
Oct 28, 2017
This whole time I thought he was saying Foggy, not Feigie

Now I'm less hyped, but still super hyped


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
The one thing I don't like at all is how it seems to once again ignore all the outcome of Loki, this time season two, and just pretends the TVA and everything is still season 1 TVA and the sacred timeline. Hated when it happened to season one with various other movies and hate it now with this one, even if it's probably more of a release timing thing rather than ignorance.

Right, so TVA enter different timelines at various times at will. Fascist TVA and reformed TVA both can pop up anytime anywhere.

But also, there's no reason as of yet to believe that this ignores Loki S2 and isn't the TVA after the events of it

While the TVA is no longer a fascist organization and is allowing branches to exist, they're still trying to keep the multiverse safe from threats such as Kang.

And what Wade was doing at the end of Deadpool 2 was more than just a branching timeline. Screwing with the Fox timeline in the way that he was could have been an incursion-creating event, which would put him on the TVA's radar.
Oct 26, 2017

I fucking love this part


Oct 26, 2017
And this why MCU fans feel that threads have gotten worse and worse with unfair criticism and/or trolling.

There's no possible way you think that the opening scene of this trailer is meant to be a callback to the Wolverine video game teaser and are using that as an example of the MCU being "creatively bankrupt."

Bloodborne invented gothic horror and trenchcoats haven't you heard?

Videogame fans are the worst.


Oct 26, 2017
I'll watch it, but it's hard to tell from this trailer what this is. It seems like it will be funny though, which I love.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
That sure is a lot of scenes of Wolverine not wearing a mask. You're wearing most of the costume, finish the job you putz.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
First Deadpool project i am actually looking forward too


Oct 26, 2017
You know... the last film I watched in cinema was Dune 2.

Now watching Shogun and the Fallout show.

... it gets to me how utterly bland this trailer looks visually on rewatch.


Oct 25, 2017
So what is this movie about? Because I can't tell from the trailer.

The "Look, Wolverine's back" and all the little in-jokes are fun and all, but where's the movie


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
So what is this movie about? Because I can't tell from the trailer.

The "Look, Wolverine's back" and all the little in-jokes are fun and all, but where's the movie

The first teaser had some of it. Deadpool gets recruited by the TVA (Time Variance Authority) to deal with some temporal issue of some sort that threatens the people he cares about, possibly his entire timeline, and he decides somewhere along the way to draft Wolverine into it. There's not a lot to it yet, but Cassandra Nova appears to be a villain in the void that he'll have to contend with at some point.

View: https://i.imgur.com/DsBtBy8.mp4
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017

Didn't realize it but you can see Cassandra Nova on the right hand side of the screen when Deadpool and Wolverine are jumping into the portal. I kind of wonder if she's actually not that big of a character in the plot, every shot of her seems to be in the same location.


May 14, 2019
Looks fun. And I've known a few people who've seen it and have been quite positive about it. Can't wait.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017

Didn't realize it but you can see Cassandra Nova on the right hand side of the screen when Deadpool and Wolverine are jumping into the portal. I kind of wonder if she's actually not that big of a character in the plot, every shot of her seems to be in the same location.

Yeah I'm wondering if it's actually Paradox (the guy from the TVA that recruits Deadpool. Closed Captioning revealed his name).


Nov 27, 2017

Didn't realize it but you can see Cassandra Nova on the right hand side of the screen when Deadpool and Wolverine are jumping into the portal. I kind of wonder if she's actually not that big of a character in the plot, every shot of her seems to be in the same location.
I mean everything feels like first act only material


Apr 3, 2023
So what is this movie about? Because I can't tell from the trailer.

The "Look, Wolverine's back" and all the little in-jokes are fun and all, but where's the movie

It's a pretty straight-forward trailer I thought. Deadpool's world is in danger so he tries to recruit Wolverine. But this Wolverine is apparently a good-for-nuthin' variant and he's reluctant to help. Despite that DP says he still needs his help. They team up to save the day.

Is that not it?


May 14, 2019
It's a pretty straight-forward trailer I thought. Deadpool's world is in danger so he tries to recruit Wolverine. But this Wolverine is apparently a good-for-nuthin' variant and he's reluctant to help. Despite that DP says he still needs his help. They team up to save the day.

Is that not it?

I mean, we'd have to see the movie to answer that. That would probably work as a logline Though with a polish on the writing.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a pretty straight-forward trailer I thought. Deadpool's world is in danger so he tries to recruit Wolverine. But this Wolverine is apparently a good-for-nuthin' variant and he's reluctant to help. Despite that DP says he still needs his help. They team up to save the day.

Is that not it?

