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Oct 27, 2017
I'm sure that in the current political climate a lot of respected journalists are incredibly eager to jeopardize their public image publishing a series of articles about how Sony is taking away fanservice from videogames.

This thread is... bizzarre. I don't particularly care for censorship of any form, even for things I dislike. I massively dislike fanservice - I love character action games and to this day I've yet to finish a single Bayonetta game - so I'm losing nothing here, but I would expected a community that is so active and "woke" on issues of sexualization and objectification to be more open towards attempts (even imperfect) to try and regulate these products.
No one's asking for some opinion piece that calls Sony out, just asking them what exactly is going on and what exactly their guidelines are, that should be something that anyone should be interested in, whether you're for this censorship or against.

If simply reporting on that would "jeopardize a journalist public image" then we have reached a sad state of affairs


Oct 28, 2017
Ah yes, the old slippery slope.

But the girls in the game clearly want to use the bikinis (though I saw a scene where one puts a bikini on and the player mashes a button to peek at her, startling her as she asked the player not to look), which indicates some consent from the characters. The fan however is just this creep device that blows skirts and boobs all over with no indication of whether the character is okay with it.

....this is one of the worst defend i ever see lol. Some peaping is a okay. But flipping skirt is suddenly a whole new level.0_0

They are both highly sexualized action bruh.

What "muney"!? These games sell like shit anyways..

This is good for the ecosystem, where patrons already vote with their wallets by not buying crap like this. Not to mention the actual game is still intact.

For real.

Banning a single game from being released by bigger publisher like Koei can risk enraging Koei into pulling their support off PS system. Sony sure as hell wont allow those to happen as those Doa6, Dynasty, Samurai and Nioh money is utmost important lol.


Oct 26, 2017

I respect Sony for purging the disgusting practice of marketing moe-blobbed loli's as "18" to bypass the fact that they are sexualizing adolescents. Fuck outta here with the "but teh cenzorship!!!11 i want muh freedumz!!!" Bullshit. Glad TN doesn't get a pass for it.
Girl on the left is like a penis with arms.


Oct 27, 2017
Excuse me, but Red Dead Redemption 2 ( the biggest launch this year) you can kill and steal innocent people. You can even torture people, for example drag a guy with the horse to the death, tie a guy with a rope and throw to the water until he/she die by drowning. So that quote on bold, it's imprecise or false.
You do get marked as an evil person for doing so in Red Dead Redemption, and might even be pursuited by the law. The game doesn't simply let you kill everyone without consequences, so there's some context to the violence.


Jan 27, 2018
Im not even a fan of any of this stuff, but what's with Sony's censorship recently? are they forgetting one of the key reasons they beat the N64 was due to Nintendo acting like some Christian soccer mom? what a reversal.


Oct 27, 2017
What "muney"!? These games sell like shit anyways..

This is good for the ecosystem, where patrons already vote with their wallets by not buying crap like this. Not to mention the actual game is still intact.

For real.
So now instead of voting with their wallet Sony just makes the call themselves? And let's not kid ourselves, no one is suddenly going to be morally ok with the game because they removed a fan while keeping all the rest
Oct 28, 2017
It's ironic to me that the switch, a console intended for younger audiences than the PS4, is less restricted.

To be honest I'm surprised Sony cares at all to police its developers. Games have ratings for a reason, I don't see how they'd think this would be good for them in the long run. Parents will not buy games if they're too risque, but they're not going to base their console choices on the manufacturer's censorship policies. Hell, the average parent or even general consumer has 0 idea about that, nor likely cares. If anything this is going to push more people away from their platform than draw them in.


Feb 27, 2018
You do get marked as an evil person for doing so in Red Dead Redemption, and might even be pursuited by the law. The game doesn't simply let you kill everyone without consequences, so there's some context to the violence.

"having the character be none the wiser about it (indicating a lack of consent)"

So the "lack of consent" you need only when you want right?.

I could say the same, on DOAX3 you are playing like pervy owner of paradisal beach who can control the wind. So you have the context to it.

Sorry but you have double standard. If you recognize a "virtual girl" like a real girl who need to be protected from pervert players, you should do it equally with violence.


use of an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Angola / Zaire border region.
Sorry but I can't stop laughing at this post. Twenty links to help people advocate for jiggly boobs and non-consensual upskirt devices in their video game? Truly the struggle of our times.


