
Dec 18, 2017
Nah. Fuck DmC and the homophobic attitude Ninja Theory had about thinking the original Dante is a "gay cowboy" and using that to make DmC Dante be better by being a edgy asshole who FUCKS and SWEARS. Fuck that game and the horrible sniping a pregnant baby scene. Let that game be forgotten for good.


Feb 22, 2018
Nah. Fuck DmC and the homophobic attitude Ninja Theory had about thinking the original Dante is a "gay cowboy" and using that to make DmC Dante be better by being a edgy asshole who FUCKS and SWEARS. Fuck that game and the horrible sniping a pregnant baby scene. Let that game be forgotten for good.

Did you even see that baby and the pregnant 'lady'?


Nov 1, 2017
I have to disagree, it's a spectacular looking title even in comparison to the entry that just came out. Looking back, it's amazing the framerate on last gen machines is as stable as it is, really.

I'm not speaking graphically, I'm speaking about the game as a whole. I think DmC is a great looking game, one of it's strongest points. Running at 4k 60fps on my PC it's BEAUTIFUL. I know a lot of the DMC fanbase just bashes it out right for everything, and I get it, but I think the majority of us played through that game, liked it well enough, and moved on. It was FINE, not great, not terrible, but pretty cool and fun. The difference is that a lot of us played DMC3 and 4 for years, where DmC was kind of "ok that was kinda cool" and we moved on. The obnoxious thing, (and I'm certainly not speaking about you as you seem to have an excellent grasp on why your opinion on it may be different from people who really get into the technical combat stuff) is that all these years later people are still trying to cram DmC down our throats like it was some gift from the gods that should have "saved" these bad games, when that's not the case for the original fan base, and it gets pretty old having to explain that the story, writing, character changes, etc are the LEAST of the problems people have with that game. I think people who rip the game to shreds are certainly being hyperbolic, it's a rad game for sure, but there seems to be this hostility from the DmC fanbase where they'll accept nothing less than everyone acknowledging that DmC is truly the best, and it just all seems to be a big misunderstanding between people who love that game, and people who love the original series for reasons the DmC fanbase will never understand, and don't even want to attempt to have a rational discussion about (for the most part)


Nov 20, 2017
Another thing that works against DmC's skill ceiling is the complete lack of any sort of taunt feature, the thing that truly sets DMC apart. The appeal of DMC, especially in these sort of combo videos, is that showcase of absolute mastery, and nothing expresses mastery more than a well-timed taunt. The absolute confidence to just stand there and clown on the highest difficulty level enemy, completely vulnerable to attack. Taunts give DMC that level of player expression and confidence/playfulness that sets the series apart. No other game does them quite like DMC does, which scale in rank and not only ramps up the coolness but even fleshes out the character even more (each character in DMCV having their own musical motif to dance to, for example).

While yes, DmC does have combos, that's all it has. Combo videos in DmC, well-executed as they may be, still look like someone mashing a controller at lightning speeds with a camera way too zoomed in to read what's actually happening. There's barely any sense of timing. It looks fast and I'm sure it's impressive, but it's not quite as "fun" to watch as a DMC combo video just because there's inherently less you can do.

You're certainly not going to see anything even as simple as this in DmC (which is sad since DMC4 was years before its release)



Oct 30, 2017
Haven't played Dmc5 but DMC was an utterly average game . If I rate dmc4 8/10 I would rank DMC 5.5/10. Utterly average


Nov 1, 2017
Did you even see that baby and the pregnant 'lady'?
IMO the biggest problem with that scene was Vergil using a gun. Like, one of the core aspects of Vergil as a character in contrast to Dante is that he sees guns as weak, and is more about expert swordsmanship mixed with dark magic or whatever. Seeing Vergil holding a sniper rifle literally made me LOL.


Oct 26, 2017
They're not even the same Vergil. Don't remember anything at all in the reboot saying that Vergil sees guns as weak, so dunno how it would be out of character for him to use a sniper rifle. Reboot Vergil was more like he'd do anything to get the job done.

Did you even see that baby and the pregnant 'lady'?
Doubt he even played the game. Also funny how he's complaining about swearing seeing as how Nero also has a potty mouth in DMC 5. lol
Oct 17, 2018
Honestly I'd probably agree. I haven't been able to get past the 3rd mission cause I just want to play fucking Dante but they're forcing me to play shitty Nero and probably that new guy eventually. It's the same reason I couldn't complete 4 cause I had to play as Nero at the start. I fucking hate Nero. Plus the new girls voice is the most annoying voice I've heard in a game, comparable to Sarah from Star Ocean 4.

