
Nov 3, 2017
So I thought it would be fun to list out all of the Enemies we have seen from trailers and gameplay so far because a lot of them have pretty Berserkish designs (and that's always a good thing) and also a few familiar faces with a new coat of paint.

Credit to Millz on discord for providing the images, most of the comments are originally from him, I'll add my own thoughts separately. source:



Empusa: The most basic enemy in the game, really do not pose a threat with low damange output and health pool and are essentially cannon fodder. If left alone, they will run to blood pools and evolve into the enemies below.

(Chaos2Frozen's comment - Fun fact, if you look closer at their heads these fuckers have a face made up of three separate human faces)


Red Empusa: So, I'm not even sure if these chumps attack you, if they do its the same as the basic level empusa's. However, on death, they drop a large amount of Red Orbs, so it seems their sole purpose is to give the player more Orbs, if you don't kill them within a certain time however, they'll retreat from the battlefield, disappearing in a red puddle and you'll lose your red orbs forever.


Green Empusa: Again, i'm not even sure if these dudes attack you. But what they will certainly do, is heal other demons around them, or, if they take enough damage they heal themselves. While not much of a problem on lower difficulties, it is almost certain you're gonna wanna target these guys first on higher difficulties to prevent them from regenerating enemies.


Empusa Queen: Don't mess with the commander, this guy certainly looks like he isn't going to be a chump like his little friends, probably being sub-boss like in terms of damage output and health pool. I added in a basic empusa for size comparisons because CRICKEY


Spiky Tentacles: Come out the ground and will hurt you if you're standing where they come out, occasionally try to stab you but otherwise don't do shit.

(Chaos2Frozen's comment - Most likely a big of the tentacle boss later)

Hell Caina: Sharing a strong resemblance to the Hell Pride's of DMC5 fame, these lesser demons have a higher health pool than the basic empusa enemies and hit harder. I may be remembering wrong but I'm sure while attacking they have an armour-like state while in attack animation so it may take more than one hit to get them out of this state.

Hell Judecca: A commander variant of the Hell Caina type enemies. This enemy can attack you from both mid and close range, as well as being able to teleport and summon a hell caina minion. It appears to have a fairly large health pool and could prove to be a more difficult opponent to deal with.


Hell Anternora : This grimy smelly looking enemy comes packing with two giant butcher knives and one hell of an infection. Seems to be quite fast and probably has a larger health pool than basic hell enemies. Its safe to assume both blades can output quite a bit of damage. Power-bombable by Nero.

(Chaos2Frozen's comment - The Hells are named after the rings of Cocytus from Dante's Inferno. Caina, Antenora, Ptolomea and Judecca. That means there's at least one more Hell to be revealed.)


Raptor Boi: These dudes, while big and intimidating in stature, are actually less of a threat than they appear to be, being easily stunned and juggled, They appear to be the lesser variant of raptor enemies. Nero does the frost-throw animation on these chumps when he busters them.


Chaos: So, this is the guy you see Dante shave his face with in the TGS Trailer. They appear to be very mobile, dodge around alot, and are capable of entering a mega-scarecrow esque rolling animation with those blades on their back which can do serious damage. However, these spikes can be broken with enough damage, rendering them less effective in battle. They appear to be a more advanced variation of the raptor demon.


Red Raptor: These guys appear related to the other raptor enemies, we don't have much to judge them from, but it does an animated attack while being bustered that nero dodges, and it is extremely fast, almost instant, with nero dodging it in the animation. So to make an educated guess, these will be the most dangerous type of raptor being very quick and damaging.

(Chaos2Frozen's comment - These are obviously based on the Lizardmen enemy types, namely the Blades and the Assaults, seen as far back as DMC1 and as recent as DMC4.)


Death Scissors: A brutal enemy of DMC1 fame. They fly around and dash at you with those two giant scissor blades, I THINK in the gamescom trailer you can see her blades being broken at one point, its either that or a stun. I also believe they can phase through the environment like DMC1 so, Psycho Sirens time.


Bat: its... a bat, that flies around, spits fire and shoots projectiles at you that can be parried back. Nero and V encounter them but its unsure if Dante does.


Pyrobat: An enemy we've only seen Dante fight I believe, they appear to be a bigger, angrier, hotter variation of the bats that Nero fights. This picture shows their de-charged state, however they will charge up, eventually glowing fully red and orange, and can either shoot fire from their stomachs which do damage over time, or glow purple from a point in their stomach and shoot fireballs from said stomach which reset their state. Also if you do enough damage to them on the ground they will grow fat and self destruct which does a high amount of damage to you


Scudo Angelos: A lesser variant of the Nelo Angelo enemy. They carry broadswords and shields, and are usually in groups. They stalk and wait for a chance to attack with shield raised high, though it appears the shield can be broken reducing their offensive capabilities.


