that directed scorn towards Takashi Mochizuki because he reported on events that made them feel uncomfortable. They try to malign their work and their integrity. Now they're at it again. Its shameful.

Yeah... it killed the element of surprise.
Now people are like "lmao who asked for a remake of TLOU?"

I'm sure if we only found out once the first trailer was released the reaction would've been way different.

Besides, for someone that worries so much for "the people", Jason failed to even think on how a leak like this could cause added pressure to the team developing this. Now they have to go online and read / watch all the negativity unfold while they make the game. I know I wouldn't like to be doing something that everyone keeps wondering why the hell it's going to exist in the first place... maybe it's just me. Specifically a team that was already stressed to deliver the sequel last year.

But hey... anything for that scoop. The clickbait title wouldn't be enough.

This is embarrassing.
Last edited:

Tiago Rodrigues

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 15, 2018
Sony's marketing plans are literally none of Schreier's or any other journalists' concerns. The nature of the project--a remake a lot of people explicitly didn't want to work on that was causing internal strife--was literally the point of the article. It'd be very hard to write around that without saying what it was. Without naming the game, the article would either dance around the subject poorly and be insanely obvious (there are only so many things that would fit the description of "blockbuster remake that made employees worry they'd become a shuttle studio for a bigger fish") or it would create a vacuum where 90% of the discussion of the article would be guessing the mystery game Sony is working on, rather than reading about what was going on internally at the company.

like, the developers are already under a lot of unwanted pressure. that's literally what the article was about.

thank you for actually understanding what i was trying to say. i honestly believe the fact english isn't my 1st language hurts me more than what i'm actually trying to say in here.

Deleted member 1839

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
People shitting on Jason for doing his job while defending Sony, what's new I guess... And yeah, folks seem to have 0 idea how journalism is supposed to work.

I mean that's understandable considering how gaming media usually works.

Someone mention it before but Mochizuki was in the same spot for a couple of months on here.

Overall people need to chill.


Oct 27, 2017
São Paulo, Brazil
It felt like a great talk. In my humble opinion he's being very professional, and knows about corporate desires. Mixing emotions with corporate desires are not very easy to handle at this point.

If the "profitable" way is to follow another path to success, it doesn't mean they are totally shutting down what they actually want.

It felt like a mature decision, specially when he says "Never say never" about Days Gone 2. Not the time right now... but maybe in the future.

My only hope is that Bend doesn't turn like Ready at Dawn. After The Order 1886.... Ready at Down went down like a flush in the toilet (and I really like The Order but I understand all the major flaws in the product).