Oct 26, 2017
"having the character be none the wiser about it (indicating a lack of consent)"

So the "lack of consent" you need only when you want right?.

I could say the same, on DOAX3 you are playing like pervy owner of paradisal beach who can control the wind. So you have the context to it.
In Red Dead Redemption, you are punished for killing an innocent person.
In DOAX3, you are rewarded for sexually assaulting a person.


Nov 4, 2017
If you said Sony wouldn't allow this sort of stuff and Nintendo would in the mid 90s you would've been laughed out the room.....


Feb 27, 2018
In Red Dead Redemption, you are punished for killing an innocent person.
In DOAX3, you are rewarded for sexually assaulting a person.

Punished? hahahaha you only need pay 5-20$ like penalty fee, that supposedly if there was a witness (you can kill too hahaha). If not, you can even steal from his corpse. So you are rewarded too.

Come on guys, stop that shitty double standard you have.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Sorry but I can't stop laughing at this post. Twenty links to help people advocate for jiggly boobs and upskirt devices in their video game?

Help people advocate for forcing the clarification of Sony's position on self regulation and their criteria for self regulation in place of the ratings agencies already in place. Don't be intentionally ignorant.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
In Red Dead Redemption, you are punished for killing an innocent person.
In DOAX3, you are rewarded for sexually assaulting a person.

I don't think that's a particularly good argument because a game where you had to sexually assault people and avoid the law would not be okay.(rightfully so)


Oct 26, 2017
Lake Titicaca
Good. I fucking hate this pervy filth, it's gross and there's no place for it in this industry. I'm glad Sony has the foresight to see this.

*goes back to blowing giant holes in cowboy heads with a pump-action shotgun in red dead 2*


Oct 25, 2017
So this is why there's no E32019 for Sony. They've censored so much that they censored all the games away from their system.

My main issue is what's the point in rating systems if even if you stick to it platform holders can force you to censor.
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use of an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Angola / Zaire border region.
Help people advocate for forcing the clarification of Sony's position on self regulation and their criteria for self regulation in place of the ratings agencies already in place. Don't be intentionally ignorant.
How am I being intentionally ingnorant? The op is a description of Sony censoring rapey content from a game, and the third post is just that dude saying "I'll leave these links here, don't go too hard" with no other context at all. How am I supposed to read that as a noble struggle against vague policies.


Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely not a fan of this. Let people decide for themselves if the content is for them or not.
Funny that softening gel is where Sony's drawing the line, surely the basic premise of the game wouldn't comply with Sony's newfound fondness of censorship, but they're pussyfooting around because KT is big company that they can't push around like the indies.

Gonna wait what Sony has in store for DoA 6...


Feb 27, 2018
I don't think that's a particularly good argument because a game where you had to sexually assault people and avoid the law would not be okay.(rightfully so)

Its the double standard from current society. If I like to kill people on video games, it´s good, there are a context because it and they aren't real people only virtual. But if I don't like pervy games, then they are treated like real girls with her rights, etc etc.


Jan 9, 2018
This is going to be interesting. But DOA Extreme 3 will come to Steam right? I could imagine the combination of emerging VR, young looking characters and sexual content being the reason Sony felt the need to act and came up with this new censorship policy. Eventually someone owning PSVR is going to do something horrible and PSVR would get the blame so even Sony in Japan knows and wants to avoid that?

Or is it just because of critic from abroad such as that BBC documentary about lolicon in Japan, critizing the police in Japan for not taking serious actions against loliporn... and the western Sony management taking care of the "sexualisations" in Japan that led to the new policy?


Nov 1, 2017
I generally stay out of these threads, which are often filled with self-righteous posters on both sides aggressively accusing each other.
I just wanted to say that this thread makes me sad, and not for the censorship reasons exactly. Well I don't really like censorship, I think adults should be allowed to buy what they want, because fuck you they are adults.


Softening cream?
Golden fans?? What the shit?!

What the hell happened to DOAX?
I will publicly say I loved the first game. It was actually a pretty tame time-management friendship sim with good volleyball, a fun and groovy casino (that music) and so many customization options for suits and other items to collect. Add the really flexible "build you soundtrack" and it was legit. Really legit. I still miss the days when I spent those two weeks buttering up the mean girl only to have them throw out my carefully selected swimsuit I chose for them on the last night (damn you Ayane).

