
Oct 26, 2017
How many soldiers jumped out of planes mid air, placed c4 on another plane (still mid air), got back into their own plane (still fucking mid air) and watched the other plane explode while still flying?
How many times have you actually witnessed this outside of a youtube video? My guess is zero.
Oct 25, 2017
katanas weren't used in WW2, no.


Officers had them its not that ridiculous for them to appear in a ww2 game.
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Oct 27, 2017
I'm "giving a wide berth to male characters"? Where did you pull that out of your ass from? If your way of discussion is making stuff up to put into others mouths and then insult them based on that, you rightfully earned your place on my ignorelist.

Your complaint is that women in BFV don't belong because they aren't shown appropriately. So what is appropriate in a game where people perform crazy stunts, like jump from plane to plane mid-flight? Why do women characters have to have such a higher standard for authenticity than male characters? Oh, I know why. But keep acting like a child so you don't have to defend yourself and act like you're the victim while you're gatekeeping.


Dec 3, 2017
I'm a Battlefield veteran and a good fucking player too, so hear me.
Your complaints are unfounded. Wait for real footage.

All these changes are fucking amazing, all my BF friends who have played since 1942 are fucking exited for this game.
"Us BF veterans" hahahaha talk for yourself.
Things not bothering you personally is completely irrelevant to those who do take issue with things. Saying that people are attacking bf veterans for their dislike of the change does not imply "all bf veterans", it shows that someone who has grown up with and/or played very much of the franchise is not just some random shitposter who has no experience with it to base their opinion on, and as such shouldnt be responded to as if. Obviously playerbases are not monolithic and opinions therein vary vastly.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not talking about or defending youtube comment dumbfuckery. I am talking about the threads of Resetera where some spoiled menchildren incapable of adult conversation attack battlefield veterans (or even just fans) for not liking the change from aesthetic realism towards player individualization by either directly of indirectly through implications calling them sexists/racists, prime example from this page even:
We all agree being a racist and misogynist is one of the most terrible things a human being can be. By that token anybody accusing somebody of being such without basis deserves to be kicked out of here frankly. I would say report such behaviour, it's simply disgusting.


Oct 26, 2017
How many British soldiers on the western front carried katanas?
And the British had bows and swords =P

Sure, it wasn't normal, but how many video game characters that we play as are the average Joe? We play as the interesting characters.



Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
It's an issue of accuracy or realism, not so much authenticity. This is something that's been mentioned several times already but there's a difference between the two ideas.
So it's an issue of accuracy and realism in a series that has never prided itself on it's accuracy or realism?

They weren't running around like that, but it's portrayed in an authentic way - they aren't out of place with the context of a WW1 theme. That's what the battlefield series has always gone for, portraying the overall tone, atmosphere, uniforms, sounds, locations etc in a way that is authentic to the setting. It's the gameplay itself that then causes problems with accuracy.
No it's not portrayed in an authentic way. There are tons of artistic liberties taking in order to emphasize the action movie feel. BF is not or has not ever been a documentary.

In the same way here, the Katana, the Jacket, the Prosthetic are all authentic to the WW2 era - they all existed. The difference is in terms of the way they overall add together to create the overall feeling of the setting, it lacks cohesion because of the amount of out of place things.
In terms of cohesion BF1 and BFV are equal in how they liberally use elements that in reality were very rare and have them at the forefront of the experience in the MP both for the sake of aesthetic and for gameplay. The argument does not in anyway shape or form hold up.


Nov 22, 2017
It would be better if he told racist, sexist, bigots to fuck off and not buy the game.


Oct 27, 2017
And the British had bows and swords =P

Sure, it wasn't normal, but how many video game characters that we play as are the average Joe? We play as the interesting characters.


What bugs me is, why not just give the Brit the claymore? It would still be absurd because only one soldier did that but it's also still more appropriate than importing a weapon from an entirely different theater of war.

Supreme Leader Galahad

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
People are blowing things out of proportions without even playing the game as always, BF was always about fun with all-out warfare. People bitched about Premium and community split and DICE/EA respond with a game with only cosmetic microtransactions, you can never win. These customization options are here to add variety and be inclusive(a good thing), you dont need to use them if you dont want. Seems like the complaints are more based on racism and misogyny, even more when you read the info guys like jackfrags brought. Sad times for the BF community. People should embrace the changes, there are other games to give you the authenticity if thats what you want, dont buy BFV.


Oct 26, 2017
What bugs me is, why not just give the Brit the claymore? It would still be absurd because only one soldier did that but it's also still more appropriate than importing a weapon from an entirely different theater of war.
Because this was a multiplayer reveal, katanas were a melee weapon in use during WW2, and your weapon choices aren't restricted by your "race and faction".


Oct 27, 2017
It makes me feel a quantum of despair everytime people rise up against better/more diverse representation in games or in media in general. Fuck these people.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Feb 14, 2018
I thought battlefield was the serious one where the players made their own fun


Oct 25, 2017
I'm gonna buy the hell out of this game, just to support the devs. I'm loving everything I see about this game so far.


