
Feb 28, 2018
Look, I like living games. Its fun seeing the world change week to week, playing with my friends and family, and getting the latest expansion packs. But I have time for ONE of them...ONE. If I am already playing a living games, I got about 2 years on it before I think swapping to another. If your single/multiplayer game is a living game, I'm not picking it up, because I already have my living game Im playing and wont have time for yours. If youre trying to pull me off my current living game, youre going to have a hell of a hard time, because I invested a lot of time already and you need to do something SPECTACULAR to turn that away. On top of that, know that the current living game has had years to improve and is still pumping out content on a regular basis.

So if you are doing your cost risk analysis on a living game, just know that it is more than likely I am not playing your game. In fact, I might have bought your game if it WASNT a living game, because I know I could set aside time for it. But if it takes me 90 hours to play your living game, and I have the option to play 6 other games in that same time frame instead....Im playing those other games. And if your living game has a sequel? Oh boy, well you better make sure the first one has been over for like a year before I get excited about a sequel. Because I dunno if I want to start that grind all over and I certainly dont know if Im actually done with the first yet.

If I was asked if I like living games? I would say YES I love them! So cool how they do all these changes throughout the year.
If I was asked if I would play more than one of these at any given time? Hell no. I dont have time for that.
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Oct 27, 2017
Pretty sure this is everyone regardless of position. Even children and teenagers only have time for one, maybe 2 tops.
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May 18, 2018
User warned: hostility
These are always hilarious to me. What kind of narcissistic shit are you on to think companies should cater to you? Oh yeah, you're the only one spending money on games. We get it, You HaVE a LiFE


Oct 28, 2017
User Warned: Hostility
Games have moved on from you.

You, as a person, are not relevant, and you never were.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
They're not targeting you. People who work 9-5's with a host of other responsibilities aren't the only people playing games.


Nov 3, 2017
Perhaps these games aren't being made for you then?

Demographics exist, and sometimes you aren't the target.


Feb 28, 2018
You're not the main demographic anymore, it sucks but it's true
What? Are you going to tell me games are targeting children and teens from 9-16? are different now....the target demographic has totally changed...and if you tell me anything different I'll tell you you're a liar and point to a small minority of games that kinda but not really make my point.


Oct 27, 2017
i hear you but... maybe don't play those kind of games? i'm in the same boat and the only 'living game' (is it service games we're talking about, essentially?) i played recently is Division 2. i really liked it but had to face reality and drop it

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
These are always hilarious to me. What kind of narcissistic shit are you on to think companies should cater to you? Oh yeah, you're the only one spending money on games. We get it, You HaVE a LiFE

OP is just highlighting an issue that also will affect developers. There is likely not a lot of room for multiple, successful GAAS titles. Nobody has the time. This is also why you're not seeing that many successful Battle Royale games.


Oct 26, 2017
I work 3-4 hours a day, I have lots of time to play games and disposable income to afford them. Maybe these games are made for me? Should I make a thread?


Oct 26, 2017
So...don't buy said game and get the one's that do fit your time schedule? It sucks but it's all we can do these days.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel you OP. I avoid AAA games nowadays for just this reason. I recently started playing Destiny 2, and I'm enjoying the game, but I'm quickly burning out on the grind.

I feel like live service games nowadays are designed for college students or the unemployed seeking validation in video games.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
I think Ubisoft is already sort of seeing the error of their ways.


Nov 3, 2017
That's why the successful ones will spend more and more on advertising. To get you to play THEIR game and drop the other's.
And maybe make you jump ship when they make a sequel; even if you're not "done" with the first one. As long as you are hooked to the source of information, they can advertise to you and make sure you follow the news.


Oct 27, 2017
Developers, I'm in my 30s

There's your problem right there. The gaming industry hasn't caught up with the fact that Millennials are old now. They sell stuff to kids and young adults and people in their 30s just happen to come along for the ride.


Sep 18, 2018
OP is just highlighting an issue that also will affect developers. There is likely not a lot of room for multiple, successful GAAS titles. Nobody has the time. This is also why you're not seeing that many successful Battle Royale games.

Didn't this same thing happen to MMOs too? There was just too many and no one could play more than a few at once, so you either hit it huge or bombed spectacularly.


Nov 4, 2017
OP is just highlighting an issue that also will affect developers. There is likely not a lot of room for multiple, successful GAAS titles. Nobody has the time. This is also why you're not seeing that many successful Battle Royale games.
This has always been the case though? The majority of consumers were only really buying two games a year and the majority don't even finish games. They are monetising the minority that really like the game they put out and want more and more.


Oct 27, 2017
OP is just highlighting an issue that also will affect developers. There is likely not a lot of room for multiple, successful GAAS titles. Nobody has the time. This is also why you're not seeing that many successful Battle Royale games.

