
Oct 27, 2017
I'm a bit disappointed that a bunch of situations dip below 60fps, which probably means it'll be worse on PS5. I ordered PS5 mainly to go through my PS4 games, especially MHW..... Well, good on MS to set proper expectations early.


Jan 23, 2018
Hmmmm, how does that work? I'm not following how the 6TF GPU was delivering "only" 3TF of performance?

Is this specific to BC mode for legacy 360 games? If so, that's not really what I'm looking for. I want to know how the Series S will run current-gen games.

This is how Xbox Series S backwards compatibility really works

UPDATE: For the authoritative take on Microsoft's new flagship console, Digital Foundry's full Xbox Series X review is …


Oct 25, 2017
They really should have shown this off before preorders went live for both ps5 and xbox, if i knew it would be this good i would have had a much harder choice in which one to get


Oct 27, 2017
Hm isn't it somewhat disappointing that it isn't a locked 60 on games like sekiro ? Would have thought it be able to do that


May 23, 2019
Doesnt change the history - Playstation was back compatible from get go. Xbox was not. End of story don't make it bigger than it is.

And then it wasn't (PS3 to PS4) and they removed it (Second batch of PS3s with no PS2 EE inside) **removed detail I remembered wrong**
Last edited:


Aug 14, 2020
I'm kinda worried that Xbox didn't show pretty much any new games working on the series X and in the games like hitman the performance was struggling to keep 60fps around the outside area for a game that's old already.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
I'm kinda worried that Xbox didn't show pretty much any new games working on the series X and in the games like hitman the performance was struggling to keep 60fps around the outside area for a game that's old already.

Will you be this concerned when Hitman BC on PS5 doesn't hit 60 fps consistently too?


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
I'm kinda worried that Xbox didn't show pretty much any new games working on the series X and in the games like hitman the performance was struggling to keep 60fps around the outside area for a game that's old already.
These games aren't enhanced at all. These are just raw BC games. No reason to worry about performance. It's got the best console hardware on the market.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Hm isn't it somewhat disappointing that it isn't a locked 60 on games like sekiro ? Would have thought it be able to do that
Guess it depends on how it is being done. If it is software emulation then there is overhead involved. I don't know though. I thought the architectures were kind of the same but there might be some special purpose hardware that is being emulated here. Clearly given the raw specs a native port would be locked but it's also not far off from a 60 lock anyways (from watching the footage).


Oct 27, 2017
I'm kinda worried that Xbox didn't show pretty much any new games working on the series X and in the games like hitman the performance was struggling to keep 60fps around the outside area for a game that's old already.

The implication was that this was due to the limit in the GPU BC mode.


Oct 27, 2017
And then it wasn't (PS3 to PS4) and they removed it (Second batch of PS3s with no PS2 EE inside) and then they actively went out of their way to disable it (Patches to the PS3 OS that disabled the PS2 hardware).
What the heck are you talking about? There is no patch that disable PS2 hardware
Oct 27, 2017
I'm a bit disappointed that a bunch of situations dip below 60fps, which probably means it'll be worse on PS5. I ordered PS5 mainly to go through my PS4 games, especially MHW..... Well, good on MS to set proper expectations early.

I think it was mentioned in the beginning of the video, but it could be something a patch fixes - due to the fact that the games are just running in emulation mode - without and additional GPU horsepower being dispensed to it (It was confirmed by text overlay I believe). It could just be a simple update from a dev to push to use more of the consoles resources etc, but none the less impressive with nothing done to the games!


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
yeah of course.
goes in the same way.

But just so you know, these BC games aren't using the full architecture of the next-gen systems. They are basically brute forcing it and depending on how the game was coded and what the engine is can have an effect and isn't indicative of the system's potential long term.


Jan 8, 2019
Moscow, Russia
I'm kinda worried that Xbox didn't show pretty much any new games working on the series X and in the games like hitman the performance was struggling to keep 60fps around the outside area for a game that's old already.
BC games are working in legacy mode – console is using all its power, but not architecture benefits. It's a VERY big deal in terms of perfomance

Microsoft confirmed this to DF.
Oct 25, 2017
And then it wasn't (PS3 to PS4) and they removed it (Second batch of PS3s with no PS2 EE inside) and then they actively went out of their way to disable it (Patches to the PS3 OS that disabled the PS2 hardware).

And the current playstation leadership (Jim Ryan) has said shit like this in regards to BC:

"That, and I was at a Gran Turismo event recently where they had PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4 games, and the PS1 and the PS2 games, they looked ancient, like why would anybody play this?"

"Why would anybody play this?" says Sony's Jim Ryan about backwards compatibility

Backwards compatibility support on PlayStation 4 is a feature many want, but only a few will actually use, according to…


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Honestly this first class BC and the overwhelming value of gamepass is going to end up with me getting a Series X instead of upgrading my PC. It'll be way cheaper and my 1080/7700k will still be fine for pc exclusives for a few years.

