
Oct 25, 2017
I've actually been pretty happy with the gems so far. I'm done all content(completed every event, story, mission, crystal level) but have managed to get back up to 16000 from blowing it all on Squall. The gem prices suck but that's what I expect out of every mobile theses days. I've been so pleasantly surprised by this game that I bought the sale gems when Squall banner released just to kind of support the game.

Things may get a little slower once they stop giving 300 gems every day but overall I say just plan ahead instead of blowing on every banner released. It's why I backed off from pulling Vanille weapon since I already had Yuna and Hope.

I also believe the half off banner deal will be coming back for banners that are returning.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
4 pulls and the game trolled me with two 5star Hope weapons but 3rd pull was Yuna's and 4th vanille. YESSSSSSSS

Also, Vanille event done. Last battle was easy for me cause I had Terra at double 50, Yuna at 45 with her new weapon and Esuna is OP and I had Vanille's 5 star and dispel.
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Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Oh hell yeah, got Yuna's weapon from the draw tickets. Hers seemed the most future proof so I was really hoping to get it
Oct 25, 2017
Finally got a relic off a draw ticket, zidane.

So I'm at ten with two maxed and another one node away. In breaks order
Wol bartz cloud squall vaan zidane rem Yuna terra vanille. Not bad at all. Need thrower gun and fist. Seems like ftp is quite viable in this one.


Combat Designer
Oct 27, 2017
I am stupidly addicted to this game. I seriously have put more time into it than I should and I haven't spent any real money yet, thankfully. Currently have Tifa, Squall, WoL, Cloud at 50. Almost got Terra, Vaan, and Zidane at 50 now too. Everyone else is between high 40s and near 30s. I've actually been having a lot of fun with Yuffie and got her currently to 45 STR and 39 LVL.

Ended up getting Yuna's staff in the ticket pull last night. She's so ridiculously OP it's hilarious. I love it.

edit: Rebuffing Malboro in the co-op battle as Yuffie is way more fun than it should be
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Pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down
Oct 24, 2017
Damn, 2 Hope weapons and 1 Vanille, no Yuna. :(


Oct 27, 2017
This game is really cool. First F2P game I liked, and shocking... in mobile... I always pushed off mobile games, but maybe I can give a try to the others mobile FF games in future.

In the beginning I was playing waiting the Dissidia NT shipping, now I'm playing this more than NT. A pleasant surprise!!!
Oct 27, 2017
I couldn't resist and pulled on Terra's banner.

3 pulls = 2 Rems, 1 Zidane, 1 Penelo + her armor, 1 Terra + her armor

Another weapon for zidane (3 in total) and I'm happy with Penelo, I really wanted her buffs.


Oct 25, 2017
Which stage is the best to farm crystals? I want a lot of the small crystals mostly. Which have you guys made good luck with?
Oct 25, 2017
Man no more sp dungeon for a little while. So hold off on ranking up or just not worry. I'm annoyed because my vivi only hit level 37. No relic, goal was 40 while xpx2. Oh welll.


Oct 25, 2017
Gotta love all the squalls without Blade Flurry equiped on my support list.
To be fair, the system is just completely obtuse. It'll automatically select all of the CP abilities you currently have equipped when you first select your support. However, it doesn't automatically update like you'd expect it to. Having to keep going back in to update it is frankly a pain.


Oct 25, 2017
There really hasn't even been any real need to bring in a friend unit yet so meh. It's nice the system exists but so many people get worked up over something so minor.
Oct 27, 2017
To be fair, the system is just completely obtuse. It'll automatically select all of the CP abilities you currently have equipped when you first select your support. However, it doesn't automatically update like you'd expect it to. Having to keep going back in to update it is frankly a pain.

Yeah, it's a shame because there's almost no way of knowing this if you don't visit reddit/gamefaqs, etc. I end up using Cloud 99% of the time.


Oct 27, 2017
Holy heck, I got destroyed during the final Vanille quest! I spent 100 gems for the revive, and I still almost lost. Had to go all out with HP attacks before Berserk could take me out!

Does anyone know when we'll be getting more co-op quests? I'd love some more variety.


