
Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
That's cool. I like to replay them too. But the vast majority of people won't. DMC fans need to stop being so fragile and making out that playing these games requires a PHD in Edgelord controller skillz.

i did not say anything like that, but ok...the first normal playthrough is not the same as the playthrough after that and that is a fact.

if someone wants to sink 60 bucks into the game for one assisted easy playthrough, there is better value for the money for sure in my eyes.

and if you like to replay these games too i don´t even know why you are making a fuss here, i just said first playthrough is the beginning for many players and they will learn the stuff they need to learn to tackle higher difficulties with enhanced move sets, that is also a fact and not something made up. it was always like this with these games. it leads to more fun when you master the moves and combos because it makes you feel like an stylish badass and that is what these games are about in the end.


Oct 25, 2017
i did not say anything like that, but ok...the first normal playthrough is not the same as the playthrough after that and that is a fact.

if someone wants to sink 60 bucks into the game for one assisted easy playthrough, there is better value for the money for sure in my eyes.

and if you like to replay these games too i don´t even know why you are making a fuss here, i just said first playthrough is the beginning for many players and they will learn the stuff they need to learn to tackle higher difficulties with enhanced move sets, that is also a fact and not something made up. it was always like this with these games. it leads to more fun when you master the moves and combos because it makes you feel like an stylish badass and that is what these games are about in the end.
My issue is DMC fandom is one of the most petty, self important and condescending out there. That's some achievement. Constantly making out like if you're not a master of the bladed arts, you mustn't like DMC. Christ, they get into a fit if you accidentally put DmC instead of DMC.


Nov 5, 2017
I just wanna say how awesome it is that it plays Devil Trigger when you open the game menu on PS4. Brilliant decision!


Oct 27, 2017
My issue is DMC fandom is one of the most petty, self important and condescending out there. That's some achievement. Constantly making out like if you're not a master of the bladed arts, you mustn't like DMC. Christ, they get into a fit if you accidentally put DmC instead of DMC.
Let me be the first to say that, fortunately, many Era users who are DMC fans are not like that, neither with the gatekeeping nor the blind hate for DmC.

That said, unfortunately there's lots of people guilty of all that as well, even on Era.


Nov 1, 2017
My issue is DMC fandom is one of the most petty, self important and condescending out there. That's some achievement. Constantly making out like if you're not a master of the bladed arts, you mustn't like DMC. Christ, they get into a fit if you accidentally put DmC instead of DMC.
Who said any of that? You comin off super hostile in here my dude.


Oct 25, 2017
My issue is DMC fandom is one of the most petty, self important and condescending out there. That's some achievement. Constantly making out like if you're not a master of the bladed arts, you mustn't like DMC. Christ, they get into a fit if you accidentally put DmC instead of DMC.
please point out where any of that happen in the posts you quoted that started this little devil's advocate temper tantrum you're currently on


Jan 22, 2018
I think I've grown out of DMC combat.

I played a LOT of DMC3 and 4, and I can play the characters eyes closed. But DMC5 doesn't really excite me, there's way too little new stuff for Nero and Dante, and I don't like V either. The stages are even less interesting to explore than DMC4 (which wasn't great already...).
To me it all feels like a cheap rehash but with a fresh coat of beautiful graphics.

The thing is, DMC3 and 4 weren't perfect games, some adjustments and changes would've been welcome and needed. But DMC5 does none of that, it really is a PS2 game reskin.

I much prefer the more recent games by Platinum than what Capcom made here.
I'm just got dante midway through the game and I feel the exact same way. V feels really janky to play sometimes especially against bosses. And I really don't know why they bothered with the cameo system I either get the AI or I get another player and never see them anyway. I also aren't a big fan of the devil breaker. I really dislike having to buy them before missions, I also feel like too many of them aren't very good.


Oct 25, 2017
My issue is DMC fandom is one of the most petty, self important and condescending out there. That's some achievement. Constantly making out like if you're not a master of the bladed arts, you mustn't like DMC. Christ, they get into a fit if you accidentally put DmC instead of DMC.