Hats off to MS.


Oct 26, 2017
Gaithersburg MD
I'm kinda worried that Xbox didn't show pretty much any new games working on the series X and in the games like hitman the performance was struggling to keep 60fps around the outside area for a game that's old already.
I guess at this point I am not too surprised at them not showing series x games, because if not all of those are likely still in development even if they are close to being done. Some developers could put up builds for press to test now but that seems like it would be more work than it is worth given how close we likely are to final builds.

As to the absence of locked 60 on the quality mode in hitman on series x, I hope it improves and it likely will as we have seen with back compat 360 games on xbox one.


Oct 27, 2017
But you did invent a person to suit your argument.
Inventing a person would imply that I'm lying, making up stuff. Is that what you're getting at here?

You said: " your average consumer who plays a couple of games each year, I'm not sure if it's worth much. "

I'm saying, I know plenty of "average consumers", and to them, it actually DOES matter and is actually one of the big reasons why they're buying the console instead of the PS5.
Hold on a minute, didn't you just accuse me of inventing people for argument sake. What exactly are you doing here?
What do you mean people are buying Xbox instead on PlayStation because of BC? Current gen games work on PS5.

You doubled down when someone posited otherwise saying "I'm talking about your average CoD and FIFA player". So again, moving a goal post because now to you it's not just the "average consumer" that doesn't care, it's "the average consumer that only plays CoD and FIFA and the latest GAAS".
Further clarifying my opinion doesn't equate to moving goal post. COD and FIFA are some of the biggest franchises, these games have a lot of casual fans that stick with what they know best.

I'm saying I know plenty of CoD and FIFA "average consumers" that in fact do value the efforts Microsoft has made here. Quite a lot.
Okay. I don't see a reason to argue against this. Not sure why you though it was appropriate do suggest I was inventing/lying.

You're inventing a person to suit your argument: "the 'average consumer' who doesn't play backwards compatible games", who of course wouldn't value it. It's your invented person.
How do you not see the contradiction in your post.

You're not saying anything and are just pulling anecdotes from your bum.

Am I being trolled?


Oct 30, 2017
So I'll probably replay TW3 on Series X, then.

If I remember well, the performance mode on X1X ran with an unlocked framerate, targeting 60 fps but culminated to 35-50 fps in several locations (Novigrad, the swamp...). I guess this will be an easy locked 60 fps for Series X.


Feb 3, 2019
At some point, with the combination of doubling framerates and auto-HDR, I can see publishers pushing back against this. It seems like it deprives them of the lucrative revenue stream of endless remasters with each generation.

As the platform owner could Microsoft just start adding support for older games without publisher permission? Maybe a clause they could include in their publisher contracts going forward.


Oct 29, 2017
Good to know the assumptions on these systems were mostly correct; uncapped framerate/resolution are an easy path for drastic improvements withouth any specific work from developers.
If I remember well, the performance mode on X1X ran with an unlocked framerate, targeting 60 fps but culminated to 35-50 fps in several locations (Novigrad, the swamp...). I guess this will be an easy locked 60 fps for Series X.
It's unlocked on every system, though it's also receiving a next-gen update in the coming months. One way or the other, it's going to look and perform better than it does now.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
I guess at this point I am not too surprised at them not showing series x games, because if not all of those are likely still in development even if they are close to being done. Some developers could put up builds for press to test now but that seems like it would be more work than it is worth given how close we likely are to final builds.

As to the absence of locked 60 on the quality mode in hitman on series x, I hope it improves and it likely will as we have seen with back compat 360 games on xbox one.

I don't think people should get stuck on the Hitman performance dip. That game is both notorious and great to use for benchmarking. It pushes the CPU hard and the Series X has to brute force it, in 4K, without using any of the architecture's built in perks and it rarely dipped below 60. We'll see how that level performs on Hitman 3 which will be a Series X game to compare.

Baked Pigeon

Oct 27, 2017
At some point, with the combination of doubling framerates and auto-HDR, I can see publishers pushing back against this. It seems like it deprives them of the lucrative revenue stream of endless remasters with each generation.

As the platform owner could Microsoft just start adding support for older games without publisher permission? Maybe a clause they could include in their publisher contracts going forward.
Is this even legal?


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
At some point, with the combination of doubling framerates and auto-HDR, I can see publishers pushing back against this. It seems like it deprives them of the lucrative revenue stream of endless remasters with each generation.
If a remaster comes out, boasting better textures, higher resolutions, etc, then people that love the game will buy it again no matter what. Watch how many people scoop up this Mass Effect trilogy remaster or whatever it is. We can all play that shit on our Series X or S...we won't though. We'll buy the new fancy.


Oct 26, 2017
Gaithersburg MD
I don't think people should get stuck on the Hitman performance dip. That game is both notorious and great to use for benchmarking. It pushes the CPU hard and the Series X has to brute force it without using any of the architecture's built in perks. We'll see how that level performs on Hitman 3 which will be a Series X game to compare.
That is a good point.