Oct 25, 2017
Done the Vanille missions. The clear 30 times should give gems but I guess gil is okay.

I'm going to save my red crystals since I didn't pull for Vanille.
I am stupidly addicted to this game. I seriously have put more time into it than I should and I haven't spent any real money yet, thankfully. Currently have Tifa, Squall, WoL, Cloud at 50. Almost got Terra, Vaan, and Zidane at 50 now too. Everyone else is between high 40s and near 30s. I've actually been having a lot of fun with Yuffie and got her currently to 45 STR and 39 LVL.

Ended up getting Yuna's staff in the ticket pull last night. She's so ridiculously OP it's hilarious. I love it.

edit: Rebuffing Malboro in the co-op battle as Yuffie is way more fun than it should be
Honestly multiplayer in general is addicting and fun. The crystal drops are are great and the mix of characters is nice to play with.

It's going to be even more fun when they release the higher level ones though I doubt we will see that for awhile.

Which stage is the best to farm crystals? I want a lot of the small crystals mostly. Which have you guys made good luck with?
I honestly think the best three ways are:
World of Illusions(Left Side)
Crystal Dungeon

You can use the keys to force open the crystal dungeon of your choice for 30 minutes and then pop a item drop increase so that both times finish together. Dissidia points lets you purchase them and they've given out quite a few already. :)

Holy heck, I got destroyed during the final Vanille quest! I spent 100 gems for the revive, and I still almost lost. Had to go all out with HP attacks before Berserk could take me out!

Does anyone know when we'll be getting more co-op quests? I'd love some more variety.
The one thing you need to be careful with in the Vanille quest is breaking the boss. It causes it to berserk and then flurry which will break you.

Best thing is to build BRV and slowly burn down(debuff it's DEF) to about half HP and then pop a summon and burn him quickly which you can break for the extra two turns. Yuna makes the fight super easy.

As for next multiplayer fight It depends on how fast they want events to release. So far we have been moving quite fast however I still don't think we will see the next multi fight for a month or 2.
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Oct 26, 2017
booted up OO, it said i was in a fight and it was the orb dungeon then after it told me the dungeon already ended

is this what it's like to wake up at a bar and get thrown out by the bouncer


Oct 25, 2017
Damn World Of Illusions just ended. I was able to grind a decent amount from it but wasn't expecting it to close so soon.
Oct 25, 2017
Defeat boss x 30 times is just obnoxious. Even auto battle round 3.

Oh and I feel dumb, I just realized what the break bonus at the top of the screen meant. Doof.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Next event is Setzer's and with boosted characters: Setzer, Yuffie and Laguna.
The boss is flying and the focus is on ranged attacks.

I'm gonna struggle with this one I feel, the boss self buffs for 8000 bravery and guarantees a HP attack on the next turn


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Detroit, MI
I pulled once more on Squall's banner as I was hoping for at least one more of either his or Tifa's 5*......and I got a forth 5* for Zidane. This is in addition to his fully leveled 4* lol. This game reeeeeally wants me to use him.

Pulled on the weekly too hoping for Terra........and I got Vaan's. Go figure.

Hoping I have better luck getting Yuna's. Curious who will be on the weekly tomorrow.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Well, it's gonna be a pain in the arse to get duplicates to limit break my characters I actually use.

Squall ASF

Oct 29, 2017
Sucks that World of Illusions left without getting replaced by another, now I have no means to acquire 4* weapon orbs :( Think I have Squall's at either 26 or 27 so still a long ways to go to hit 35 but I at least managed to max out his belt. I have some keys and treasure books that I'm hoping combined will get his crystal level to 50. We shall see!

