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Oct 25, 2017
This stuff rubs me the wrong way but I get it. I only get really grumpy when the rhetoric becomes borderline racist. As long as he actually votes the right way on winnable issues he's a lot better than a Republican.

Realistically, this is what a 50 state strategy will produce. You and I won't like what they have to say in order to win their state but the result will be better than what we have now.
It's the same reason why Bernie won't support "Abolish ICE" and decries "Identity Politics" and is super lax on Gun stuff. He's representing the second-whitest second-most-rural state in the US.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I'm not electing Manchin. West Virginians elect Manchin. He's saying what they want to hear. If you want ideological purity then you push out possible allies for the cause.

Would you rather make another Trumpublican a Senator?

Oh, youre one of those posters that assumes that every time someone quotes their post is an attack? Good to know.

I was agreeing with you, BTW.


Oct 29, 2017
He would have done that a long time ago if he felt it would benefit him (and it probably would).

Immediately after the 2014 or 2016 elections, for example. In fact, people were asking him if he would post-2014 and he unequivocally said no.

Justice was a rando billionaire with no party loyalty, Manchin has been a Dem statesman for decades. He has the Senate job as long as he wants it regardless of party.

He'll do it when it suits him. That's a problem.

Sexy Fish

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
publicly shame and expel, make it clear policies like this are sickening and unacceptable, and that people like this aren't welcome in your party. then again, this is barely an abberation. if you feel good about supporting this, go ahead.
Then we don't win in West Virginia, and he gets replaced by a Republican who fucks us way worse.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
This stuff rubs me the wrong way but I get it. I only get really grumpy when the rhetoric becomes borderline racist. As long as he actually votes the right way on winnable issues he's a lot better than a Republican.

Realistically, this is what a 50 state strategy will produce. You and I won't like what they have to say in order to win their state but the result will be better than what we have now.
Seriously I'm all for cleansing the party out in blue and sometimes even purple states. I sure as hell don't donate any money to Manchin, but I won't actively root against his defeat, either. And if I lived in West Virginia, I'd vote for him.

But by all means everyone, keep acting as if Manchin is the nucleus of the party to justify your both sides fetish.

Speaking of WV Democrats, look at Richard Ojeda. He literally voted for Trump. I won't like having him in the caucus but I'm sure I won't mind when he casts the deciding vote for legal weed and Medicare for All (things he's running on).


Dec 18, 2017
Need in what sense?

Because you're talking about extreme costs here. Who are you stopping and why? Are illegals coming in to do farm work or kitchen work contributing to or damaging the US economy? Does the result justify the cost in any way whatsoever?


Oct 25, 2017
publicly shame and expel, make it clear policies like this are sickening and unacceptable, and that people like this aren't welcome in your party. then again, this is barely an abberation. if you feel good about supporting this, go ahead.
Do you live in West Virginia?

If so, you had a voice in the primary. He won it.

If not? Congratulations, you have no power, because you don't get a vote.


Oct 28, 2017
Then we don't win in West Virginia, and he gets replaced by a Republican who fucks us way worse.
if you like the form of political triangulation that literally ends with you embracing fascism, y'all can have that. I guess the people of WV are just dumb backwater hicks that will never support anyone who isn't publicly advocating fascism. if that's what y'all really think, you can have it. i want nothing to do with it.


Oct 25, 2017
He'll do it when it suits him. That's a problem.

If Manchin had switched sides and ran as a Republican in this election he would be cruising to reelection right now and a 100% lock.

Manchin is not a Republican because he actually agrees with Democrats more than he does Republicans. His own voting record attests to this.

Shocking I know.
Maybe automatic turrets as well that way we can just stop them in their track as well?! Like seriously, I could never imagine fearing a stranger solely cause they are darker than I am. Shit is ridiculous to walk around day in and day out with so much hate in your heart.


Oct 26, 2017
fuck Joe Manchin

West Virginia is probably the last state anyone wants to even migrate too, heck I bet Alaska has more takers than fuckin' West Virginia

fuck coal country.


Oct 26, 2017
publicly shame and expel, make it clear policies like this are sickening and unacceptable, and that people like this aren't welcome in your party. then again, this is barely an abberation. if you feel good about supporting this, go ahead.

No. You are extremely politically ignorant if you think this is a good idea. Not every state is California. Politics in places like West Virginia is about compromise. But I guess you'd rather have a GOP shlub in office there if we can't' get a Dem that passes your purity test, right?


Oct 25, 2017
publicly shame and expel, make it clear policies like this are sickening and unacceptable, and that people like this aren't welcome in your party. then again, this is barely an abberation. if you feel good about supporting this, go ahead.

I dunno man, i just feel like him saving the affordable care act is a bigger deal than a meaningless tweet. *shrug*


Oct 25, 2017
if you like the form of political triangulation that literally ends with you embracing fascism, y'all can have that. I guess the people of WV are just dumb backwater hicks that will never support anyone who isn't publicly advocating fascism. if that's what y'all really think, you can have it. i want nothing to do with it.


Oct 25, 2017
A lot of dems still extremely want to kill brown people, they just don't want to do it at home in broad daylight like the republicans.

