
You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
More and more and I'm more interested in having access to things instead of complete ownership. I would rather have Netflix than own movies, other than my favs. I would rather subscribe to something like Spotify instead of buying CDs. I don't think this needs to be false dichotomy either. Music, the oldest use case here, has a dedicated vinyl scene and CDs are not going away.

However, for the health of the industry, I think these services will be essential. It's recurring revenue, which investors absolutely love. Games themselves are doing this in a micro level with GaaS elements.

I do think in 5 years, all major platform holders will have game pass services. It's the natural evolution of Xbox Live, which pioneered this whole thing. Sony then took to the next level with PS+, later pulling a bait and switch with the PS4 and online play. Nintendo is doing this now and they're distributing their classic catalog through it, albeit drip, drip--no idea why they don't open the floodgates here--could be licensing.

Again, don't worry about the false dichotomy. I still think packaged games will still exists, but I'd love to pay a monthly fee and just have access to first party games. I really think we're in the access economy now. Let's face it, most of us are long term gamers and are rather connected to physical media. But the young kids, they're all about the services and they're growing up with them.

But ultimately, games are ephemeral experiences. I don't need packaged products that I buy a la carte, but a gaming jukebox of sorts.

C'mon, Sony and Nintendo, give me a version of game pass and I'll happily pay a monthly fee.

Do you want to see Nintendo and Sony do their own version Game Pass? Why and why not?


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Of course I want that but their games don't lend themselves to subscription services. Maybe for 3rd party games, yes.

Sony has PS Now though.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
What do you think PS Now is?
I know about PSNow, but I want new games, like Microsoft's approach. That's really the killer feature of game pass. Think Netflix, Spotify/Apple Music. You get access to the new stuff as well as a huge catalog. That's what makes services attractive.

I'd rather have access to Spiderman and DLC than buying license or disc.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
They can't do that without shifting their focus to GaaS titles, so no, I deeply hope they do not.


Oct 25, 2017
I think Nintendo's Online 'nesflix' will expand to more and more titles, but I don't know if it will ever carry current gen titles, still it's similar in that respect and for less than $2 a month, I do find it to be worth the price, especially with the SNES games eventually hitting that service, if it starts adding GBA and eventually Gamecube games? that would be awesome.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Microsoft just announced a ton of coming soon games that are all singleplayer and storydriven, like Pathologic 2 and The Good Life
Yeah. I don't get the reasoning. Stuff like game pass guarantees revenue for a company like MS or Sony. It would allow them to take more creative risks.


Oct 28, 2017
Gruntilda’s Lair
Nintendo kind of has that now with their Switch Online, but I think they missed the boat by not making it more similar to Game Pass. With as many games as they've made in the past almost 40 years plus 3rd party titles, I'd certainly play $10/month for that. Access to their entire back catalog would be incredible to have access to.


Oct 27, 2017
I personally wouldn't be interested in them, since they both put out a fair few games I don't care about along with the ones I do, and don't like the idea of renting digital games like that.

Their exclusives are probably too valuable on the whole to benefit from that sort of service too? I dunno, it would help the Gravity Rush's of the world, which deserve more eyes on them, but makes no sense with the Uncharted's, etc.


Oct 26, 2017
Georgia, US
Options are always great. Personally though, as you said, I'm fond or familiar with getting physical games since that is what I've been doing since I was younger.

I don't feel as strongly about physical vs digital when it comes to movies & music since I've never purchased albums or rarely buy movies so I recognize that I'm biased and won't judge you for preferring streaming/access to ownership for games.

I enjoy the big screen but don't care enough to own the movie for a rather less experience at home...until it comes on Netflix. I never liked music that much when I was younger and by time I started to, Pandora existed so never became familiar with buying albums.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
Microsoft just announced a ton of coming soon games that are all singleplayer and storydriven, like Pathologic 2 and The Good Life
And Sony does that too with PS+ for day one indie games.

PS Now is considerably bigger than Game Pass in revenue, and it still pales compared to even a single hit like Spider-Man.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
What do you think PS Now is?

Awful is what it is.

It's not a Game Pass equivalent it's their backwards compatibility solution that does a poor job in every regard.

As for the topic I'd love one for both platform holders but It's very easy to see why sony don't want to give away so many quality titles for $10 a month and same with Nintendo


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Microsoft just announced a ton of coming soon games that are all singleplayer and storydriven, like Pathologic 2 and The Good Life

I think Sony can do it too, but for smaller single-player games. Maybe something like Concrete Genie. I can't see how the business model works for AAA single-player games that cost tens of millions of dollars to develop without the post-launch revenue stream that GaaS offers.


Oct 29, 2017
If Nintendo had a Game Pass like service with the same prices to have access to Mario Kart, Splatoon, Zelda and all of the other first-party IP's, I would pre-order that if I could.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
As a consumer I'd love for Nintendo to do it, but they don't need it. Their games have such strong legs and they aren't directly competing with any similar services. Plus there's no way that they could really pull it off given how shitty their online infrastructure is


One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
I think they'll leave that up to rental businesses. They make too much bank off of brick and mortar sales.


Oct 25, 2017
Awful is what it is.

It's not a Game Pass equivalent it's their backwards compatibility solution that does a poor job in every regard.

As for the topic I'd love one for both platform holders but It's very easy to see why sony don't want to give away so many quality titles for $10 a month and same with Nintendo

Right, so you clearly don't know what ps now is anymore. Gotcha


Nov 2, 2017
They can't do that without shifting their focus to GaaS titles, so no, I deeply hope they do not.