Proto Angelo: A man with guts and honor. While not being the specific vergilified Nelo Angelo that Dante fought on Mallet Island. They are every bit as dangerous, Their attacks, while slow and easily telegraphed, are so powerful that they create shockwaves, and if the sword hits you, you will feel it. I expect them to be amongst the most dangerous enemies on DMD. They also apparently taunt you and call you names and are generally quite mean. They can be juggled.


Behemoth: I'm not quite sure what this is, but due to the indicator behind showing that you cannot move out of that area, I presume it isn't a boss fight because they don't usually have these. Rather its just a lesser enemy that probably has sub-boss level health and damage output. Only Dante is seen fighting them.


Nobodies: Horrible creatures from DMC1 that are sure to bring back some nightmares, and will almost certainly be dicks on DMD. It can evolve into an enraged version of itself which takes a new form, as seen below, what causes this is either, leaving it alone for long enough, or dealing enough damage to it, i'm unsure as to which it is.


Enraged Nobody: While technically the same enemy as above, its a form that the nobodies can take that is worth talking about, its claw on its back grows bigger and its eyeballs start popping out and it looks gross as shit. Does more damage in this form and moves around a little more, however can still be stunned. It will eventually reset itself to an original nobody after a certain amount of time.


Baphomet: Yeah, i'm not sure if this actually the goatling from DMC2, I kinda hope it is because why the fuck not. We don't see anything outside of Nero smashing its brains in so not much to go off here.

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Nov 3, 2017
Looks like a lot of the enemies are re-imaginings of previous DMC enemies.

Surprised we haven't seen a Marionette type from DMC1/DMC4.

Lorewise the Marionettes are said to be personally controlled by Mundus right? So they of all enemies are directly tied to Mundus that may or may not be involved.

Designwise I don't think we need that many starter enemies, and I personally prefer the Hells to the Marionettes so I'm okay with this


Nov 14, 2018
Costa Rica
Now nobody can say there's a lack of enemy variety in this game.

You got Bugmen, Reapermen, Lizardmen, Shadowmen, Angelomen, Goatmen, Bats and Nobodies.
The only thing that people may criticize is fighting the same boss as different characters, I wont care because I will do it anyway a million times but in the V trailer there is blue goliath similar to the different color frog dudes in 4. But it could be anything.


Nov 3, 2017
The only thing that people may criticize is fighting the same boss as different characters, I wont care because I will do it anyway a million times but in the V trailer there is blue goliath similar to the different color frog dudes in 4. But it could be anything.

I'm of the opinion that the Purple Goliath is just the weaken state of Goliath when fighting V's demons. Same with the other enemies.

Then we go into the contextual finisher, a bit like the contextual buster from Nero.


Oct 25, 2017
Lorewise the Marionettes are said to be personally controlled by Mundus right? So they of all enemies are directly tied to Mundus that may or may not be involved.

Designwise I don't think we need that many starter enemies, and I personally prefer the Hells to the Marionettes so I'm okay with this

I believe the DMC1 enemy files state that the marionettes are just wooden dolls inhabited and controlled by evil malevolent spirits (no doubt drummed up/summoned somehow by mundus).Thats why when defeated you can see the spirits escape. The real question is why the hell did the castle have life sized marionettes just sitting about.

Regardless , seeing a marionette in 5 would be the ultimate throwback to DMC1


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
The Red Orb and healer Empusae are known as Red Empusa and Green Empusa respectively.

Btw, great initiative. Maybe include bosses as well, as we know of quite a few so far.

I'm of the opinion that the Purple Goliath is just the weaken state of Goliath when fighting V's demons. Same with the other enemies.

Then we go into the contextual finisher, a bit like the contextual buster from Nero.

You're correct. Goliath going purple is the same as enemies going white when V fights them. It's the finisher state.


Oct 27, 2017
Thanks for putting this together.

What I'd really like from DMC5, enemy-wise, is something akin to DMC1's Shadows or Bayo's Gracious and Glorious. I feel like Itsuno's DMCs don't really focus on enemies that can put up a real fight, but rather combo fodder with one or two clearly-telegraphed attacks each. DMC4's Blitz was obviously an attempt at a souped-up regular enemy, but we know how that turned out.

Salty Rice

Oct 25, 2017
Pancake City
Yeah the enemy variety and return of all these old enemies is amazing.

Still holding out hope for best enemies Infested Tank and Infested Helicopter though.

Chocobo Blade

The Wise Ones
Oct 29, 2017
They seem to have good variety but I hope they're all also fun to engage with. Regular enemy design is my only big worry about the game after how awful they were in DMC4, either serving as a passive combo fodder or being just annoying to deal with (blitzes, fausts, infected assaults, etc.).