That's really all the story the trailer needs to suggest a compelling movie? "The world is in danger so he gets Wolverine"?

Nah, not true. It had a complete story for Holland's Peter with a clear arc.

The fact that the story was technically "complete" doesn't make it a good one.


May 14, 2019
That's really all the story the trailer needs to suggest a compelling movie? "The world is in danger so he gets Wolverine"?

From a marketing point of view…yeah. That probably is enough. People want to see this. They don't really need to explain more. They will anyway eventually but they really don't need to. This is really an in the bag movie. People want to watch this.


Oct 25, 2017

Well, I disagree then. It was a good one. A great arc for Peter and tremendous payoffs for longtime fans of the series. The core of the film having a good story and a ton of heart is why it was as successful and acclaimed as it was.

Yeah, definitely disagree with every word of this. We even had a thread just recently filled with people noting how there really isn't much there past the returning characters, and they were right.

"the world is in danger so X" is the plot of 95% of comic book movies

Which is maybe why people are getting sick of them.

From a marketing point of view…yeah. That probably is enough. People want to see this. They don't really need to explain more. They will anyway eventually but they really don't need to. This is really an in the bag movie. People want to watch this.

Well if people really want to know why Marvel movies keep disappointing in substance, they really need look no further than this. If Marvel and Sony know people won't ask for more than just this then there's not much reason for them to try any harder than that.

Not me. This movie may be good but a trailer of just "Look who's back" isn't enough to convince me anymore; they've lost my trust.


May 14, 2019
Well if people really want to know why Marvel movies keep disappointing in substance, they really need look no further than this. If Marvel and Sony know people won't ask for more than just this then there's not much reason for them to try any harder than that.

This doesn't even make sense to me. I'm talking about a marketing campaign. Im not pretending filmmakers don't consider the marketing angle but if you know people will watch…how much does what you're saying even matter? Or are you saying you don't think Ryan Reynolds doesn't give a shit how Deadpool turns out?


Oct 25, 2017
This doesn't even make sense to me. I'm talking about a marketing campaign. Im not pretending filmmakers don't consider the marketing angle but if you know people will watch…how much does what you're saying even matter? Or are you saying you don't think Ryan Reynolds doesn't give a shit how Deadpool turns out?

I'm saying the trailer doesn't suggest a decent story and based on recent history I don't have the faith the rest of you seemingly have that "well whatever, I'm sure the good story will be there". That's all.

Ryan Reynolds isn't unique; I'm sure everyone involved in all the wet fart Marvel movies over the past few years gave a shit. But when there's an awareness that what drives fans into theaters is predominantly member berries, yes, I think that can absolutely guide the creative focus at times. Giving a shit doesn't enter into it.


Oct 25, 2017
For people who always ask "why is the trailer spoilering the movie so much?" Here's your answer. It's for people like him. 👆

I'm glad the trailers have been relatively reserved as to what's going on.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
"the world is in danger so X" is the plot of 95% of comic book movies

Even the GOAT Across the Spider-Verse was not immune to this lol

For people who always ask "why is the trailer spoilering the movie so much?" Here's your answer. It's for people like him. 👆

I'm glad the trailers have been relatively reserved as to what's going on.

Lol yep, there's really no need for it for this movie. It's the 3rd Deadpool movie with his debut in the MCU, Hugh Jackman is back as Wolverine, either you're in or you're not


Oct 27, 2017
Even though I found the first two DP movies only mildly amusing (and getting old way before the end), i's the only MCU project on their current slate I'm still mildly interested in, if only for Jackman and because it will take at least half a movie before I get fed up with Renolds, but this trailer does very little for me tbh.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm just happy that after Logan, a film that I dislike with an ending that I hate, this is the real final film for Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.
Oct 27, 2017
Just rewatched the trailer and I'm still baffled at why this looks so much worse visually than the previous films. Everything just looks so flat and grey.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm saying the trailer doesn't suggest a decent story and based on recent history I don't have the faith the rest of you seemingly have that "well whatever, I'm sure the good story will be there". That's all.

Ryan Reynolds isn't unique; I'm sure everyone involved in all the wet fart Marvel movies over the past few years gave a shit. But when there's an awareness that what drives fans into theaters is predominantly member berries, yes, I think that can absolutely guide the creative focus at times. Giving a shit doesn't enter into it.

… then don't watch it. Or wait for reviews. Nobody will ever be able to explain to me how wasting 2 hours arguing with strangers on the internet about a movie is more valuable than spending two hours watching the movie. Change my mind.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm just happy that after Logan, a film that I dislike with an ending that I hate, this is the real final film for Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.

I liked Logan, but I completely agree that the 3rd act/ending absolutely sucked and tanked it for me so I'm with you on this