
Jun 20, 2018
They should have went full Deadpool marketing and the first thing we see of this film is Harley Quinn walking on set for suicide squad 2. All the cast from that shitty movie is dead on the floor with one of the birds of prey girls over them.

Harley: "What happened to my family"
Girl: "They were trash you were the best part tho so your coming with us
Harley: "Oooo yaaay"

Somethinf stupid like that but acknowledge how shitty that film was and your fixing it.
I doubt that would go over well. People also liked Will Smith and Captain Boomerang. Especially Will Smith was praised a lot.
Oct 28, 2017
Honestly, based on the little marketing I've seen, I thought this was a TV show or something for their streaming service. I had no idea it was getting g a theatrical release.


Oct 28, 2017
The Suicide squad soured me, unfortunately. The previews made it seem like it followed the same tone and I figured I would wait for it on tv.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't believe people didn't want to see a spin off of one of Most disappointing comic book movies produced in the last twenty years


Oct 25, 2017
Slayven, 50k posts. when was the last time you fornicated?



Oct 27, 2017
This will unfortunately get blamed on female cast, R rating, etc. rather than just subpar marketing.

I thought the movie was just fine, had its moments but overall not especially good or bad. Wouldn't mind some kind of follow-up though.


Oct 25, 2017
The trailers looked awful, but I'm aware that I'm not the market for most comic book movies at this point. That being said, I dug Margot in SS enough. I'll watch this but I had no clue it was close to release last week.

The R rating surely doesn't help, if you're gonna go that route you really need to nail the campaign.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
That's what I'm thinking. I'm not even casual but I had no desire until the reviews hit and it was actually good. The trailers just reeked of suicide squad trash and the populace got burnt by that so they don't want to risk it again. I imagine it might have pretty good legs when word of mouth comes out or a high VOD sale rate.
Just left the theater. Incredible! Such a good movie.


Oct 25, 2017
Just saw the movie. It's the best action movie out of any DCEU/MCU movie since maybe Winter Soldier. I wasn't expecting so much action actually.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I think there is more nuance, to be fair.

A character like Joker is by his nature a murdering psychopath whose existence is driven by committing murders and crime. At his tamest, he's still a remorseless criminal who tries to murder his superhero nemesis. An R-rating for a movie about him makes sense.

But if you were to slap an R-rating on, say, Shazam or Aquaman? That wouldn't make sense. An R-rating WOULD be a barrier because a majority of their fanbase and audience would skew younger.

And in that regard, Harley DOES skew younger. She's more popular with younger kids and teenagers. There's a reason she's part of the Superhero Girls line-up.

Even on exit polling for THIS MOVIE, the most positive response has been from the teenage girl audience, so clearly that R-rating is a barrier for what's probably her heaviest demographic.

Not saying you can't do an R-rated Harley movie (hell, there's a great mature Harley comic on shelves right now, and the Harley WB show is REALLY adult), but they misread the room and thought because she's the closest thing they have to Deadpool, and is Joker-adjacent, they could just make her R-rated and it wouldn't matter.

Looks like it did, in this case.
Joker is a murdering psychopath with almost 75 years of cultural cache, Harley Quinn is a meme in booty shorts. It's WB folk for not growing her beyond that in tv/film. Not like they couldn't do that. WW was invisible jets and twirling until No Man's Land


Feb 1, 2020
It's strange. I was super excited for the Harley Quinn cartoon that just came out and I love that, but I have very little interest in this movie. I didn't even know it was out until I saw this thread. I blame the Suicide Squad smell.


Dec 25, 2017
I liked all the DCEU movies in some way. I never thought this would do well and was surprised at the positive reviews. The marketing was meh to me. No one seemed to really care about this movie.

Plus I thought it was coming out in late spring/ early summer.


Nov 8, 2017
Just came out and it's fine, miles better than Suicide Squad, and i welcome the R rating, but it wasn't really needed tbh and it's really gonna hurt them in the long run. shame because out of all the female supes with female directors, i think this was the most daring by far
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Honestly? I've heard almost nothing about this movie. If not for the Era thread I would not have known it exists. It seems to me from a marketing perspective that this movie was sent out to die. Starved of a proper marketing campaign. Compounded by its R rating.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Question for those who have seen it: One of the few negatives I heard about this was the other characters aside from Black Mask and Harley were a little unneeded and didn't bring much to the film. Was that true?

