
Oct 25, 2017
I agree. That's what I'm making fun of...bragging about being "grey" lol

I mean, it's a journalist who is saying he knows a few people who told him Insomniac isn't as bad as Naughty Dog and Rockstar...not something to start jumping up and down and patting on the back about, imo
And you're wrong to do it. Unless 'relatively crunch free' means 90 hour workweeks instead of 100, but reality is if they're happy about it it's probably SIGNIFICANTLY less.
Totally different scale of games, depth, number of systems within the engine. This is comparing apples to oranges.
It's comparing people to people. The games themselves don't matter - yes AAA games take more manhours than indies, but that doesn't mean the answer is to crunch your people harder, it means to make your procedures better and hire more and increase dev time.


Oct 29, 2017
I honestly wonder how Japan is with regards to this. Would be curious to see the work hours for, say, BotW

If its anything like a normal office probably like this.

Start work at 9, ends around 5 or 6, but takes about an hour and a half to get home due to traffic. Yup.

But really this means, show up to work at 7:30 cause being on time for work is being late in this country. clean the office if your a woman, and do some important stuff like calls/paperwork early before the boss gets in. Have a morning meeting where everyone takes turns telling whats going on that day, probably listen to a nonsense story about the flowers outside, a story on the news, of a pseudo-english phrase to describe something that has a word already.

Leave work around 10:30 or later if you drive, cause you can't leave before your boss even if thats what the contract says. Opp hes gone, welp time to do actual work. Stay until late at night and then go home. Get about 4 hours sleep then repeat

typical office, and no thats sadly not an exaggeration, its more a brief summary of a typical Thursday, Japan has no crunch cause everyday is "crunch"

Also over time pay, hahahaha, a good worker would never request overtime since its a joy to work for a company, duh! any worker would be happy to do an extra unpaid 5+hours, screw social life/family/money

Dynamite Cop

Oct 25, 2017
And you're wrong to do it. Unless 'relatively crunch free' means 90 hour workweeks instead of 100, but reality is if they're happy about it it's probably SIGNIFICANTLY less.

It's comparing people to people. The games themselves don't matter - yes AAA games take more manhours than indies, but that doesn't mean the answer is to crunch your people harder, it means to make your procedures better and hire more and increase dev time.
Team size and budget have a lot to do with it. That can be said about any industry.

I worked a month straight without a day off on the first Dark Souls. Was it worth it? I guess since they're still milking that series to this day. Nothing's going to change as long as people continue to buy the games.


Nov 6, 2017
Oh wow, I know what games I'm playing next.

Devs that treat their employees righT should be rewarded.

Deleted member 18944

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Having known many people who have and currently do work at EA Tiburon, I promise you that this is not true. The ones that still work there do say they've been "trying to make things better", but it is definitely a crunch heavy developer.

Tiburon is the studio that works on the Madden games, so this makes sense. However, I know plenty of people at DICE and EA proper who do not hate it. For publishers like EA, I find there is a lot more nuance involved when talking about work conditions than there would be for studios like Rockstar which do not develop and publish multiple different franchises and have tons of studios and separate teams with their own politics and work culture.


Oct 25, 2017
Why are we talking about insomniac? They aren't owned by a big publisher. Just hired. We would need to look at 343 or Sony want a Monica or naughty dog etc.

Plus Spider-Man didn't have crunch because they just copied and pasted the side content.. /s :)


Oct 26, 2017
Intelligent Systems has a schedule in their site as well:

Work starts at: 10 AM
Lunch at: 12AM
Work ends at: 19PM


Good Feel isn't as close to Nintendo as HAL/MonolithSoft/IntSys, but just for reference, here's their official working hours for most positions:

Start: 9:30am
End: 18:15pm

And from my perspective those work hours are awful. You don't have time to do things before or after work hours. If your kids are young you would still barely see them. And that is without counting commute time. But I guess that I am used to wake up early and be done with work by 15:00-16:00.


Oct 26, 2017
I added my first game from No Pest Productions the list (A Bastard's tale). Currently working on a unannounced project without any crunch.

I have no employees but used several freelancer without any time pressure or crunch. As a father of 2 I cannot even comprehend crunch culture.


