Oct 25, 2017
I've always said I think unemployment/disability should never actually pay more than what you make currently. Like you said, idk if it's necessarily right to make more money not working. What's the incentive to work then? Anyways may be an unpopular opinion around here but that's what I think. I'm totally fine with the benefits matching your previous employment salary though.
That shit doesn't last forever, dude. Unemployment usually pays shit.


The Fallen
Dec 3, 2018
I've always said I think unemployment/disability should never actually pay more than what you make currently. Like you said, idk if it's necessarily right to make more money not working. What's the incentive to work then? Anyways may be an unpopular opinion around here but that's what I think. I'm totally fine with the benefits matching your previous employment salary though.

I think the purpose of it was to incentive people to stay home and not pursue additional employment.


Oct 25, 2017
That shit doesn't last forever, dude. Unemployment usually pays shit.
Seriously. Due to the way Arizona setup their program. It took 8 weeks for me to get my first Pandemic Unemployment check. Arizona is giving me $117 a week. The federal Bonus is the only thing that makes this even feasible and the Federal bonus ends in July so its not like I can ride this out for all of 2020 or something.

It took them so long to get the program started. They gave me an initial check worth 3 weeks of pay. and then will catch me up on the other 5 weeks they owe and any future. So while it was nice to get a $2100 check. It took 8 weeks of no pay to get it

Deleted member 34788

User requested account closure
Nov 29, 2017
Whilst its fucking tragic this stimulus wont pass the way it must, it's very smart by the dems tying this unprecedented and astoundingly large crises right around the repubs and allowing them to go underwater if they dont play ball.

Which they wont until its too late, but that allows the dems to capture a while lot of seats and allow trump and co to shoulder full blame for the rolling disaster that's gripping the nation and wont let go anytime soon thanks to the non existent handling by the republicans.

Good to see the dems go big, and indeed sending the opposition home.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jun 19, 2019
I've always said I think unemployment/disability should never actually pay more than what you make currently. Like you said, idk if it's necessarily right to make more money not working. What's the incentive to work then? Anyways may be an unpopular opinion around here but that's what I think. I'm totally fine with the benefits matching your previous employment salary though.
Unemployment is usually 1/4- 3/8 of what you made weekly, and your old employer pays it and fights it hard. This is a one of a kind situation because 14% of the workforce has no control over staying healthy and working because capitalism is such shit.
The entire reason states are opening is so they can say they dont need to pay unemployment to these people and so insurance companies can sit on their hands after decades of preaching business owners need to pay insurance for stuff like this.
Oct 27, 2017
How would student loan forgiveness affect anything other than help future economies? Government held student loans are completely fictional monies.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
I've always said I think unemployment/disability should never actually pay more than what you make currently. Like you said, idk if it's necessarily right to make more money not working. What's the incentive to work then? Anyways may be an unpopular opinion around here but that's what I think. I'm totally fine with the benefits matching your previous employment salary though.
The incentive to keep your job is you know you have a job. The answer is lifting people who have to work up, not pointing at people who for once are making good money and tearing them down.


Jan 25, 2018
What does this have for workers who are essential and making 1/3 or less of what's unemployed people are making


Oct 25, 2017
an extra $13 an hour backdated to january 27 and to last until 60 days after the pandemic if they did not change it.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, would be dope if we could get that. I've been working hard placing these Covid-19 orders so I hope that everyone who's really essential gets it. It's a long shot but we'll see. Not only that but they're probably going to break down what it really means to be "essential" in ways that a lot of people won't get it sadly. Shouldn't be hard, see who's working during those days and boom give em the payment but alas, we'll see.

Either way, one thing I'm most sure on is us getting another stimulus check. That's honestly the one thing I see them passing. Everything else is up for debate.


Oct 26, 2017
an extra $13 an hour backdated to january 27 and to last until 60 days after the pandemic if they did not change it.
is this just for essential workers whose hours have been reduced or all essential workers? Truth be told, I have been working tons of OT but if this is in essence hazard pay then I'm all for it.


Oct 27, 2017
I've always said I think unemployment/disability should never actually pay more than what you make currently. Like you said, idk if it's necessarily right to make more money not working. What's the incentive to work then? Anyways may be an unpopular opinion around here but that's what I think. I'm totally fine with the benefits matching your previous employment salary though.