Do these games even have volleyball anymore?
Meh fuck it, censor the hell out of it. This is just making me bitter now thinking about it.
Wait, there was a "good" DOAX? I thought they were just so-so games with creepy fanservice? And yes having said that, and even though I've never played one nor do I plan to play one, I'm against this censorship.


Feb 27, 2018
This is going to be interesting. But DOA Extreme 3 will come to Steam right? I could imagine the combination of emerging VR, young looking characters and sexual content being the reason Sony felt the need to act and came up with this new censorship policy. Eventually someone owning PSVR is going to do something horrible and PSVR would get the blame so even Sony in Japan knows and wants to avoid that?

Or is it just because of critic from abroad such as that BBC documentary about lolicon in Japan, critizing the police for not taking actions, and the western Sony management taking care of the "sexualisations" in Japan that led to the new policy?

DOAX3 is not coming to Steam or West . They have a gacha (microtransactions) game from DMM on Japan for PC, but this is not the same game.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
How am I being intentionally ingnorant? The op is a description of Sony censoring rapey content from a game, and the third post is just that dude saying "I'll leave these links here, don't go too hard" with no other context at all. How am I supposed to read that as a noble struggle against vague policies.

Because you looked at what you wanted to see only. Sony has said not a single thing about their new regulation policy of all content, no matter where its from, going through california outside of smaller devs talking about it.

Of course links will be given to contact Sony about their stance because people have no idea as to what precedent they are trying to set outside of vague guidelines not followed by the ESRB when a title by a bigger publisher gets hit. But your argument only links back to "durr hurr people defending creepy perv games, how shameful!"

Take a step back and evaluate the actual complaints most people in the thread are making. Whether you personally approve of such games or not is irrelevant to the concern people are raising.

I could not care less about DOAX in particular, or any of the games hit so far, and the content deleted is not anything i would bother to partake in. But the vague precedent Sony is setting here is very concerning and out of the blue.
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Apr 12, 2018
Surely that's the job of the ratings board? I appreciate Sony is the platform holder but if they have a problem with that kind of content shouldn't they take it up with the BBFC and ESRB instead. Very bizarre move by Sony, I'll be livid if they fuck with Catherine.


Jan 9, 2018
Ok! How about the DMM app (some movies and anime but mainly known for its porn videos) on PS4, will it survive? It has no game support on PS4 AFAIK but I think you can play DMM games on PC outside Japan, or maybe you need VPN?

DOAX3 is not coming to Steam or West . They have a gacha (microtransactions) game from DMM on Japan for PC, but this is not the same game.


Oct 26, 2017
So is that whole thing DLC for DOAXtreme 3 on the PS4 or a complete new version where I can use my VR pass which I got for DOAXtreme 3?


Oct 30, 2017
not surprised, Sony does not want any lewd content anymore.

DOAX series is not very fun to play anyway though, lol.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
Why is it that whataboutery concerns over violent content only seems to pop up when people are using it to defend the sheer amount of creepy sexism and mysogeny in games? I rarely see people starting threads and arguing with the same level of passion against violence that they show here, its just used as cover to say 'but if that doesn't get talked about, why are international companies going after my teenage girl tits and arse instead'. It's almost like one is an ever-more visceral depiction of 'remove enemy units from the board=victory' that goes back through warfare and wargames and board games for thousands of years, and the other one both sexist and creepy as fuck. Both are worth discussing in their impact as a media form, but I just rarely see the former used as more than an excuse for shutting down discussion of the latter.


Jun 20, 2018
Why is it that whataboutery concerns over violent content only seems to pop up when people are using it to defend the sheer amount of creepy sexism and mysogeny in games? I rarely see people starting threads and arguing with the same level of passion against violence that they show here, its just used as cover to say 'but if that doesn't get talked about, why are international companies going after my teenage girl tits and arse instead'. It's almost like one is an ever-more visceral depiction of 'remove enemy units from the board=victory' that goes back through warfare and wargames and board games for thousands of years, and the other one both sexist and creepy as fuck. Both are worth discussing in their impact as a media form, but I just rarely see the former used as more than an excuse for shutting down discussion of the latter.
Because it is odd that Sonys game of the year is the hyper violent God of War. The Last of Us 2 trailer was also extremely violent. That that same company is censoring fan service seems odd. Especially for games that don't even releases in America.


