predict the metascore

  • 85-100

    Votes: 53 4.9%
  • 80-84

    Votes: 36 3.3%
  • 75-79

    Votes: 160 14.7%
  • 70-74

    Votes: 274 25.2%
  • 65-69

    Votes: 335 30.8%
  • 60-65

    Votes: 102 9.4%
  • under 60

    Votes: 128 11.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Oct 25, 2017
I've talked with a couple who are reviewing it and a couple who are playing it who got it early (all who thankfully didn't spoil me on stuff, I just am curious as excited).

It probably will score similarly to the first game with one crevice. So the biggest problem of this game by far is the tech issues, it's definitely going to have to drag the game down. The frame rate is all over the place, some sections run a fluid 60fps, some fluctuate rapidly and the streets of Le Carre often are in the 15 FPS zone. Even people that like the game will probably take notice and will detract a bit for this as it sometimes gets in the way of enjoyment. I know many who enjoy the game can look past that, but especially when reviewing there is no ignoring how badly performing this game is.

Outside of that, I've heard from pretty much everyone the characters are endearing, the story is great and a near perfect continuation of the first game, and there is areas the game improves itself in, some in bigger ways and some in smaller. A few examples I've heard:
-The combat is a BIT better, it's still pretty standard but the actual levels are designed a bit better, there's a bit more mechanically going on (in a good way), there's no really annoying enemies like the crawlers in the first game. Nothing to write home about, but servicable and a slight improvement.
-Music is amazing, I've heard from nearly everyone it has a soundtrack that's possibly even better than the original.
-The mini-games are more involved and fun this time.
-Most mechanics people wanted to return (shaving, stinky outfit fun, people in Le Carre having their daily routines you can follow etc) are back.
-The game cut down on some of its bullshittier elements, like the really long QTE sequences (actually sounds like they cut down a LOT on QTEs in general).
-The map is thankfully much improved from DP1.

There's some areas some may see as positive or negative though:
-The town you explore is a lot smaller than Greenvale. That does mean it's more condensed as well, but this may be a pro or con depending on who you're asking.
-Skateboarding I've heard mixed things about, it's kinda' hilarious but the physics for it are very wonky.
-I've heard some back-and-forth things on the side-quests. that element I know less about.

I have heard the game length is comparable to the first, main story is a bit shorter (but not by much, and a big reason it's shorter may simply be because the time you spend in the town is shorter because it's more condensed), and there's a lot of extra content that can easily add a lot more to play time.

It sounds like people who like Deadly Premonition will like the sequel, maybe even love it, and there is improvements... Buuuuuut it's very much Deadly Premonition, the tech problems definitely will affect the score, and even though there's improvements, there's not a whole lot in earnest, so how a very similar game will be received a decade later? We'll find out I guess.

Of course, fans of the original probably just want another game like Deadly Premonition with a few improvements, so that may not be a problem for people interested in this anyways and might actually be a good thing.

Curious what I'll end up thinking and where reviews will land on this one (probably all over the place but skewed a bit worse due to the frame rate/crashing problems the game has), but hearing these four other people's non-spoiler opinions has been fun.
Sounds great! Smaller area/city is a huge plus for me, less time for janky exploration the better.

So hyped for this one, I love the first one.

Deleted member 8593

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Oct 26, 2017
I made the big mistake of starting one of the last chapters of the original DP at 11PM yesterday. Needless to say, I couldn't stop until I was done. So I guess I'm all in this weekend.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 25, 2020
I still haven't played Origins on Switch yet (despite having it since Christmas) mainly due to the fact i wanted to wait until i was done with my re-watch of Twin Peaks so i can make sure i pick up on any references in the game.


J->E Localization
Oct 25, 2017
Is this game getting a physical release in all territories? I live in Japan, and I want to buy it physically if possible but I can't find any information about it.
Oct 30, 2017
I still haven't played Origins on Switch yet (despite having it since Christmas) mainly due to the fact i wanted to wait until i was done with my re-watch of Twin Peaks so i can make sure i pick up on any references in the game.
Hey I am in the same league. Haven't watched Twin Peaks and I was wondering if I should start with the movie as it functions as a prequel.

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
Hey I am in the same league. Haven't watched Twin Peaks and I was wondering if I should start with the movie as it functions as a prequel.
The movie doesn't work without the original series. It's technically a prequel but it's also a sequel.
100% this it assumes you watched the TV show first, if you haven't you lose a whole lot of context going into it.
Not only all of this, but the movie completely spoils one of the central mysteries for two thirds of the show, who killed Laura Palmer. The time to watch the movie if doing a whole series watch is after the Season 2 finale, before Season 3 (The Return).
reviews start dropping

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
one early review. it was posted but has been taken down for now.

WellPlayed (8.5/10):
Deadly Premonition 2 delivers exactly what fans have been craving for years. More of that iconic style, more of its downright kooky cast of characters, and more of its dark and twisted paranormal horror. If you've played the original game, you owe it to yourself to play this as well. In fact, it's absolutely bonkers how much this game resembles its predecessor – for better and for worse.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Just that snippet of the review and Dusk Golem's earlier post has gotten me so damn hyped.

