
Oct 25, 2017
Schumer hasn't let it slip by yet, so I don't see any reason to get so outraged right now. It's going to get negotiated down, and if they modify the language to make it easier for workers to sue and shorten the time frame of the liability shield I'm ok with it if it allows us to get an extension of $600 unemployment benefits, state and government aid, and an eviction moratorium. Also I think you are mischaracterizing his position. He has consistently been highly critical of McConnell's call for liability protections.

I don't love Schumer but I think he's done ok so far during the coronavirus crisis. And I don't see any reason to get so apoplectic over him saying he won't rule out liability protections. It's a recognition of the reality that some sort of liability shield is the one thing that Republicans really care about in these negotiations, and Democrats are going to have to compromise on that a bit to get what they really want - namely a full extension of unemployment benefits and state and local government aid.
This is about what I expected and where I stopped because I'm sick of people doing what you've done. I'm not outraged and I haven't seen any outraged take. Some of you need to seriously cut the shit with implying everyone is perpetually outraged when taking a short moment to share a thought on a message board. It's a a criticism and something those in his position have to deal with, I sometimes send them to my state representatives to share my thoughts on positions they're considering or working on. Not every comment or event is a group of outraged people baying for blood and not every situation calls for completely ignorance. That some of you can't comprehend this and continually post and talk at others like there's nothing in-between and you're sharing something enlightening is beyond frustrating. Take it easy.

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
I love how these fucks want the free market to dictate society, but don't want any of the repercussions when it fucks over society.

If people are forced to work in inadequate conditions with a virus our government has failed to contain, then let us hold the institutions accountable.


Oct 25, 2017
Let's see if for once the Dems can get the messaging correct.

"We want to pass relief to help those in need but we won't do it by sacrificing your ability to punish those who have killed your friends and family. The GOP wants to make it so that anyone that infected your loved ones through negligence get off free from any punishment, we think you should be able to sue the murders."


Oct 25, 2017
Schumer is not even involved in these negotiations. All this back and forth has been about the GOP struggling to put together their own wish list. They have not even started negotiating with Democrats, whose votes are required to pass anything in the Senate (not to mention the House)

When is the vote on this? Can Dems stop it?

Yes, though that doesn't mean they will. More likely they will accept liability protections in exchange for something people actually care about
Oct 30, 2017
We have heard stories of restaurants hiding outbreaks of the virus from their staff in order to keep the business running.
Does that get liability protection?
Oct 25, 2017
Let's see if for once the Dems can get the messaging correct.

"We want to pass relief to help those in need but we won't do it by sacrificing your ability to punish those who have killed your friends and family. The GOP wants to make it so that anyone that infected your loved ones through negligence get off free from any punishment, we think you should be able to sue the murders."

That's not going to matter at all in the long run. Mitch and the Senate GOP will gladly sit back and not do anything. At some point people are going to need relief. Like this coming week. I'm not saying this will get passed but the GOP will gladly sit back and let the Dems make this an issue because at some point the public will just say "whatever pass it so I can get money".

Lord Fagan

Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks): Antagonizing another member across a series of posts, a history of similar infractions
This is about what I expected and where I stopped because I'm sick of people doing what you've done. I'm not outraged and I haven't seen any outraged take. Some of you need to seriously cut the shit with implying everyone is perpetually outraged when taking a short moment to share a thought on a message board. It's a a criticism and something those in his position have to deal with, I sometimes send them to my state representatives to share my thoughts on positions they're considering or working on. Not every comment or event is a group of outraged people baying for blood and not every situation calls for completely ignorance. That some of you can't comprehend this and continually post and talk at others like there's nothing in-between and you're sharing something enlightening is beyond frustrating. Take it easy.

Are these words intended to illustrate how not outraged you are?

Near miss, if so.


Oct 25, 2017
That's not going to matter at all in the long run. Mitch and the Senate GOP will gladly sit back and not do anything. At some point people are going to need relief. Like this coming week. I'm not saying this will get passed but the GOP will gladly sit back and let the Dems make this an issue because at some point the public will just say "whatever pass it so I can get money".
No, it's why the messaging matters. The GOP is much better than the Dems at messaging in general, but if the Dems can get it right they can have the public being mad at the GOP instead for not dropping the clause and just passing it to get relief to people, after all they could always pass such a thing later, and not at the dems for protecting the right to punish murders.


Oct 25, 2017
Are these words intended to illustrate how not outraged you are?

Near miss, if so.
Hey, thanks for sharing mate. I was really interested in what you thought of the emotional state of others off based off a couple posts. Great addition!