Sutton Dagger

Oct 27, 2017
Interesting, thanks. What about resolution improvements? I'm much more interested in resolution & HDR than FPS. For example, I won't touch Gears of War Judgement until it has a much better resolution. But 30 FPS would be just fine.

You won't see resolution improvements unless the game has dynamic resolution, meaning it shouldn't drop resolution as often when scenes become more taxing.

On the other hand Richard is hinting about the feature for the Series X to increase framerate or resolution without a developer patch. That is what is even more exciting. I wonder what's happening with that cause if it works that's a game changer.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
At some point, with the combination of doubling framerates and auto-HDR, I can see publishers pushing back against this. It seems like it deprives them of the lucrative revenue stream of endless remasters with each generation.

As the platform owner could Microsoft just start adding support for older games without publisher permission? Maybe a clause they could include in their publisher contracts going forward.

I'm with what Yerffej said — I hope it actually just eliminates the "low effort" remasters and forces publishers to actually assign some work like much better assets, lighting reworks, gameplay tweaks, QoL features, etc — not just a resolution and framerate increase.

Because I'm still interested in paying for the kind of remasters I described.

I'm less interested in the ones that are just res bumps and framerate increases with the same assets. That SHOULD be free IMO.


Oct 27, 2017
So I'll probably replay TW3 on Series X, then.

If I remember well, the performance mode on X1X ran with an unlocked framerate, targeting 60 fps but culminated to 35-50 fps in several locations (Novigrad, the swamp...). I guess this will be an easy locked 60 fps for Series X.
Didn't CDPR announce a Witcher 3 patch coming to next gen consoles that would even add rest tracing? Or did i dream that?

Geist 6one7

Oct 29, 2017
For Hitman all those levels are being ported to III so I think it's better to test them there where thy can take better advantage of the hardware hopefully.


Nov 15, 2017
They really should have shown this off before preorders went live for both ps5 and xbox, if i knew it would be this good i would have had a much harder choice in which one to get
It's not like you can't change your mind. Set up some stock alerts for the Series X. I'm sure you could get one at or near launch. Personally, I had a PS5 preorder secured but I really wanted a Series X (mostly due to gamepass and the fact that my lack of a Xbox One gave me an instant set of new games to play) and when the Bethesda announcement was made I knew for sure Microsoft was serious about this gen, I canceled my PS5 preorder. I managed to get a Series X on preorder day but even if I missed it I know I could get one after the fact.


Oct 27, 2017
At some point, with the combination of doubling framerates and auto-HDR, I can see publishers pushing back against this. It seems like it deprives them of the lucrative revenue stream of endless remasters with each generation.

As the platform owner could Microsoft just start adding support for older games without publisher permission? Maybe a clause they could include in their publisher contracts going forward.
They will try to sell you on Ray Tracing.


Oct 28, 2017
Really excited to hear about the automatic BC enhancements to classic games from 360 and OG Xbox as that's the main exclusive feature Series X has over PS5.

El meso

Oct 27, 2017
Quick question regarding game engine (im not a game dev so please bear with me)

The PS5 has less CU with higher frequency right?

Now my question is, how do game engines allocate the CU?

//example a, static value
var cuinstance = CUManager.create(52); //as in 52 for xbox series x
var cuList = System.ComputeStuff(cuinstance) ;

//example a, Max value
var cuinstance = CUManager.getAll(); // 52 for xsx, 36 for ps5
var cuList = System.ComputeStuff(cuinstance) ;

Again this is a gross and ignorant take at how it might work, if somehow any of this make sense, will the higher frequency help if the value are static using ps4 retro on ps5?


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 6, 2017
Finally I can enjoy Nier Automata in high resolution and solid framerate on console.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017

It's not a perfect 60fps :(

I was really getting nudged to pay $500 to play Xbox One games too lol

If Sekiro ran at a perfect 60fps that might have done it for me.
Hopefully a next gen patch? They are supposed to be updating the game later this year.....

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
So, to get your game featured next console release - make sure it does not perform great late in this release... (Make a game that never perform great and you will be featured for centuries... "Will it run C...")

If your game did 4k@60 you will not be shown unless they can speed up output to 4k@120 (but will input speed follow? will latency increase? Sounds like double and triple buffered games would be a natural target)

"Today the embargo lifts on backwards compability... however I am on a preview program for the moment so although hundreds of titles are available for testing it is far from the complete library" Rich Leadbetter
So did the embargo lift or not? The wording used sounds like they were only allowed to run the games included on the SSD... correct?
  • Guaranteed performance gains!
  • No risk of finding that game that performs worse
  • No risk of finding the game that crashes
  • Games could even be patched to make them work better
  • Is the Blu-ray of XSX even working?
The line between investigative journalism and working in advertisements is fine...
Are you genuinely suggesting that Digital Foundry of all places is not acting in good faith?