Bring on the impressions!

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Just that snippet of the review and Dusk Golem's earlier post has gotten me so damn hyped.

Bring on the impressions!
also from that review (it's cached by google):
Look, what I'm trying to get at here is that if you didn't like Deadly Premonition, you won't like Deadly Premonition 2. It won't win anybody new over, but it will please the growing fanbase that the original cult classic has accrued. As with that pseudo-masterpiece, get over the technical issues and you'll find a true diamond in the rough: A bonafide contender for the most memorable game of the year. Like father, like son. Isn't that right, Zach?


Mar 30, 2018
Here's ours - 4.5/10

The game is plagued by unavoidably problematic writing and character work which for others, like myself, is too high a barrier to overcome. Those representation issues are very real and paired with the distinct dip in overall quality from the first game makes me question if Deadly Premonition 2 was even in on its own joke.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
is this game coming out of Switch after a year? Framerate from the video looks BAD. I love the eurojank feel but framerate shouldn't be part of the charm


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Reading that they mess up the writing around the trans character and pretty much any minority is a bummer. But not too surprising since the first game was just as bad in that regard.


Oct 27, 2017
My review just went live over at Rocket Chainsaw. If not for the technical issues, I'd probably have bumped it up to a 3/5.

Rocket Chainsaw - 2/5
Overall, Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing In Disguise is exactly the game you expected it would be. A largely broken and mechanically mediocre game that manages to somewhat redeem itself thanks to its quirky characters and engaging story. If you're able to look past the game's many faults, you'll certainly find an interesting story to experience. Otherwise, you're likely to be left totally underwhelmed.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
DualShockers (9/10):
Anyways, Deadly Premonition 2 is exactly the same. It's a game that feels like it has never played any games released after the original. It doesn't care about frame rate or good controls. It's made a few changes to the overall formula but mostly casts aside the advances game design has made in the last ten years. Deadly Premonition 2 just wants to tell its story, tell it well, and be its own weird, little self. Your ability to either live with that or not will determine how deeply you fall in love with the citizens of Le Carre.

God is a Geek (8.5/10):
A worthy sequel to the 2010 cult classic, Deadly Premonition 2 retains the series trademark charm with its oddball characters and outlandish story. The open world frame-rate isn't good enough, but if you can overlook that there's plenty of intrigue and laughs to be found in Le Carre.

Destructoid (8/10):
It's a weird game to review because so many people are going to expect drastically different things. How many games force you to shave and send your clothes up for dry cleaning? How many times can you say that you hexed an old widow so that you could go bowling in the past...oh say decade or so? Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise is another trip. You've been warned.

COGconnected (73/100):
B-movie aficionados will fall in love with this title. Like the films it has been influenced by, TOYBOX Inc. has kept the unpolished, anti-establishment feel of the game in honour of those auteurs who go by their own rules. As a result, you are left with a diamond in the rough which rightfully will deter some gamers. Fans of the original will not be disappointed with a trip to Le Carre whereas newcomers may feel like the game is not only set in 2005, but created then, too.

GAMINGbible (7/10):
The truth is Deadly Premonition 2 is like watching Nicolas Cage act: an incredibly divisive experience. There are things it does well and there are things it apparently doesn't. There are even elements of it where you just can't tell whether it's genius or nonsense. No video game has ever been so good and so bad at the same time. Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise intentionally walks the line between sublime and subpar in the spirit of classic B movies, all the while having self-aware fun with the medium of video gaming.


Jul 9, 2019
The game is plagued by unavoidably problematic writing and character work which for others, like myself, is too high a barrier to overcome. Those representation issues are very real and paired with the distinct dip in overall quality from the first game makes me question if Deadly Premonition 2 was even in on its own joke.
This is honestly the thing I was worried about more than anything else about the game's writing, so this is a shame to hear. I had hoped working on The Missing had improved Swery's sensitivity to this kind of stuff, but so it goes I suppose.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Hardcore Gamer (3/5):
In the end, a traditional review may be rather pointless, since the Deadly Premonition games operate on the same level as a film such as The Return of Captain Invincible (possibly the lone cult '80s film that York shockingly doesn't reference): something that operates on a completely different plane of reality than the rest of us, one where the mere notions of "good" and "bad" don't really apply. So the better question would simply be "is this just an entertaining game overall?" And in that case, the answer would be yes, Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise is an entertaining game. How one derives entertainment from it is up to each individual, mind you, but despite technical hiccups and awkward moments, the gleefully bizarre characters, twisted and intriguing story, quirky dialogue and loads of fun content to fiddle around with in Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise provides an experience worth checking out, albeit one you may find yourself questioning at certain points.

Nintendo Life (7/10):
Veterans of the first game won't be expecting a technical tour-de-force, but Deadly Premonition 2 still manages to underwhelm in pure performance terms. However (and this is a big however), it's a game with real character and it's very tough to dislike, even as you stutter your way around Le Carré on your skateboard. If you've ever been intrigued by the original, we'd recommend giving this a go. It's janky and derivative, yes, but it's also irresistibly wonderful and strange, and there's no other video game quite like it.

