
Jan 17, 2018
Mexico CIty
It's a joke. If that one dude managed to bodge together a functioning 60fps patch via the debug mode, it is quite obviously not a big deal for them to do it officially. 4k60 Bloodborne should have been on PS5 at launch - imagine the customer goodwill Sony would have generated, and what a way to demonstrate your new console's horsepower.

To be fair, he had to reverse engineer how DS3 handles arbitrary framerates on PS4 and then back port that onto Bloodborne to make it work. It was a bit more complicated than just UNLUCKFPS=TRUE.


Nov 13, 2017
I got a warning in another thread because I failed to specifiy that I'm a PS5 owner while sardonically reveling in the fact that obsidian thew sony a bone one last time with their 60fps boost to outer worlds before committing to microsoft 100%. But these fps boosts are great reminders that when i finally do grab a series x i'll have a lot to look forward to lmao.

Count me in the jealous camp but , I'm happy people get to experience these games in their optimal form.

Also John's french is sexy as FUCK OMG
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Oct 28, 2017
I literally started Mooncrash a few days ago (which is excellent) so this couldn't be better timed.


Oct 27, 2017
It's a joke. If that one dude managed to bodge together a functioning 60fps patch via the debug mode, it is quite obviously not a big deal for them to do it officially. 4k60 Bloodborne should have been on PS5 at launch - imagine the customer goodwill Sony would have generated, and what a way to demonstrate your new console's horsepower.

That would have undermined Demons Souls, plus how else will Sony be able to have a Bloodborne remake for when the PS6 launches :p


Oct 26, 2017
I can't believe how bad the loading was on these games on the Xbox. I played Dishonored on PC and honestly don't understand how anyone could play that game with 30+ seconds every death. Thank god that's all over for consoles.


Oct 27, 2017
hah, so i´m not the only one who got puzzled by the forced french version of dishonored on the series x!
fwiw, I fixed it by changing all my language and location settings to English and US (was English & Austria) and redownloading the game.

and yes, the load times are a game changer.

Flappy Pannus

Feb 14, 2019
This is great but also just serves as a reminded of how good a remastered Dishonored + Dishonored 2 pack would be. They're both still fantastic games and really haven't aged in terms of gameplay, DH1 with just some texture/effects upgrade to 4k/60 especially would be great.

Then again I have a PS5 so no promise we would get it regardless. :(
Nov 16, 2017
Birmingham, AL
I played through (and LOVED) both Prey and the Dishonored series on PC but man alive all the back tracking and loading of different areas of Prey and having to deal with long load times on older consoles... I can't imagine how frustrating that would have been.


Jun 15, 2018
To be fair, he had to reverse engineer how DS3 handles arbitrary framerates on PS4 and then back port that onto Bloodborne to make it work. It was a bit more complicated than just UNLUCKFPS=TRUE.

Well yes, but the point is that he was able to do it - one dude with a chipped console. An actual team of devs, I'm sure, wouldn't find it too much of a challenge.


Aug 23, 2018
London, UK
Amazing job once again by the BC team at Microsoft.
Arkane is one of my favourite developers and both Dishonored and Prey deserve all the love.

The loading time are also interesting and makes me thing the long loading times have different root causes in the two games.
Prey is probably CPU limited so it's not getting an incredible boost out of the new SSD, while Dishonored was well optimised already and can load as fast as the SSD can provide the data (which matches my experience on fast NVMe drive on PC as well).

I don't know how Sony sees the love for the game and continues to do absolutely shit to support it. No Pro patch, no much needed fixes to the frame pacing/stuttering. It's like they don't give a damn if it doesn't immediately generate money for them.

There are technical reasons and issues as to why Bloodborne has been mostly abandoned (so far) sadly.
I'd be surprised if at some point it's not revived as a lot of people even internally are pushing for that as well, but it's not as easy as most next gen upgrades for sure.

Navidson REC

Oct 31, 2017
This is so dope! Can't wait to play these games!
Wow. I'm so jealous of MS's incredible BC program. I mean, I will be getting a Series X in a year or two, but most of my legacy titles are on Playstation, so I still won't be able to take great advantage of it. But man, it's so good.
Game Pass might help a bit with that actually as you would get access to a ton of games from as early as the OG Xbox that way.


