
Oct 27, 2017
Damn entitled fraks, not every game is for y--...

**Blizzard: "This is for Die Hard PC-Diablo fans!"**

..well, I uhh, nvm.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
"We LOVE Diablo."

"We love it so much that we won't even develop Diablo game with our own staff, but instead farm it out to a Chinese mobile shovelware developer. We're spreading the LOVE."

Maybe... maybe they're developing D4 but it's just not ready to show yet, and instead of diverting resources to make a game that they have no expertise making, they're contracting the IP to a studio that has a lot of expertise in the area to ensure that the game is up to the standards of the platform. I mean, D2 to D3 was 12 years, clearly they take their time with these games, and D3 is still actively supported, so?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
N. Vancouver, BC, Canada
You couldn't have it both ways then. Of course it would be easier to swallow, but the part of the community that would carve out time and money to go to a convention would most likely ignore it for the "real" Diablo 3 successor or a remastering of an older Diablo game because thats kind of experience they're after. I think Blizzard took a risk elevating it the way they did and probably thought the worst that would happen is just indifference.

In other words: They can't win, regardless of the outcome?


Oct 27, 2017
What? This doesn't make any sense. You could easily say "Well, this isn't for Diablo players so why are they pissed?" if it was meant to be aimed at mobile audiences. But saying you're aiming at hardcore Diablo players?

"Is this an out of season April Fool's joke?" guy might not have been out of line at all...


Oct 27, 2017
Look, I love my Switch, but its too big and bulky to carry around with me. The phone is in my pocket at all times.

Complaints about the developer and the way they announced this I get, but complaining about it being on mobile full stop is ridiculous.
Thing is, a lot of phones are pretty friggn' big these days, not that much smaller than a Switch, and that's without taking into account stuff like cases to carry them in. "Can it fit it your pocket" is no longer the big question of how portable a device is anymore, since a lot of people just carry them in bags instead, especially stuff like tablets. The only times I ever put my phone in my pocket is if I want to quickly dash down to the shops and don't need to carry anything else other than my wallet.

The Switch just simply gives me more substantial stuff to do on the go without compromising on playability, which is well worth the minor inconvenience of not being able to keep it in a pocket all the time.


Oct 29, 2017
Come on, how many hard diablo fans from PC don't own a smartphone ?

That can actually run the game.

Most people I know don't have high end phones, the phones they were demoin it on was like $800-$1000 when I googled it; now of course that doesn't mean you need one that powerful/expensive but....yeah.
I really don't know much else about mobile gaming and specs, what kind of phones can run this?


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
In other words: They can't win, regardless of the outcome?

They could have simply said at the event stay tuned for more Diablo related stuff in the future other than this title. You win. Didn't even have to be specific about dates or anything. Just say theres other stuff coming. If Nintendo did the same with federation force and announced samus returns and metroid prime 4, that game would have been recieved in a completely different light.


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
Thing is, a lot of phones are pretty friggn' big these days, not that much smaller than a Switch, and that's without taking into account stuff like cases to carry them in. "Can it fit it your pocket" is no longer the big question of how portable a device is anymore, since a lot of people just carry them in bags instead, especially stuff like tablets. The only times I ever put my phone in my pocket is if I want to quickly dash down to the shops and don't need to carry anything else other than my wallet.

The Switch just simply gives me more substantial stuff to do on the go without compromising on playability, which is well worth the minor inconvenience of not being able to keep it in a pocket all the time.

I have no idea what your use case is, but I have an iPhone 7+ and it fits in my pocket just fine. I've already tried an iPhone XS Max and it fits just fine as well. I couldn't get a Switch into my pocket for anything. It's huge by comparison. So if you want to tote a bag with a Switch around with you, be my guest, but lets get real. I'm not lugging that thing around with me to work or out running errands. My phone is the device that's always with me, and I'm not an outlier.


Oct 25, 2017
I have no idea what your use case is, but I have an iPhone 7+ and it fits in my pocket just fine. I've already tried an iPhone XS Max and it fits just fine as well. I couldn't get a Switch into my pocket for anything. It's huge by comparison. So if you want to tote a bag with a Switch around with you, be my guest, but lets get real. I'm not lugging that thing around with me to work or out running errands. My phone is the device that's always with me, and I'm not an outlier.