That's basically impossible given how each state has different unemployment benefits. By making it state by state, the feds had to give a blanket bonus number to add, which depending on the state, pays some people more than they would get working.

There should have just been a federal program that stepped in and made sure everyone was getting at least 80% of their pay (like Denmark did) so if you're working still and making your wage then no government assistance, but if you're a school bus driver who can't work, fed comes in and gives you close to your full pay. The hodge podge system we enacted leads to problems, especially with so many people losing their health insurance.


Oct 25, 2017
is this just for essential workers whose hours have been reduced or all essential workers? Truth be told, I have been working tons of OT but if this is in essence hazard pay then I'm all for it.

From what I saw it was a Hazard pay for all essential workers.

Which I've definitely been telling the people I work with about this. I'm hoping we would be considered essential during this as we all work at Wal-Mart and they are doing jack for us..just two $300 bonuses IF you are considered full time..otherwise it's 150 each..even if you have been pulling full time throughout the pandemic (which most part timers have).

Most of them support more government spending on this and unemployment. Which is crazy to me cause a lot of them are die hard Trumpers who called the impeachment a sham and thought Trump was the best president we've had.
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Oct 26, 2017
From what I saw it was a Hazard pay for all essential workers.


Sometimes, it's not a fart
Nov 3, 2017
I was considered "essential" until the end of March then laid off. Would the hazard pay include workers who were working but are currently unemployed?

Deleted member 60295

User requested account closure
Sep 28, 2019
About that student loan forgiveness...if you weren't already distressed before the coronavirus hit you'll be getting nothing.

This is why I completely respect Pramila Jayapal's decision to make a stand against this kind of bullshit by voting no. She's in a safe district, and she knew the bill was never gonna make it past the Senate, so she took the opportunity to state that its not nearly good enough. And she's right.

Seriously, I dunno why so many of you think this bill is sending such a great message, when there's a zillion bullshit strings attached, and so many people are being left out. The only message this is sending is the message the Democrats have been sending since the beginning of the election season: don't expect us to do anything that drastic if we get total control of the government back.

(Like, good lord, even if Biden really has changed his tune on social-democratic policies, do you actually expect him to oversee an "FDR-size Presidency" with these kinds of Democrats calling the shots in congress?)
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Oct 28, 2017
The earliest I see a second round of stimulus happening is next year, and that's only if we get a DDD government.


Oct 25, 2017
Do you know if thats only for people who have worked the entire time? Just curious because I worked in Feb/Mar but have been off in Apr/May.

Sorry, I don't know.

Regardless, i'm pretty sure this won't get past the Senate in it's current form and they would probably try to gut that hazard pay regardless.
Sep 14, 2019
Wait, does the Senate have to vote? Or does this just need Trump's signature?

I really should've paid attention more in my political science classes.


Oct 25, 2017
Does Ro Khanna honestly think Trump would sign a bill with the ACA attached to it in any way shape or form whatsoever?

Never mind passing the senate...


Oct 27, 2017
This is why I completely respect Pramila Jayapal's decision to make a stand against this kind of bullshit by voting no. She's in a safe district, and she knew the bill was never gonna make it past the Senate, so she took the opportunity to state that its not nearly good enough. And she's right.

Seriously, I dunno why so many of you think this bill is sending such a great message, when there's a zillion bullshit strings attached, and so many people are being left out. The only message this is sending is the message the Democrats have been sending since the beginning of the election season: don't expect us to do anything that drastic if we get total control of the government back.

(Like, good lord, even if Biden really has changed his tune on social-democratic policies, do you actually expect him to oversee an "FDR-size Presidency" with these kinds of Democrats calling the shots in congress?)
Because people are hurting financially, no savings and about to be thrown in the streets and become homeless, that's why.

You're never going to help people as long as Trump is your President and leader of these Republicans.

The reason that they want to send everybody to work and die is because they don't want to give people money.

Deleted member 60295

User requested account closure
Sep 28, 2019
Because people are hurting financially, no savings and about to be thrown in the streets and become homeless, that's why.

You're never going to help people as long as Trump is your President and leader of these Republicans.

The reason that they want to send everybody to work and die is because they don't want to give people money.

