
Jul 30, 2020
To be fair, he may have a source at Bungie claiming it's a wider Sony issue, or he could be putting two and two together. Visual Arts and media molecule both had layoffs as well, so there's clearly something going on there. I'm not really sure gaas as a whole is to blame, but

His sources aren't executives at Bungie, and even if they were, they wouldn't be clued into the global picture in every vertical SIE is involved in. More likely putting two and two together given the other layoffs and senior staff leaving/retiring at the corporate office.


Oct 25, 2017
Sure, but that doesn't mean he's an expert on all things Sony or has deep connections within the company like other a lot more prominent reporters.

It doesn't take a "prominent reporter" to put this:

They are making the most revenue of the big 3 with the least profit margin

So they are spending lot of money for little roi

Together with layoffs at Media Molecule, Bungie, potential troubles at Firesprite, and deduce that perhaps there is possible an issue with Sony.

Panic Freak

Oct 26, 2017
That's not how any forecast is done at any company I've worked at. Sony may do a top down adjustment, but it is always based on a bottoms up forecast from the people who should know their own business, which doesn't deviate too much from the roll up, and definitely nowhere near a 45% delta.
I work at a company that does a top down approach. It's really frustrating sometimes.


Oct 27, 2017
Does Destiny have any meaningful PVP so they keep people interested and pump out maps rather than larger expansions? Or even a PvPvPE mode that seems to be popular?
Jun 5, 2023
but single player games are still in development. it's not like sony killed single-player projects to make room for gaas games (as far as we know).
insomniac, naughty dog, asobi, bend, bluepoint, guerilla, housemarque...etc. they all have sp projects in the pipeline.

if those projects from the "gaas studios" fall apart and take the studios with them, it will probably have a huge effect on playstations revenue. but that is a worst case scenario. some of those gaas games have to come out and make at least a little bit of money.
I don't think the single player games make that much money. They definitely help sell consoles but you need to sell massive amounts of them just to make money because they cost so much and take so long to make. Maybe this is what the EA's were talking about when they said single player was dead. They were wrong. People love single player games, but they don't make much money compared to a popular Gaas. Especially if you invest in a single player game and it's not a massive hit. Gaas could help relive the pressure. They've won the market share. I'm sure they'd like an inexpensive game to make money off that advantage. A good one where they don't have to split any money with anyone else. All their big Gaas somebody else gets a cut.


Oct 27, 2017
what headwinds? the console is flying off the shelf (worldwide), first party games are selling like crazy and continue to sell long after release, ps+ subscribers going up despite the massive price increase...?

As one of the most robot-like CXOs I've ever worked for told me once when up against headwinds: you can make plan on revenue or cost, but you have to make plan.


May 31, 2018
I don't think the single player games make that much money. They definitely help sell consoles but you need to sell massive amounts of them just to make money because they cost so much and take so long to make. Maybe this is what the EA's were talking about when they said single player was dead. They were wrong. People love single player games, but they don't make much money compared to a popular Gaas. Especially if you invest in a single player game and it's not a massive hit. Gaas could help relive the pressure. They've won the market share. I'm sure they'd like an inexpensive game to make money off that advantage. A good one where they don't have to split any money with anyone else. All their big Gaas somebody else gets a cut.
SP games can make a lot of money, but not as much as a high earning GAAS over time which still requires continual development costs. The over time part is really the difference.


Oct 29, 2017

I keep seeing people talk about PlayStation Portal and PlayStation VR2 as being some huge factor on PlayStation.

PSVR2 is a very good headset, but it's not set up like a big loss leader, and it doesn't seem to have a large number of Sony backed developers behind it.

It just kind of comes off to me like someone is using VR as a buzzword, more so than Sony has serious issues with VR.