Exactly. My XS Max is always with me. Everyone I know always has their phone with them no matter the size. Yes you can have a bag with a switch in it but that means you'll have the switch and a phone. The phone is always there for most people.

So yeah as a hardcore Diablo player since the first one, I want it on a device that's always with me. That'd be fucking awesome. Maybe this particular game will suck though. I don't know. But Diablo on mobile? Sign me up.


Apr 18, 2018
Someone said the clone or one of the clones is actually already on STEAM. So technically it already is on PC.

Yeah it's there I looked it up. IF they are truly just reskining this and not building it from the ground up, there's zero reason not to release it on PC also. I think I read somewhere it will be even connected to Battle.net


Oct 27, 2017
it's on the level of nintendo trying to lure pokèmon go players on switch with the pokèmon let's go series.


Aug 28, 2018
I can already hear Taliesins voice: "Blizzard announced a mobile Diablo game and all the fans were happy in the forums... no, it was a shitshow OBVIOUSLY"

Blizzard seriously lives in space or something, they couldnt even do their own game they literally paid a chinese company to do it(wich is even worse than just paying someone else(remember that the chinese goverment will for sure take some of that cash.. so yeah, they fucked up in all ways possible))


Oct 25, 2017
That can actually run the game.

Most people I know don't have high end phones, the phones they were demoin it on was like $800-$1000 when I googled it; now of course that doesn't mean you need one that powerful/expensive but....yeah.
I really don't know much else about mobile gaming and specs, what kind of phones can run this?

It'll probably run on something like an iPhone SE and newer midrange phones. Diablo III and other Blizzard games are all highly scalable, so it wouldn't surprise me if that principle translated to this game as well.


Dec 15, 2017
Why do they keep lying with these bad PR?

Just admit that the target audiences are people with addiction tenancy behavior, the youth and the poor/uneducated, and the Eastern market with a thousand years of culture for gambling.

Seriously, they announced SC2 in Korea before.
They could just announce this game in China or something. There wouldn't have been any uproar about it. Everyone would be more chill because they know that they aren't the audience for it, and the partnership is with a Chinese company.

Why waste people's time? People paid thousands of dollars to attend this convention because they grew up on Blizzard games for the last 3 decades, and they are now booing you.
3 decades of respect and love from your most hardcore fans...gone.
In a few seconds.
Just wow.


Mar 24, 2018
New Brunswick, Canada
Maybe... maybe they're developing D4 but it's just not ready to show yet, and instead of diverting resources to make a game that they have no expertise making, they're contracting the IP to a studio that has a lot of expertise in the area to ensure that the game is up to the standards of the platform. I mean, D2 to D3 was 12 years, clearly they take their time with these games, and D3 is still actively supported, so?

Even Diablo 2 had a new patch a while back, and new ladder resets every year.


Nov 6, 2017
release it on pc and consoles and i would play the hell of it, but i will not play it on smartphones. Just to begin with, i will need to change my iphone 6 to play it probably.

Death Penalty

Oct 27, 2017
The real answer is that Activision Blizzard doesn't actually give a shit what any hardcore fans think about this. It's going to be a huge success, they know it's going to be a huge success, and their "arrogance" is rooted in reality. The fan backlash of this is wholly deserved and I hope it makes some headway, but I have my doubts it'll do any real damage. Always turns my stomach to see projects like this though.

As people have said over and over again, they could have at least taken a page out of Bethesda's book and made certain to announce things for a mainline title before trying to push a MTX-heavy cash grab on us.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe... maybe they're developing D4 but it's just not ready to show yet, and instead of diverting resources to make a game that they have no expertise making, they're contracting the IP to a studio that has a lot of expertise in the area to ensure that the game is up to the standards of the platform. I mean, D2 to D3 was 12 years, clearly they take their time with these games, and D3 is still actively supported, so?

This whole thing was doomed moment they started that "This is huge year for Diablo and Diablo fans, expect major announcements!" campaign as they knew this was pot of "gold" at the end. Blizzard really lead Diablo community around once again on wild goose chase with basically nothing at the end of it.