Snarkiness aside, it comes down to this. If you want to discuss a topic and feel however about Schumer, fine. If you're going to come in and give me and others an analysis on how we're currently feeling, no one really wants or needs to hear it. Keep that antagonistic bullshit to yourself. I'm not interested in your need to butt into a convo to make a silly quip about how I was originally "outraged" when I posted that I'm rarely impressed by Schumer. I made it clear what I found frustrating specifically in the comment, so maybe read it before trying to get your jab in.
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Lord Fagan

Oct 27, 2017
Hey, thanks for sharing mate. I was really interested in what you thought. Great addition!

Still wondering if you're attempting to be taken seriously.

EDIT: (Since the response got expanded upon)

Snarkiness aside, it comes down to this. If you want to discuss a topic and feel however about Schumer, fine. If you're going to come in and give me and others an analysis on how we're currently feeling, no one really wants or needs to hear it. Keep that antagonistic bullshit to yourself. I'm not interested in your need to butt into a convo to make a silly quip about how I was originally "outraged" when I posted that I'm rarely impressed by Schumer. I made it clear what I found frustrating specifically in the comment, so maybe read it before trying to get your jab in.

You seem to want to have your cake and eat it, too. You want to get your jab in, then provide your analysis of my response to your antagonism. You want to not have people wonder why you're outraged? Perhaps take a cue from the last words of the first message I quoted...

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Oct 25, 2017
That's not going to matter at all in the long run. Mitch and the Senate GOP will gladly sit back and not do anything.

not now that it is hurting red states and Trump's handling of the pandemic is tanking the entire party

They can be counted on to act in self-interest. Same way we got the original relief simply because the stock market was crashing


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah. With no major lawsuits filling the news cycle, it'll help them dance away from this catastrophe.
Rural GOP voters



Oct 25, 2017
I think it is politically feasible to hold out here. This is all accruing to Trump and the Rs, though I do wonder if their magic messaging crap will result in Democrats getting the blame for not extending the UE benefits (and another stimulus check).
May 26, 2018
I think it is politically feasible to hold out here. This is all accruing to Trump and the Rs, though I do wonder if their magic messaging crap will result in Democrats getting the blame for not extending the UE benefits (and another stimulus check).

I wouldn't be surprised if in a year the Democrats get the blame for signing it.


Oct 25, 2017
Still wondering if you're attempting to be taken seriously.
Dude, seriously, fuck off. I'm not sure what your issue is, but no, I'm not ashamed of my position. If the poster I responded to or you disagree, then feel free to simply share why. If your interest is some bullshit about how mad others are, then it's clear what you're about. Imagine posting the equivalent of "umadbro?" while talking about being taken seriously. I'm not sure if this is an attempt to put me down because you've got a personal issue with me or whatever else, but I'd prefer you just say what it is rather than come at me like I'm an idiot over a fairly mild position. Discuss the point, not who's "outraged" or not or who is taking who seriously. It's beyond silly.


Feb 19, 2018
User Banned (1 Week): Antagonizing another member
This is about what I expected and where I stopped because I'm sick of people doing what you've done. I'm not outraged and I haven't seen any outraged take. Some of you need to seriously cut the shit with implying everyone is perpetually outraged when taking a short moment to share a thought on a message board. It's a a criticism and something those in his position have to deal with, I sometimes send them to my state representatives to share my thoughts on positions they're considering or working on. Not every comment or event is a group of outraged people baying for blood and not every situation calls for completely ignorance. That some of you can't comprehend this and continually post and talk at others like there's nothing in-between and you're sharing something enlightening is beyond frustrating. Take it easy.

Hey, thanks for sharing mate. I was really interested in what you thought of the emotional state of others off based off a couple posts. Great addition!

Snarkiness aside, it comes down to this. If you want to discuss a topic and feel however about Schumer, fine. If you're going to come in and give me and others an analysis on how we're currently feeling, no one really wants or needs to hear it. Keep that antagonistic bullshit to yourself. I'm not interested in your need to butt into a convo to make a silly quip about how I was originally "outraged" when I posted that I'm rarely impressed by Schumer. I made it clear what I found frustrating specifically in the comment, so maybe read it before trying to get your jab in.

Dude, seriously, fuck off. I'm not sure what your issue is, but no, I'm not ashamed of my position. If the poster I responded to or you disagree, then feel free to simply share why. If your interest is some bullshit about how mad others are, then it's clear what you're about. Imagine posting the equivalent of "umadbro?" while talking about being taken seriously. I'm not sure if this is an attempt to put me down because you've got a personal issue with me or whatever else, but I'd prefer you just say what it is rather than come at me like I'm an idiot over a fairly mild position. Discuss the point, not who's "outraged" or not or who is taking who seriously. It's beyond silly.



Oct 27, 2017
No one should give business a complete ability to wash their hands of coronavirus related injury if we force people back into schools and refuse new stimulus for workers.

This is the GOP literally insisting that people work to death to keep the economy afloat.