I feel similar defensiveness when hearing some people diss DMC based on like early impressions before they got the grip on the combat. Sure, some people channel it really embarrassingly, but if you played a bunch of DMC you can literally tell from thing those people complain about, what they are doing wrong and how you remmeber yourself having similar troubles and how rewarding it was to overcome and how everything suddenly clicks and makes sense. ANd what seemed like mistakes suddenly feel completely delibirate.

A lot of complaints about DMC aren't like mistakes in game design. They are intended features and precicely the kinda thing DmC tried to "fix" and precicely why a lot of fanbase didn't like it. Reasons DMC has execution barriers is pretty similar to why fighting games have those. It's not a mistake, it's by design. But people often gripe about how game tools are demanding to use and mobility is pretty difficult, (e.g no catch all dedicated dodge button, which would be the right answer for nearly every enemy swing. where in in DMC there's a laundry list of different answers to every swing that are all valid. )


Oct 25, 2017
I feel similar defensiveness when hearing some people diss DMC based on like early impressions before they got the grip on the combat. Sure, some people channel it really embarrassingly, but if you played a bunch of DMC you can literally tell from thing those people complain about, what they are doing wrong and how you remmeber yourself having similar troubles and how rewarding it was to overcome and how everything suddenly clicks and makes sense. ANd what seemed like mistakes suddenly feel completely delibirate.

A lot of complaints about DMC aren't like mistakes in game design. They are intended features and precicely the kinda thing DmC tried to "fix" and precicely why a lot of fanbase didn't like it. Reasons DMC has execution barriers is pretty similar to why fighting games have those. It's not a mistake, it's by design. But people often gripe about how game tools are demanding to use and mobility is pretty difficult, (e.g no catch all dedicated dodge button, which would be the right answer for nearly every enemy swing. where in in DMC there's a laundry list of different answers to every swing that are all valid. )
Just want to point out I've played DMC games since the first one. I love the games and I'm excited to get home and play 5. Just roll my eyes at all the wanky gatekeeping from people that comes off like 'well go play your kiddy bayonetta games, scrub. Or better yet, try easy mode'.

Deleted member 19767

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Any DMC pros have tips for controller setup (PS4)?

I'm very familiar with most of the good action games/franchises. However DMC has always been a tricky one for me.

Basically, holding lock on, using melee combos, hitting exceed mid combo and charging the gun in quick succession (or simultaneously) is nearly impossible on the default controls (for me). The biggest issue seems to be having shoot on the face buttons, so I can't land a combo and charge the gun - at least not with everything else going on.

In addition, can anyone give me any tips on jump cancelling? I'm aware of it but don't know how to use it - though seems self explanatory. More importantly, it would be good to know when/how to use it.

I'm not trying to break any records, but I'm just feeling a bit uncomfortable with it all at the moment, and I've only played as Nero so far. I don't want to wildly change my controls and then regret it all when I start a new character.


Oct 25, 2017
Just want to point out I've played DMC games since the first one. I love the games and I'm excited to get home and play 5. Just roll my eyes at all the wanky gatekeeping from people that comes off like 'well go play your kiddy bayonetta games, scrub. Or better yet, try easy mode'.

I don't really see any of that here though... *headscratching emoji goes here*


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I find comments that DMC5 should be more like a Platinum game or DmC quizzical when DMC5 pretty much has the exact same structure as most Platinum games and DmC, down to the same-y level design the former usually has.

Deleted member 2791

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I did miserably against the first boss haha, he kept hitting me when I was helplessy trying to dodge while in air. I need to stop playing this game like I'm playing Bayonetta.


Oct 25, 2017
I am actually surprised that I still have some muscle memory left for Nero's Ex-Act and his combos in general.
I played DMC4 last when it released on PC lol


Oct 25, 2017
I did miserably against the first boss haha, he kept hitting me when I was helplessy trying to dodge while in air. I need to stop playing this game like I'm playing Bayonetta.

For some reason I found his tells a bit ambiguous and got hit a bunch. Like I keep pointing out how I am terrible and has been progressively worse at video games with each passing year, which makes my posts about how demanding DMC combat needs to click kinda silly if compared with my actual gameplay on display, but man, do I have odd troubles with dodging some of boss stuff on my first go this time around. Kinda embarrassing tbh.


Oct 25, 2017
Any DMC pros have tips for controller setup (PS4)?

I'm very familiar with most of the good action games/franchises. However DMC has always been a tricky one for me.