Feb 27, 2018
Why is it that whataboutery concerns over violent content only seems to pop up when people are using it to defend the sheer amount of creepy sexism and mysogeny in games? I rarely see people starting threads and arguing with the same level of passion against violence that they show here, its just used as cover to say 'but if that doesn't get talked about, why are international companies going after my teenage girl tits and arse instead'. It's almost like one is an ever-more visceral depiction of 'remove enemy units from the board=victory' that goes back through warfare and wargames and board games for thousands of years, and the other one both sexist and creepy as fuck. Both are worth discussing in their impact as a media form, but I just rarely see the former used as more than an excuse for shutting down discussion of the latter.

It´s called double standard, for me those are games, virtual worlds you can do things you can't do or should do on real life.

So if this need to be banned because "creepy sexism and mysogeny", to become on "serial killer" should be banned too.

I wonder why are you not asking yourself the opposite, why people is defending violence on games, but can't bear those pervy games.


Oct 26, 2017
I guess now it's the time about making 10 pages of whataboutisms about violence without even aknowleging the difference of both. Like I'm sure the violence in RDR2 objectifies and infantilizes a whole gender just for being that gender.

Both are bad, but for different reasons,and one always targets one gender. Complain about this new Sony policing without relying on dumb whataboutisms.


Oct 27, 2017
Because it is odd that Sonys game of the year is the hyper violent God of War. The Last of Us 2 trailer was also extremely violent. That that same company is censoring fan service seems odd. Especially for games that don't even releases in America.
"fan service" ..... lmao.


Oct 25, 2017
It's very interesting from an international viewpoint how the American branch gets to decide what's good for the World and what isn't.

I'm not surprised when people aren't happy with that.


Feb 27, 2018
I guess now it's the time about making 10 pages of whataboutisms about violence without even aknowleging the difference of both. Like I'm sure the violence in RDR2 objectifies and infantilizes a whole gender just for being that gender.

Both are bad, but for different reasons,and one always targets one gender. Complain about this new Sony policing without relying on dumb whataboutisms.

So, if Tecmo-Koei would put DOA males on swimwear, would be different? and Sony shouldn't censor the game?


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
It´s called double standard, for me those are games, virtual worlds you can do things you can't do or should do on real life.

So if this need to be banned because "creepy sexism and mysogeny", to become on "serial killer" should be banned too.
The double standards I see are that such concern for violence only pops up as whataboutery cover for defending creepy shit, and another is that this stuff is only ever focused on women and girls.

Presumably Sony consider violence to be dealt with through age ratings (and it's something I'd like to see discussed more as they continue to push the envelope), but perving over teenage girls isn't something they want associated with their main platform, using age ratings to make sure it's only adults perving over images of sexualised adolescents really doesn't make it any less creepy.

By all means they should clarify what the specific policy is.
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Oct 26, 2017
So the game is being localized since its getting edited or what? I thought the game wouldnt have any issues in JP.


Oct 27, 2017
It's very interesting from an international viewpoint how the American branch gets to decide what's good for the World and what isn't.

I'm not surprised when people aren't happy with that.

From a lot of the posts in this topic, I'd say it's a bunch of Americans in general deciding that, not just an American branch of a company.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Looking closer...apparently the "gel" described in the OP is the same slider that DOA5 had which made the girls boobs more jiggly. its strange that the assumption is that the stuff that could be construed as sexual abuse(the skirt flipping) is the problematic content, yet the jiggle boobs which are also in the numbered games and have already been seen in DOA6 trailers are also getting addition to that, the censoring of swimsuits in the previously mentioned VN games is in line with the tharja censorship of the Fire Emblem games from Nintendo, but Sony seems to not have an actual issue with swimsuits on women, thus making the reason for the censorship in that case actually impossible to quantify.

The biggest issue here is the clear lack of consistency that Sony actually has in regards to what their current policy is, and it makes me wonder who exactly is in charge of identifying objectionable content and what their criteria is

So the game is being localized since its getting edited or what? I thought the game wouldnt have any issues in JP.

The stupid part is, no, it will not even be localized, like the previous game. However the games still have to go through california branch's regulation office supposedly to be released in any region, regardless of the specific regulation laws to games in that region.
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