FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
Recently bought "Chocobo Party Up!" at TGS this past weekend and was able to play a few rounds with my wife and friends. Its a very simple game that can get pretty chaotic given the rules set and cards at play.

So the premise of the game is simple, the first person to get 6 of their chocobo pals into their nest wins the game. Each player starts with two chocobos be it red, blue, green, or black. There is also a fat chocobo you can call upon. Your chocobo pals are yellow. You roll a die to move your chocobo, your pals can only move if they are on the same hex as yours so they can "follow" you.
As you play there are various cards and tactics you can use to either help you win or screw over orher players. The art for the cards is great:

There are only five and each does something different. The White Mage card allows a plus 1 to your die roll. The Golem lets you move a player and all his pals to differet hexs. The Tempest lets you take another player's chocobo and move it back to any part of their nest, leaving behind their pals for you take. If you save up two cards you can trade them in to call upon a fat chocobo to help you. If you move both of your chocobos to another player's hex you can kick them off and steal their pals. This is where the game can get very chaotic very quickly especially if a lot of pals are on the board.
Talking about the chocobo pals, to summon them, you as the player, have to do the chocobo call over special hexes that may have them. Having people attempt to WARK can either be hilarious or annoying depending on who you are with. I personally found it fun.

It is fairly quick to play with 2 players but with 4 it can take about 30 minutes. I highly recommend picking it up if you like board games.



"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Was thinking about picking this up. This interesting to people who aren't interested very much in FF?
FF Seraphim

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
Was thinking about picking this up. This interesting to people who aren't interested very much in FF?

You do not need to know a thing about Final Fantasy to enjoy the game. My wife knows nothing about Chocobos and loved playing it. Of course she kept beating me so that probably had a hand in her liking it.


Oct 25, 2017
I doubt I'm gonna find it here in South America so I'm either shipping it from USA or waiting till someone do a version of it on tabletop simulator.


Oct 25, 2017
Amazon usa has a few remaining dor 75 dollars tho @_@
Will keep an eye out for this thanks!


Oct 25, 2017
Amazon jp has it for preorder but not sure what shipping rates would be. The game instructions come in 6 languages as well so if you import it it should still have English instructions.
Yeah i saw the box and it shows english which is good. I will aim to get it in due time tho pricing is a factor xp


I left my heart on Atropos
Oct 26, 2017
The art looks fantastic. I'd buy this in a heartbeat if we'd play more board games but it would be a waste if it was just collecting dust with the other board games...