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Oct 28, 2017
Looking at these rural counties in Michigan and jesus the swing from Bernie to Biden is like 30 percent everywhere. He is getting destroyed in rural counties.


Oct 27, 2017
Gotta keep in mind, we need disgruntled Trump supporters to beat Trump. They have shown to support Biden more than Sanders.


Oct 24, 2017
We had reports at the start of the primary that his campaign staff was seeking to minimize his exposure to the public. We have reports that Obama himself also agreed w it and encouraged his staff to do just that. This isn't some conspiracy.

"reports". Uh huh. Biden is essentially the presumptive nominee so this talk going forward is basically just feeding into what Trump wants.


Oct 27, 2017
Metro Detriot
Unless there are 100,000 people in line, there isn't much of a point in waiting.

Sigh- same day registration. Even if Biden wins tonight, those people in line can be registered for Presidential election.

People thinking the liberal bastion of Washtinaw and Ingham county is suppress votes is embarrassing.

You know where voter suppression happens- Wayne county- where all the black "establishment" votes come from.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm seeing a lot of people saying "time to focus on trump".

to me it feels like they are disregarding everything that sanders stands for and has been fighting for. to cast aside what he's been trying to build as if it is a distraction, is disrespectful and disingenuous.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I'm heavy leaning "Won't vote for Biden", but even if I do manage to choke that down, I'd still advocate for all the progressives to leave the party. It's very clear they hate us, even if we are a large part of their constituents. Let them have this last election, and then split the party so hard they won't be able to win again unless they work with us.

They don't hate you. The policy support is there. You just have to work with them instead of vilifying them.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm heavy leaning "Won't vote for Biden", but even if I do manage to choke that down, I'd still advocate for all the progressives to leave the party. It's very clear they hate us, even if we are a large part of their constituents. Let them have this last election, and then split the party so hard they won't be able to win again unless they work with us. Best progressives can do is drag the party to the left slowly over time.


Oct 25, 2017
Seriously, this. I've voted for candidates I haven't been entirely happy with my entire life. You fight like hell, take what you've won and make that the new ground floor then fight like hell for more. It never ends. Every single fight is a small win, even if you don't win the whole thing. Eventually those small wins turn into a big one, but then the small fights start all over again. We all might not be around to see it, but that's how it's worked throughout history with every single movement for equality and progress. The fight is never over, even if you get everything you wanted, it just keeps going and going. We got the baton from the guys in the past and we'll pass it off to the kids that are coming up. That's what progress is: a constant fight. You stop swinging and you lose.

This country hasn't made any actual economic progress in at least sixty years. Incrementalism is a lie. If we do not fix the conditions that led to Trump, we'll just get another Trump. The next one might be smarter about keeping the mask on, like Bush and Reagan.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm heavy leaning "Won't vote for Biden", but even if I do manage to choke that down, I'd still advocate for all the progressives to leave the party. It's very clear they hate us, even if we are a large part of their constituents. Let them have this last election, and then split the party so hard they won't be able to win again unless they work with us.

So...Republicans win and rig things to win forever? :geg

The goal for progressives should be to continue dragging the Dem party to the left and it did that in 2016 as clearly evidenced by everything most of the nominees ran on this year. It's slow as fuck but it works. Continue dragging the Dems to the left. Work within the Dem party and continue pushing for change.
Oct 27, 2017
can we stop this? are you able to differentiate people saying he has dementia from literally everyone saying he tends to babble bullshit and make awful mistakes? pulling the wool over everyone's eyes like this is going to fuck us in the general harder than you think and its frankly just annoying as shit
Saying he's being hidden is a right wing conspiracy theory.

Full stop.


Oct 27, 2017
I will vote for Biden if it means getting rid of Trump but I am honestly not thrilled about it, seriously people look at the guy who can't even debate the people at his own rallies, instead insults them and tells them to vote for Trump, and they go...yeah thats my guy

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
why spend money hosting debates when the primary is essentially over? Why risk two older men getting coronavirus? what do we gain from it? Nothing. We know both their view points. The biggest delegate race that Bernie might be competitive in is New York but margins in the south and Florida means it won't be enough.
if biden is to be the nominee, of course he should be tested in a 1v1 debate to see if he's fit to take on trump. if he's the best candidate, a 1v1 debate against bernie shouldn't hurt him at all

if you decide to hold a debate without a live audience, you don't risk any of them getting infected


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'd have more hope in the far left to make demands if we could get people to fucking vote.


