Oct 27, 2017
Your warning was completely justified. You can criticize a company's decision-making process without being an unsympathetic asshole. Or, at least, I hope you can.

And so being called an asshole is better?

I mean holy crap... I just said it out of exaggeration, I have nobody in mind... But you can't do shoddy work In real life and expect people to praise you for it. You're taking my comment way out of line as again its an exaggeration, nothing more.

My point was merely whoever OKs these decisions needs to not be the one to do so, period. I'm not saying they deserve to be in a gutter for crying out loud.


Oct 25, 2017
Nearly all of the ps exclusive maps have been universally disliked. Be careful what you wish for.


Designer / Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
And so being called an asshole is better?

I mean holy crap... I just said it out of exaggeration, I have nobody in mind... But you can't do shoddy work In real life and expect people to praise you for it. You're taking my comment way out of line as again its an exaggeration, nothing more.

My point was merely whoever OKs these decisions needs to not be the one to do so, period. I'm not saying they deserve to be in a gutter for crying out loud.
You're right. You shouldn't be praised for poor work.
However, I think ERA is trying to be a safer place for developers to partake than the old place, where banning people like Dennis Dyack was considered a badge of honor.
It's not constructive to call for someone to be fired, even if it was an exaggeration, because it makes the community seem hostile.


Fighting Lion
Oct 25, 2017
Luke, Urk and DeeJ had GAF posts and Luke would post in our community OT. Several more play with us, but don't post.

I'm not saying we have to kiss up to them, but no dev is going to come visit a place that frequently calls for them to be fired or demoted based on circumstances we can't possibly know.
Oct 27, 2017
You're right. You shouldn't be praised for poor work.
However, I think ERA is trying to be a safer place for developers to partake than the old place, where banning people like Dennis Dyack was considered almost like a badge of honor.
It's not constructive to call for someone to be fired, even if it was an exaggeration, because it makes the community seem hostile.

But it's just an exaggeration... It really is. Its more of a figure of speech than anything.

My point is you have games that are failing miserable, games that I want to see succeed... And people making the decisions I don't think need to be making the decisions going forward.. That's all I was conveying


Actually knows the TOS
Oct 25, 2017
And so being called an asshole is better?

I mean holy crap... I just said it out of exaggeration, I have nobody in mind... But you can't do shoddy work In real life and expect people to praise you for it. You're taking my comment way out of line as again its an exaggeration, nothing more.

My point was merely whoever OKs these decisions needs to not be the one to do so, period. I'm not saying they deserve to be in a gutter for crying out loud.

Well, I got warned for my language, so karma struck fast.

Either way, both of our posts were petty and less than exemplary behaviour. But what I said was a slur. It may cause hurt and offense but it cannot affect your livelihood.
You did not call for people to be reassigned nor did you say people should not be praised. You called for them to be fired. No matter how that happens, the people who lose their jobs often do end up in the gutter. You made a spectrum of disciplinary options into a zero-sum game. It's completely insensitive to people's hard work and a ridiculous overreaction. Destiny 2 is not some horrid, irredeemable game that people deserve to lose their jobs over. It has major incentive and repeatability problems that came from overcorrection from their previous iteration. It can be fixed.

You saying 'they should be fired' is as much of an exaggeration as me calling you an asshole. They're both emotional reactions and may or may not have any basis in reality. But moderation has clearly stated that neither has any place in this forum. So exaggerate better, or don't at all. I'll do the same.
Oct 26, 2017
Well, one of them is PS exclusive, at least that is clear.

The big take from that IGN post though:

Jeez that quote about the crucible additions being the strongest part of CoO makes it sound kind of dire. I know a lot of people were let down by the two streams but I was pretty into (Most) of what I saw, initially looked to be a pretty good step up over HoW and TDB as a $20 expansion. If it's meh, hopefully the season 2 and whatever they talk about later tonight makes up for it.

The DLC due in spring has to be in "CHANGE THE DIRECTION OF THE SHIP" mode right now.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Any minute now...



Oct 27, 2017
And so being called an asshole is better?

I mean holy crap... I just said it out of exaggeration, I have nobody in mind... But you can't do shoddy work In real life and expect people to praise you for it. You're taking my comment way out of line as again its an exaggeration, nothing more.