I must have missed the part about this bill having any chance of becoming law. It doesn't ATM because of those same goddamn republicans, so the only reason for this bill to exist is to send a message. And it sent an incredibly limp one. If they actually cared half as much as they claim to, the Dems would have gone all the way with this damn bill and let it stand in contrast to what the Trump administration is doing.

(Obviously, I expect that another stimulus bill will EVENTUALLY pass, but who knows when that will happen. All we know is that it ain't happening right now. And yes, it fucking sucks, and my heart pours our to all the people who are about to be fucked sideways because of the psychopathic monsters that control our national government. Which is why the Democrats should be sending as clear of a message as possible that they will do everything they can do put an end to all of this fuckery once they regain control of the government. But they apparently can't even manage that.)
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Oct 29, 2017
I've always said I think unemployment/disability should never actually pay more than what you make currently. Like you said, idk if it's necessarily right to make more money not working. What's the incentive to work then? Anyways may be an unpopular opinion around here but that's what I think. I'm totally fine with the benefits matching your previous employment salary though.
I completely disagree. Minimum wage in the US is a fucking joke and is FAR behind inflation.

I will never hate on the unemployed getting what amounts to an extra $15 an hour through unemployment (the minimum wage should have been $15 an hour LONG ago).

RedMurcury's post below sums up my thoughts on the matter:
The incentive to keep your job is you know you have a job. The answer is lifting people who have to work up, not pointing at people who for once are making good money and tearing them down.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Feb 15, 2019
So there's no chance of the senate passing this?

I have a hell of a time following what's going on with all this. Since I work in health care, I keep wondering if there's going to be some kind of hazard pay coming for us essential workers. People I know keep talking like it's gonna happen, but every time i read the internet, it just always sounds like doom and gloom and nothing will happen, so I never know what to believe.

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
So there's no chance of the senate passing this?

I have a hell of a time following what's going on with all this. Since I work in health care, I keep wondering if there's going to be some kind of hazard pay coming for us essential workers. People I know keep talking like it's gonna happen, but every time i read the internet, it just always sounds like doom and gloom and nothing will happen, so I never know what to believe.
In its current form, no there's not a chance. And with Trumps new "We're back!" messaging regarding the economy, I doubt he'll approve giving away any more free money because that would be acknowledging there's still a problem. Unfortunately it looks like there has to be a massive spike in white people deaths for that to change. Or we vote his racist ass out.


Nov 10, 2017
So there's no chance of the senate passing this?

I have a hell of a time following what's going on with all this. Since I work in health care, I keep wondering if there's going to be some kind of hazard pay coming for us essential workers. People I know keep talking like it's gonna happen, but every time i read the internet, it just always sounds like doom and gloom and nothing will happen, so I never know what to believe.

I would like to think that the pressure is going to be ON majorly, for the Senate and Trump to get something passed.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol we still have peeps here worrying about 'owing the future'. If we were still on the gold standard with a finite supply of money, sure.

In the age of fiat currencies, that never really mattered so long as a state/government is stable and inflation is well controlled. The only real danger is runaway inflation if you print too much money into the supply too soon. Remember that a crisis of this magnitude will contract your economy if you don't do anything anyway, negating the inflation increase. Indeed, times of crises are exactly when a government should print more and spend substantially more than usual. You can collect more taxes later and take some of the injected supply of money out of circulation to ease inflation if that gets too much out of control.

The alternative is massive unemployment, bread lines, riots and the toppling of governments. Those will do a lot more to damage your economy in the medium and long term than a controlled redistribution of funds by giving out 'free' money.


Oct 29, 2017
From what I saw it was a Hazard pay for all essential workers.

Which I've definitely been telling the people I work with about this. I'm hoping we would be considered essential during this as we all work at Wal-Mart and they are doing jack for us..just two $300 bonuses IF you are considered full time..otherwise it's 150 each..even if you have been pulling full time throughout the pandemic (which most part timers have).

Most of them support more government spending on this and unemployment. Which is crazy to me cause a lot of them are die hard Trumpers who called the impeachment a sham and thought Trump was the best president we've had.

Did they take withholding out? My employer did and a lot of part-timers will be lucky to get $150 out of the two "bonuses" they've provided.

I'll believe the hazard pay thing happens when I actually see it, sure as hell not holding my breath.