Just let me play the entire game as Dante man, DMC3 is the GOAT DMC for a reason.


Nov 1, 2017
Another thing that works against DmC's skill ceiling is the complete lack of any sort of taunt feature, the thing that truly sets DMC apart. The appeal of DMC, especially in these sort of combo videos, is that showcase of absolute mastery, and nothing expresses mastery more than a well-timed taunt. The absolute confidence to just stand there and clown on the highest difficulty level enemy, completely vulnerable to attack. Taunts give DMC that level of player expression and confidence/playfulness that sets the series apart. No other game does them quite like DMC does, which scale in rank and not only ramps up the coolness but even fleshes out the character even more (each character in DMCV having their own musical motif to dance to, for example).

While yes, DmC does have combos, that's all it has. Combo videos in DmC, well-executed as they may be, still look like someone mashing a controller at lightning speeds with a camera way too zoomed in to read what's actually happening. There's barely any sense of timing. It looks fast and I'm sure it's impressive, but it's not quite as "fun" to watch as a DMC combo video just because there's inherently less you can do.

You're certainly not going to see anything even as simple as this in DmC (which is sad since DMC4 was years before its release)

Great Post. I dunno how many people are familiar with Metallica's output, but I always like to say DmC is like the St. Anger of the series. They took out all the guitar solos, let their lawyer or whatever write some of the lyrics and play bass, detuned the snare drum to the point where it sounds like garbage, and wrote a bunch of songs for people that definitely aren't their original core audience. Maybe a little extreme, because I like DmC a hell of lot more than St. Anger, but the comparison is apt imo.


Nov 14, 2018
Costa Rica
Is it so hard to understand why the hardcore DMC fanbase didnt like DmC that much, these threads will never end because a DmC fan always pokes their head in and says "I dont get the hate" or "its way better than those other games" then proceeded by multiple huge paragraphs that go into incredible detail of why this is just to be ignored till the next thread, rinse repeat. If you dont "get" why they are very different games you just dont care enough to do so because we have been here too many times.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017

I've had enough time to reflect and DMC V was pretty much more of the same with fancy graphics.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not speaking graphically, I'm speaking about the game as a whole. I think DmC is a great looking game, one of it's strongest points. Running at 4k 60fps on my PC it's BEAUTIFUL. I know a lot of the DMC fanbase just bashes it out right for everything, and I get it, but I think the majority of us played through that game, liked it well enough, and moved on. It was FINE, not great, not terrible, but pretty cool and fun. The difference is that a lot of us played DMC3 and 4 for years, where DmC was kind of "ok that was kinda cool" and we moved on. The obnoxious thing, (and I'm certainly not speaking about you as you seem to have an excellent grasp on why your opinion on it may be different from people who really get into the technical combat stuff) is that all these years later people are still trying to cram DmC down our throats like it was some gift from the gods that should have "saved" these bad games, when that's not the case for the original fan base, and it gets pretty old having to explain that the story, writing, character changes, etc are the LEAST of the problems people have with that game. I think people who rip the game to shreds are certainly being hyperbolic, it's a rad game for sure, but there seems to be this hostility from the DmC fanbase where they'll accept nothing less than everyone acknowledging that DmC is truly the best, and it just all seems to be a big misunderstanding between people who love that game, and people who love the original series for reasons the DmC fanbase will never understand, and don't even want to attempt to have a rational discussion about (for the most part)
While I mentioned graphics, I was making a point about the game as a whole; it's spectacle to me is borne out of the visuals, the cutscenes but also the moment to moment gameplay and everything surrounding it, and even the combo videos.
Also, I do agree that obnoxious behavior surrounding the discussion of this franchise sucks, regardless of what strain of the franchise the obnoxious folk happen to prefer (though, as far as this thread goes, it seems to have been made in good faith and had lots of quality posts, although I do make extensive use of the ignore feature).


Nov 1, 2017
Honestly I'd probably agree. I haven't been able to get past the 3rd mission cause I just want to play fucking Dante but they're forcing me to play shitty Nero and probably that new guy eventually. It's the same reason I couldn't complete 4 cause I had to play as Nero at the start. I fucking hate Nero. Plus the new girls voice is the most annoying voice I've heard in a game, comparable to Sarah from Star Ocean 4.