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
They seem to have good variety but I hope they're all also fun to engage with. Regular enemy design is my only big worry about the game after how awful they were in DMC4, either serving as a passive combo fodder or being just annoying to deal with (blitzes, fausts, infected assaults, etc.).

From what we've seen so far, there's none of the latter. Maybe except for Sin Scissors, which might be close to Faust. But the Sins and Deaths in DMC1 were always more close range types than the Faust, and Sin Scissor in 5 looks in line with its DMC1 counterparts, so I'm not too worried.


Nov 3, 2017
I joked about the infested helicopters but I really really want the Blitz to come back.

Literally the coolest enemy design in the series.


Oct 27, 2017
I'd happily welcome Blitz back, but they've gotta change something about him. Make the electricity shield take less punishment before it breaks, or give you more ways to actually damage the shield, or make it so attacking the shield doesn't damage you; something. It's basically the same idea as DMC1's Shadows, in that you're dodging its attacks while wearing down its shield with ranged attacks until you can attack its vulnerable state, but Shadows are some of the best enemies in the series whereas Blitz was just a pain in the ass.

They do look fucking awesome, though.


The King of Games - One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
The Lightning Sword wielding demon not being Alastor was a huge missed opportunity.


Nov 3, 2017
I'd happily welcome Blitz back, but they've gotta change something about him. Make the electricity shield take less punishment before it breaks, or give you more ways to actually damage the shield, or make it so attacking the shield doesn't damage you; something. It's basically the same idea as DMC1's Shadows, in that you're dodging its attacks while wearing down its shield with ranged attacks until you can attack its vulnerable state, but Shadows are some of the best enemies in the series whereas Blitz was just a pain in the ass.

They do look fucking awesome, though.

Honestly I don't get the difference between Shadow and Blitz, is it just because Blitz's shield is tankier?

Either way if it was me I'll just make the shield damageable by melee, not a fan of the Shadow's complete invulnerability to melee until weaken anyway. Certainly doesn't compliment the new DMC.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly I don't get the difference between Shadow and Blitz, is it just because Blitz's shield is tankier?

Either way if it was me I'll just make the shield damageable by melee, not a fan of the Shadow's complete invulnerability to melee until weaken anyway. Certainly doesn't compliment the new DMC.

Blitzes aren't so bad as Dante, but when you're playing as Nero you can't really do anything to it but hit it with Charge Shots, which means a whole lot of holding a button down and standing around, dodging when you need to, until the shield goes down and you can actually do something to it. Despite all its teleporting, Blitz doesn't actually try to hit you all that often, so you can basically just stand there charging shots and jumping every now and then.

Shadows were way more active while their shields were up, had some good variety to their attacks and patterns, and it didn't take anywhere near as long to bring their shields down so I always found them a lot more enjoyable to fight.


Nov 3, 2017
Blitzes aren't so bad as Dante, but when you're playing as Nero you can't really do anything to it but hit it with Charge Shots, which means a whole lot of holding a button down and standing around, dodging when you need to, until the shield goes down and you can actually do something to it. Despite all its teleporting, Blitz doesn't actually try to hit you all that often, so you can basically just stand there charging shots and jumping every now and then.

Shadows were way more active while their shields were up, had some good variety to their attacks and patterns, and it didn't take anywhere near as long to bring their shields down so I always found them a lot more enjoyable to fight.

Hmmm, all of them are fair points.

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Man the enemy count here has been great thus far.

He got pissed off at Dante for leaving him behind and went to Viewtiful Joe's game, becoming his rival. Would only have needed to come back for revenge against Dante.
Something like that would work for VJ but would be really wack for a mainline DMC entry.


Oct 25, 2017
Potentially the best collection of enemies in a DMC game yet. Nelo Angelo being here has me hyped.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
No fun allowed.

Great collection of enemies so far, can't wait to see how many the full game shakes out with.

Deleted member 37218

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Jan 1, 2018

Deleted member 37218

User-requested account closure
Jan 1, 2018
I appreciate that they seem to at least reference some enemies from DMC2.
Hoping some version of Bianco, Frost and Alto shows up, maybe even Butchers or Dreamrunners.


Dec 30, 2017
Now nobody can say there's a lack of enemy variety in this game.

You got Bugmen, Reapermen, Lizardmen, Shadowmen, Angelomen, Goatmen, Bats and Nobodies.
There wasn't really a lack of variety in any of the dmc games, 4 was more an issue of doing everything all over again just backwards with no more unique content.

I just hope they are more aggressive. DMC May be the class of the genre in combos, but Ninja Gaiden n Platinums good games generally had better enemies. Especially Bayonetta.