Basically, holding lock on, using melee combos, hitting exceed mid combo and charging the gun in quick succession (or simultaneously) is nearly impossible on the default controls (for me). The biggest issue seems to be having shoot on the face buttons, so I can't land a combo and charge the gun - at least not with everything else going on.

In addition, can anyone give me any tips on jump cancelling? I'm aware of it but don't know how to use it - though seems self explanatory. More importantly, it would be good to know when/how to use it.

I'm not trying to break any records, but I'm just feeling a bit uncomfortable with it all at the moment, and I've only played as Nero so far. I don't want to wildly change my controls and then regret it all when I start a new character.

I remapped the Gun button to R2 for both Nero and V , you shouldnt have any issues control wise with charging and what not. As for jump cancelling , the opening post for this thread has a tutorial for it among other things.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually fucked up my controller layout for Nero. Instead of remapping the gun to r2, I did it to breaker cuz I found holding down O for breakage nigh impossible in the middle of combat... but in hindsight, I have very little reason to do so, as a lot of breakage moves for me aren't done in the midst of all the chaos but usually during downtime where peoples are down or staggered... but I already got muscle memory for it so.... good job, me

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I find comments that DMC5 should be more like a Platinum game or DmC quizzical when DMC5 pretty much has the exact same structure as most Platinum games and DmC, down to the same-y level design the former usually has.
They brought back the thing that I loved the most about DmC and that is cross combos (even if it is just for Cavalier) so in my eyes DmC doesn't really have anything else to offer to DMC5 now.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope this doesn't sound condescending, since you're not new to the series, but one thing to keep in mind is to use your arsenal as part of your movement as well. You should almost never just walk/run torwards an enemy. Use Streak, or Calibur in the air, use your Wire Snatch (lock on + O), they're all much faster alternatives than running. In fact, I can only remember ever running after enemies if I want to drop kick them (taunt while running).

I take that I'll get moves or tools to feel more comfortable in combat. In mission 01 I got to use the arm to pull enemies towards me. Maybe I have hidden moves already that I don't know but I'm playing on -forgot what it's called but is the maximun difficulty mode available- and got an S rank so I suppose there's not enough stuff right now.

Oh and I also was total garbage in DMC 3, I never got to understand how to keep enemies in the air for long. I did better at DMC tho but I actually got better at video games with age, I was too comfy playing on normal when I was a kid and changed that stance on the previous gen, it's not like I'm a genius now but I can manage way better. There's still the possibility that I suck tho.

Lock-on is KEY. Spend some time strafing around enemies and getting used to how it feels un- and re-lock. You can change targets with L3 while you're locked on. I'm not SURE if there's a toggle option, but I would recommend just getting used to holding the button instead because it makes a lot more sense with the game's speed.

You'll get a lot of gap-closing tools early into the game which should alleviate some of your issues.
DMC is the kinda game that gonna feel kinda awful without experience. Unlike other games that give you easy to use tools, DMC tools take practice to get used to. Generally, if you watch high level players play, they don't like, just run at enemies and swing, they use a bunch of mobility moves that bounce them around, teleport them yada yada. But that takes practice and skill.

Lock on is hold instead of tap mainly because there are lock on dependant moves that you gotta be able to mix between in the middle of the combo. So you'd basicaly need to cosntantly press and let go of lock on button when playing at high level. It's not like Souls or Nioh where you just lock on adn that's your engagement mode. Lock on is more like a "stance". You need to weave in and out of it.

General thing is DMC games take getting used to, because they are demanding. Even things that are effortless in many other action games, in DMC are something you'd probably need to practice in training mode, like it's a fighting game. From how to stay in the air, to even like something as simple as effectively moving from enemy to enemy.

Good, I did feel that lock on would be used a lot because just at the start they taught me to use that hold back and press triangle move to rise an enemy in the air, and you really want lock on to do that, I imagine there will be more stuff like that.

Also yes, I expect a lot of moves to close a gap with enemies, I remember that charge forward sword attack that I used a lot in 3. It just caught my attention that I felt it slow, probably got spoiled by Nioh and others but I haven't played those games in a long time so it shouldn't be long before I get use to it.

Thx for the responses.