Just let me play the entire game as Dante man, DMC3 is the GOAT DMC for a reason.
I felt the same way about DMC4 honestly. Hated Nero. Give him a chance in this one though, play through it and unlock more of his move set, it actually surprised me there was a point around mission 8 or whenever you get Dante where I realized I was really into playing Nero. It flipped around for me, where I haven't even really dived into Dante yet after completing normal mode because he is so overwhelming with what seems like millions of combo possibilities. They do a great job with Nero's progression where as you get more moves and they introduce more mechanics, you actually start to realize how tight he is. The Devil Breaker shit is crazy with so many possibilities, and off the bat his kit is easy to understand, but with a depth that becomes more palpable as you go. By the time I completed normal they had introduced so much more stuff into Nero's kit where I feel like he's actually even deeper than DMC3 Dante. Definitely try to get further than the third mission because he gets way better. Can't say the same about V though honestly, not a big fan of how imprecise he feels. Really cool concept, not fun at all to play though for me, and not what I'm looking for from a DMC game. Thankfully, on normal at least, you can kind of just button mash through his levels, and there aren't that many of them. My man Nero really comes into his own in this game though. waaaaaaay better than DMC4.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
- The main character has short hair, dresses in tattered clothing which includes commando boots and a hoody, has a potty mouth and an attitude, and can use a grappling hook to pull enemies towards him as a key gameplay mechanic.
- The female co-lead wears denim shorts and has tattoos.
- Said co-lead also had an evil father. This is revealed in a scene where she's driving the protagonist.
- A character's hair goes from black to white when they enter Devil Trigger.
- Urban setting.
- Levels are mostly linear.
- The platforming is mostly on rails.
- The third mission starts out with a fight in a large open square, followed by a corridor, followed by another open square. There is at least one fountain in these squares.
- Dante gains two fire arms as part of the story. One is obtained in the mid-section, and the other is obtained in the third act shortly before the final set of bosses. The latter weapon fires exploding projectiles.
- The third act largely consists of featureless corridors.
- The demon king is the main antagonist.
- The main antagonist's right hand is a female demon whose body is attached to a grotesque infantile monster.
- Two of the bosses are female.
- One of the secondary antagonists is a demon named after a demon from the Goetia.
- One of the last bosses is the demon king using his full power. This fight is quickly followed by a reveal that Vergil was the true main antagonist all along
- The final mission is a climactic fight against Vergil against the short-haired protagonist.
- Vergil can use Doppelganger.
- Near the end the protagonist's love interest gives him a pep talk when he's having a moment of doubt.
- In the ending Vergil disappears in a portal to Hell.

What game am I describing?
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Nov 1, 2017
I don't see people bring up the Devil Trigger mechanic in DmC enough either honestly. In the main series, it's a way to enhance, and augment what you're already doing combo wise, with some options to how you use it, and can also be used for some quick health regen. In DmC though, you pop the Devil Trigger and all of the enemies go up into the air, making them harder to continue comboing unless your already in the air with an enemy, and it really just throws off what you were in the middle of. I didn't like using DT in that game at all, and it seemed completely counterproductive to the combat.

Geist 6one7

Oct 29, 2017
- The main character has short hair, dresses in tattered clothing which includes commando boots and a hoody, has a potty mouth and an attitude, and can use a grappling hook to pull enemies towards him as a key gameplay mechanic.
- The female co-lead wears denim shorts and has tattoos.
- Said co-lead also had an evil father. This is revealed in a scene where she's driving the protagonist.
- A character's hair goes from black to white when they enter Devil Trigger.
- Urban setting.
- Levels are mostly linear.
- The platforming is mostly on rails.
- The third mission starts out with a fight in a large open square, followed by a corridor, followed by another open square. There is at least one fountain in these squares.
- Dante gains two fire arms as part of the story. One is obtained in the mid-section, and the other is obtained in the third act shortly before the final set of bosses. The latter weapon fires exploding projectiles.
- The third act largely consists of featureless corridors.
- The demon king is the main antagonist.
- The main antagonist's right hand is a female demon whose body is attached to a grotesque infantile monster.
- Two of the bosses are female.
- One of the secondary antagonists is a demon named after a demon from the Goetia.
- One of the last bosses is the demon king using his full power. This fight is quickly followed by a reveal that Vergil was the true main antagonist all along
- The final mission is a climactic fight against Vergil against the short-haired protagonist.
- Vergil can use Doppelganger.
- Near the end the protagonist's love interest gives him a pep talk when he's having a moment of doubt.
- In the ending Vergil disappears in a portal to Hell.

