"Barely legal" porn: Gross or not?

  • I think it is gross

    Votes: 426 46.7%
  • I think it is fine

    Votes: 485 53.2%

  • Total voters
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Oct 27, 2017
Oh wow you can see who voted for what


FBI is busting people watching barely legal porn? Half the country gonna be in jail by the end of the month.


Oct 28, 2017
Barely legal is usually 20-30 year olds right? Or do they really go and hunt down 17 going on 18 girls?

I thought it was like incest where they aren't really related or how college sex isn't really college dorm sex parties.


Oct 27, 2017
It is. People sexualized the Stranger Things kids, the Olsen twins, Maisie Williams, there are plenty of examples of that sort of thing in our culture..

To the point where I basically live on the internet and have never once witnessed any form of sexualization over any of the Stranger Things kids, I must disagree with this.

There's definitely an "open season" like mentality on young, female celebrities when they approach or turn the age of majority. Maise Williams, Emma Watson chief among them. But anything before that is definitely not something openly accepted by people in our culture, and certainly not in any way endorsed by pornography featuring 18 year olds.

Deleted member 47559

User requested account closure
Sep 7, 2018
I say this as someone who quit watching porn and thinks it's harmful for a lot of people. You're never going to stop most straight men finding post-pubescent girls/women attractive. It's entirely natural and as much as you may wish that it isn't, it is. I don't agree with arguments that it's creepy because porn does not equal relationships. A 40 year old dude watching 18-year old porn actresses feels a bit skeevy, but of course it's normal that he'd find them attractive. If a 40 year old was dating a 18 year old however, of course that would be inappropriate and creepy. The difference in experience etc. is too great. Same goes if you reverse genders for all of the above.

I honestly think it's so embarrassing when people come out in threads like these and say "I don't find anyone under 25 attractive" etc. It's the same to me as when you have threads on fat shaming or whatever and people come out and say they're attracted to chubby girls. No one cares and it doesn't make you better than anyone else that you have a certain taste. Porn is superficial, so in the same vein that you more and more see people saying racial preferences in dating are wrong/have problematic causes etc., race categories will always exist in porn (for as long as there's no insanely overbearing laws passed around it). You shouldn't conflate it with real life in instances like this (again, I say this as someone who thinks porn is harmful and damaging).

People conflate pedophilia and being attracted to legal teenagers because they want to win the argument and shame people into not arguing back. I'm convinced that's all it is. No-ones impressed that you only watch MILFs and therefore are so far removed from being a pedo we can't possibly find an issue with your preferences.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Equating barely legal porn with promoting pedophilia is as silly to me as those groups that say violent games and movies promote violent behaviour or that college girls shouldn't be allowed to wearing leggings because they give boys bad ideas.

What adults want to do with their bodies is their choice.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Pornography is largely problematic, so I'm not writing off the idea of Barely Legal being misogynistic. Treating women like they're a freshly baked pie.


Apr 14, 2018
Anecdotal evidence for sure, but I saw a LOT of this around the first season of Stranger Things, where blogs that post primarily just "bear" porn suddenly started posting a lot of photos and gifs of Gaten Matarazzo because "he's so cute!" Like...you're not fooling anyone, we all know exactly what you're doing and why you're posting photos of a then-13/14 year old boy on your NSFW Tumblr.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
To say porn has led to this is quite the reach. You need solid data to even suggest this. Pedophiles existed before the Internet, the Internet just helped make them find and hang out with another easier.
I'm not saying it's all the fault of porn, porn is a reflection of society in some ways so of course it would reflect men lusting after young girls when that's a trope that has been reinforced in our society over time- but I don't believe it is helping, I think that category of porn reinforces that trope.
My favorite thing to search on the websites is very legal
Very legal, is it also very cool?

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
I'm not saying it's all the fault of porn, porn is a reflection of society in some ways so of course it would reflect men lusting after young girls when that's a trope that has been reinforced in our society over time- but I don't believe it is helping, I think that category of porn reinforces that trope.

So what is the goal for this question? Where will it lead? You ask whether or not "barely legal" reinforces pedophilia which you could probably find answered in a study that someone can do.

Then the other question is, is it bad? 2 consenting adults having sex isn't exactly a thing we as a society should care about. If some 18-year-old in college wants to sleep with a 30-year-old off Tinder, who are we to say they are wrong?


