
Nov 20, 2017
I don't really care for Doctor Who but saw a bunch of clips from the Jinkx episode. Might tune in for that as it looks like a hoot.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
It's funny because a few weeks ago someone posted a video talking about the history of fourth wall breaks in Doctor Who and they hoped there would be more. Whoever made that video must be feasting right now.


Oct 25, 2017
Could the Sarah Jane Adventures be to this Era of Doctor Who what the Clone Wars is to Modern Star Wars?

Kids who liked it 15 years ago are nostalgic for it now, so it's a good extra source of hype imagery to have in trailers and get tweeters tweeting.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Could the Sarah Jane Adventures be to this Era of Doctor Who what the Clone Wars is to Modern Star Wars?

Kids who liked it 15 years ago are nostalgic for it now, so it's a good extra source of hype imagery to have in trailers and get tweeters tweeting.
I hadn't thought about it from the perspective of appealing to kids who watched it that are now grown up. Honestly, that'd be a really smart thing to do.

As someone who watched it at the time (as it seemed to me to be aimed as much at *classic* fans as kids) I'd love to see Rani and Clyde again, say.

Serebii Webmaster
Oct 24, 2017
I mean Clyde did appear in the Tales of the TARDIS

The only spin-off character to do so. It was a bit out of left field really


Oct 25, 2017
I liked Space Babies well enough.
As a big Beatles fan I did not like The Devil's Chord. I hoped, since Beatles are so associated with D+ and Dr Who is on D+ they'd use some of that synergy to get Beatle songs in the show, but no. Then I thought, oh well maybe the reason they're going back to the Please Please Me recording sessions if there's so many covers on that record they can avoid having to pay the Lennon/McCartney $$$, surely it will end with Twist and Shout, but no. Paul didn't look or feel like Paul. John didn't either. Truthfully I think Paul Rudd, Jack Black, Justin Long and Jason Schwartzman were more believable as the Beatles in Walk Hard and those guys were hamming it up big time!
Ultimately I don't think the Beatles really added anything to the episode either, they were just kind of there. I would have liked to see them get the same treatment Shakespear got in that Tennant episode. The Beatles are so quintessentially British and so is Doctor Who it really feels like a missed opportunity.
What if they chord they used to defeat Maestro was the chord that started A Hard Day's Night? Using a single chord wouldn't require any royalties to The Beatles and would be a great way to tie the episode into them. That chord is a bit mysterious and has been debated on what it actually is.


Features Editor at
Oct 28, 2017
I mean Clyde did appear in the Tales of the TARDIS

The only spin-off character to do so. It was a bit out of left field really

The flip side is he was just a natural choice. Like, Jon's gone, Liz is gone.... there's not many characters represented by real actors left that Jo could bounce off. But Jo at least met Clyde and Clyde has also met two Doctors...

I'd love to see him back in the show, though. Would be great to have him show up as part of UNIT or something.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
The flip side is he was just a natural choice. Like, Jon's gone, Liz is gone.... there's not many characters represented by real actors left that Jo could bounce off. But Jo at least met Clyde and Clyde has also met two Doctors...

I'd love to see him back in the show, though. Would be great to have him show up as part of UNIT or something.

And the show has pretty much set up with Kate that UNIT is basically collecting former compatriots of the Doctor.
Mar 17, 2019
Space Babies is better than Fear her becuase at least it was not boring. Fear Her is the worst type of what Doctor Who can be, which a lot of the Chibnall era actually feels.
Still a mediocre episode, with an actually good underlying message, and i would have NEVER put it as a season opener.

And the Maestro had such a good premise, but it fumbles oit all the way, that i dont know if i actually prefer space babies to it.

Still, one thing both episodes arent is boring.