Oct 25, 2017
Even taking the premise of "there's something wrong with Biden" at face value, I'm definitely NOT for replacing him with the guy who got demolished by "the most unpopular candidate in history" as well as the ghost of a "clearly demented boomer yelling at clouds."


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Dec 6, 2019

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Oct 26, 2017
He will not debate the nominee. He would lose to either. There is no upside for him. He will hold a rally as counter-programming at the same time as the rally.

You believe he'll refuse to do any debates against the nominee? I completely disagree. Trump is nothing if not arrogant. He 100% believes that whoever it is he can spout some bullshit at them and "upstage" them in a debate. There's no chance he would refuse debates.

At the very least it would make him look weak, which is one of the worst things in the world to him. He'd rather be seen as a moron than seen as a coward.


Oct 27, 2017
Biden's platform is the most liberal of any Democratic nominee for President. The "default" of the party has shifted leftward greatly over the past decade.

This is what I don't get.

I stan Bernie, HARD. But I cried my Bernie tears on Super Tuesday. It was over after that massacre. That said, I can live with Joe Biden. Bernie helped move the party further left, it may not be as hard as I'd like but it's further than we were 4 years ago. Biden has the most progressive agenda of any nominee, to not vote for him as a supposed "leftist" is just selfish nonsense. That's four more years of people dying because of Trump.
Oct 31, 2017
I'm heavy leaning "Won't vote for Biden", but even if I do manage to choke that down, I'd still advocate for all the progressives to leave the party. It's very clear they hate us, even if we are a large part of their constituents. Let them have this last election, and then split the party so hard they won't be able to win again unless they work with us.
Nice, that way Republicans can win every election for the next 100 years and you will still lose anyway. Where are these terrible takes coming from? Jesus!


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
We had reports at the start of the primary that his campaign staff was seeking to minimize his exposure to the public. We have reports that Obama himself also agreed w it and encouraged his staff to do just that. This isn't some conspiracy.

The Obama administration was trying to to do that even back in 2010.


Oct 25, 2017
At this point, seeing the calls for unification and civility in response to any criticism of Biden makes me feel like Democrats are just as prone to put their blinders on and root for their team at all costs as Republicans.


Oct 27, 2017
By far, the thing I find most puzzling is the widespread support for M4A while voting Biden. How the hell does that make sense? If healthcare is the most important issue for old people, why are they voting for the candidate that doesn't support what they claim to?

Because people want it but getting Trump out comes first and that's the goal, if Trump wasn't in the White House Bernie would have probably won perhaps


Nov 29, 2017
Michigan opened up the mail in ballot system this year. It sucks that those students are stuck in line, but any registered voter could get an absentee ballot if they wanted to.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm heavy leaning "Won't vote for Biden", but even if I do manage to choke that down, I'd still advocate for all the progressives to leave the party. It's very clear they hate us, even if we are a large part of their constituents. Let them have this last election, and then split the party so hard they won't be able to win again unless they work with us.
This is the shit that causes the republicans to win all the time. Republicans fall in line with the nominee every time, not us liberals. Nope. We get mad every time our particular nominee doesn't win. Republicans are crazy as hell but at least they get shit done.
May 26, 2018
If they don't want the republicans to win, maybe they'll need to actually fucking listen to us then. Otherwise, that sucks. I'm done with Democrats using the right like it's some hostage negotiation.

Then the things you care about will never pass. The things that must exist for the things you care about to pass, will cease to exist.

Please, take a moment. Think. A country ruled entirely by Trump, its every facet reshaped like clay to suit his ego. All thoughts to the left of that, washed away by force.

How do you survive that world? How does almost anyone on this forum?


Oct 25, 2017
At this point, seeing the calls for unification and civility in response to any criticism of Biden makes me feel like Democrats are just as prone to put their blinders on and root for their team at all costs as Republicans.

The primary is over so...yes? We should be putting blinders on and hyping up Biden to beat fucking Trump.


Oct 28, 2017
Here is my prediction:

Biden wins the 2020 election because a recession caused by the incompetence of Trump handling the corona virus outbreak.

Biden as President keeps implementing corporate and rich friendly policy while barely even throwing scarps to 95% of the country. People become disengaged in politics because the Biden administration is a stooge administration for the rich just like the Clinton and Obama administrations (Yes, it is better than Republican administrations but still garbage.). I bet Biden doesn't even implement something even as major as the ACA. Democrats probably lose seats in the Senate in 2022 despite it being a "good" map for Democrats. In 2024 or 2028 a smart person with fascist tendencies wins the Republican Primary and eventually becomes the last President of the United States.
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