Oct 25, 2017
Gold had a bombastic approach which fit the large-than-life fairy tale of the Moffat era. Akinola has a more subtle, ambient approach which fits Chibnall's more "grounded" vision. They're both great. Only "problem" with Gold is that he was around for a long time on a show that thrives on change—same as Moffat really.

I do think Akinola's version of the main theme is better than any of the Moffat-era Gold renditions, though. But then again that's probably because it's been pared down without the bombast.


Oct 25, 2017
I think next to Jodie Whittaker's performance, the music is my favorite aspect of the show so far. I love the classic-inspired theme and the moody score. Eerie, haunting music was such an integral part of the classic show, and I got tired of the overblown Gold stuff like a decade ago.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 5, 2017
I have 2 questions
1.How long till Episode 3
2. Do you think Graham,Yasmin or Ryan will leave by the end of the season (honestly i am thinking not)
Oct 27, 2017
2. Do you think Graham,Yasmin or Ryan will leave by the end of the season (honestly i am thinking not)

I think it depends on how the story arcs of Graham and Ryan go; Graham needs to find himself and his self worth after the death of his wife (who he admits should be living and not him) and Ryan to open up and develop into an adult. Yas I'm more interested in seeing develop and I most see her staying.


Oct 25, 2017
I think what I've come to realize is that I much prefer Tennant and Capaldi's style of Doctor than Matt Smith and now Jodie. Not saying the latter two are bad, but them always acting as though they've just downed a gallon of caffeine and taken a shot of adrenaline kinda wears on me. It honestly feels like Jodie is trying to do her best Matt Smith impression. Overly hyper and almost going out of her way to be super quirky. Tennant (my favorite Doctor) was like that at times but it seemed effortless and he just exhudes "cool." It never seemed like he was trying hard.

Again, not saying it's bad through 2 episodes. Just not feeling it as much as previous iterations yet.


Oct 28, 2017
I think what I've come to realize is that I much prefer Tennant and Capaldi's style of Doctor than Matt Smith and now Jodie. Not saying the latter two are bad, but them always acting as though they've just downed a gallon of caffeine and taken a shot of adrenaline kinda wears on me. It honestly feels like Jodie is trying to do her best Matt Smith impression. Overly hyper and almost going out of her way to be super quirky. Tennant (my favorite Doctor) was like that at times but it seemed effortless and he just exhudes "cool." It never seemed like he was trying hard.

Again, not saying it's bad through 2 episodes. Just not feeling it as much as previous iterations yet.

She's definitely different to 10 and 12, but I'd even argue that the elements of 11 that are comparable are also far weaker and poorly delivered.

So far 13 doesn't feel alien or have a sense of history and depth about her. I'm sure that'll come with time, but I think each NuWho Doctor has got off to a far better start in 30 minutes than 13 has in two episodes.
Scripts need to be tighter and there needs to be more changes in pace.


Oct 27, 2017
Okay. The first two episodes were boring, and I don't usually like when they go back in time. Still, Ibthink this could be a good subject matter if handled well, so I am really rooting for this episode to wow me.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 1, 2017
I always wonder why they never dress in period clothes...like they stand out so much in 1955!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Blegh, missed the first ten minutes because my stepdad should and would watch the bloody weather forcast. So, what did I miss? They just got kicked out.


Oct 27, 2017
She's definitely different to 10 and 12, but I'd even argue that the elements of 11 that are comparable are also far weaker and poorly delivered.

So far 13 doesn't feel alien or have a sense of history and depth about her. I'm sure that'll come with time, but I think each NuWho Doctor has got off to a far better start in 30 minutes than 13 has in two episodes.
Scripts need to be tighter and there needs to be more changes in pace.
I agree, and maybe it's difficult after four new Doctors but it doesn't feel like she's bringing anything new to the role like the last four did. It feels like a lot an imitation of past Doctors often.


Jan 7, 2018
lol shoot first ask questions later I guess

also mhmm the accents

lol steve jobs
Last edited:


Prophet of Truth
Nov 1, 2017
The acting is so damn bad. I also don't know how I feel about them doing Rosa Parks...

Yeah, I'm not feeling this episode as much as other people on Twitter are.

It's almost like they are trying too hard to get a reaction from people and it doesn't feel as earned as people think it is in my opinion.

Like his Nan saving a t-shirt about Rosa Parks when it really didn't seem like she would have that.


Oct 27, 2017
I think this episode is a bit on the nose, BUT you have to remember this is a family show and it's important for children to be exposed to this stuff.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
I always wonder why they never dress in period clothes...like they stand out so much in 1955!

Perception filter, if you're looking for something in canon. But when they did historicals in the sixties they often made an effort to blend in.

In the Fires of Pompeii,a relatively recent episode set in a version of the ancient Roman settlement, Donna is in something that passes for Roman female dress whereas Ten just nonchalantly assumes that a cosmopolitan city on the Mediterranean coastline will be accepting of all. Not the kind of assumption you could make about Montgomery in the fifties.

Static Veins

Oct 25, 2017
So that was incredible. A simple story very well told. Great character moments and funny scenes to lighten the otherwise heavy subject matter (Steve Jobs!).


One Winged Slayer
Nov 5, 2017
Honestly i felt that the group/charcter dynamic really well and honestly i really like Jodie's interaction with the villain. Shows her more darker and ruthless side


Prophet of Truth
Nov 1, 2017
Could do without the Jaws theme every time the bad guy is on screen.