I thought Maestro got it right most of the time, Gatwa being convincingly freaked out made it work. I guess I wanted to like it more after being horrified at how bad Space Babies was, and being worried that if that's the season opener how bad does it get? I absolutely loved the specials, so it was a right shock at the drop in quality.
Oct 27, 2017
Anyone noticing the episode seems like it has motion smoothing on? It's not my TV as a previous episode is fine and all the settings are off.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I'm liking this so far. VERY dialogue heavy, not much "happening" but it's really focused on the characters.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
Well that was quite excellent. Best episode of the season so far and probably the best episode Moffat has written in a long time. It really played into all his strengths as a writer.

And how incredibly like RTD era Doctor Who to have a future companion playing a different character as a one off. lol

Miracle Ache

Oct 25, 2017
Didn't care for this one at all. It really needed strong supporting characters for it to work and it just didn't have them.


Oct 25, 2017
More proof that Devil's Chord was supposed to air later - The Doctor said this is Ruby's first alien planet, so she now has traveled 6 month without going to an alien planet


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Great episode. Flew by for basically being set entirely in a crater.

Unleashed has a mini interview with Varada about being cast as the companion but very much giving nothing away around the circumstances.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
More proof that Devil's Chord was supposed to air later - The Doctor said this is Ruby's first alien planet, so she now has traveled 6 month without going to an alien planet

Doc didn't really react much at all to Ruby's snow-generation this time though and he DEFINITELY DID last week. So I think this episode was always supposed to air after DC.


Feb 9, 2021
Stellar performances, very suspenseful. Well done Moff, best episode of RTD2 yet.

Next week looks right up my alley too.


Jul 8, 2018
Something odd is going on with time (from Ruby's point of view):
Church on Ruby Road/Space Babies are set on Xmas Eve/Xmas Day
Devil's Chord: June/July
Boom: October 5th


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, that was great, we need more Moffat!
Ruby has felt a bit like a passenger up to this point, but now it feels like she's coming into her own. And oh man, we're really starting to get a taste of who this Doctor is and I love him. Speaking of, last week we had the Susan conversation and this week the Doctor being a father was an important thing, I really feel like they're setting up Susan's return and maybe we'll finally learn about her parents.

I kinda hope Sethu's character in season 2 is the same character as this episode, it's been so long since we've had a long term companion that isn't from contemporary Earth.
More proof that Devil's Chord was supposed to air later - The Doctor said this is Ruby's first alien planet, so she now has traveled 6 month without going to an alien planet
Could be that they didn't actually do a ton, maybe they have like one adventure at a time and she goes home and then he picks her up again after some time.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
I liked that, was way better than RTD's episodes, and Gatwa has a few Doctorish and fierce moments. He didn't convince me he was the Doctor previously.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Could be that they didn't actually do a ton, maybe they have like one adventure at a time and she goes home and then he picks her up again after some time.

That is how the Doctor and Clara worked, so it could be interesting if Davies is borrowing that idea - having the Doctor keep bringing her home between trips and picking her up every time? Ten months between a first trip and a first planet seems like a long gap, though...

My question, and one I'm not sure we're supposed to know the answer to yet: when the ambulance cited Ruby's age, was it doing that chronologically from her assumed birth date, or does the machine know something we don't?


Nov 27, 2020
Finally caught up. Very, very quick thoughts on the 1st two episodes.

-Space Babies - inoffensive. Not a great way to re-introduce the show.

-The Devil's Chord - Much, much better. Problem is (and I'm sure this has been repeated ad nauseum) it's only the 2nd episode and Gatwa's Doctor hasn't been established enough yet to have him almost unable to fight back.

Now onto Boom. The Moff is back. This did everything to establish Gatwa. He got the Doctor speech. He solved the issue without the Tardis or Sonic. He was trapped in a no win situation with everything gone wrong and he still pulled it off just by being the Doctor. What is it with Moff and single location episodes?

Kind of mixed on the preview for next week.

Don't like that we're already taking the Doctor out of the picture. We finally got an episode firmly establishing what Gatwa's capable of and we're thrust into a Ruby-heavy story when Gatwa was just stuck on a landmine for most of the previous episode lol.