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Oct 25, 2017
What's makes you think it's Death Stranding? Could be any game.
Specifically because it's Dan Ryckert, mega Metal Gear and Kojima fanboy, and I'm trying to think of any other upcoming anticipated game that he would be both playing and have to deliberately cagey about mentioning any details about it. I'm like 99% sure that Dan is playing it because in another video yesterday, he and Jeff Bakalar from CNET were mentioning some kind of contentious talk they had the other day about... something, and they had to keep saying that they had to stop bringing it up because they couldn't talk about it.

Also, Dan has a kind of famous distaste for nitty gritty immersive/management elements in games. He thought Metro games having you wipe the visors was awful, RDR2 was his biggest disappointment of all time because he hated how slow paced and meticulous in the name of realism it was. Given how much elements like that play into DS's moment to moment gameplay, it's a pretty easy conclusion to come to.
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Oct 25, 2017
It's Dan Ryckert, a huge MGS fan.
There's really only one game we know coming out soon-ish of that is under a super strict embargo where they can scantly even hint the game. Death Stranding.
Being a huge fan of kojima games, which is mainly metal gear might be a detriment to Death Stranding since it is not like Metal Gear.

I think the 30 minute tgs gameplay is a good indicator, if you're intrigued by it and want to try it, you'll probably like it but if you found that seems boring, you're probably feel the same for the final product gameplay wise.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh they all have NDAs and almost always we get little hints like a smile face or something super positive to get everyone hyped up. Obviously I think everyone is still playing and it's going to be great but man I would like that one little hint.
It seems like the embargo for this game is super tight compared to other games...


Oct 28, 2017
It's Dan Ryckert, a huge MGS fan.
There's really only one game we know coming out soon-ish of that is under a super strict embargo where they can scantly even hint the game. Death Stranding.
Specifically because it's Dan Ryckert, mega Metal Gear and Kojima fanboy, and I'm trying to think of any other upcoming anticipated game that he would be both playing and have to deliberately cagey about mentioning any details about it. I'm like 99% sure that Dan is playing it because in another video yesterday, he and Jeff Bakalar from CNET were mentioning some kind of contentious talk they had the other day about... something, and they had to keep saying that they had to stop bringing it up because they couldn't talk about it.

Ah ok.

The game will have largely split opinions no doubt. It'll probably be Kojima's most criticised game.

Or the most highly rated. We'll find out soon.


Oct 26, 2017
My major worry with this game is that it'll be to Kojima what Twin Peaks Season 3 was to Lynch: a piece primarily helmed by a famed auteur harmed by the lack of any real creative restraint. I'm not getting massive vibes of that from the trailers but, who knows, it took me 4 episodes until I realised where Twin Peaks S3 was going.

Nothing could hype me more than this comparison! Twin Peaks 3 was amazing.

Really, the strange and unique aspects of this are the major draw for me. More than what I've seen from the gameplay itself (which I'm not sure how fun it will be). I got super bored with MGSV because despite having excellent controls and plenty of options for approaches the open world(s) was sorely lacking and it was repetitive and grindy. Plus, I didn't really care about the story because everything Metal Gear had to say had already been said and done.

My main fear here is that I just don't care for spending oodles of time in open worlds, pursuing my own fun. Even BOTW got boring to me after 20 hours. I'm likely going to need a strong narrative to push me forward!


Oct 25, 2017
I think it'll be sub 90, it just won't appeal to some.

Haven't watched the TGS gameplay so I'm just guessing.


Oct 30, 2017
It's not serious but all it does it propagate this weird cold-war like suspicion of "haters" or "fanboys" trying to tear down threads. I mean you're pointing to comments very likely made by completely unrelated people to describe your reaction to a singular person's post, and other people here are saying that "Era" and "Everyone" is at fault for, again, a singular person's post; all that really does is heighten tensions and make the inevitable "shook" factor much higher on both sides.

Lol Cold War? I'm creating a hostile Cold War like tension by calling ppl shook?

I mean if anyone is creating tension its the ppl who decide to take any Kojima headline and somehow manufacture faux selfrighteous outrage over it. Which is has been pretty constant in Kojima/DS threads.

And yeah I'm saying anyone who is already saying any high scores will be untrustworthy because of Kojima deserves to be side eyed. I don't think I'm saying anything controversial.


Oct 27, 2017
When it comes to GB Brad is playing Death Stranding. They would never give someone as biased as Dan the review. And Brad has already hinted that its him during the last UPF


Oct 27, 2017
When it comes to GB Brad is playing Death Stranding. They would never give someone as biased as Dan the review. And Brad has already hinted that its him during the last UPF

One of Dan's favorite series up there with MGS is Zelda and he frequently proclaims LTTP as the best game ever made, that didn't stop them from giving him the BotW review.

Not saying it's not Brad, but Dan's shown that he can judge games by their own merits despite being a huge fan of the previous one. He was way hyped for RDR2 and look at how that turned out when GOTY came around.


Oct 27, 2017
I wouldnt be surprised if GB didn't do a review. They don't that much about reviews and can do the same coverage without one.