Also I guess it's support, but last I checked they aren't putting any major resources or support into D3 game balance and seasons anymore. Game is on minimalist life support.


Oct 27, 2017
release it on pc and consoles and i would play the hell of it, but i will not play it on smartphones. Just to begin with, i will need to change my iphone 6 to play it probably.

Why would anyone want to play some microtransaction honey trap like this on any platform? I was under the impression that the problem is that Diablo fans want Diablo 4, not some mobile game uprezzed and slapped on PC.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Colorado by way of Louisiana
I feel like the really actually made this for the Chinese market, technically they would be on PC and China loves Blizzards games usually. So I mean he's not lying... technically?


Oct 30, 2017
Come on, how many hard diablo fans from PC don't own a smartphone ?

Its not about that.

Has anyone ever seen Hardcore PC Players play Diablo aka their Core Fanbase?
They play for speed,efficience and even more speed and with a potential D4 they hoped for meaningful Content that is fun to grind,challenging + trading + PvP and support from Blizzard.

I bet you anything in the world you won't be able to go fast like Diablo Hardcore PC Players want to go on a damn Smartphone.

Oh and they want to play 24/7 if possible without any "Stamina" restrictions or any of the usual bullshit that is there to draw the money out of your pocket so you can play longer than 1 hour at a time.


Oct 25, 2017
When more than half of core gamers play games on mobile its easy to target the same crowd. Gamers who spend the most hours on traditional platforms are also spend the most time on mobile. So much of this backlash is completely unfounded.


Oct 27, 2017
Let's not pretend that Diablo III was even built for "die-hard Diablo fans".
But this is nothing new for Blizzard; they've been headed down this path for more than a decade. If you think this announcement was a sudden misstep from them, you haven't been paying attention. At worst, it was poorly marketed.

Deleted member 5167

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It won't, as most of that audience, surprise, are hardcore PC gaming enthusiasts that scoff at console gaming (despite that a lot of games that were released this gen had equaled/surpassed some of the high benchmarks PC games have achieved, as far as visual fidelity is concerned).

You are either ignorant of the PC market, ignorant about Blizzards userbase, or ignorant about Blizzards product line.

Blizzard has literally never pushed graphical benchmarks for their products. It is at odds with their business.

Bizzard just doesn't get that the western PC/console playerbase doesn't overlap with the mobile gaming space.

I'm pretty sure that Blizzard have hard statistical data that you do not about what kind of overlap they have amongst their playerbase, as they have account data for who plays what and on what devices, and device data for what hardware people using the Blizzard authenticator app own.


Oct 30, 2017
Posted this in Ubisoft R6 thread. Belongs here as well:

Here's a few things to notice and talk about:

1. China has halted game approvals in China since Early 2018, and may not be available until Mid 2019. Even if they start approving Early 2019, it still takes atleast 3 months to approve them, and even those get straight scrutinity.

2. Games that make it to China are very strictly Pay2Win. Chinese gamers want to pay or cheat to win since it's a big part of their culture to be dominant and winning, so most, if not all games, in China are F2P with strict P2W elements (it's why they have their own version of Call of Duty Online). Expect this game to have serious microtransactions and coins and P2W abilities.

3. Even if they do make all these changes, there is no guarantee that the new approval team in charge (most of the old team got fired) will even approve this due to strict Chinese values (see # 5).

4. NetEase is distributing this game in China. Both Tencent and NetEase stocks have dipped heavily since January because of lack of new game approvals, and are getting desperate.

5. Chinese government may got really strict on games due to their heavy Socialist view, and how games are ruining the youth and pushing them to addiction and gambling (a big NO NO in China, arrest/imprisonment/re-education/camp worthy). Games may require to have a forced shutdown after 1 or 3 hours of play, games may require to use facial recognition to spy on users, games may require to disclose more info about you to the government, info that you don't want to share.


So with all this in mind, this is not a good look for gaming in general if everyone focuses on China, when China don't want you.

So... Who really is the audience for this?

ResetEra finally has its own version of I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert).

We've finally made it.