That is incorrect. One of the most underrated benefits of Game Pass is that it encourages diversity of games. Can't have hundreds of multiplayer games. Most multiplayer gamers have one or two go-to games. Not going to get people to stick to a Game Pass type of service without a lot of diversity in genres. Over 2/3rds of the game released into Game Pass are single player games.

So yes, I'd love to see Sony and Nintendo copy. It would result in a resurgence for AA games and more risk taking in development.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't find EA Access, PS Now or Game Pass worth their money as they are; just paying for the games that interest me costs less, and gives me lifetime access to those titles. In addition, a game can be delisted from a subscription service and remove user access, but I can still play that copy of PT on my PS4 despite Konami's decisions. I don't need companies to get more power over how/when I choose to consume their media.

I just want Sony and Nintendo's stores to have their back-catalog of digital games, and support them going forward on their future boxes. VC + Classics shouldn't be locked up on old hardware.


Oct 25, 2017
That would be amazing. Not gonna happen though. I can't even see Sony making any of their first-party titles available Day 1 on a subscription service. They invest way too much into narrative singleplayer games with few after-sale monetization opportunities to just give them out for 10 bucks a month.

Nintendo would literally go out of business if they tried that, lol. They have some key multiplayer titles (i.e., Smash, Mario Kart), but even then those have a very big local multiplayer focus. And even in an era of paid Smash fighters they have very little in the way of paid DLC or MTX to support a GAAS model. They are counting on those games selling for a full $60 until the end of time. At 10 bucks a month they would be closing the shutters and selling the window displays.

MS games are more multiplayer-based and so it makes sense that they can count on running subscriptions. If you're into Halo, after all, you probably don't want to get locked out of it next month, and you will likely even perceive it to be a better deal than 'the old way' since it's only a measly $10 charge every 4 or 5 weeks, which is way less than painful than $60. And in addition to the endless GAAS titles, the little indie games that you can pick up and beat in an afternoon add some nice variety and make it feel even more like Netflix, like you're getting all this additional marginal value.

GamePass is a solid win of medium-term strategic planning. The model is unique and thus uniquely attractive to consumers (frankly, if I had an Xbox I'd be signed up). And companies like MS and EA have a library of software that is advantageously positioned to take advantage of this model - which is why they're the first to be moving forward with it.

Sony and Ninty are still very much doing things the "old way". But is that a bad thing? Can both models coexist? Will one "win out"? Only time will tell.


Aug 20, 2018
That is incorrect. One of the most underrated benefits of Game Pass is that it encourages diversity of games. Can't have hundreds of multiplayer games. Most multiplayer gamers have one or two go-to games. Not going to get people to stick to a Game Pass type of service without a lot of diversity in genres. Over 2/3rds of the game released into Game Pass are single player games.

So yes, I'd love to see Sony and Nintendo copy. It would result in a resurgence for AA games and more risk taking in development.

None of these single player games in Xbox Gamepass are God of war, last of us, zelda or mario odyseey tier games though....

It's the same thing like Disney+ (Disney new streaming service) releasing Avengers 4 on the same day as the theatrical release. That's not gonna happen for super hotly crazed properties. Maybe those 2nd tier IPs but for top IPs that guaranteed a certain level of sales/box office....that's not gonna happen.

Before anyone say MS released Halo and Gears day 1 on gamepass, Halo is preliminary MP focused so it seems to boost the player count via gamepass while Gears..............i'll argue is a 2nd tier IP now.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Nintendo will never do something like that, they don't even make sales or cut prices.

Sony has PS Now, but I don't expect day one releases. Games like GOW are expensive as hell, how much of the subscription money would go to the dev?

Deleted member 16365

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I would happily pay Sony the price of a few games a year to get access to their 1p lineup. MS sold me on Gamepass at E3 when they said Forza and Crackdown were going to be day and date on the service.

For the price of those games that I was going to buy anyway I get everything else as well.
Oct 27, 2017
Game Pass only works because MS games tend towards GaaS. Sony can't do that while they have single player blockbusters they are trying to make money off of. Besides PS Now does what they want it to do and that's fine.


Oct 27, 2017
Microsoft just announced a ton of coming soon games that are all singleplayer and storydriven, like Pathologic 2 and The Good Life

Sounds like small budget filler titles to be honest. Games like GOW, Spiderman etc cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

Publishers like Sony which focus only on Single player titles, I think gamepass type service is difficult for them to budget. People can finish the games in 20 hours, and no GAAS type micros for them to come back to


Oct 27, 2017
Nintendo is the only one it would be worthwhile for me to subscribe to. They'll never do it though.

Nintendo would literally go out of business if they tried that, lol. [...] They are counting on those games selling for a full $60 until the end of time.

Nah, they could do it. They'd just have to make it really, really expensive. Not $10 a month, more like $30.

Deleted member 1839

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Nah, they could do it. They'd just have to make it really, really expensive. Not $10 a month, more like $30.

Basically like Origin Premier which allows you to have access to new full games releases that are the deluxe edition, 10% off stuff on the store and access to vault titles.

All for $99 or $15 a month, which is damn good even if you'll only play like 2-4 new games a year from the publisher.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know why anyone wouldn't want the choice of playing Nintendo's first party games day 1 of release along with all their classic titles for $9.99 a month. That's a steal imo.

Also, what is wrong with GaaS? It's just a game with continued support, like The Witcher 3. In fact, isn't Splatoon a GaaS title?


Oct 27, 2017
There is current gen downloadable games on the service. It's not all streaming and ps3 games

Interesting. I knew you could download games now, but I didn't know they added games like Bloodborne, XCOM 2, Until Dawn, etc. That is pretty good, but the big fish is Sony's first party games available day 1 on the service. Personally, I don't believe they will do it anytime soon, but I'd be for it.