Oct 25, 2017
I think part of it is people entertaining taboo scenarios, and part of it is people having an attraction to the adult women that would fit under those labels. For instance Ariana Grande is attractive by every mainstream metric, so I don't necessarily think you have to extrapolate on reasons much beyond that.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, trying to tie this to that is stupid, I guess I can get where it's coming from when it comes to being problematic but it's no where near that far though this is sort of like the argument from the whole thing about disappearing pubic hair from the 70s to the 90s and on in porn and the general appeal too but it's still a ridiculous leap and I'm tired of the misappropriation of that term but I learned that it's pointless to argue about or the problems it causes.

Unless you're just browsing a tube site, you probably can, since the one thing the industry is actually really, really careful about is checking the age of everyone involved in the videos that are created. NOBODY wants another Traci Lords situation. Check out "2257 laws" if you ever get a second and want to find out more.

As far as the OP, there's a difference between thinking 18 year olds are physically attractive, and having the desire to exploit the possible power dynamics of actually dating an 18 year old. So no, I don't really think it normalizes it.

They're super careful but there still been rare instances still, I think most notable being this one from nearly a decade ago. Though like with Lords she seemingly worked to pose as someone older with fake IDs and such. Plus I don't think those Florida based "reality porn" companies are as meticulous as in California, at least back then.

How are the tubes with this? I always thought that their moderation is strict with this.

Also I guess that pedos are not dumb enough to upload CP in pages that are not part of the deep web

Oh sweet summer child... I remember when I was so naive and innocent. I know when people hear of this sort of thing they thinking of little kids being sexually abused but that covers a small, tiny segment of it that's the tip of the iceburg made of shit. There's content on those sites under a specific genre, including the major ones that at a minimum feature uploads girls of questionable age and at best extremely borderline to the point where if I were moderating I'd "nope" it and certain terms (that are likely the source of it) would automatically be flagged.

I wager most of those who upload it are not in the US or another country that has super strict laws or enforcement regarding this sort of thing, never mind like I said it's extremely borderline when dealing with teenagers such as with the previously mentioned Traci Lords who fooled the entire industry or the story I mentioned. Biology can be a real motherfucker.

Deleted member 4247

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's not weird/gross to find 18+ women attractive, no.

And there's an obvious biological reason why so many find young women attractive.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
So what is the goal for this question? Where will it lead? You ask whether or not "barely legal" reinforces pedophilia which you could probably find answered in a study that someone can do.
It's led to 8 pages and hundreds of comments, and some good discussion.
Then the other question is, is it bad? 2 consenting adults having sex isn't exactly a thing we as a society should care about. If some 18-year-old in college wants to sleep with a 30-year-old off Tinder, who are we to say they are wrong?
Everyone makes judgments on things and are allowed opinions. In the case of Pitchford for example, I think it's gross for an ~50 year old man to be deliberately searching for "as young as I can get but still covering my tracks within the law" porn of someone that could be their damn kid age-wise. media, including porn, effects how we think and behave. Our culture is one of toxic masculinity and misogyny, and has not treated women well, including fetishizing/sexualizing young women. I think contributing to that is a bad thing.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
It's led to 8 pages and hundreds of comments, and some good discussion.

Everyone makes judgments on things and are allowed opinions. In the case of Pitchford for example, I think it's gross for an ~50 year old man to be deliberately searching for "as young as I can get but still covering my tracks within the law" porn of someone that could be their damn kid age-wise. media, including porn, effects how we think and behave. Our culture is one of toxic masculinity and misogyny, and has not treated women well, including fetishizing/sexualizing young women. I think contributing to that is a bad thing.
But what is the goal? To keep coupling aged within a few years? To remove or make this content illegal? To change the age of consent? A discussion is meaningless without there being a goal to discuss IMO.

I think you have to demonstrate the harm with data this is causing similar to how the fashion industry leads to body image issues all over the globe. Are women trying to be more youthful to get an older man because of this? Are men seeking out younger women and if that fails then upping the age limit for potential partners? I don't believe you are going to get much outta this as you have to reframe what consent is, then. These are 2 adults who want to have sex and that is what it is. Society can influence who we want to sleep with but unless there is demonstratable widespread harm then what is wrong with 2 adults with an age-gap difference hooking up?