This is true, but CEOs want *their* company to have the next hit GaaS title, and their statistically likely failure won't stop CEOs from trying.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Ummm....what's your point?
All these games aren't meant to be played all at once or cycled through. You pick one and that's that. Publishers just want you to pick their game.
May 18, 2018
OP is just highlighting an issue that also will affect developers. There is likely not a lot of room for multiple, successful GAAS titles. Nobody has the time. This is also why you're not seeing that many successful Battle Royale games.
There's never been room for multiple games of genres. This isn't unique. This, "I have a job" has been going on since the internet was invented. What, are they supposed to now make something that stands out? Oh they already have.
Gaming isn't a need, it's a hobby. I bought Astral Chain 1 week before Outer Worlds. Guess what I did? I played Outer Worlds while Astral Chains sat on the backburner. You can make time if it's that serious to make a "I have no time" post


Oct 25, 2017
What? Are you going to tell me games are targeting children and teens from 9-16? are different now....the target demographic has totally changed...and if you tell me anything different I'll tell you you're a liar and point to a small minority of games that kinda but not really make my point.
It is true. Weren't you that age (or younger) when Metal Gear Solid, Animal Crossing, Monster Hunter, RE 2, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Devil May Cry, Star Wars: Battlefront, Need for Speed, God of War etc all came out? I mean that's pretty much what's coming out now. Why would you think they magically targeted a different demographic because the games simply look better?


Oct 28, 2017
These are always hilarious to me. What kind of narcissistic shit are you on to think companies should cater to you? Oh yeah, you're the only one spending money on games. We get it, You HaVE a LiFE

Games do target OP's demographic. I just read the other day about half of adults in the US alone play games now. There's a huge, vast market that companies are aware of. You don't just fall off their radar completely once you have a 9-5.


Oct 25, 2017
don't most games nowadays get an update like every 3 months or so?
ain't nothing "living" about that.
I play Destiny 2 and the content release schedule for that is so slow and the actual content so sparse, you can see everything in a couple hours.
never quite get why people think games nowadays need you to constantly be playing or something
if you want to like, unlock meaningless cosmetics or grind some unimportant stats sure, you can play hours and hours but if you want to just see actual new content these games barely ever add enough over months

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
OP. Almost none of these non mmo service games require daily commitments. Any obsessive grind is in your head. Considering they get content drops like every 3 months, you return for a week, play what's new if your still having fun and move the fuck on until the next content drop. You can still play plenty of other games including Live ones.


Oct 25, 2017
Live games are more situated around college and younger, and maybe the retired. In general as you get older what and how much you do changes. You have more money, but less time usually. You become the target audience for the mtx that lets you skip time restraints in games.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Seeing that Death Stranding is apparently somewhere between 40-80 hrs long and Fallen Order comes out the next week. 👀


Dec 30, 2017
Multiplayer driven games are always going to do well and be more valuable to land and get going.

publishers n devs are more likely to chase the big game where there is little to no more room left in the market, instead of chase an unsatisfied niche with a comparably more modest ceiling. It's been the nature of the beast for the longest time.

Wow. Take a lap and cool off.
It's a pretty valid take. The facts are the facts. What games are making the most money n selling the most? Multiplayer games, especially if they do some bs "GaaS" routine.

Reality is given the age of the average video game player, most of the demographic fits the OPs description. The difference is they seem to be making it work for these mp centric games versus other stuff.
That said there are plenty of single player games being made, exceptional ones at that. Ranging from doing pretty well to being commercial failures.

So It is a bit smug to tell the industry to cater to you when it probably does in some fashion already.


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
Publishers: But every game should be a 500 hour AAA GaaS title from now on


Oct 27, 2017
Didn't this same thing happen to MMOs too? There was just too many and no one could play more than a few at once, so you either hit it huge or bombed spectacularly.

wouldn't argue it's a factor but they're just way too expensive to produce for a reasonable/safe return if the game isn't called World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy


Sep 18, 2018
Ummm....what's your point?
All these games aren't meant to be played all at once or cycled through. You pick one and that's that. Publishers just want you to pick their game.

The issue is if too many publishers are doing this people aren't going to be able to play all of them, they're going to have to choose. Then the games that didn't get chosen are gonna bomb and people will lose their jobs AND because these games are always online those people who did buy them just got screwed.

Single player games can be bought, played for awhile, beaten or given up on, and moved on from, and developer success isn't reliant on continued player base.

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
There's never been room for multiple games of genres. This isn't unique. This, "I have a job" has been going on since the internet was invented. What, are they supposed to now make something that stands out? Oh they already have.
Gaming isn't a need, it's a hobby. I bought Astral Chain 1 week before Outer Worlds. Guess what I did? I played Outer Worlds while Astral Chains sat on the backburner. You can make time if it's that serious to make a "I have no time" post

This thread is not about Astral Chain or Outer Worlds. This is about GAAS titles that have time-limited content, batle passes, and daily/weekly/monthly challenges that will make you feel like you miss out if you can't keep up.

These games are also designed to keep you engaged/make you want to stay up-to-date and get the latest stuff. They are designed to make you grind.

This can be fun, Destiny 2 is an awesome game! But keeping up with it as well as other GAAS games is barely possible.


Oct 27, 2017
Every game...including single player...has the problem of grabbing ones attention and keeping it as long as possible.


Oct 25, 2017
That's why you decide to write about games as your 9-5.

Then you can keep up with every game on the market! You won't have time to play, but you'll at least know what's going on!