Oct 27, 2017
A 45% miss would be CEO is getting fired in any other company. How the fuck are the higher-ups safe here.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think the single player games make that much money. They definitely help sell consoles but you need to sell massive amounts of them just to make money because they cost so much and take so long to make. Maybe this is what the EA's were talking about when they said single player was dead. They were wrong. People love single player games, but they don't make much money compared to a popular Gaas. Especially if you invest in a single player game and it's not a massive hit. Gaas could help relive the pressure. They've won the market share. I'm sure they'd like an inexpensive game to make money off that advantage. A good one where they don't have to split any money with anyone else. All their big Gaas somebody else gets a cut.
gaas are more expensive to make and to maintain. and i would argue that a single-player game which only does "ok", will not kill it's studio. meanwhile, a gaas that is not a huge hit, is pretty much doa and taking the studio with it. maintaining a gaas game is very expensive and requires a lot devs/people.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 30, 2017


May 11, 2019
Sony need to embrace more of the miles morales sort of standalone DLC. Also, if you're missing your forecast by 45% that means your forecast wasn't done correctly to begin with.
Jun 5, 2023
gaas are more expensive to make and to maintain. and i would argue that a single-player game which only does "ok", will not kill it's studio. meanwhile, a gaas that is not a huge hit, is pretty much doa and taking the studio with it. maintaining a gaas game is very expensive and requires a lot devs/people.
I don't know, The Last of Us two cost 220,000,000 over six years to make. I hope that's after marketing. That's a long time and a lot of units to recoup that cost. AAA game budgets are insane and maybe we are getting to that point people have been warning us about.


Oct 27, 2017
I keep coming back to why did Sony buy them... They didn't have a good enough reason other than, Insomniac is a great studio.

It's amazing how big the community team at Bungie was.


Oct 25, 2017
It would be nice if they fixed it, but it's one of those things where I'm not getting my hopes up. It just feels like if you don't play Destiny 2 during a moment in time with where the story is you just missed it and that's that. That's a shame considering Bungie at one time was one of my favorite developers of all time easily and a large part of that was due to the worlds they built.
They recognize that the story is important because they asked streamers to stop uploading cutscenes so that they could have an official archive. But it's definitely not the same.


Freelance Market Director
Oct 25, 2017
I keep coming back to why did Sony buy them... They didn't have a good enough reason other than, Insomniac is a great studio.

It's amazing how big the community team at Bungie was.

Bungie has about a billion devs and multiple IPs with transmedia potential, the biggest of which is Destiny obviously.

They also had Marathon in the pipeline and I think a more fantasy like game that is still under wraps too.


This Guy Helps
Oct 27, 2017
what headwinds? the console is flying off the shelf (worldwide), first party games are selling like crazy and continue to sell long after release, ps+ subscribers going up despite the massive price increase...?
I assume he's talking about long term. Yes, things are awesome today, but with development costs rising more, they'll have to sell millions of copies just to break even.

Besides that, they'll soon have to compete with Xbox owning CoD and an inevitable plateau for console sales. Unless they start finding other revenue streams like GaaS, PC, and/or mobile, they could run into growth issues. Consumers don't care about that, but investors do.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017

Bungie CEO Claims Layoffs Were Due to Destiny 2 Underperformance - IGN

In an internal town hall meeting addressing a Monday round of layoffs that impacted multiple departments, Bungie CEO Pete Parsons allegedly told remaining employees that the company had kept “the right people” to continue work on Destiny 2.

In an internal town hall meeting addressing a Monday round of layoffs that impacted multiple departments, Bungie CEO Pete Parsons allegedly told remaining employees that the company had kept "the right people" to continue work on Destiny 2.

fuck all the way off


Feb 25, 2020
It's important to note that Paul Tassi is literally just a person who likes destiny and has somehow spun a vague career out of it. He isn't part of Bungie, or Sony, or anything. He's a twitter speculator with a slightly larger platform.
I have my grievances with Paul content but come on, he's as much as a speculator as any other journalist that has opinion pieces. He is a journalist, that's the name.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Guess a lot rides on Marathon being a hit, huh?
The "single player games don't sell" myth has been thoroughly busted for quite some time now. It's a crying shame to me that instead of making a solid single player FPS Marathon title in the vein of new DOOM or Wolfenstein, they're betting the farm on the continued success of a game that's winding down (Destiny 2) and a GAAS extraction shooter.

Feels like they're sprinting straight into a wall. There's no reliable seller here, only more pits to throw money down.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
I assume their FY aligns with Sony's now if it didn't already, which means they are half way through the FY. and they are trending towards 45% of a miss for the entire FY? Tough


Oct 6, 2021
Bungie has about a billion devs and multiple IPs with transmedia potential, the biggest of which is Destiny obviously.