Oct 27, 2017
One of Dan's favorite series up there with MGS is Zelda and he frequently proclaims LTTP as the best game ever made, that didn't stop them from giving him the BotW review.

Not saying it's not Brad, but Dan's shown that he can judge games by their own merits despite being a huge fan of the previous one. He was way hyped for RDR2 and look at how that turned out when GOTY came around.
Brad has openly said he is playing The Outer Worlds, so I'd be surprised if he was also playing Death Stranding.


Oct 28, 2017
Think it'll land on a 86 and the review thread will have the usual people that weren't ever buying it constantly quoting a 6/10 review. Throw in a yikes or oof for the bingo card.

Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 killed hype culture for me. How you get game from that brilliant ending in the first. So I'll go into this like everything since, hopeful but expecting some gripes.


Oct 29, 2017
A quick reminder that any game can receive multiple Fs and still be close to 90. It was the case for Heavy Rain (87) with three straight 4/10s.

To get much lower than that, it would require a good degree of negativity (simply put, Death Stranding not being well liked) instead of regular divisiveness.


Oct 25, 2017
Airborne Aquarium
82-83 imo
I don't expect 90+ at all, the game will be divisive and I think that people who expect 90+ will be surprised

And that comes from someone who preordered the game digitally

same thinking here. I'm thinking about 80-83. It's still gonna be a good game.

The game will also still have a couple 3-4/10's which is fine.

also this never seemed like a " Dan game" from Giant Bomb to me, too much sim management and serious story for his tastes I think.


Oct 26, 2017
theres no way they will do a 1 week embargo for a low 80s game, think reasonably.
I remember their mock reviews for TLoU 1 weren't glowing and that got a really early embargo despite it. I doubt Sony are that arrogant to assume high 80-90 + is guaranteed. They are at least confident, I'm expecting mid 80s.


Oct 29, 2017
It's all about believing you have done something special, so the more people know about it, the better it will sell. A corporation as big wouldn't fall for this simple Metacritic complex, where anything under a given value is seen as failure. But they're confident, of course, otherwise all talk about it would be muted until release.


Oct 30, 2017
theres no way they will do a 1 week embargo for a low 80s game, think reasonably.
I think Sony is confident, Kojima as well and they may be right
But not everyone will like this game and that's my point, to have a 90+ it's very hard and this game will have scores between 70 to 85 in several reviews and it will lower the overall score


Nov 2, 2017
Days Gone was 1 day before release, Sony clearly has a good indication on how their games are reviewed and this shows in their embargo dates.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm going with 82, lots of 7/8s and a few 10s. When it comes out a lot of people will find it disappointing but it will also have a loud cult following.


Oct 27, 2017
That's easy: Jim Sterling.
Death Stranding is going to be at 96 falling to 95 cause of Jim.

A quick reminder that any game can receive multiple Fs and still be close to 90. It was the case for Heavy Rain (87) with three straight 4/10s.

To get much lower than that, it would require a good degree of negativity (simply put, Death Stranding not being well liked) instead of regular divisiveness.

Thanks for rocking that avatar. Love that game so much.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know who is playing at GB. I'd rather hear about Brad's experience (after I've finished the game, brad spoilmaker)


Oct 26, 2017
I remember their mock reviews for TLoU 1 weren't glowing and that got a really early embargo despite it. I doubt Sony are that arrogant to assume high 80-90 + is guaranteed. They are at least confident, I'm expecting mid 80s.

Sorry, but that is just an outright lie from ND there, just like Neil saying Ellie wasn't playable.

Other post-TLOU videos/post-mortems/BTS have them talking about how playtesters cried/bonded with Ellie/had a super emotional reaction/attachment to the game after finishing it, something they've never seen with any other ND game they made.

They knew they had a hit on their hands.

They just don't wanna arrogantly say "oh, we knew we had a 90+ locked."


Oct 26, 2017
Sorry, but that is just an outright lie from ND there, just like Neil saying Ellie wasn't playable.

Other post-TLOU videos/post-mortems/BTS have them talking about how playtesters cried/bonded with Ellie/had a super emotional reaction/attachment to the game after finishing it, something they've never seen with any other ND game they made.

They knew they had a hit on their hands.

They just don't wanna arrogantly say "oh, we knew we had a 90+ locked."

Why would they lie about it like this? They just seemingly didn't care about the mock reviews "not getting it" but also set expectations that others wouldn't either.


Oct 28, 2017
A Portuguese reviewer, that is playing the game, although he can't say much, he says that is by far the best game ever made in videogame history, and one of the reasons is that Kojima didn't follow any standard rules of game making.
Another thing he says is that is not a game for everyone.


Oct 27, 2017
A Portuguese reviewer, that is playing the game, although he can't say much, he says that is by far the best game ever made in videogame history, and one of the reasons is that Kojima didn't follow any standard rules of game making.
Another thing he says is that is not a game for everyone.
Is this reviewer reliable?


Oct 26, 2017
A Portuguese reviewer, that is playing the game, although he can't say much, he says that is by far the best game ever made in videogame history, and one of the reasons is that Kojima didn't follow any standard rules of game making.
Another thing he says is that is not a game for everyone.
The 1st 7/10 review will crash era :)
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