
May 14, 2020
LEVEL UP recently had the opportunity to interview Gavin Moore, Creative Director for Demon's Souls and a member of SIE Japan Studio, about various elements of the game. Of course, one of the topics that were touched on was the graphic section.

Now the question is, if the PlayStation 5 can be raytraced and it could have been implemented in Demon's Souls , why leave it out? As explained by Moore, it was a decision they made since it was something that was outside their initial ideal of the project. Also, there is a certain cost to implement it and they preferred to prioritize other elements.

"It's like any other graphic improvement, there is a cost [to implement raytracing]. If we had implemented ray tracing in the game, that would mean that we would have had to leave something out. There is a limited time in game development"

When we started development we didn't know there would be ray tracing in the game, so it wasn't in our original vision. What we wanted to focus on was the settings and the look of the characters. Everything is lighting in real time with shadows in real time ", were the words of Moore.

Can't blame them, game still looks really good despite not having RT.


Confirman que Demon’s Souls no tendrá raytracing en PlayStation 5 | LevelUp

LEVEL UP platicó con Gavin Moore, director creativo del juego y miembro de SIE Japan Studio


Apr 7, 2019
Didn't they say there was Ray tracing?

Could've sworn I read there were RT reflections.

Still looks great anyway


Oct 27, 2017
It's ok, RT for puddles as glorified SSR is stupid and taxing, we don't need that. A good illumination system it's what games need instead.

EDIT: I see that my post got misunderstood. I know that RT is about everything, but you can forget a game with full RT GI on PS5 and Series X, this is why I've talked about RT for better SSR and shadows, because it's how RT is going to be utilized on 99% of games.

Honestly? Not worth it, I'll rather get more refined aspects of the game like a full real time illumination system like Demon's Souls do or RDR2, which is still today one of the best, if not THE best, technical achievements in gaming, and it doesn't have an inch of RT.
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Deleted member 16908

Oct 27, 2017
It still looks better than most games with RT.


Oct 16, 2020
Information is getting so confusing these last weeks ...

Between Ubisoft & all media outlets ... I'm going insane. Today it's a thing, tomorrow it's another one. Maybe the next day will be different again.

Anyways back on topic, with or without RT, best-looking launch next-gen game by far.


Mostly Positive
Oct 25, 2017
Norway but living in France
It's not really a game ripe for reflections, being drab medieval, and it's not an open-world title with day/night shifts where a lot of the scenery is quickly laid down in an editor at enormous quantities. Everything here is hand-crafted and properly baked.
RT was previously confirmed on PS Blog


Oct 25, 2017
Demons Souls pre-order cancelled.
PS5 pre-order cancelled.
Series X pre-order cancelled.
Next-gen cancelled!

I kid


Alt Account
Jun 10, 2019
It's probably already pushing the hardware to its limits. RT would have meant compromises in other areas.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 6, 2017
So, was DF wrong or was the footage we`ve seen "over promised"?


Oct 27, 2020
The game is stunning and truly next-gen, I guess that adding raytracing above all that could have been too much

I prefer to have everything else maxed out, instead of having stuff cut back just to implement some raytracing.


Oct 27, 2017
RT is the way for that (realistic illumination) though.

We just need the power for it.
Of course having games with full RT GI is the future, no s**t :'D but not with this consoles, it's too soon for that and you only end compromising other aspects.
Even a crossgen title like SpiderMan, for having RT on puddles and windows alone need to run at 30fps, we really can't squize more from this gen RT wise.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
there is no raytracing???

oh no! whatever will I do?

not play the game so that Bluepoint learns a lesson so that for future remakes they don't make the same mistake?


game looks drop dead gorgeous as is!


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I think the game might have had to significantly cut back on it's graphics if it were to have RT implemented.

It also sounds like the game has been in development for quite some time and I don't think you can throw out your own lighting solution so far along into development.


Oct 28, 2017
I mean I already think this is the best looking game hitting this year, but I am curious what differences cinematic mode will have if no ray tracing. I have a 4k monitor, but 4k alone is not exciting at all.


Oct 30, 2017
RT can look nice, especially at night and with rain, etc. but I think that especially for a game like Demon's Souls people prefer 60 FPS or 30 FPS with good graphics rather than less details and RT. I thought that Mafia DE looked really great at times, especially with the "fake" reflections in place. It's cool if a game uses RT or offers a mode with RT, but I guess for some genres I would always prefer to go for 60 FPS rather than some 4K option with RT and 30 FPS.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought the game had it for selected things (Mostly lighting), but hey, it looks so good that people were fooled.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Raytracing is amazing but I'd rather still wait until hardware reaches a point where it doesn't present such a huge performance penalty before I begin insisting on its presence in my games. The work will start getting done this generation on optimizing raytracing for consoles, but I'd much rather have the option for performance modes that handily achieve 60+fps until raytracing is optimized from both software and hardware points. PC will achieve that frontier in the next few years I think. I am hoping consoles will experiment with it but more often than not just provide 60 or 120Hz optimization instead.


Oct 26, 2017
Bummer. So the dream of RT reflections on the fluted armor set dies. I really hoped for RT shadows at least. Would have looked great with all that fine detail. I guess the next question is what will the actual difference between performance and cinematic mode be. They mentioned "real time lighting and shadows" in but those things are obviously also in performance mode.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
It's ok, RT for puddles as glorified SSR is stupid and taxing, we don't need that. A good illumination system it's what games need instead.
RT would be a good illumination system....RT=/=much more accurate reflections and nothing else, in the most extreme sense in offline rendering it's a way WAY more accurate calculation of real world lighting than what you typically see in even the best looking video games.

Demon's Souls looks amazing but objectively it would look better with raytracing, as would literally any other 3D game.

Developers should use Ray Tracing where they need to and not when they don't depending on their vision.
If 99% of developers had the option to use raytracing without the massive performance loss there's not a single one that would opt not to do so for the sake of "artistic vision." As RT would only bring that vision to life more than without. People should not be so eager to be defensive about the apparent lack of RT. Especially since y'all were hyped as fuck about the idea of RT being involved in this game
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Oct 29, 2017
It's their decision to not include rt because they had no idea what the final hardware will be. So doesn't make sense to bash them. I hope they are doing full 4k.. I really hate another Xbox one like weak console at the start of this gen. Series s is already skipping rt in some games. We need a gen where nothing will hold back next gen development cycle. I m not a fanboy but I want good graphics when I am paying the $70 upfront. Thinking of going with big navi for now and later I will get a ps5 pro.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly at this point I've seen enough to not care about RT or not. Looks amazing and I can't wait to play it.