What game am I describing?
Is this supposed to be clever?
It's 5
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Oct 25, 2017
People who prefer DMC 3,4,5 just are into the games for different reasons than people who prefer DmC. Like I've already spent hours in the practice room labbing with Nero, just practicing alternating jump cancels between his dive kick and calibur and trying to stay in the air. I've gotten pretty OK at it, but christ I haven't even scratched the surface of that stuff, not to mention incorporating the devil bringer, getting better with breakers, and fuck I don't know if I'll ever even be good enough to consciously use the exceed mechanic correctly, other than mashing it occasionally and hoping for extra damage here and there.

And that's just one character, who arguably isn't nearly as complicated as Dante, who I haven't even STARTED to hit the lab with yet. I'll be playing this game for years.

If none of that shit sounds appealing to you, I get it, and I can see why you might prefer DmC, but you gotta understand that a lot of the hardcore fan base IS here for that crazy intricate high skill-ceiling fighting game shit. DmC was fun, but by the end of the game I felt like I had mostly maxed out the skill ceiling, the way you would expect from other action games. The previous two games (3 and 4) weren't that way AT ALL though, so I think to a lot of us it felt like they made a DMC game for people who don't really like DMC. It feels like every week we have a thread that seems to have the goal of getting everyone to admit that DmC is actually the greatest or something, but in reality you just are into it for different reasons than the hardcore crowd and that's ok.

I totally don't mean to sound pretentious, but there is a whole layer to DMC 3,4,5 with the jump cancelling system that isn't even apparent at all unless you watch combo videos, tutorials, and actually put in a little bit of time fucking around with it. That entire layer is mostly absent from DmC, so again, it's a competent action game, but not even close to being in the same ballpark for those interested in high-level play.

And besides that, I think the basic combat itself, ignoring jump cancels and stuff, is a step back. No lock on (they added it in DE but the game was obviously not designed around it) separate button dedicated just to launchers, bayo style stinger execution, holding the triggers down to use different weapons, only 3 weapons, coming off of style switching/multiple crazy ass weapons equipped, etc. It felt like a big step back in a lot of ways. I love DMC games, and I didn't even think DmC was terrible, just a solid 7 out of 10 game. Don't see what people like about the story either tbh, the main series is corny anime bullshit but it knows how campy and dumb it is and plays it up. DmC was some "gamers rise up!" Type of cringe shit imo. Fedora Vergil in a Guy Fawkes anonymous mask leading a weird occupy wallstreet movement against "the corporations" and alpha-male coolguy fight club Dante who "totally fucks babes, bro" or whatever. Just, ew.
I think you nailed it

DMCV is pretty much my first in the "real" series. I dabbled in the first and fourth entries, but didn't stick with them for reasons I can't quite recall. V, from a mechanical perspective, is very well made and there seems to be a great amount of depth to it. The hardcore fans of the franchise I'm sure are digging that aspect, which is great, but for me (who has no interest in learning combos), it kinda all got old by hour five. The game doesn't have much to offer outside of its combat. The characters are all entertaining, but the actual narrative is complete nonsense lol.

DmC has some real silly dialogue, but I found the narrative much easier to follow, and from an art design perspective, it is leagues ahead of DMCV. The more casual-friendly combat and ability progression kept me hooked as well.

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
He did work on it actually.

Foreign concept, but believe it or not writing for a game, way different than a movie. And it's highly a possibility to even people who are good at something, have a bad day at the office or a shit work. And DmC's writing, is definitely Garland's worst outing.
He 'worked' on it but didn't actually wrote anything, writting credits are only on Enslaved and after how he talked about his experience he probably didn't gave a shit about DmC and was just along for the ride
You're trying to sound smart here, but it's just silly nonsense. They've spent millions of dollars on writing, animating, and voicing cutscenes and story for DMCV.
Yes, DMC is more than just the combat for many, including the actual developers.
The cutscenes and dialogue all been a huge part of DMC s appeal since the start, its not really lowbudget throw away videogame stuff, Shimomura and his company are really talented. It was a huge deal when DmC came out and the downgrade was apparent.


Nov 1, 2017
He 'worked' on it but didn't actually wrote anything, writting credits are only on Enslaved and after how he talked about his experience he probably didn't gave a shit about DmC and was just along for the ride

The cutscenes and dialogue all been a huge part of DMC s appeal since the start, its not really lowbudget throw away videogame stuff, Shimomura and his company are really talented. It was a huge deal when DmC came out and the downgrade was apparent.
Cutscenes I agree on. The first time I saw that DMC3 pizza cutscene via realplayer (lol) from tgs or something I was jaw on the floor. I think the dialogue has always been bad though, but bad in an endearing anime/b-movie way.