They also had Marathon in the pipeline and I think a more fantasy like game that is still under wraps too.
Outside of Mario and The Last Of Us, movies/series based on video games are mediocre at best.

I doubt Sony paid ~3 billion to make Destiny movies


Jul 30, 2020
I assume their FY aligns with Sony's now if it didn't already, which means they are half way through the FY. and they are trending towards 45% of a miss for the entire FY? Tough

Yeah. They're tracking 45% down from their forecast, when looking at YTD bookings and pre-orders for the next expansion it looks like.
Oct 27, 2017
Top down adjustments as in some changes here and there, not 45% cumulatively. I

It makes zero sense from either perspective: Sony gives them an absurdly inflated forecast and funds their operational expenditure leading to drastic measures when this unrealistic forecast is missed, or Bungie provides the forecast and bases their operational cash flow & budgeting on this and when it misses, here is the result. In either case, having a wildly unrealistic forecast benefits neither company.

I get material goods and entertainment are very different when it comes to accurate forecasts, but in any scenario of who provides it, they both lose if the miss is this big. Forecasting accuracy is incredibly important, almost more than the actual $ value itself, since it has a massive chain reaction throughout the org.
Both of these things happened most likely, Bungie "Historicals" and Sony forecast based off projections these. No one is debating forecasting accuracy importance, but its a new company in the organization going into a new area for Sony. Projections in this space are nothing more than educated guesses since some much is dependent on the quality of the game from year to year. I mean Bungie doesnt know whats going on half the time. You think an analyst is going to translate knowing Bungies spotty record expansions releases, which over the last five year overall reviews in order have been good/bad/ok/good/bad to an accurate forecast of a new company to the organization? Even if they did see potential issues, you think it would have been remotely possible that the analyst team would be able to present a forecast where they would be earning less than a year before? It would have been sent back immediately for revision. No one at the top is going to approve a budget where the company they just bought for $3.7 billion is going to earn less the next year. At least we know why Jimbo is really leaving now seeing what going on at Sony, dont for a second think its because its "travel" only. That's PR talk to for him ride out the chute, timing here is way to coincidental.


Oct 25, 2017
Does Destiny have any meaningful PVP so they keep people interested and pump out maps rather than larger expansions? Or even a PvPvPE mode that seems to be popular?
It has PvP but the fanbase is pretty niche and it's very slow to receive new content.

It has PvPvE in the form of Gambit which is one of the best game modes of all time but it's even more niche and completely abandoned by Bungie.


Oct 31, 2017
I remembered reading when Sony bought them it was the equivalent of £1m per person at the studio.

I remembered thinking wow everybody got a payout from the buy out.

Not that I want to jump to conclusions, but did the mgt of Bungie take hundreds of millions for themselves then let a hundred staff go?


Oct 27, 2017
but single player games are still in development. it's not like sony killed single-player projects to make room for gaas games (as far as we know).
insomniac, naughty dog, asobi, bend, bluepoint, guerilla, housemarque...etc. they all have sp projects in the pipeline.

if those projects from the "gaas studios" fall apart and take the studios with them, it will probably have a huge effect on playstations revenue. but that is a worst case scenario. some of those gaas games have to come out and make at least a little bit of money.

You're in a thread about a Sony owned studio laying off 8% of its staff because it didn't meet financial expectations by 45%. Spiderman 2 selling well doesn't make up for that or save peoples' jobs.

If you are developing 5 games but only release 3, that's bad. If you were expecting $100 million but only made $75 million, that's bad. If you spent $100 million on making a game but it gets cancelled or it flops, that's bad. People lose their jobs when companies aren't making the money they expect to make. Investors and stockholders don't like hearing about their investments not meeting goals.
Jan 15, 2018
45% is a huge miscalculation. No way they forecasts were so off. It's almost like it was inflated so they could get our purchased or something.

I'm also betting this possibly some of the reason the CEO has stepped down. Too many miscalculations. Bungie could be in real trouble if the situation with destiny doesn't be improve