Oct 27, 2017
I'd imagine there would be studies out there to show that work productivity goes down drastically when you have to be there 7 days a week for 12-14 hours each day. People will take twice as long to get things done (lot of mistake correcting) and morale will be extremely low. I wonder what the optimum "crunch" would be for people to still be very productive? People really need at least 1 day off to recharge so definitely a max work week of 6 days, not really sure about the hours but I can't imagine anyone being truly productive working 13-14 hours. Probably something more in the 10-11 hour range. I imagine the limited crunch for Insomniac was something like 60-70 hour work week for a month or so instead of a 90-100 hour work week for 8+ months like Rockstar...


Oct 25, 2017
Why are we talking about insomniac? They aren't owned by a big publisher. Just hired. We would need to look at 343 or Sony want a Monica or naughty dog etc.

Plus Spider-Man didn't have crunch because they just copied and pasted the side content.. /s :)
Not sure why being owned has anything to do with it. You work for someone, they pay you, they're the ones demanding the absurd hours or not.


Oct 27, 2017
Just to be absolutely clear- if AAA can't survive without crunch, then nothing of value would be lost if crunch disappeared. People are more important than games.


Oct 25, 2017
Just to be absolutely clear- if AAA can't survive without crunch, then nothing of value would be lost if crunch disappeared. People are more important than games.
It's not even that it's a cost saving measure - it inevitably costs MORE to crunch, it's just a result of mismanagement pure and simple.


Oct 25, 2017
Not sure why being owned has anything to do with it. You work for someone, they pay you, they're the ones demanding the absurd hours or not.

It has everything to do with it. Imagine I am paying you for a job and there's a contract in place. I then start demanding ridiculous requests and you just say "that's not how we work"

Now imagine that I own your company and there's a deadline that I want to hit. I can apply a lot more pressure. I don't need to give examples of what could be said but I'm sure you can think up a few scenarios.

If you don't think there's a difference I'd say you should look into it a little more.

The only way I could apply pressure if I was hiring you to do a job as s third party is if you were consistently breaking contract terms and missing key dates etc.


Oct 27, 2017
I think there are two points that really need to be made and kept in mind with video game labor topics

A. Crunch might actually be required to get the exact games we end up with out, on time, and within budget. It's a hard truth but what this means is that we may need to accept that fewer crazy AAAA games a year is acceptable. I think it is. This is important because it centers the discussion on treating employees humanely and less on the money and productivity side. I know people like to say, "crunch isn't efficent!!" But I don't really buy that. At least not for most games. If it wasn't then those in charge wouldn't expect it. This is about treating workers right.

B. The people at the top need to make less so those at the bottom can have longer schedules to make the game. This again means that we as games need to shut the fuck up about delays or lack of release dates. Who the hell knows what what is going on with Star Citizen but I do know that every time someone says something about how it's not a real game or it will never come out I worry that it could reinforce some shitty stuff managememt is doing. I hope not and while I would still be their fault I feel like there is a lot of thoughtless speech around this.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
And from my perspective those work hours are awful. You don't have time to do things before or after work hours. If your kids are young you would still barely see them. And that is without counting commute time. But I guess that I am used to wake up early and be done with work by 15:00-16:00.

Whaaa? That kind of work hours is the norm here too (Indonesia), I never felt like I am overworked (I started at 8 AM, one hour break from 12 noon to 1 PM, and go back home at 5 PM).

Deleted member 5535

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Oct 25, 2017
It's like they've never bothered to do productivity analysis studies or listen to anyone else in the worlds studies on it. Because the appearance and culture around it is just so damn inflexible.

It makes more sense that those times are viewed as normal and because of that there's no such investigation. Still, theory.


Oct 25, 2017
It has everything to do with it. Imagine I am paying you for a job and there's a contract in place. I then start demanding ridiculous requests and you just say "that's not how we work"

Now imagine that I own your company and there's a deadline that I want to hit. I can apply a lot more pressure. I don't need to give examples of what could be said but I'm sure you can think up a few scenarios.

If you don't think there's a difference I'd say you should look into it a little more.