Nov 20, 2017
He 'worked' on it but didn't actually wrote anything, writting credits are only on Enslaved and after how he talked about his experience he probably didn't gave a shit about DmC and was just along for the ride

The cutscenes and dialogue all been a huge part of DMC s appeal since the start, its not really lowbudget throw away videogame stuff, Shimomura and his company are really talented. It was a huge deal when DmC came out and the downgrade was apparent.

Yeah, it is absolute joy to see the behind-the-scenes footage of DMC3/4/5 and watch just how much fun everyone had shooting these cutscenes. The choreography and wire-flying effects were just crazy to see done in real-life. That was another main complaint I have with DmC. It's an action game, but most everyone is just kind of...standing around expositing. Cutscenes in DMC3 and 4 were a blast to watch and served as a reward, but in DmC, there's no time for action. Gotta move the plot along. Dante doesn't even get to show off his new weapons before it's back to the game, and usually not even into a fight to test them out. The naked-flying-through-a-trailer scene feels like the only thing true to DMC and I have to imagine it came at the tail-end of development because there is absolutely NOTHING else like it in the game and feels so tonally different compared to everything else.

Granted, I also think DMC5 didn't do enough in the cutscene department. I missed the absolutely crazy cutscene fights we got in 3 and 4. 3 especially, makes the whole game feel like a bombastic summer blockbuster with a damn masterpiece of a game attached to it.


Sep 24, 2018
DmC is a mediocre game. It fails at being a DMC game (even if it's a reboot) with its skill ceiling.


Oct 25, 2017
Things DmC did better:

-More varied and enjoyable levels to go through. SUPER solid art direction too.
-Some fun platforming sections. Loved the use of the whip and the air dashes
-Many of the Bosses (I know this will be controversial, but that FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU boss was better than the majority of the bosses in DMC5. Atleast I came out remembering that motherfucker more than anyone in DMC5.
- Writing and voice acting >>>>>>> DMC5. This goes without saying that DmC is the best written game in the franchise, though it's not a whole lot to say.

wow some of these hot takes mayne... Well at least I got my DMC5 and very content with it in every way. Its like I literally went to Itsuno and asked for a sequel and he gift wrapped it himself to me.

Hero Prinny

Oct 25, 2017
I mean I enjoyed DmC waaaay more than dmc4, but 5? The only thing I'll give to DmC over 5 is that the levels are a lot more fun and memorable than the ones in 5. I enjoyed the bosses in 5 more too but DmC does have some solid bosses in it

Dr. Ludwig

Oct 31, 2017
DmC's trash writing shouldn't be anywhere "best-of" anything especially in this franchise, it's better than 2's... nothingness and that's about it. It fails on every level it set out to do with despicable characters and a comically awful story that takes itself way too goddamn seriously and stumbles upon itself constantly. And it was the reboot's entire purpose to even exist for Capcom.


Oct 27, 2017
While yes, DmC does have combos, that's all it has.

DmC had one thing that was superior.

You could BOTH pull yourself to enemies and pull enemies to you in it. That made aerial combat especially fun.

In dmc4/5 you didn't have both options, it worked only one or other way depending on enemy's gravity.
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Nov 3, 2017
DmC had one thing that was superior.

You could BOTH pull yourself to enemies and pull enemies to you in it. That made aerial combat especially fun.

In dmc4/5 you didn't have both options, it worked only one or other way depending on enemy's gravity.
Whilst heavier enemies can't be pulled towards you (although in 5 there are arm options that can help), Nero doesn't need an option to pull himself towards enemies because he has streak and calibur, moves that pull him towards the locked on target regardless on their weight or even a target being there at all whilst also playing into his exceed system.