My point was merely whoever OKs these decisions needs to not be the one to do so, period. I'm not saying they deserve to be in a gutter for crying out loud.

An exaggeration would be "They should all have to work a 140 hour work week" (if they arent already). C'mon bruh


Oct 25, 2017
Laurel, MD
But it's just an exaggeration... It really is. Its more of a figure of speech than anything.

My point is you have games that are failing miserable, games that I want to see succeed... And people making the decisions I don't think need to be making the decisions going forward.. That's all I was conveying
Deciding who has what position at a particular game studio seems like a hard job to do from the players' homes.
Oct 27, 2017
Wow I got nothin... I can't even...

Moving on... All I hope is that D2 saves itself. I played about 1000 hours of D1 and loved it, I want nothing more than for Destiny 2 to put out some DLC and excite players again.

I hope they at least add 6v6 crucible back as I just feel original crucible played out that much better.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe after 1000 hours some of us cant accept some change in a franchise. Lets see how this blog post goes and reassess


Oct 25, 2017
Wow I got nothin... I can't even...

Moving on... All I hope is that D2 saves itself. I played about 1000 hours of D1 and loved it, I want nothing more than for Destiny 2 to put out some DLC and excite players again.

I hope they at least add 6v6 crucible back as I just feel original crucible played out that much better.

Im one of thoose who likes the 4v4, but I seriously hope they can find a way to make everyone happy with 6v6, supers and grenades every 10 seconds.
Oct 27, 2017
Im one of thoose who likes the 4v4, but I seriously hope they can find a way to make everyone happy with 6v6, supers and grenades every 10 seconds.

I tried hard with 4v4 but I am not a fan however I don't mind if they keep it but just add a classic 6v6 mode for clash and other classic match modes that people loved.

They just need to bring the excitement back. Rolls on gear needs to return in a large way, they need better exotics and perks, and just more reasons to really grind things out as that's what I miss. I played crucible alot grinding for gear and I miss doing that.

I believe the things that made D1 great need to be staples here in D2, and then add from there


Oct 30, 2017
The most fun I had with this game's PvP was when it dropped two players from each side and I played an impromptu doubles match with my friend. That should be a default mode imo.

Maybe after 1000 hours some of us cant accept some change in a franchise. Lets see how this blog post goes and reassess

I never played Destiny 1, have no particular attachment to any Bungie franchie, and definitely think the current game stinks and needs a ton of work.


Oct 27, 2017
Change that goes backwards and doesn't add or improve anything isn't the change most people want.

The most fun I had with this game's PvP was when it dropped two players from each side and I played an impromptu doubles match with my friend. That should be a default mode imo.

I never played Destiny 1, have no particular attachment to any Bungie franchie, and definitely think the current game stinks and needs a ton of work.

Yep, I dont disagree. Just remember your bias. Lets see how the changes go


Oct 26, 2017
Any sort of ETA on this blog post? Getting pretty late here in the UK...
What time of day does the BWU normally drop?


Oct 25, 2017
But it's just an exaggeration... It really is. Its more of a figure of speech than anything.

My point is you have games that are failing miserable, games that I want to see succeed... And people making the decisions I don't think need to be making the decisions going forward.. That's all I was conveying
your exaggeration excuse doesn't make it look any better

it's still a shitty thing to say
Oct 27, 2017
The bias of playing 1000 hours of a previous game, and that is going to shape your views on the new game if it doesnt live up to your expectations.

D1 had its hard times as well, but the point is key elements of Destiny were removed.

I don't expect the game to launch in the same manner that D1 eventually worked itself into. But what I do expect is having key aspects that were in launch Destiny to be in the launch of D2. They removed way to much and that's what hurt.

If this game had rolls on weapons, better and more exciting exotics, 6v6 and or at least more options to choose our preferred crucible matches, and simply more reasons to grind out for some guns, the game wouldn't nearly received the backlash.

These things to me are simply key elements to what made Destiny, Destiny.

It would have went a long ways to keep people busier. Losing rolls on weapons hurt bad, that was a huge one.. Because it took all the excitement out of getting repeats which is quiet often.

The Cellar Letters

Oct 25, 2017
Playing the trial on PC right now... and for some reason it lets me turn HDR on even though my tv isn't HDR. It still makes the colors pop and it looks really cool.