Oct 27, 2017
This is my first time playing Prey, so I wouldn't have noticed the loading time differences, but that Dishonored one is crazy!


Jun 9, 2018
This is super impressive. Input lag is Dishonored 2's biggest problem on console -- it is otherwise a stellar game but this problem SINKS it on console IMO. Hope that's in the pipeline!

Also, noticed that the Typhon Hunter DLC for Prey doesn't have FPS boost. I doubt that DLC is really substantial to the overall experience but still would be cool if that got updated too.

Weirdly enough that mode runs on Unreal Engine instead of Cry Engine.

I'm guessing that's why the work done on the base game didn't carry over.


Mar 24, 2018
The first Dishonored is still a great looking game in my opinion. Happy for the console fellas that can finally experience it with some more appropriate smoothnes and motion clarity.


Oct 25, 2017
Prey goes from something that's somewhat unplayable to one of the best games of the generation. Incredible to see.


Jun 8, 2019
John said exactly what I was thinking about 9 minutes in. This is more like a remaster than just an older game getting a boost to performance.


Oct 26, 2017
Based on my time with stuff like Far Cry 4, Dishonored, and Watch Dogs 2, it's effing amazing having effectively zero load time on games like this. Quick travel being immediate still feels like a surprise each time I do it. This generation just keeps on giving.


Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely bonkers. Prey at 60fps with ~10 second load times is going to feel like a genuine remaster


Dec 13, 2017
Jumped back into Prey last night and it felt sublime....but because I am 8-10 huors into the game, I have absolutely no idea what I am doing hahahaha. Probably need to start over.

Also, Skyrim feels amazing with 60fps and sub 10 second load times. burned through a bunch of that yesterday and today. Xbox is killing it with this type of stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
Dumb question but..
I downloaded Prey the day they released it on Gamepass few days can I download/know if it already is there this boost?


Oct 25, 2017
Dumb question but..
I downloaded Prey the day they released it on Gamepass few days can I download/know if it already is there this boost?

It should be working automatically. But if you go in the game and press the home button, at the top right where it usually says Auto HDR, there should be a new badge there with it that says FPS Boost
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Nov 24, 2017
whatever they did completely changed how Prey plays for me. it was a struggle to aim last time i tried. feels much better now.
is there anything planned for dishonored2?

on sony side hoping for 60fps patches for horizon and death stranding. sleeping on those too in case they get updated.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't believe how bad the loading was on these games on the Xbox. I played Dishonored on PC and honestly don't understand how anyone could play that game with 30+ seconds every death. Thank god that's all over for consoles.
Yeah I didn't even know all of this was a thing while playing on PC. I saved and reloaded a lot on an SSD and it was quick. Awesome that console people can now experience that too.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
I can't believe how bad the loading was on these games on the Xbox. I played Dishonored on PC and honestly don't understand how anyone could play that game with 30+ seconds every death. Thank god that's all over for consoles.
45+ second load times were a major influence on my decision to get into high end PC gaming, during the 360/PS3 generation.

It's great that fast loading has come to consoles.

huh didn't realize Prey was a bioshock type of game.

I gotta play that now
It gives heavy Bioshock/System Shock 2 vibes. Check it out.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Prey at 60fps and lacking noticeable input lag is absolutely saving the console version of the game for me, which I've owned since the first time it went on sale in 2017. I never could stand playing it before but now it's excellent. Auto-HDR seems to be working great on it, too — did a few scene checks at the beginning of the game to directly compare SDR and HDR and I prefer the auto-HDR look, personally.

This copy I bought years ago finally feels playable and I really want Dishonored 2 to get the same treatment.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
I played prey a few years back and was struck at how bad it ran on an OG one. Its so much better now its not even funny. I kinda wish SSDs had been standard back then, maybe it wouldve been possible to make the game without loading screens at all.


Dec 8, 2017
Everytime I hear a mention of Prey I want to play it again, that game is so fucking good. Hope more people try it with game pass now, so we can get a sequel.