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
But what is the goal? To keep coupling aged within a few years? To remove or make this content illegal? To change the age of consent? A discussion is meaningless without there being a goal to discuss IMO.
I don't agree, I enjoy discussing things for the sake of discussion! If I had to choose a goal though I would support elimination of the category on porn sites, and of course supporting people like Janice Griffith who try to make more "healthy" or considerate porn that takes into account male toxicity and problematic cultural values.
I think you have to demonstrate the harm with data this is causing similar to the fashion industry leads to body image issues all over the globe. Are women trying to be more youthful to get an older man because of this? Are men seeking out younger women and if that fails then upping the age limit for potential partners? I don't believe you are going to get much outta this as you have to reframe what consent is, then. These are 2 adults who want to have sex and that is what it is. Society can influence who we want to sleep with but unless there is demonstratable widespread harm then what is wrong with 2 adults with an age-gap difference hooking up?
I would love to see a study, I don't know how to go about doing that myself not being a researcher or anything!
Jun 23, 2018
I think hetties liking 18 year old woman (that IS the age, right? Not 19?) isn't really creepy in and of itself.

It's the fetishization of youth. Especially those videos where it's a woman who's wearing pigtails, sitting in her pink room with a lollipop, pile of teddy bears between her legs, while xylophone music plays in the background. Which they do even with 30 year old actresses that makes it look even more creepy lmao.

Deleted member 1698

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It is a big world and I'm sure misogyny plays some part with some people.

To me however it is more about the fantasy of when sex was fun, carefree and you didn't really think about the potential consequences. It is like playing a game like Persona set in high school. I'm not in high school anymore, and never will be. But life was simpler then.
Oct 25, 2017
I've always felt it was weird to point it out, and the idea of older men searching for it / being into it makes me feel it's more weird than most other things.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm more concerned with the fact that, like, 90% of mainstream porn is about incest fantasy.

I love how it's always step-father/mother/daughter etc.

like shit we know it's fake why even pretend they're not really related and not go the whole shebang? Does the step-part really do it for some people? lmao

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I love how it's always step-father/mother/daughter etc.

like shit we know it's fake why even pretend they're not really related and not go the whole shebang? Does the step-part really do it for some people? lmao

The naming actually might have some thought put into it

Every state in the U.S. has a prohibition against incestuous relations on the books, which explains why a significant percentage of "family role play"-style films tiptoe around actual incest. Instead, they frame characters as non-blood relations. Technically speaking, it's "fauxcest."

"Every scene I do is always a 'step,' it's never my real father," explained Riley Reid, one of the most popular adult actresses in the business. "And usually they're fairly new [relations]—like, 'my mom's new husband,' so it's not somebody who has raised me."

"I think you legally have to say, 'This is crazy, you're my step-brother' a certain number of times," Wright added. "You also have to somehow fit in there that both are over the age of 18, like, 'Now that so-and-so's back from college.'"

Production companies that don't draw such a line can run into problems legally, performers and directors I talked to explained. Some credit card companies won't even process payments for that type of material. But that hasn't stopped smaller niche outfits, or independent performers themselves, from eschewing even that disclaimer—in large part because there's such a high demand.

Though some videos are just titled shit like mum fucks son. I dunno if the above is for more elaborate professional scenes with "acting".

And why it's increasing in popularity

Lonnie Barbach, a doctor of clinical psychology who has written numerous books on sexuality and female sexuality in particular, echoes Wright's sentiment.

"Pornography keeps pushing the boundaries—it's been doing that for a number of decades, to now where it's gotten to incest," she said. "Sex has alway been about the forbidden, and here it's just about as forbidden as you can get."



It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
18 year olds doing porn is a probably a pretty bad idea for lots of reasons, but I certainly won't criticize anyone who chooses to make that decision. Their bodies. Their choices.

But if you're in your 30s and you're watching 'barely legal' porn videos, then I'm going to think you're creepy. Oh, it's legal to lust after such women... but it's definitely problematic for a number of reasons. And if you're like Randy Pitchford and you go after eighteen year olds in the real world, then it's predatory. It's not illegal, but it's predatory for sure. Why else hunt down people who are emotionally and sexually much more immature than you?


Oct 27, 2017
I tried to avoid this thread, because it is exactly what I expected it to be. And I'm not sure anyone's reading on page 8, but whatever.