In a country where you can be fired for any reason and your medical insurance is tied to your job, imagine the hellscape that is forcing people back to work, firing if they refuse, firing if they miss too much work to illness, and completely insulating employers from any repercussions.

Mitch has no leverage here. Punishing Americans for another corporate bailout when Democrats are pushing for *everything that will resolve the crisis* will only hurt Trump and other GOP incumbents this fall. COVID is a losing issue for them.

Mitch is hedging that Trump loses and they probably lose the Senate. He's setting this up so that Biden has as little to work with as possible when he's president and the Republicans will turn right back to the party concerned about the deficit and not let any sort of government spending pass that isn't related to the defense budget. Mitch knows the more experience Americans have with "socialism" the more popular it will become and the bigger spending that will be allowed by Democrats if they're in the White House.

So his leverage is not doing anything while Democrats will eventually capitulate on the corporate immunity so that they can get a reduced unemployment benefit and a paltry $1,200 out the door to everyone
May 26, 2018
Mitch is hedging that Trump loses and they probably lose the Senate. He's setting this up so that Biden has as little to work with as possible when he's president and the Republicans will turn right back to the party concerned about the deficit and not let any sort of government spending pass that isn't related to the defense budget. Mitch knows the more experience Americans have with "socialism" the more popular it will become and the bigger spending that will be allowed by Democrats if they're in the White House.

So his leverage is not doing anything while Democrats will eventually capitulate on the corporate immunity so that they can get a reduced unemployment benefit and a paltry $1,200 out the door to everyone

Man, at this point there's only one deficit that matters and it's the population of America. Fuck anyone who tries to make out as if things are the way they once were.


Oct 25, 2017

I'm not sure what's unclear here. I was perfectly fine when I made my original post. It annoyed the shit out of me when the poster implied I had to be outraged to make it. Ffs, I outright call it beyond frustrating. To anyone reading rather than trying to dunk on me for a mild position, it should be fairly obvious that at that point, I was frustrated. Got a long history of posts here before today, so spare me the unnecessarily antagonistic bull. There's zero reason to comment on the emotional state of others posters besides being a chode. All I'm saying, going to drop it.
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Handicapped Duck

▲ Legend ▲
May 20, 2018
Dems better not screw up the messaging because fuck that noise. I can wait for my $1200 if it means corporations aren't allowed off with no repercussions.
Oct 25, 2017
If you couple the liability protection with full medical care covered by the government (including long term care) and lost wage protection, I would probably be on board with this. But obviously the burden is going to fall entirely upon the private individuals and their insurers, which is unconscionable. The fund required would make the NFL's CTE fund blush.

Gross negligence or intentional misconduct as a standard is an almost impossible bar to winning a case against businesses. I'm in Texas where we don't care that "our" ice cream company kills people with listeria and plants blow up neighborhoods seemingly every year. We are going to bend over backwards to find "incidental violations" etc etc to justify tossing these suits at the local, appellate, or supreme court levels.

If I am reading it correctly, gross negligence and intentional misconduct is only for frontline workers. Meaning, private business would be even more protected from any COVID related lawsuits whatsoever.



Jan 25, 2018
Serious question here, how long can Dems realistically last holding out on supporting this while people desperately need any help they can get? Like, if the Republicans don't budge on this, and Dems don't cave (if they don't cave), would you all be okay with nothing getting passed at all in August? How can Dems get the upper hand on this? Continue to wait until Republicans feel the pressure enough to remove the liability protections?


Oct 27, 2017
Serious question here, how long can Dems realistically last holding out on supporting this while people desperately need any help they can get? Like, if the Republicans don't budge on this, and Dems don't cave (if they don't cave), would you all be okay with nothing getting passed at all in August? How can Dems get the upper hand on this? Continue to wait until Republicans feel the pressure enough to remove the liability protections?

The Dems are most likely going to use it to increase the total size of the package, ya'll are crazy if you think this isn't going to be in the bill, it actually gives cover for McConnell to accept a bigger package by saying "see, we got this really important liability immunity for corporate America so we had to concede a bit on total aid"


Oct 26, 2017
Dunedin, New Zealand
I could see this being OK if strong and specific Federal standards of safety for COVID-19 were required to be met and documented by all businesses, and then lawsuits could only proceed if said requirements weren't met.

But, let's be real, nothing even remotely close to that is gonna happen. It's a bs law that's out to shit on the working-class and protect business owners.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
Republicans control the senate; if there's no relief bill I think they'll get blamed by most, Republican diehards excluded. I think even Trump will start pressuring Mitch to give in if this is drawn out for too long.

The advantage that Republicans have is that Democrats genuinely care about people suffering and people really need that aid. So, it's tough for Democrats to draw this out for very long too.

Deleted member 31199

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
And you know that the protections would be extended long before 2024 is up, or there would be some clause that allows 2024 to be after the timeline where a lawsuit can be filed. : [