
Oct 27, 2017
Latvia, Riga
Today heroic strikes are much more manageable for me with my 348 Warlock. Three strikes needed for milestone without a single wipe at the boss with randoms. Yesterday I struggled a lot with Hunter.


Oct 25, 2017
What makes chests/resources appear on the radar? I mean the radar, not icons on the world. They show up sometimes, but I can't figure out what's making them appear. I haven't used any scout reports, or got a ghost that does it (unless it's a hidden effect.)
The Nightstalker Keen Scout perk. I forget if that's in top or bottom tree.
Oct 27, 2017
Heroic Strikes are absolute dog shit.

Nah, they're fantastic as they mix up the gameplay on a daily basis and are actually challenging activities you are expected to repeat over and over. I'll give you that they're more like a Destiny Year 1 Nightfall (without the boot to orbit upon a wipe) playlist now but I've always wanted something like that.

The game needs more challenging daily modifiers to game modes, not less.

I've probably done 25-30 across Xbox and PC since Tuesday going in matchmaking solo with no issue. You just have to realize these versions of strikes play far differently than the vanilla versions.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah, they're fantastic as they mix up the gameplay on a daily basis and are actually challenging activities you are expected to repeat over and over. I'll give you that they're more like a Destiny Year 1 Nightfall (without the boot to orbit upon a wipe) playlist now but I've always wanted something like that.

The game needs more challenging daily modifiers to game modes, not less.

I've probably done 25-30 across Xbox and PC since Tuesday going in matchmaking solo with no issue. You just have to realize these versions of strikes play far differently than the vanilla versions.

main problem is that there isn't really a good reason to do them.

Lord Brady

Oct 26, 2017
main problem is that there isn't really a good reason to do them.
Yep, by making them difficult, they're signaling to the player that these are important activities. There should be strike-specific loot available at the end of each one. Not guaranteed, but a possibility to receive it, which is what motivates a lot of players to keep replaying content. Instead we get loot 10+ light levels below us.

I know we have Bungie people reading this thread, so why have you still not answered the question of why choice was removed from the game going from D1 to D2? Why can't we choose the strike we want to play or mission we want to replay as we could in D1? I don't understand the decision to remove that, and then to continue to not add it back into the game after you've seen so many players request it.
Oct 27, 2017
main problem is that there isn't really a good reason to do them.

This would be the perfect place to make cosmetic stuff as possible drops that you can't get anywhere else or maybe class items like the days of old with the Speaker-like stuff from Destiny 1. Exclusive items to this playlist you can earn daily with new stuff added weekly (this is only cosmetics and/or class items so there wouldn't be any balancing needed...just artists). This clearly wasn't thought through and cannot be rectified by a snap of the fingers.

We know how this is going to go though, enough of the masses will complain, Bungie will give in, and the Heroic Strike playlist will return to being a mundane activity that provides zero challenge.
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Oct 27, 2017
What does that say about the Nightfall that it's a cakewalk and actually rewards you better?

It says the same thing about it that I've been saying since they made the initial changes to the Nightfall. It's boring as they removed the spirit of it and took everything away that made it a Nightfall to begin with. The developer themselves should be able to create a weekly Nightfall with modifiers that make it devious, challenging, fun, and rewarding.

I don't consider either current version (Normal or Prestige) a real Nightfall as one is just mundane with zero modifiers and the other is in the player's hands to customize with the most basic modifiers.

We need the Nightfall to return to glory...Destiny Year 1-like.


Oct 27, 2017
So it turns out that big Rasputin puzzle just lead to a spot in the NY mountains where they left behind an IRL Valkyrie and a box full of coins, which will no doubt wind up on eBay:

This also reveals (in a LOST forced fashion) that the Exo Stranger is Elsie Bray, Ana Bray's sister.

It turns out that this old reddit post guessed correctly:


Oct 25, 2017
People don't want things overly easy and want end game stuff to do. Then Bungie give people that and they still complain.

Jesus, Bungie are damned if they do and damned if they don't at this point.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
This also reveals (in a LOST forced fashion) that the Exo Stranger is Elsie Bray, Ana Bray's sister.
Huh. I'm honestly a little surprised we finally got some hints / confirmation about her identity. I wonder if she'll finally reappear in September's expansion?


Oct 27, 2017
People don't want things overly easy and want end game stuff to do. Then Bungie give people that and they still complain.

Jesus, Bungie are damned if they do and damned if they don't at this point.

People just want to jump into the Raid. There's nothing wrong with waiting a week to level up some more, that's what I plan to do. Imagine wasting 12 hours of your life on a raid lair LUL. Sleep felt so good last night, let me tell you, while watching streamers complain and whine.

Lord Brady

Oct 26, 2017
Stop playing the game if you are having such issues with it.

You were complaining in here a few days ago about not going to even play if the framerate isn't improved, so why are you here if you're not playing at all?
Because freewill. The same thing that gives you the ability to take legit complaints and turn them into some nefarious plot to take down poor widdle Bungie.