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
I only remembered Harley Quinn, but forgot the title. When my friend took me to see it, I legit thought we were going to Suicide Squad 2 lol.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Such a good movie. Incredible fight scenes and outstanding cinematography. I was especially impressed with Black Canary's interpretation. Bad ass!
Oct 27, 2017
Couple of reasons why BOP is in this situation : DC's brand is still tied to Zack Snyder, the same Harley from the terrible Suicide squad film and lack of an actual DC cinematic universe.

First two are pretty self explanatory but the last one is an bigger deal then people believe. Unless your big, household name like Joker or Venom it's just to get over in the comic book genre without an establish Universe propping you up.
Last edited:
Jan 3, 2018
I really wonder why this can't find success like Aquaman and Joker recently had.

Its a fucking shame. I'm watching it in a couple of hours and I'm already expecting it to be my favorite DCEU film.

I wonder if the general movie going public dislikes women led ensemble type films for whatever stupid reason. I didn't watch too many trailers but did they turn up the dial on the girl power stuff for the marketing?

You think it's a shame that a movie you haven't seen yet can't find success?


Oct 26, 2017
Couple of reasons why BOP is in this situation : DC's brand is still tied to Zack Snyder, the same Harley from the terrible Suicide squad film and lack of an actual DC cinematic universe.

First two are pretty self explanatory but the last one is an big deal then people believe. Unless your big, household name like Joker or Venom it's just to get over in the comic book genre without an establish Universe propping you up.
I think there's some truth to all this, but Aquaman's performance shows that they can break past these barriers with the right movie/marketing.


Oct 27, 2017
The trailers were very underwhelming, almost muted. I expected the second trailer to knock it out the park, but yeah...

I have tickets to see this but I'll be going this coming Tuesday.

The good reviews will help, but certainly not for it's opening weekend.


Oct 25, 2017
The only reason I vaguely want to see it are the reviews.

With how bad Suicide Squad was and the terrible trailers it was never going to be an opening weekend thing for me anyways.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Marketing was bad, trailers were bad, should've either made it seem like a proper ensemble film that didn't look like Suicide Squad or just called it Harley Quinn and focused completely on her

the middle ground sucked

Claire Delune

10 Years in the Making
Oct 25, 2017
Greater Seattle Area
Even knowing who the Birds of Prey are, from the advertising I would probably have missed they were even in this movie if not for the title itself. It's been positioned as a Harley Quinn movie from the start.

¡Hip Hop!

Nov 9, 2017
Still doesn't make sense, since it's open knowledge that the directors/writers are different. Just seems like they were just never interested to begin with.
You really overestimate how close the general public follows that stuff. This thread alone is full of people that didn't even know it was out yet- or that it was rated R. They aren't keeping up with who's behind the movie. They get their impressions from the trailers and posters.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Marketing was bad, trailers were bad, should've either made it seem like a proper ensemble film that didn't look like Suicide Squad or just called it Harley Quinn and focused completely on her

the middle ground sucked

Harley always seems like a character that DC cares more about than the fanbase does. Like she's incredibly popular with cosplayers, but beyond that I don't really see a lot of love for her.

Focusing the entire movie around her never seemed like the best call considering how mostly hated Suicide Squad was.


Nov 7, 2017
Honestly? I've heard almost nothing about this movie. If not for the Era thread I would not have known it exists. It seems to me from a marketing perspective that this movie was sent out to die. Starved of a proper marketing campaign. Compounded by its R rating.

Yeah I shared the RT in a group chat and some were shocked a Harley Quinn movie was opening.


Dec 19, 2017
I don't know how you can blame marketing, WB is known for their excellent trailers and promos. I think you either like that character or you don't. I find her grating and have no interest in seeing the movie.


Oct 28, 2017
Heard nothing of this movie and the name of the movie didn't help it at all - had no idea it was a Quinn movie....also never saw Quinn as interesting at all....