Could have done without the lyric music as well.

Overall, as a Mixed-Race British 26 Yesr Old, I sadly didn't feel much from this.

It felt a bit too on the nose for me. I get why, because it's a family-show, but none of the plots felt fleshed out.

Like the Leather Jacket Guy just felt like he was there just because it was Doctor Who and they needed a villain, but he didn't gel with the Historical Plot at all.

Real Hero

Oct 27, 2017
Very mixed on it. Viewing it through the lens of kids show, I'm glad it exists. But honestly as a personal taste thing I didn't care for it. I hated the saving private ryan music every time Rosa was on screen, the heavy headed dialogue, and the x factor audition song at the end. So very strange episode for me, loved the topic and the general idea, but absolutely hated the style

I have a feeling this may be my feeling towards the rest of the series


Oct 28, 2017
Found that pretty mundane. My criticisms still ring true after that.

The teaching points were too on the nose. As a teacher I appreciate the sentiment, but it was ham-fisted and the villain was toothless.

Also, the thing that pissed me off the most was the end credits.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
That was a damn good episode. That is how you do historical time travel episodes.

That was super emotional. The villain was also literally a space nazi. I was waiting all episode for WHY he was doing this and it turns out he was just a massive racist. (He was extremely pretty though)

I hope kids learned what racism really looks like from this episode.


Oct 27, 2017
Decent ep and yeah, I like the way it harkened back to the 60s historical where you could only observe.

Was a bit heavy handed in places but i don't think you can tell this story otherwise. Certainly beats Martha or Bill visiting London hundreds of years ago, saying "won't I be out of place" and then other black people walk past nonchalantly to cut the tension.

The only thing is supremely disliked was the song. And having it over the end credits was just twee as all fuck.

Before the ep, I was trying to think where I'd seen the actor playing Rosa Parks before and during the ep realised it was Sherlock. She was Le Strade's partner, the one who really hated Sherlock.


Oct 27, 2017
Perception filter, if you're looking for something in canon. But when they did historicals in the sixties they often made an effort to blend in..
They have in New Who too.




Oct 25, 2017
The Waffle Kingdom
Oh, I really liked that. I'm not that big on the actual plot, it being a racist time traveler was a bit too predictable in my opinion. They handled it well enough though. But the dialogue flowed so much better in this episode compared to the first two. I absolutely loved Jodie in this one, now THAT's the Doctor.


Oct 25, 2017
The villain was rubbish but I really appreciated the educational tone of the episode. It really felt like old Doctor Who where it was an adventure, but you also learnt something. Sure, the accents were bad, but I could look past all that and really enjoy it.


Oct 29, 2017
I liked that. It wasn't perfect but it was well above par for an early-series historical. I actually preferred the on-the-nose edutainment stuff to the throwaway fluff we normally get at this point in the series.


Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed it a lot more than the previous episode. Really gave me Quantum Leap vibes in a good way.

The editing, dialogue etc seemed smoother to me. It was fun, and tonally appropriate.


Oct 25, 2017
The Waffle Kingdom
Also, I gotta say I appreciate the little bits of continuity. Stormcage and a Vortex Manipulator! With some of Chibs' comments I was afraid it'd feel like a complete reboot, but little references like those and the Venusian aikido last episode are enough to please the nerd that I am. Comparable stuff to series 5 I'd say.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
I think this episode is a bit on the nose, BUT you have to remember this is a family show and it's important for children to be exposed to this stuff.

It felt a bit too on the nose for me. I get why, because it's a family-show, but none of the plots felt fleshed out.

The teaching points were too on the nose. As a teacher I appreciate the sentiment, but it was ham-fisted and the villain was toothless.

Also, the thing that pissed me off the most was the end credits.

That's three uses of "on the nose" by three different posters in senses I didn't initially understand. To me the term had always signified precision, and I was unaware of any other meaning.

According to the OED, alternative meanings are distasteful or offensive. Is that what was meant here?
Oct 29, 2017
Good episode but villain was a bit plain and that music playing over Rosa's final moments in the show were a bit much, didn't feel very appropriate.


Oct 25, 2017
The Waffle Kingdom
So Ryan just zaps the bad guy away and the Doctor's cool with it?

Something not clicking so far... Just been no excitement or pizzazz

Ha, I was really expecting disapproval after her comment in the first episode when that guy pushed Tim Shaw. I think that's more of an issue with the first episode though. The Doctor should be cool with it imo.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Yeah I don't quite get what "on the nose" means in this context? Because it had a message? Legit curious


Oct 28, 2017
That's three uses of "on the nose" by three different posters in senses I didn't initially understand. To me the term had always signified precision, and I was unaware of any other meaning.

According to the OED, alternative meanings are distasteful or offensive. Is that what was meant here?

The expression is also used to denote a bludgeon, like being hit in the face with it. It wasn't offensive, but it was obvious in the same way that 'Kill the moon' was a women's choice allegorical narrative.

Nothing against an educational tone, but this was very WE ARE TEACHING YOU A LESSON - LOOK AT THE DATES AND NAMES - I'M EVEN USING A WHITEBOARD


Oct 26, 2017
United Kingdom
I really, really loved that episode, and had tears in my eyes at the end of it. It also got me to bring up Rosa Parks' Wikipedia page and start learning more about her and the bus boycott, which I guess was kind of the point.