The core players aren't complaining about difficult content. They're complaining that this shit doesn't make sense. Leveling should be meaningful. But instead it's meaningless roadblocks thrown at the player that make absolutely no sense. Why are nightfalls worth more but easier in difficulty than a strike? Why is progression so stupid? The campaign should take you to a specific light level, and then normal strikes should bring you to a level capable of playing hard mode strikes, which in turn bring you to Nightfalls, and then Prestige Nightfalls and raids as well as escalation protocol, and you should be able to grind all that out if you feel like it. Instead we have Bungie making us do our weekly chores in order to advance. And you defend that shit while belittling players with legit complaints.
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Jan 10, 2018
So I've collected all the small elemental things you have to shoot, I just got the Sleeper Simulant, I've done all the weeklys and I've done all the quests for Ana. What is there left to do besides the new raid lair? Anything I might've missed?
Oct 27, 2017
Did Bungie say the Clan XP Milestone was broken and only giving out 340 PL Engrams? Or is that how it is supposed to be now, I thought they said something about it but can't remember. I think I'll hold off on picking it up this week for PC characters just in case.


Oct 31, 2017
Trying to compete the 5 heroic strikes for the exotic weapon quest is seemingly not happening. Every group I get put with makes it to the boss and then out of frustration they leave cause we keep dying over and over. The fact that finally completing one may not track due to the glitch would drive me mad.


Oct 25, 2017
Because freewill. The same thing that gives you the ability to take legit complaints and turn them into some nefarious plot to take down poor widdle Bungie.

The core players aren't complaining about difficult content. They're complaining that this shit doesn't make sense. Leveling should be meaningful. But instead it's meaningless roadblocks thrown at the player that make absolutely no sense. Why are nightfalls worth more but easier in difficulty than a strike? Why is progression so stupid? The campaign should take you to a specific light level, and then normal strikes should bring you to a level capable of playing hard mode strikes, which in turn bring you to Nightfalls, and then Prestige Nightfalls and raids as well as escalation protocol, and you should be able to grind all that out if you feel like it. Instead we have Bungie making us do our weekly chores in order to advance. And you defend that shit while belittling players with legit complaints.
Yeah they really aren't respecting our time here. If we have the time or a specific day where we can grind the shit out of our characters the game should facilitate that. These arbitrary roadblocks are horrible game design.

Lord Brady

Oct 26, 2017
Are trials still the same weapons and gear?
Someone posted pics of 3 new trials weapons earlier.

Trying to compete the 5 heroic strikes for the exotic weapon quest is seemingly not happening. Every group I get put with makes it to the boss and then out of frustration they leave cause we keep dying over and over. The fact that finally completing one may not track due to the glitch would drive me mad.

I did one last night finally and it didnt count towards the Mars quest requirement or the milestone. I made sure my screen said Heroic Strike before it loaded, but it bugged out regardless. How has this not been patched yet?


Oct 27, 2017
Because freewill. The same thing that gives you the ability to take legit complaints and turn them into some nefarious plot to take down poor widdle Bungie.

The core players aren't complaining about difficult content. They're complaining that this shit doesn't make sense. Leveling should be meaningful. But instead it's meaningless roadblocks thrown at the player that make absolutely no sense. Why are nightfalls worth more but easier in difficulty than a strike? Why is progression so stupid? The campaign should take you to a specific light level, and then normal strikes should bring you to a level capable of playing hard mode strikes, which in turn bring you to Nightfalls, and then Prestige Nightfalls and raids as well as escalation protocol, and you should be able to grind all that out if you feel like it. Instead we have Bungie making us do our weekly chores in order to advance. And you defend that shit while belittling players with legit complaints.
Their new "progression" system, if it can even be called such, did nothing to slow down hardcore raiders, just people without a stockpile of keys and a raid team.

I want to do escalation protocol, but can't because I've done all my milestones and am still only 350. Guess I'll play something else till next Tuesday unless I get my raid team together.


Oct 27, 2017
Are trials still the same weapons and gear?

Yup, theres 3 new guns. Triplewrek says the SMG is the best in the game now.

Did Bungie say the Clan XP Milestone was broken and only giving out 340 PL Engrams? Or is that how it is supposed to be now, I thought they said something about it but can't remember. I think I'll hold off on picking it up this week for PC characters just in case.

Yup, its broken and has been acknowledged.


Oct 27, 2017
So I've collected all the small elemental things you have to shoot, I just got the Sleeper Simulant, I've done all the weeklys and I've done all the quests for Ana. What is there left to do besides the new raid lair? Anything I might've missed?

Nope, that's it. Enjoy the break until reset when I'm sure there will be stuff to do (it's probably time-gated or progress-locked).
Oct 27, 2017
As I've said before the game is better but still missing some pieces.

If this was the first game I understand possibly running into these issues but... They ironed out so much in D1, why not bring over what they accomplished and then add to it?