I decided to not take the last Vanille stage too seriously on the first attempt and used Squall and a Yuna in her 30's who I only have her 4* weapon for and have never leveled her crystal level since I give the whites to WoL. I figured she could help with the Marlboro and boost my brave up without going ham with Squall to trigger Berserk on the boss. I brought Vaan as usual and a friend Vaan for magic damage. I ended up saying screw it and just went ham with Squall, allowing the boss to go into berserk mode. The good news is that I beat him on the first try while the bad news is that my severely undercooked Yuna was broken and killed by a berserk rampage so I missed those gems, oh well no biggie. This was the worst possible type of event for Squall and I was still able to win with him. This pleases me, I will be able to use him for every single event this game throws at us :D


Oct 25, 2017
Man we already get Ifrit in World of Illusion tonight ( 2 hours 30 mins from now), I love this event pace, since I finished everything I barely played today (just the 10 daily stages)
Finally Ifrit won't be stuck to level 5 anymore.

Squall ASF

Oct 29, 2017
Man we already get Ifrit in World of Illusion tonight ( 2 hours 30 mins from now), I love this event pace, since I finished everything I barely played today (just the 10 daily stages)
Finally Ifrit won't be stuck to level 5 anymore.
Wohoo! Exactly what I was hoping would happen so I can get the ingredients to get him past level 5 :D I now forgive them from taking Carbuncle away, they did indeed replace it with another haha


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
just started this game and just completed chp.1, likeing it very much

my parrty im currently using is Cloud, Tifa, and Rem which luckily I got their 5 star weapons already! in addition to two wild rosses and a Judgment.

wish these guaranteed 5 star pulls were in FFBE...


Oct 25, 2017
For info, World of Illusion's esper events come back later permanently, same as character events.
Might take a while so go get as much mats as you can.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh, I managed to get Cloud's new weapon. That's nice, but I think I'd have preferred to get Organix? I don't know, but at least I finally have a weapon for him.

Question: What is the little bell that you have 5 of? Can't for the life of me figure out what it's used it.


Oct 27, 2017
Is Hope worth praying RNGods for to get his weapon in the current banner? Especially if I already got the other two?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Detroit, MI
Used one ticket and also did a multi-pull on the new Cloud banner. I didn't really need a new weapon for him since his Orgenix is nicely leveled, but he's Cloud and my favorite so why not. :)

Ended up with a really good haul! Pulled his new weapon, his Shinra Beta FINALLY, Sazh's 5*, Sazh's armor, Terra's armor, and another 5* for Vaan. Whew.

I'll probably pull once on Vanille's and then call it good on pulls for a while to save for whatever's coming up.


Oct 26, 2017

this fight sux


Oct 26, 2017
If I use a book that generates 2x exp, will charcters that have a 2x-exp-bonus receive 4x the amount of exp? Or does this have no effect?


Oct 25, 2017
Ifrit is rough. stage 5 nuked my WoL. Will need to actually find a strategy for this one.

If I use a book that generates 2x exp, will charcters that have a 2x-exp-bonus receive 4x the amount of exp? Or does this have no effect?

It does compound the exp. The exact math i'm not sure about, but yes...it's super effective.


Oct 25, 2017
Terra is not made for EX fight's strategy of crushing the boss with a summon at 45%, need to level Vaan even though I don't have his weapon. I completed all previous stages missions so I just need to prepare for that final stage.
Square please I need a weekly Vaan banner after Terra's one.

Edit : nevermind, Cloud and Squall are way better since Vaan skills are already based on another element and can't use Ifrit summon one.
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Oct 25, 2017
Used twentyish tickets on the new banner and landed zero five star relics. But did get 5 new armors and 2 four star weapons, one for a relic less character, so it could have been worse I guess. Back up to around 15k gems, so no real worries there and can pull for a ranged relic next event.


Oct 27, 2017
Since I compulsively spend tickets when I get them, I did 10 tickets on the new weekly draw and got Cloud's new 5* weapon, plus 4* weapons for Sazh, Shadow, OK, and Cloud, and Laguna's 4* armor. I don't usually have so many draws that aren't 3* fodder.

The Ifrit event has been fun, but my usual method of taking a lower level team for the first clear, then cleaning up the completion targets with a high level team really slows things down while waiting for stamina to replenish.


Oct 26, 2017
I played brave exvius for awhile but got frustrated by the F2P mechanics. Is this any more fair an experience? I'm thinking similar to future fight, galaxy of heroes, or fire emblem?