Feb 15, 2018
Climate has changed drastically with fornite, which is extremely kiddy looking and involves building magical staicases up mountains in thin air. Not surprising changes are being made to big franchises to pull some of that crowd back.


Oct 26, 2017
Why does it being an 'Easter egg' disqualify it given the arguments being made about immersion and historical accuracy? It's in the game isn't it?
Are you really gonna be this disingenuous? There's quite a difference between a tiny easter egg you have to go out of your way to find versus glaring inaccuracies that are front and center in the game.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
"Glorious authentic World War 1 aesthetic that fits the tone of what the war was actually like, not a HUGE reach in terms of accuracy":

"Unauthentic AF!"

-Armchair historian gamers™


Jan 7, 2018
All of the complaints stem from DICE not being clear what that reveal trailer actually was showing.

Singleplayer? Co-op? Multiplayer? Entirely CG mix of all of them? Without this clarification the lean into the BF shenanigans (cars landing on people etc) comes off very confusing in terms of tone. The unique characters come off very confusing in terms of what the hell they are (customization? Unique co-op characters? A new alternate WW2 setting and these are just what all the soldiers look like?) Then the very long scripted intro makes it feel like a fake CG trailer with just the HUD pasted on top. Just all sorts of muddled messages in terms of setting, gameplay mechanics and actual gameplay mode.

Just a bad janky trailer. Why does he reload after firing two shots.

After reading all that gameplay stuff I really just want to watch an uncut multiplayer match.


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
Are you really gonna be this disingenuous? There's quite a difference between a tiny easter egg you have to go out of your way to find versus glaring inaccuracies that are front and center in the game.
Not disingenuous at all. It just doesn't fit your argument. Especially when people keep saying Battlefield has been this paradigm of authenticity and immersion before this reveal trailer came out. That's disingenuous and intellectually dishonest.


Being sued right now, please help me find a lawyer
Oct 25, 2017
Putting C4 into a bike, launching it into a tank and destroying the tank: OK
Using a Railgun: OK
French soldiers using an Ottoman Kilij on BF1: OK
English soldier using a katana: NOT OK

Yikes, guys. Where you this way when you could use Russian weapons in a France VS Germany map in BF1?


Oct 27, 2017
There a lot of talk about Battlefield never being authentic so why start now right. I just need to understand is it ok to have Aliens in WW2? I fucking love aliens, there nothing more fun than fucking crazy Aliens. At least a DLC drop if not already in there please. Anybody remember Resistance on PS3?...yeah, good times.
Oct 27, 2017
As someone who went from playing Medal of honor allied assault and WWII Online to the Bf1942 demo back in the day (Tobruk + Wake island ftw!)

I welcome these changes. The squad I used to play WWII Online with HATED BF 1942 because it was ARCADEY, and you could destroy tanks with 50 cal machine guns (this was all based off the demo, etc)

Hell, in the full game I used to shoot down American planes with the Japanese Type 5 rifle. (A gun that was experimental! A copy of the American M1 Garand)

The Battlefield series has NEVER been realistic or accurate! Hey, if you want that, at least you got Red orchestra and Post scriptum.


Oct 27, 2017
Putting C4 into a bike, launching it into a tank and destroying the tank: OK
Using a Railgun: OK
French soldiers using an Ottoman Kilij on BF1: OK
English soldier using a katana: NOT OK

Yikes, guys. Where you this way when you could use Russian weapons in a France VS Germany map in BF1?

Would you say those glaring inaccuracies are...front and center?


Oct 25, 2017
There a lot of talk about Battlefield never being authentic so why start now right. I just need to understand is it ok to have Aliens in WW2? I fucking love aliens, there nothing more fun than fucking crazy Aliens. At least a DLC drop if not already in there please. Anybody remember Resistance on PS3?...yeah, good times.
War elephants were used in WW2, let's ride those into battle on the western front!

It's just a game so fuck authenticity right?

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
The Italians did employ armour plated soldiers in WW1...that is based on something that actually happened.
And guess what, some women fought in WW2, some soldiers wore face paint, and some even fought with prosthetics.All based on something that actually happened. So there's no issue with BFV in the context of the Battlefield series. Good talk. :D


Oct 25, 2017

Megaladon's were real at one point in time... Women are not, and either are prosthetics.

How many British soldiers on the western front carried katanas?
What bugs me is, why not just give the Brit the claymore? It would still be absurd because only one soldier did that but it's also still more appropriate than importing a weapon from an entirely different theater of war.

How many american's in WWII were given were given German Ruger's or Mausers to go into combat with? The answer is 0.... Yet, my grandpa left the war with 1 Ruger and 2 Mausers and had 1 of each for over a year in WWII.

Fucking love it. I've already preordered this game.

I'm gonna buy the hell out of this game, just to support the devs. I'm loving everything I see about this game so far.

Me too, this game is going to be amazing.


Oct 26, 2017
Its not normandy d-day = its not WW2 BF game = it cant be good and im offended by every pixel.