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah they really aren't respecting our time here. If we have the time or a specific day where we can grind the shit out of our characters the game should facilitate that. These arbitrary roadblocks are horrible game design.
I haven't been keeping up, but the grind caps are still in the game aren't they? Open X chests in Y amount of time, stop getting chest drops for Z time? Get X experience, get 1/10th? exp for Y amount of time? All that stuff?


Oct 25, 2017
Why are nightfalls worth more but easier in difficulty than a strike?

Heroic strikes are expansion-exclusive activities, which is why they scale up to the new level cap while regular nightfalls don't, and the change to enemy scaling made it more difficult to kill enemies that are higher level than you. Once everyone is at 370+ it'll be more easy. People asked to make them more challenging because they were piss easy, so they added modifiers.

Nightfalls need to be accessible to players that don't own any DLC, so the max PL of enemies is much lower, causing them to be easier for people who own the expansions. People complained about the timer mechanic and modifiers, so they removed them. Now, bringing modifiers back would make NFs indistinguishable from Heroics for people who own the DLC, so they are back in the form of cards that up the difficulty in Prestige NFs and get score multipliers to earn better (chances at) loot.

Prestige NFs are still the more challenging activities if you use them to grind the exclusive gear by using the modifier cards. Regular NFs need to be at lv 270 and still give powerful engrams so people who only have the base game don't get into a tizzy.
Oct 27, 2017
I just don't get tho how at the office meeting or whatever someone doesn't say "hey guys with harder strikes let's at least add a few nice rewards".

Nobody at all?

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Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
i guess Destiny 2 doesn't respect our time too, spend 30 minutes or more in a Heroic strike and get useless stuff

at least in D1 you get strike specific gear


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I just don't get tho how at the office meeting or whatever someone doesn't say "hey guys with harder strikes let's at least add a few nice rewards".

Nobody at all?


I actually think that's part of the problem. I don't think the various teams at the studio communicate effectively amongst each other and try to figure out what to do.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
So it turns out that big Rasputin puzzle just lead to a spot in the NY mountains where they left behind an IRL Valkyrie and a box full of coins, which will no doubt wind up on eBay:

This also reveals (in a LOST forced fashion) that the Exo Stranger is Elsie Bray, Ana Bray's sister.

It turns out that this old reddit post guessed correctly:
Man I keep waiting for that depth in D1. I was hoping so much for the kind of exposition to the golden age that were just getting to have teased to us now. The exp stranger and her mysterious third kind of faction. One with knowledge or before the traveler, that choose not to associate with it because it's not as benevolent as it seems. That it's more of an imposed symbiotic relationship etc. I guess maybe they really did listen to the community a bit. I just hope it doesn't all stay this surface level. You could make such an epic storyline around this if done properly.


Oct 25, 2017
I played two heroic strikes this morning and they were both quite fun. Looking forward to doing more. I'm at 350 light though thanks to raiding earlier this week... but I guess I'll continue feeling stronger in Heroics as I get my light up to 370 where the damage cap is.

I lol'd at that part, I just shook my head

Arguably it's because we destroyed all of Rasputin's neural net inhibitors thus allowing him to unlock his power... some DBZ stuff lol.

Did Bungie say the Clan XP Milestone was broken and only giving out 340 PL Engrams? Or is that how it is supposed to be now, I thought they said something about it but can't remember. I think I'll hold off on picking it up this week for PC characters just in case.

It's broken and may be fixed in the May 15 patch. I'm gonna skip picking it up in the hopes I get it post patch at the appropriate level.

I haven't been keeping up, but the grind caps are still in the game aren't they? Open X chests in Y amount of time, stop getting chest drops for Z time? Get X experience, get 1/10th? exp for Y amount of time? All that stuff?

EXP Scaling system was removed in November at player request and the issues removing it caused are mostly mitigated at this point by various changes to XP Bungie made in more recent patches.

Chest lockout system inherited from D1 was made far more generous and you won't really hit it now, even if you do, chests are never empty.

Lost sector timer was removed completely.


Oct 25, 2017
Any impressions of the new raid lair?

Very fun but currently it can be extremely aggravating due to the BS around LL. Went in with a crew ranging from 353-362 and made it to the second encounter before stopping.

I prefer EoW to SoS but I had no issues with the mechanic heavy encoutners like Gauntlet and Calus so your mileage may vary. Not really worth going in with the goal to finish it unless everyone is 370+ bc they spam so many adds at you in every encounter that it is a pain at lower levels.


Nov 1, 2017
About to jump into this game on PC, scoring a copy for $12 through the Humble Bundle subscription. I played several hours on PS4 and moved on to other things at the time. Hopefully it can keep me hooked this time.


Oct 27, 2017
About to jump into this game on PC, scoring a copy for $12 through the Humble Bundle subscription. I played several hours on PS4 and moved on to other things at the time. Hopefully it can keep me hooked this time.
It should. There's a lot more content than there was at launch and they've also made the game significantly better with various QoL updates.

The PC version is also way better than the PS4 version because of the support for higher framerates and various customizable settings like FoV. I also like being able to text chat with randoms.