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
Wait what? Blackhawks? Drones? He wants to turn crossing the border illegally into a death sentence? He better just be saying these things to ensure victory in November but even then it's really not helpful to encourage this kind of rhetoric, the racists in this country are crazy enough on their own.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
if you like the form of political triangulation that literally ends with you embracing fascism, y'all can have that. I guess the people of WV are just dumb backwater hicks that will never support anyone who isn't publicly advocating fascism. if that's what y'all really think, you can have it. i want nothing to do with it.
Great, don't let the door hitchya.


Oct 25, 2017
if you like the form of political triangulation that literally ends with you embracing fascism, y'all can have that. I guess the people of WV are just dumb backwater hicks that will never support anyone who isn't publicly advocating fascism. if that's what y'all really think, you can have it. i want nothing to do with it.,_2016

Donald Trump 68.5%
Hillary Clinton 26.4%

Reality says hi.


Apr 17, 2018
Isn't wanting "drones, towers, and Blackhawk helicopters" and a wall at the border just as bad?

"Want" is the key word there. He's walking a fine line by rejecting child detainment but claiming he wants a rock solid border. He's attempting to appeal to the morality of his constituency while appealing to their paranoia enough to stay in office.

As long as he never actually votes for those things (if it is a winnable vote) he is basically playing the long game here.


Oct 28, 2017
"Want" is the key word there. He's walking a fine line by rejecting child detainment but claiming he wants a rock solid border. He's attempting to appeal to the morality of his constituency while appealing to their paranoia enough to stay in office.

As long as he never actually votes for those things (if it is a winnable vote) he is basically playing the long game here.
Want is the key word. He wants fascism, embraces fascism, and just voted for a border wall, but as long as he doesn't get what he wants and votes for, it's OK :^)


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
I feel like talking about this guy is majoring in the minors. Ignore this guy. He votes mostly with the Dems. And he will be the best you're gonna get in his state for now.

There are bigger fish to fry than some Democratic Senator in West Virginia of all places.


Oct 29, 2017
If Manchin had switched sides and ran as a Republican in this election he would be cruising to reelection right now and a 100% lock.

Manchin is not a Republican because he actually agrees with Democrats more than he does Republicans. His own voting record attests to this.

Shocking I know.

Would he be able to get through a GOP primary, and isn't this midterm looking extremely favourable to the Democrats?

Dunno, I wouldn't be shocked if he flipped in his second term.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Wait what? Blackhawks? Drones? He wants to turn crossing the border illegally into a death sentence? He better just be saying these things to ensure victory in November but even then it's really not helpful to encourage this kind of rhetoric, the racists in this country are crazy enough on their own.
There is a world of difference between a drone launched from the back of a truck that provides situational awareness to Border Patrol officers and a MQ-9 Reaper with AGM-114 Hellfire missiles or JDAMs.


Oct 25, 2017
yup. run fascists who agree with trump in every constituency who voted for trump apparently, because they're the safest bet in trump's america
It's not the fault of the other 49 states that West Virginia is what it is.

You do what you can with what you have. And what you have in WV isn't much.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
He's playing his state, if he doesn't say stuff like this he'll be voted out in November. You're not getting anyone better out of West Virginia, so it's better to have someone who votes with you 40% of the time than someone who votes with you 0% of the time.

Here's 538's interpretation of his voting record, he votes with the Democrats 40% of the time, on matters including net neutrality, tax reform, ACA repeal, gun control, and regulations.


Oct 27, 2017
Manchin is not an ideologue. He just wants to remain senator. If he thought saying the opposite of this would keep him in office, he would be doing so.

As a WVian, believe people when they say just let Manchin do his thing. We are not going to produce anything better until we WVians learn that coal is dead and Trump is not saving it.


Oct 25, 2017
Would he be able to get through a GOP primary, and isn't this midterm looking extremely favourable to the Democrats?

Dunno, I wouldn't be shocked if he flipped in his second term.

West Virginia is the most pro-Trump state in the entire country. Manchin is the only reason we have any chance in hell of keeping the seat. He is, and has been for years, the most popular politician in the entire state.


Oct 25, 2017
yup, attack the people critizing the fascists while defending the person publicly advocating fascism. lol
Blindly attacking him without providing a viable alternative to him is useless. I don't like him either and would prefer he get replaced by someone more progressive. Guess what - that's been tried and it failed.

So again, if the point of all this is "I don't like it", welcome to the party.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
yup. run fascists who agree with trump in every constituency who voted for trump apparently, because they're the safest bet in trump's america
The median WV voter is a racist asshole who loves coal.

Manchin appeals to those demons while also voting against Trump tax cuts, in favor of saving the Affordable Care Act, liberalized immigration policy (yes, in spite of his tweet he was a Yea for the 2013 immigration bill and the DACA bill earlier this year), LGBT rights (supported ENDA in 2013), literally wrote a gun control bill...

You are grossly oversimplifying this. Manchin is not a carbon copy of Trump who just happens to wear the D label.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't know man, i'm just saying that he prevented 30 million people from losing healthcare through his actions, and he's hurt zero people through his tweets.
ok but do you apply that same logic to trump tweets or not? because advocating fascist discourse on a public platform has harmful consequences whether you realize it or not


Apr 17, 2018
Want is the key word. He wants fascism, embraces fascism, and just voted for a border wall, but as long as he doesn't get what he wants and votes for, it's OK :^)

Incorrect, I'm saying he has to put on a show to stay in office and be able to vote on winnable issues.

I don't like it either but it's where we're at.
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