5 even adds Hard Way and Payline, so now not only can Nero pull himself towards enemies, he has two different variants for both air and ground.
Oct 25, 2017
Complaining that Devil May Cry needs better level design is like complaining Half-Life needs more platforming or Banjo-Kazooie needs better core combat. It's honestly kind of refreshing that Devil May Cry focuses PURELY on its biggest strength (combat), without the need of spectacle setpieces and quick-time-events. While I love Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising, replaying them can be a chore because suddenly you have to stop and collect keys or have a slow walking/talking section or you failed a QTE out of nowhere and have to replay it until you get it right. But I jumped right into Devil May Cry V's new game+ on Son of Sparda and I am having the time of my fucking LIFE.
Wow people in here actually trying to argue that DMC is not just about combat? Its not hard to understand, DMC was always about combat and DMC5 has the best combat...done best DMC game. If you want an adventure or "full package" go play God of War 2018 or any of the 1000 other action adventure games, ill be working on my Nero combos in bloody palace.
If that's really the whole argument here, then they should've just made Bloody Palace and give you a few characters for $20 if that's all you want.
But they made everything else, too, probably eating the vast majority of the budget. What a weak argument for a game as a whole.


Jan 3, 2018
DmC had more level theme variety but that's all I'm giving it. Goofy white haired dante is much more fun to watch, and all of his styles and weapon combinations were really fun to experiment with. I loved playing with V as well. Being able to control old devil may cry enemies was so enjoyable.

I feel like DMC5 feels like the ultimate culmination to a series that's been going for nearly two decades and it's easily my goty so far.


Feb 12, 2018
Whilst heavier enemies can't be pulled towards you (although in 5 there are arm options that can help), Nero doesn't need an option to pull himself towards enemies because he has streak and calibur, moves that pull him towards the locked on target regardless on their weight or even a target being there at all whilst also playing into his exceed system.

5 even adds Hard Way and Payline, so now not only can Nero pull himself towards enemies, he has two different variants for both air and ground.
Yeah, he isn't lacking in movement options and even in DmC I find myself ignoring angel lift because of calibur and that Acquila move that launches enemies.

Also they annoyingly map gun to grab, which sucks if you want to use charge attacks.


Oct 27, 2017
Whilst heavier enemies can't be pulled towards you (although in 5 there are arm options that can help), Nero doesn't need an option to pull himself towards enemies because he has streak and calibur, moves that pull him towards the locked on target regardless on their weight or even a target being there at all whilst also playing into his exceed system.

5 even adds Hard Way and Payline, so now not only can Nero pull himself towards enemies, he has two different variants for both air and ground.

You suggest switching between wire snatch and payline, for example? Can you do it seamlessly?

R.T Straker

Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Wow people in here actually trying to argue that DMC is not just about combat? Its not hard to understand, DMC was always about combat and DMC5 has the best combat...done best DMC game. If you want an adventure or "full package" go play God of War 2018 or any of the 1000 other action adventure games, ill be working on my Nero combos in bloody palace.

I will never understand the ''fans'' that think that Devil May Cry is just Bloody Palace: The Game and dismiss any critism to the series's elements that aren't combat.

If so why did they even make Devil May Cry 5 in the first place? Why not just play DMC4 for another 10 years since that game also had the ''best'' combat and shit everything else. Why not just release DMC: BP as a standalone product if the rest don't matter?

There's more to games then a certain element no matter the series or genre. Even if the game is combat focused and down to it's core is pretty much it's bread and butter there still needs to be an actual game surrounding that. That was the problem with DMC4 which I'm sure everyone is aware by now.

DMC5's strongest point is again it's combat with Nero and Dante ( V is terrible). Everything else is just super average and it's even a major stepback from previous games. It's normal that people give it flak and deservedly so.

''The game is all about combat!'' is silly.
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Nov 3, 2017
I mean alternate between usage of them) sorry for not clear words

So you can both pull to yourself and pull yourself to enemies while in air through different skills in dmc5 yes?
Yeah. They don't use the wire, but they have the same usage.

And they all put enemies in different states afterwards, and can be modified further through use of exceed or the buster.

I just can't see how DmC did it better. It feels like it offered less options, it's just that because all more movement was tied to the snatch rather than spread across the characters move set it felt more versatile, even if it wasn't.


Oct 27, 2017
If that's really the whole argument here, then they should've just made Bloody Palace and give you a few characters for $20 if that's all you want.
But they made everything else, too, probably eating the vast majority of the budget. What a weak argument for a game as a whole.

