Performance & Resolution Breakdown
  • Andromeda

    Oct 27, 2017
    4K (same perceived resolution between both machines)
    XBX about 25fps (rarely reaches 30fps during normal gameplay, usually 25-28fps)
    Pro about 30fps (uncapped fps)

    Pro at 1080p
    about 40fps-60fps, usually 40-45fps during normal gameplay.

    Best versions: Pro at 1080p > Pro at 4K > XBX
    Eurogamer Article States near-complete build doesn't suffer performance issues of demo build
  • Lucifonz

    Oct 27, 2017
    United Kingdom
    PC Demo Performance and Analysis
  • OP


    Oct 31, 2017

    New video focusing on PC performance was posted a short while ago by Dictator giving some details on the Anthem Beta as well. The video is linked above, with the tl;dw listed below:

    • Targetting 1080p60 across mid-tier configurations to compare against the performance profile of the PS4 Pro at 1080p mode
    • Mid-range testing consisted of i5 8400, GTX 1060/RX 580, 16GB DDR4 2667MHZ, SSD
      • 60fps is off the cards at 1080p Ultra. Hub sees dips to high 40's/50's, drops to mid 40's in combat. Below 60fps in the overworld
      • Medium settings preset below 1080p60 too
      • Low settings preset acheives some headroom above 60fps except in hub and firefights
      • Didn't expect attaining 60fps to be this challenging
      • Typically expect these cards to perform really well in Frostbyte games
      • GTX 1060 performance profile even lower than expected based on other Frostbyte games (footage not shown as it was lost)
      • CPU didn't seem to be a bottleneck in this scenario for the most part
    • Higher mid-range graphics cards were Vega 56 / GTX 1070
      • Vega 56 held above 60fps more consistently from the onset, but 1070 suffers heavily with drops below 60fps in firefights at Ultra settings, despite performing similarly to Vega while flying
      • Vega dips below 60 during some scenes, including a giant enemy crab boss. GTX 1070 suffers similarly, probably tying in to massage damage
      • Playing in the internal cave area yields much higher framerates due to lower scene complexity. Vega averages ~80fps allowing a lot of overhead for alpha effects in firefights, 1070 around ~60fps with some drops below
      • Probably not worth dropping graphics settings with these cards due to low performance gains for image quality trade-off
    • High-end testing uses RTX 2080 TI at Ultra Settings 4K
      • Alex didn't expect locked 4K60
      • Overworld sees drops into the 50's
      • Firefights mainly in the 40's
      • Dark1x played at 3840x1600 ultrawide resolution at 60fps in the overworld and hub but dropped frames heavily under 60 during firefights
    • Richard says his platform of preference is PC, given all the circumstances
    • AMD had an Anthem driver ready for this demo, Nvidia did not
    • Alex states that there is rendering tech and a world size being used in this game that isn't commonly used in other console Frostbyte games
    • Graphics options seemingly lacking or not having as much of an effect on fps as they should
      • Ultra settings down to High doesn't seem to have much of an effect, only when dropping to Medium is there a tangible difference (HBAO>SSAO, shadow resolution etc.) with an 18% performance gain
      • Low settings looks rough compared to Ultra, turns off a lot of settings, such as AA, SSAO, DOF and heavily affects shadows for a 21% performance gain
      • Performance scaling is bad
      • No DX12 options
      • No HDR controls in game, disabling in Windows did not work - Had to disable HDR on the display
      • Some graphical bugs on AMD hardware
    • Need a deeper dive into specific Graphics options and what they do
    • Firefights are the biggest offender for performance loss, probably due to heavy use of alpha effects
    • Comparing gameplay type and performance to Warframe and Destiny 2 states that with such an emphasis on combat, more should have been done to optimise this area of gameplay
    • CPU utilisation hit 100% and hit performance heavily, seemingly stopping by itself in Richard's case, but Alex needed to close the game for it to stop
    • Loading screens seem to be random and occur during missions and traversal
    • Alex needed to load an area twice whereas Richard only needed to load the area once.
    Okay so that was a long one but I wanted to do the information justice. Quite a lot to take in there, and this section will be threadmarked and updated in the OP as well. Let me know if there are any inaccuracies.
    Last edited:
    New DF Video Comparing Base vs Enhanced Consoles (With Revised Findings)
  • Theorry

    Oct 27, 2017
    DF just had a second look. And now can say the demo has the Xbox One X at native 4k and Pro is at 1800p.
    Base consoles are are at the usual stuff. 900p and 1080p.