
Nov 3, 2017
People think because there's no "number" behind the entry, it's not canon or some bullshit side story.

This is sadly one of the most true things

People arguing that they should be able to jump from 1 to 2 to 3 are, while understandable, really just digging their own grave when it comes to trying to enjoy this series. Even just watching the cutscenes can help get you up to speed


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Bearing in mind that I have only played 1, 2, and most of 3:
I expected CoM to matter, obviously, because it mattered to 2.
Initially, I didn't expect anything from 358/2, Dream Drop Distance, or Re:Coded to matter because I understood those to be side stories that fleshed out the world.
I didn't expect Birth By Sleep to matter because that appeared to be a fairly self-contained prequel story with only Xehanort as a connecting link.
And Union Cross was a brower/mobile game that, as I understand it, hadn't even finished it's main story yet, so I didn't expect a connection there, either.

That being said, it was apparent from the trailers pretty early that at least BBS was going to tie to the main story, (Because characters from BBS appeared,) and they did go to the trouble of releasing all those games, so it was obvious pretty far in advance that they would matter. I just got burned out on KH after finally beating 2, so I didn't bother to play all those re-releases.

It's OK, though, I watched a couple lore videos ahead of KH3 and so far I've never really felt like I was lost.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
Well there is the recap included in the game. I'm talking about the KH1/KH2 players mostly. That's a huge part of the fanbase.
Those recaps in the games are better as refreshers for players that are already familiar with them.

The point is, if you only played KH1 and KH2 when they came out (maybe you skipped Chain of Memories, which would have left you wondering who Roxas was, and why half the Organization was already dead in KH2), and then skipped literally every other entry in the series between KH2 and KH3 after years of being told that these non-numbered entries are story relevant, and have the precedent of Chain of Memories firmly in mind...

...it's your fault for not keeping up.


Oct 25, 2017
The combat is my disappointment with the game. Having a triangle option every second which puts you in animation takes you out of the game after seeing them for the 100th time. I miss just pure keyblade combat.
You could just ignore them. I rarely used attractions after the first world. Also are you forgetting the triangle prominence in KH2? Nearly every enemy has one.


Nov 4, 2017
The combat is my disappointment with the game. Having a triangle option every second which puts you in animation takes you out of the game after seeing them for the 100th time. I miss just pure keyblade combat.

Agreed. I ended up turning off the abilities that extend them and hardly ever using them. I kinda wish that attractions and team attacks were their own respective abilities so that they could be toggled


Oct 25, 2017
Agreed. I ended up turning off the abilities that extend them and hardly ever using them. I kinda wish that attractions and team attacks were their own respective abilities so that they could be toggled
Not sure if you noticed, a lot of players apparently didn't, you can toggle through those commands with L2. Lol.
Nov 17, 2017
I think the issue is that KH avoids a lot of traditional video gaming conventions. What other series ties in story beats from a mobile game lol?

Not only that, but SE/Nomura has to know that there are many KH fans that only play on console, so they missed all those handheld entries.

KH is a huge outlier in this space. The numbering itself makes it more confusing because you tend to associate numbered titles with higher story relevance.
To the bolded, SE/Nomura are aware that many KH fans only played the console games. That's why there have been a bunch of HD remasters and collections over the years on PS3 and PS4. So the concept that console KH fans missed the handheld entries and thus won't understand the plot isn't really relevant anymore since they've had plenty of opportunities to play them on console or at least get the story with the case of the movies.

I get that KH is pretty unique in how its continuity is told throughout all these different games and how it's not as easy as playing three games titled 1, 2 and 3 but it's not as if Square Enix hasn't been making the effort to bridge the gap for years before 3 came out. It's only an issue if as a console KH fan, you decided to ignore those games when they came out on console.