Hot take: for nonstop action play x360's Ninja Gaiden II instead



Oct 28, 2017
where does the notion that dmc has good story / storytelling even come from? Imo 3 shits all over it and is far and away the best in that regard in the series.

no one can have this, dante. it belongs to a son of sparda! the rivalry between dante and vergil stands the test of time imo, giving us one of the most beloved characters in gaming (mahvel anyone?)

like shit, i can remember everything about dmc 3 because its so iconic. the goofy and the serious.
in dmc i only remember FUCK YOU and BABY SNIPER RILFE ABORTION
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Dec 30, 2017
If that's really the whole argument here, then they should've just made Bloody Palace and give you a few characters for $20 if that's all you want.
But they made everything else, too, probably eating the vast majority of the budget. What a weak argument for a game as a whole.
I will never understand the ''fans'' that think that Devil May Cry is just Bloody Palace: The Game and dismiss any critism to the series's elements that aren't combat.

If so why did they even make Devil May Cry 5 in the first place? Why not just play DMC4 for another 10 years since that game also had the ''best'' combat and shit everything else. Why not just release DMC: BP as a standalone product if the rest don't matter?
Well for starters this "if it's just about combat, it could have only been bloody palace" meme sucks. Especially the notion that "a game wasn't built around it".

The vast, lion's share of the genre has always been a whole lot of go forward, fight dudes in box rooms. It's been the structure of these type of games since their 2D equivalents like streets of rage n golden axe. The stuff in between be it the platforming, the "puzzles", or quick time event have often been maligned elements of the game. Whether it's been Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, or Platinum affair.

This notion that a game being built around its combat means that a "a game wasn't built around it" is equally silly. Instead of a bunch of fluff mechanics, we actually got a game around the thing DMC excels at. The variations with the combat. The range of boss fights (more than the count in 4, dante didn't have his own bosses sans 1), the range of enemies (a higher count than DMC 4 instance, dante didn't have his own in 4), even the combat arenas range from you fighting in closed off bedrooms in a hotel, to fighting on escalators, to that one part in mission 13 where you have to fight enemies while dealing with that thing that spawns more enemies, to mission 12 where you have those like respawning tower shits that can trap you or surround the enemy, to mission 15 with Nero where some of the arenas have an environmental hazard, to a diverging path that has you reading punch line up slopes in between combat, or taking a different path entirely.

No one is contesting that DMC levels couldn't use visual variety with its levels. What people are contesting is that this type of game has ever had level design impact gameplay the way a shooter does or a souls game does, which isn't the case. What people are contesting is that the other elements of these games, including the reboot, sucks as it's very little more than fluff.

BP satisfies a challenge itch, but it's not a vehicle to see the characters interact n goof around n shit talk, it doesn't have a host of enemy combinations found in the campaign (to a fault, but hey different argument), and yeah it doesn't have as many combat spaces as the campaign. Where the variety is found more so from your shifting tool set from character to character.
DmC had one thing that was superior.

You could BOTH pull yourself to enemies and pull enemies to you in it. That made aerial combat especially fun.

In dmc4/5 you didn't have both options, it worked only one or other way depending on enemy's gravity.

Incorrect, Nero has ways to get himself to the enemy both on the ground and in the air with a command move. And Dante's trickster style n guard flying options and other tricks let him get to an enemy fairly easy. It's not as free mind you, but gap closing isn't an issue for the DMC4 or 5 kits, or hell even 3's trickster kit.
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Oct 27, 2017
Well for starters this "if it's just about combat, it could have only been bloody palace" meme sucks. Especially the notion that "a game wasn't built around it".

The vast, lion's share of the genre has always been a whole lot of go forward, fight dudes in box rooms. It's been the structure of these type of games since their 2D equivalents like streets of rage n golden axe. The stuff in between be it the platforming, the "puzzles", or quick time event have often been maligned elements of the game. Whether it's been Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, or Platinum affair.

This notion that a game being built around its combat means that a "a game wasn't built around it" is equally silly. Instead of a bunch of fluff mechanics, we actually got a game around the thing DMC excels at. The variations with the combat. The range of boss fights (more than the count in 4, dante didn't have his own bosses sans 1), the range of enemies (a higher count than DMC 4 instance, dante didn't have his own in 4), even the combat arenas range from you fighting in closed off bedrooms in a hotel, to fighting on escalators, to that one part in mission 13 where you have to fight enemies while dealing with that thing that spawns more enemies, to mission 12 where you have those like respawning tower shits that can trap you or surround the enemy, to mission 15 with Nero where some of the arenas have an environmental hazard, to a diverging path that has you reading punch line up slopes in between combat, or taking a different path entirely.

No one is contesting that DMC levels couldn't use visual variety, personally I've never been fond of the "too gray n brown" criticism in anything, but I at least get where it gets exhausting. What people are contesting is that this type of game has ever had level design impact gameplay the way a shooter does or a souls game does, which isn't the case. What people are contesting is that the other elements of these games, including the reboot, sucks as it's very little more than fluff.