The only way I could apply pressure if I was hiring you to do a job as s third party is if you were consistently breaking contract terms and missing key dates etc.
Um, you LITERALLY control the money either way, and from an employee perspective whether the person at the top is getting pressure from Sony or not is irrelevant. It's entirely a studio culture issue, whether Sony doesn't give you enough time or whether the studio signs a contract that is too strict for what their goals are, it's all about being realistic in expectations.


Oct 26, 2017
Your perspective is incredibly privileged, if you think 9-5 or 9-6 with 1+ hour for lunch is "awful".

Whaaa? That kind of work hours is the norm here too (Indonesia), I never felt like I am overworked (I started at 8 AM, one hour break from 12 noon to 1 PM, and go back home at 5 PM).

I was talking about 10:00-19:00 one. That is worst timeframe in my opinion. I work from 07:00-15:00.


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
And from my perspective those work hours are awful. You don't have time to do things before or after work hours. If your kids are young you would still barely see them. And that is without counting commute time. But I guess that I am used to wake up early and be done with work by 15:00-16:00.
LOL, they don't actually work those hours, homey. Those are the MINIMUM hours.

I've worked in Japan long enough to know that posted hours are just what is required by contract.
Oct 27, 2017
Actually, the original schedule was 10 months, but that changed when the movie was delayed basically a full year so Insomniac also got that kind of extra time. Still insane that both that and Spider-Man were shipped so fast

Availability of assets, and iterating on an existing engine (thanks Sunset), probably helped.

Deleted member 15326

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Oct 27, 2017
Completely unsurprised that no AAA games are on that list since marketing and suits decide release dates.

Very glad to see Guac 2


Oct 28, 2017
AAA === Cruch. Now and ever. I personally talked with a fifa developer on US -we chat at a shared smoke facility- and he literally told me that working more than 2 years on it would kill him.


Oct 30, 2017
I wonder what crunch is like at big Japanese developers.

Breath of the Wild completion party - a mix of exhaustion and relief is quite visible:

Oct 27, 2017
I forced myself through crunch last year and it literally almost killed me. And I'm as indie as it gets (contract workers with me doing 99% of the programming/design). I wish I could add my game to the list but I can't.

If anything it goes to show that, even when there's literally no one forcing you to do crunch, you feel "obligated" as its almost like a part of the culture of the industry. I won't ever do that to myself again, I hope. (and also there are a lot of indie studios that go through the crunch phase, if anything it can feel worse because there are few employees to begin with and you have a much stronger sense of loyalty to get the company through the dev process as quick as possible).

This is actually making me think twice about my career path. I want to get my Bachelors in CompSci (already got an Associates), but these last few days with all the news about crunch and what game development is really about, I don't know if I'd be better served just trying to go for a general programming job or switch my major to business.

Deleted member 19218

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Oct 27, 2017
Maybe the only way for us to combat crunch time (by us I mean gamers) is to celebrate exclusively smaller more artistic experiences and not big flashy games. Dont promote those games, don't give them publicity, celebrate Child of Light over Assassin's Creed etc.

However it's not that simple and people will support the big juggernaut games that induce crunch time because they have all the money and big flashy graphics.

Heck, I'm guilty too. I want to buy Super Smash Bros on the Switch which is made in Japan which is a country notorious for harsh working conditions so that's probably got some brutal crunch time itself.
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
False advertisement; Krunch had crunch, it's right in the name!

it was funnier in my head im sorry


Prophet of Truth
Dec 8, 2017
It is so sad to not see a single AAA project on that list.

Granted, there are tons of great indie games on there that I can recommend.

Well, but it's not just an executive decision:
bigger/more complex games naturally need some time for all loose ends to be tightened up. It's necessary. Doesn't mean that it can't be organized as to not kill people though

Deleted member 1589

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Why are we talking about insomniac? They aren't owned by a big publisher. Just hired. We would need to look at 343 or Sony want a Monica or naughty dog etc.

Plus Spider-Man didn't have crunch because they just copied and pasted the side content.. /s :)
Naughty Dog did horrible crunches. Not sure about how development of TLOU 2 is though.


Oct 25, 2017

One of the best stealth games ever, Mark of the Ninja, along with Invisible Inc and Don't Starve were made without crunch thanks to Klei's work culture.

Thanks for this thread, it's good to see developers who care for their own wellbeing.