First, let me tackle a side conversation: no, all porn isn't misogynistic. People who say this always show off how heteronormative their viewpoint is. If nothing else, you're ignoring gay male porn. But in reality, you're also ignoring the burgeoning queer porn industry as well. Great work. And that doesn't even dig into porn made by cam girls and ManyVids. Yes, to some extent porn can't be anything but misogynistic, because it's a part of a patriarchal, misogynist society. But that has its limits, and makes us have to ask far larger questions.

To the question at hand: Is it creepy? Yes and no. Barely legal porn is almost certainly aiming at the group you think it is. Especially with some barely legal porn sites saying things like "she turned 18 a week ago" or whatever.

The reality is it appeals to the nature in most/all humans to break taboos. The same reason "barely legal" is a thing is the same reason "incest" is a thing: we have fantasies about things we're not supposed to do.

Speaking as someone who at this point has experienced nearly every kind of legal porn there is either accidentally (it was featured in a video about something else) or because it was a turn on, I can say in practice I wouldn't be interested in the vast majority of the kinks and fetishes I've gotten off to. Because it's been mentioned several times in this thread, I've watched incest porn going back to when I was 16, and read about it at even younger ages (12). I've NEVER been attracted to a single member of my family. It doesn't work that way. Same way Mortal Kombat sells 12 million copies but we don't all wish we could make people explode in disgusting, absurdly over the top ways. ....I hope not, at least. In the same way that rape is a fetish some women have in real life but isn't a thing they'd ever want happening to them for real. Who are you to judge them for that?

The real problem with these porn fetishes isn't merely existing, it's whether people are asking what those fetishes mean and staying aware so those fetishes don't bleed over into real life. And if they do, it happens in a safe way between consenting adults. (If you and your wife or husband want to do ageplay, that's fine. If you as a 30-50 year old man go after an 18 year old, even though it's "legal" it's still gross.)

The funny thing about these questions is that they rarely involve any proper research. The OP cites a porn star at least, so there's that. Still, there are plenty of stars who talk positively about their experiences like Mia Li or Bailey Jay or Nina Hartley, but somehow they're always ignored.


Oct 29, 2017
I think the actual content is fine, but I do have a problem with it being marketed as "barely legal."

Deleted member 1698

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
18 year olds doing porn is a probably a pretty bad idea for lots of reasons, but I certainly won't criticize anyone who chooses to make that decision. Their bodies. Their choices.

But if you're in your 30s and you're watching 'barely legal' porn videos, then I'm going to think you're creepy. Oh, it's legal to lust after such women... but it's definitely problematic for a number of reasons. And if you're like Randy Pitchford and you go after eighteen year olds in the real world, then it's predatory. It's not illegal, but it's predatory for sure. Why else hunt down people who are emotionally and sexually much more immature than you?

You meantion "lots of reasons" and "a number of reasons" what are they?


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
You meantion "lots of reasons" and "a number of reasons" what are they?
In the first case, I was mainly referring to the unfair treatment of former adult actresses by society. I stress unfair, but it would still make me discourage an eighteen year old from going into porn. Once they're no longer producing content, society shuns them for taking the 'easy road' and seems to never want to stop punishing them. We tried to hire a girl to work for my department. She was eminently qualified, but because she'd done exotic dancing for a while to pay her way through college, admin made us hire someone else. Again, it shouldn't be the case, but the reality is, long term it's not a good idea.

To the second case, fetishizing youth puts strains on people to look as young as possible, which leads to excessive plastic surgery, and other things. Barely Legal porn intentionally blurs the line between adult and child by fetishizing women who look like children, and I hope I don't have to go into the reason that is problematic. This doesn't just speak to porn, of course. 'Hit Me Baby One More Time', 'all grown up' photo features in the Daily Mail, and incredibly creepy countdowns until teenage starlets hit legal age cause as much if not more harm. It also pressures 18 year olds to be sexually active, which I don't think is something anyone should be pressured into.

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I tried to avoid this thread, because it is exactly what I expected it to be. And I'm not sure anyone's reading on page 8, but whatever.

First, let me tackle a side conversation: no, all porn isn't misogynistic. People who say this always show off how heteronormative their viewpoint is. If nothing else, you're ignoring gay male porn. But in reality, you're also ignoring the burgeoning queer porn industry as well. Great work. And that doesn't even dig into porn made by cam girls and ManyVids. Yes, to some extent porn can't be anything but misogynistic, because it's a part of a patriarchal, misogynist society. But that has its limits, and makes us have to ask far larger questions.