BP satisfies a challenge itch, but it's not a vehicle to see the characters interact n goof around n shit talk, it doesn't have a host of enemy combinations found in the campaign (to a fault, but hey different argument), and yeah it doesn't have as many combat spaces as the campaign. Where the variety is found more so from your shifting tool set from character to character.

Incorrect, Nero has ways to get himself to the enemy both on the ground and in the air with a command move. And Dante's trickster style n guard flying options and other tricks let him get to an enemy fairly easy. It's not as free mind you, but gap closing isn't an issue for the DMC4 or 5 kits, or hell even 3's trickster kit.

Playing dmc3 right after DmC was the reason I felt missing so much DmC's freedom of "I pull both ways in air" ...


Jan 13, 2018
I will never understand the ''fans'' that think that Devil May Cry is just Bloody Palace: The Game and dismiss any critism to the series's elements that aren't combat.

If so why did they even make Devil May Cry 5 in the first place? Why not just play DMC4 for another 10 years since that game also had the ''best'' combat and shit everything else. Why not just release DMC: BP as a standalone product if the rest don't matter?

There's more to games then a certain element no matter the series or genre. Even if the game is combat focused and down to it's core is pretty much it's bread and butter there still needs to be an actual game surrounding that. That was the problem with DMC4 which I'm sure everyone is aware by now.

DMC5's strongest point is again it's combat with Nero and Dante ( V is terrible). Everything else is just super average and it's even a major stepback from previous games. It's normal that people give it flak and deservedly so.

Dismissing critism because ''The game is all about combat!'' is silly.

I mean, I loved DmC (and the original series), but I gotta agree with the notion that DMC V is about combat and anything else is kinda a stupid distraction.

DMC V truly feels like Itsuno trying to actually prove that

But besides Itsuno's actual intentions...

I am not gonna lie, I loved the pace breaking in DmC (the platforming, the flashy environments, etc...) , but that honestly has no place in DMC.

Like some poster said in this very thread, when you are trying to perfect your playthrough for the 10th time, you really don't want some unnecessary platforming sections or anything like that, because you wanna get into the meat of that game - the combat. And DMC is the kind of game that is all meat. Sure, you could have a brief discussion about the story or if you liked the direction they went with this or that, but honestly (and like the OP said) this is just a first-time thing. People are going to come back to improve their combos and skills, and that's the entire replaybility value of that game. I assure you no one's coming back to experience the timeless story moments and the delicately-built plot structure.

And to that, DMC V was a game made for the original fanbase.

What works about DMC too, for the sake of an argument about its story, is it can be carried by the strength of its characters, which is a reason why I think people didn't exactly like DMC 4, because Nero was just not as iconic or memorable as Dante is. Dante and Vergil are an interesting dynamic both in their relations to each other and in their own right, Nero just doesn't have that. Of course he is not plainly terrible as well.

So, no, you don't need a great, or even a coherent story, in a DMC game. You don't need to have an abundant variety of levels and environments, and that's in my opinion a valid argument to have.

In their core, the DMC games and DmC are fundamentally different in their emphasis and focus.

I can't completely disagree with you, though. I concur you need some context to all that combat. Some sort of change of scenery or enemy placement or pacing, or maybe inject some minimal meaning to all the fighting just to keep things fresh to an extent. I would imagine a game, DMC or otherwise, would be less engaging without that even it has the objectively best combat in history.

Yet, when people kinda dismiss DmC fans flaunting the "variety" DmC has over DMC, I can't say fans of the original series are coming from an unfounded place.


Dec 30, 2017
Playing dmc3 right after DmC was the reason I felt missing so much DmC's freedom of "I pull both ways in air" ...
That's fairish, but like I said trickster style suped up can get to an enemy no problem so long as you know how to use his teleport n time your enemy steps properly. It just isn't as free as the move in DmC, the alternative is you get a far more versatile tool and more expressive kit overall.


Self-requested ban.
Jan 28, 2018


Feb 9, 2018
Nah. Fuck DmC and the homophobic attitude Ninja Theory had about thinking the original Dante is a "gay cowboy" and using that to make DmC Dante be better by being a edgy asshole who FUCKS and SWEARS. Fuck that game and the horrible sniping a pregnant baby scene. Let that game be forgotten for good.

I dunno where you got this idea that DmC is homophobic?