Oct 25, 2017

The State of Destiny 2

Hey everyone,

With Destiny 2's console and PC launches behind us, we want to take some time to talk with you about Destiny 2 – specifically where it's at today, and where it's going. Our team has been reading feedback and working on updates to improve the game. We've also been reading some tough criticism about our lack of communication, and we agree we need to be more open.

Going forward, Destiny 2's post-launch game systems, features, and updates are being designed specifically to focus on and support players who want Destiny to be their hobby – the game they return to, and a game where friendships are made. We want Destiny to be a game that fits into your life, providing you with reasons to log in and play with your friends, clans, and families. We want Destiny to be a world you want to be a part of.

A month ago, we published a list of improvements on the blog. Today, we're going to revisit that list and update its status, and share some of the work the team is readying for December, January, and beyond.

We know it's frustrating when there isn't enough of a dialog with the development team. You have our commitment that we're going to do a better job going forward.

- Luke Smith & Chris Barrett



Oct 27, 2017
Im not so crash hot on rolls coming back. And yeah, D1 has so many problems early on. I think with the addition of more varied loot drops and more ways of obtaining said loot (token system being changed) that would elevate some of the shit that repeats brings


Oct 27, 2017
  • A new Weapon Tier: Masterworks, which will feature stat trackers, random, re-rollable stat bonuses, unique item tooltips, and item details screens (see the December Update Details section below for more info)
  • Players will be able to spend Tokens and Legendary Shards on Vendor inventory (see the December Update Details section below for more info)
  • Xur will have new items, as well (see the December Update Details section below for more info)


Oct 27, 2017
Guess that is a way they can keep most of the system the same, and still give people who want those re rolls a chance to have them


Oct 27, 2017
Oh shit Xur bringing it
  • Every week, you'll be able to acquire one of the new Fated Engrams using Legendary Shards that will decrypt as Exotics that aren't already in your collection
Oct 27, 2017
Oh shit Xur bringing it
  • Every week, you'll be able to acquire one of the new Fated Engrams using Legendary Shards that will decrypt as Exotics that aren't already in your collection

Not a major fan of that tbh, and the reason is in it's current state exotics are already so easy to get. I missed the first week due to vacation, and after I got home and got playing I had most exotics in a fairly short time. Just sayin, I sort of liked when they were harder to achieve as it added a more prestige feeling to them, and felt like such an accomplishment rather them being handed out like candy.

But that's just me
Oct 25, 2017
"Duplication protection will be added for Exotics in the New Year"

I would have loved this last weekend where I unboxed a grand total of 4 merciless fusion rifles after buying one from xur.


Oct 27, 2017
Not a major fan of that tbh, and the reason is in it's current state exotics are already so easy to get. I missed the first week due to vacation, and after I got home and got playing I had most exotics in a fairly short time. Just sayin, I sort of liked when they were harder to achieve as it added a more prestige feeling to them, and felt like such an accomplishment rather them being handed out like candy.

You either got extremely lucky or played no life for a long period of time. Im still missing 5-10 exotics, especially sweet business. The most important part is the duplicate protection. I dont want a 7th hard light. If theyre adding in more exotics it wont matter cause youll hvae a larger loot pool.

Edit: Thats with 2 305 characters
Oct 25, 2017
It's a great start to the systems, the changes to the rep systems plus better daily's should make playing each day a bit more interesting than spamming heroic PE's for a chance at new exotics.
Oct 27, 2017
You either got extremely lucky or played no life for a long period of time. Im still missing 5-10 exotics, especially sweet business. The most important part is the duplicate protection. I dont want a 7th hard light. If theyre adding in more exotics it wont matter cause youll hvae a larger loot pool.

Edit: Thats with 2 305 characters

I pretty much did my reset stuff and would run some world events, purchased from xur and that was it. Has nothing to do with having no life, although seems your goal here is to make a dig any chance you get. Running 2 characters and getting the powerful engrams, along with clan engrams made exotics come in fairly quick. I'll note I don't have all hunter exotics as I am only doing lock and titan this time around.

Also, Xur has sold sweet business recently.


Oct 26, 2017
So it's even harder to get a dupe exotic AND Xur will guarantee you a new exotic every week?
My collection will be complete in no time!