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Nov 13, 2017
I am an unfortunately useless man, but I'm in therapy and working on it

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
i haven't played the video yet but they really got that happy salad eating face on everyone in that thumbnail


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Cleveland, OH

I'm a gay man and I agree. Lol.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
Also i'm taking bets on how many pages this thread will have. Minimum bet is 5 pages. Locking nullifies all bets. Email me for more details.


Oct 25, 2017
I am a man and can confirm I am personally useless to both the same and opposite sex.

Garp TXB

Apr 1, 2020
No. Does anybody really need anybody? Broad non-nuanced discussions without enough context sure are useful!


Apr 1, 2024
This doesn't seem like content that is good for young men who are already struggling to find a place in this ever changing world. We need to lift up all people regardless of gender/sex

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
really high quality segment from the view. I like how within 30 seconds the value of gay men is reduced entirely to their ability to gossip with women. Still more value than straight men, though.


Taking the bit more seriously, I'd love to ask the people who answered "Do women need men?" or "do you need men?" and then when the 9/10 answer no, ask the same people "Do you need your father?" and see at least a few faces drop "I DIDNT MEAN IT THAT WAY"

There's definitely gonna be some mental gymnastics between the "Women don't ned men" argument and the "men need to be more active in their children's lives" or "men need to do better" arguments.

but this is just a brain dead network talk show segment and we should take the view about as serious as we take Jerry Springer


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
No one needs a partner, they may want one or not.

Taking the bit more seriously, I'd love to ask the people who answered "Do women need men?" or "do you need men?" and then when the 9/10 answer no, ask the same people "Do you need your father?" and see at least a few faces drop "I DIDNT MEAN IT THAT WAY"
Women having children by themselves is a big thing these days lol
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Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
cant we all just be cool with each other and just kiss when we want to?


Nov 6, 2017
Imagine getting paid to kick back on a TV show and have conversations with friends you'd typically have at a BBQ party. This would be the best job for sure.

Anyway, I need my wife more than she needs me.

Darryl M R

The Spectacular PlayStation-Man
Oct 25, 2017
The straights are at it again.

Engaging in this topic in good faith, I believe most societies are set up for people to be partnered, and interdependence can be a huge boon in most people's life.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
They certainly don't need me. I tell my girlfriend that she should ditch me, but she doesn't listen.


Oct 27, 2017
Metro Detriot
Men who treat everyone around them as equals are great.

What we don't need is the subset of men that expect everyone to serve them while not giving back equally. This goes for relationships and society in general. The culture of male dominance needs to die off.

Common Knowledge

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, as a straight man, I don't want to be needed by women. Wanted by women, sure. But certainly not needed.

Neo C.

Nov 9, 2017
I'm sure the women in my life (family and work) appreciate me, but the modern man needs lots of time to become really useful.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Thinking about this question a little more seriously than The View is eh, I'm not really surprised by this.

Women absolutely can do without men; and men CAN do without women. But in my purely anecdotal experience, based on the straight men I either know or have discussed this with, quality of life for many of them would absolutely take a hit, because so many men are raised to see the upkeep of certain comforts as being the work of the women in their lives; or, specifically, their wives.

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
Buncha privileged women with very high paying jobs tell others without high paying jobs just to pay for everything they can't do on their own. Simple!


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Thinking about this question a little more seriously than The View is eh, I'm not really surprised by this.

Women absolutely can do without men; and men CAN do without women. But in my purely anecdotal experience, based on the straight men I either know or have discussed this with, quality of life for many of them would absolutely take a hit, because so many men are raised to see the upkeep of certain comforts as being the work of the women in their lives; or, specifically, their wives.
Yeah, being "needed" is not great. One person has tons of responsibility and the other is dependent on someone else

I'd rephrase that to not everyone needs a partner. Some people thrive independently, some people thrive as part of a couple.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
I watched the whole clip to see if there was actually anything of value said in there. There wasn't. Mostly just "I sure do hate my spouse" straight people shit, a random "Mike Pence is great" shout out, and tons upon tons of generalizing and stereotyping of both straight and gay men. The segment ends with them going "men don't talk about their feelings, they talk about cars and sports", one of them disagrees and says her husband talks about his feelings, and the final bit is "maybe he's gay". Absolutely nothing of value in here.

All that said, I almost feel like this clip, and the tiktok trend it's apparently riffing off of, is only going to get passed around and made into a big deal because of insecure men who see it and can't handle someone calling them useless. So just kind of a pointless thing all around.

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
It would be nice if the only wars were Restaurant Wars.

I watched the whole clip to see if there was actually anything of value said in there. There wasn't. Mostly just "I sure do hate my spouse" straight people shit, a random "Mike Pence is great" shout out, and tons upon tons of generalizing and stereotyping of both straight and gay men. The segment ends with them going "men don't talk about their feelings, they talk about cars and sports", one of them disagrees and says her husband talks about his feelings, and the final bit is "maybe he's gay". Absolutely nothing of value in here.

All that said, I almost feel like this clip, and the tiktok trend it's apparently riffing off of, is only going to get passed around and made into a big deal because of insecure men who see it and can't handle someone calling them useless. So just kind of a pointless thing all around.

Correct. It's your standard social media drivel.

Garp TXB

Apr 1, 2020
Yeah, being "needed" is not great. One person has tons of responsibility and the other is dependent on someone else

Unless there's some kind of symbiosis going on in which each other's needs are met with cross strengths and weaknesses. Like, one person has no problem vacuuming and they're cool with it, but the other sucks at that and the carpet turns into a wasteland. But the good vacuumer sucks at making grilled cheese sandwiches and their partner is a master at that.

That's the dream really
Oct 28, 2017
Questions like this piss me off because it is so reductive and useless. Humans need balance and harmony in their lives, someone to help smooth out the rough parts of life. Trash topic with no real introspective qualities outside of a spicy headline. Daytime network tv is the definition of pablum.
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