TheSixthAxis (7/10):
Deadly Premonition 2 feels like a step forward from the first game. It still has the same quirky and unusual humour, but this sequel brings with it improved combat and better visuals. It's a shame it's held back by poor performance on Nintendo Switch, but fans of the original are going to love Deadly Premonition 2, the city of Le Carrè and the story it has to tell.

CGMagazine (7/10):
As bad as this is, it's not enough to dissuade me from playing or recommending the game. Deadly Premonition 2 is so out there, so dedicated to crafting an experience that nothing has come close to recreating in a decade, that it's weirdly admirable. I'm still thinking about it long after I've beaten it, and for those who fell in love with the original, the sequel is everything you're looking for. And for those who haven't experienced this game yet, give it a shot — you might be surprised by what you'd find. Deadly Premonition 2 is consistently entertaining despite its faults, and I had a great time playing it.

Wccftech (5.5/10):
Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise is as bonkers as you'd expect and fans will no doubt enjoy catching up with Agent York, but a lack of atmosphere, dull action, serious technical issues, and the creeping sense that Swery is becoming a touch too self-aware conspire to kill the fun. Deadly Premonition 2 is for the hardcores – most other folks can safely close their investigation after finishing the first game.


Oct 25, 2017
I won't play it so soon (no Switch), but I was interested in seeing how it would fare, and the reviews mentioning representation issues are a shame, seriously disappointing. Swery dealt with similar topics very well in The Missing, imo.


Oct 26, 2017
I actually considered this still part of the embargo, but I'm happy USGamer talked about it anyway:

Deadly Premonition 2 also includes a prominent transgender character, a point which I don't consider to be a spoiler as treating the nature of a person's gender identity as a secret to be uncovered is, in itself, an easy way for a story to veer into transphobic territory. This character's backstory does prove intertwined with Deadly Premonition 2's arc, and others (including York) use the character's abandoned birth name and pronouns at times along the way. I do not know whether the developers consulted with a transgender person in crafting this character, and as a cisgender person I feel its not my place to judge whether this depiction is ultimately harmful, but nevertheless, the character's portrayal hasn't sat right with me since finishing the game. With regards to race and its depiction of transgender people, Deadly Premonition still seems to share missteps with Twin Peaks.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
The representation issues genuinely sound really bad and that makes me sad. I can excuse any number of jank or technical issues but for a game with so much heart to completely fumble those issues is enough to ruin the experience for me. :/
I hope its not too bad


Aug 22, 2018
USgamer - 1/5

Deadly Premonition 2 Review: What Year Is This, Zach?

Unabashed enjoyment of something shouldn't be at odds with an unflinching assessment of its faults. I believe that's something that diehard fans of the origi...

Sounds as bad as the first one

The reward for finishing the bee extermination? Another step in the quest asking York to go shoot 30 wild dogs. Dull quest design may not be new to Deadly Premonition, but compared to the original's 2010 budget ambitions, what's here in the sequel feels just as, if not more dated and tedious in the here and now.

Not helping matters is that the mechanics have also been pared back. Combat is a bit different between the normal and otherworld segments, but throughout it all York uses a single upgradeable sidearm, and the notion of York hiding or avoiding detection has been ditched completely. Combat against animals in the real world is basic as can be. Likewise, story-tied encounters with otherworldly shadow enemies are arduous but not challenging, adding up to little more than hours spent traversing identical red-root covered hallways and rooms popping easy shots at three enemy types. There are also rote minigames and skateboarding courses to complete, but again, these suffer from seriously unfavorable performance issues and none of them dangle enticing rewards upfront.

and this might bite them in the ass

Deadly Premonition 2 also flirts with insensitive racial tropes and puts a toe over the line in at least one instance: within the first half hour spent in Le Carre, York sees a vision of a witch doctor, a prospect that that would be dicey enough given the tendency of outsiders to flatten Louisiana Voodoo, Haitian Vodou, and other distinct beliefs into a smattering of pop culture stereotypes. What's more, this imagery serves as theming for upgrading York's weapon and physical traits at altars. On more than one occasion, York's voice actor Jeff Kramer (who does an admirable job reviving the peculiar role) also affects the witch doctor's accent as York.

Deadly Premonition 2 also includes a prominent transgender character, a point which I don't consider to be a spoiler as treating the nature of a person's gender identity as a secret to be uncovered is, in itself, an easy way for a story to veer into transphobic territory. This character's backstory does prove intertwined with Deadly Premonition 2's arc, and others (including York) use the character's abandoned birth name and pronouns at times along the way.


Oct 25, 2017
USgamer - 1/5

Deadly Premonition 2 Review: What Year Is This, Zach?

Unabashed enjoyment of something shouldn't be at odds with an unflinching assessment of its faults. I believe that's something that diehard fans of the origi...


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Yeesh at that framerate. Think I'm passing in the hope it gets a PC port and if it looks unlikely just will pick this up and suffer through it after Ghosts/ Death Stradning PC aren't occupying my time.


Oct 25, 2017
I expected these reviews lol.
just got D4 so i will wait that while waiting for a sales on this game :P