Oct 25, 2017
Good, I did feel that lock on would be used a lot because just at the start they taught me to use that hold back and press triangle move to rise an enemy in the air, and you really want lock on to do that, I imagine there will be more stuff like that.


not just "want". Need. You literaly cannot do those moves without holding lock on. Character will just regular neutral attack while turning in the direction you tilted the stick. Just a headsup

Deleted member 19767

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I remapped the Gun button to R2 for both Nero and V , you shouldnt have any issues control wise with charging and what not. As for jump cancelling , the opening post for this thread has a tutorial for it among other things.

That's great news. That's the first change I made and it felt heaps better. I just wasn't sure if I would need R2 with other characters, or if there were other tweaks I could be making.

Will check out the OP - thanks for the tip.


Always bets on black
Oct 25, 2017
This game is so good, I can't even fathom how Capcom managed to pull that off and RE2 and released both within 3 months at the beginning of the damn year.

It's so...good I legit just can't. I can't. This literally what perfection plays like.


Oct 25, 2017
That's great news. That's the first change I made and it felt heaps better. I just wasn't sure if I would need R2 with other characters, or if there were other tweaks I could be making.

Will check out the OP - thanks for the tip.

No worries! For Dante i kept the gun button on Square/X as there isnt really any option to switch without making things complicated. However, charge shots/shooting arent super vital to his gameplay like nero and v so i had no issues overall.


Oct 27, 2017
not just "want". Need. You literaly cannot do those moves without holding lock on. Character will just regular neutral attack while turning in the direction you tilted the stick. Just a headsup

I did try like once or twice to do the "hold back and press triangle" move without locking, obviously it didn't work. I just didn't want to say "need" because maybe it was possible. Good to know it's not lol, actually it's great to read that lock on is paramount so I'll train around that.

I also read people having trouble with shooting on face buttons? Maybe I should change that... I'll see how I feel about it as I progress.


Nov 1, 2017
Nero and V showing a distaste for cigarette smoke is one of the most relatable thing I've ever seen in a game lol.


Oct 27, 2017
I normally like these types of games (Bayonetta, etc) but for some reaosn I never played this series. Should I star twith the collection on PS4 ?

There's a pretty straightforward summary video in the game so you wouldn't need to play the others, at least not to play this one. As someone said: play V and if you love it play the others.


Oct 25, 2017
Got to play an hour before work. This is my first Devil May Cry game and it's pretty great so far. Makes a fantastic first impression.


Nov 26, 2017
Crap went from 6pm to 12:40 and finished it.
Love the game just needs some better variety in locales.
The combat, characters and bosses are friggen awesome.
Id give it an 8.5.
Look forward to getting the rest of the achievements :D


Oct 29, 2017
How the battle tracks of the Deluxe edition work? Has anyone tried? For example could I replace a SINGLE battle track (the Dante battle theme) with Devils Never Cry? Or you need to replace ALL the 3 battle themes together?


Oct 25, 2017
I also read people having trouble with shooting on face buttons? Maybe I should change that... I'll see how I feel about it as I progress.

This is mostly an issue due to the fact that shooting has charge shots that are quite useful but to keep them pressed while doing other stuff leads to claw hands.
This mostly applies to Nero, and even then, I feel like with ability to store your charged shots without holding the button, it's a lot less required. V might geniunely benefit from remapping his stuff to triggers though, as he needs lots of using both [] and /\ simultaniously.


Oct 25, 2017
How the battle tracks of the Deluxe edition work? Has anyone tried? For example could I replace a SINGLE battle track (the Dante battle theme) with Devils Never Cry? Or you need to replace ALL the 3 battle themes together?

You can assign a music track to each character separately. You can only replace for example Dante's theme, or you can replace all three characters themes with same song, or with 3 different songs. And yes, you can swap DMC5 songs as well, so if you want dante with Devil Trigger, you can.


Oct 27, 2017
Everything I read about V sounds awful honestly. Dodging messes up Shadow's attacks and now you can apparently just mash and get SSS? That's dumb. I've seen DevilNeverCry use him in DMD too and he still doesn't look fun.
Dec 6, 2017
I'm buying it over the weekend anyway and loved the demo but some of the comments regarding the level design and (lack of) difficult on first playthrough are pretty oufff....


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Only played the first mission or so and I'm love it feels great.