To the question at hand: Is it creepy? Yes and no. Barely legal porn is almost certainly aiming at the group you think it is. Especially with some barely legal porn sites saying things like "she turned 18 a week ago" or whatever.

The reality is it appeals to the nature in most/all humans to break taboos. The same reason "barely legal" is a thing is the same reason "incest" is a thing: we have fantasies about things we're not supposed to do.

Speaking as someone who at this point has experienced nearly every kind of legal porn there is either accidentally (it was featured in a video about something else) or because it was a turn on, I can say in practice I wouldn't be interested in the vast majority of the kinks and fetishes I've gotten off to. Because it's been mentioned several times in this thread, I've watched incest porn going back to when I was 16, and read about it at even younger ages (12). I've NEVER been attracted to a single member of my family. It doesn't work that way. Same way Mortal Kombat sells 12 million copies but we don't all wish we could make people explode in disgusting, absurdly over the top ways. ....I hope not, at least. In the same way that rape is a fetish some women have in real life but isn't a thing they'd ever want happening to them for real. Who are you to judge them for that?

The real problem with these porn fetishes isn't merely existing, it's whether people are asking what those fetishes mean and staying aware so those fetishes don't bleed over into real life. And if they do, it happens in a safe way between consenting adults. (If you and your wife or husband want to do ageplay, that's fine. If you as a 30-50 year old man go after an 18 year old, even though it's "legal" it's still gross.)

The funny thing about these questions is that they rarely involve any proper research. The OP cites a porn star at least, so there's that. Still, there are plenty of stars who talk positively about their experiences like Mia Li or Bailey Jay or Nina Hartley, but somehow they're always ignored.

Because the average person is getting a jolt of "taboo!" whilst also simultaneously knowing what they're watching is make-believe, and also legal (if it's properly supplied and distributed porn). That's why it doesn't often transfer into the real world for the majority of people. If you watch some dumb video about a mum fucking a son, or spying on him in the shower, it doesn't mean you're going to try and fuck your mum (hopefully). It doesn't mean you're going to abuse consent either and spy on someone in the shower, because most reasonable people understand consent and adhere to it. The absurdity of a mum spying on a son in the shower is just the over the top taboo of an acted porn script.

The rational part of your brain knows the two actors are not related, the "non-thinking" excitable part of your brain just sees, in caplocks, "MUM FUCKS SON WHILST HE PLAYS HALO WITH HIS FRIENDS AND DISCUSSES THE METACRITIC SCORE OF ZELDA". Why do people think porn titles are absolutely nuts? They appeal to the "irrational parts" of the brain by catching the attention of humans for the initial shock or awe. Some of it actually purposefully goes for humour, because humour as an emotion releases that smile and happiness throughout your body. Which is why "cheesey" scenes have been used in porn for decades (fucking the plumber, the ridiculous music, purposefully bad acting, etc). Or you get 2018, and fidget spinners stuck up people's asses... It's just shock, because lots of people will click a video with anal fidget spinners.

The marketing and consumption of porn are all about overloading and assaulting the senses, something which men (both gay and straight), on average, are incredibly susceptible to. You could, in a more nuanced and evidenced backed way, rightfully point to how the real male brain is in the penis

To begin with, it's essential to note that the literature specifically studying men's arousal patterns (gay as well as straight) has repeatedly emphasized their sensitivity to visual cues. As soon as the lust-inspiring image registers in their brain, they become turned-on—not only physically but psychologically, too. Exposure to such erotic stimuli immediately activates the parts of their brain related to getting an erection. And, as Ogas and Gaddam suggest, "Men's greater sex drive may be partially due to the fact that their sexual motivation pathways have more connections to the subcortical reward system than in women" [or, in short] "men's brains are designed to objectify females." Frustrated women have frequently (and cynically) complained that men's brains are located between their legs. But the authors' more scientifically grounded viewpoint seeks to elucidate the strategic—and frankly, unwilled—connection between the male's brain and his genitals. (See also an earlier two-part post of mine called "The Testosterone Curse.")


I know these fields well, which is why I get involved in controversial topics like this to attempt to add some balance to hot takes and one-liners. A lot of people simply don't know enough about the porn industry, sexuality and even their own responses to and feelings about sex. Hence why sexual repression, primarily led by religion, but also misinformation, shame and confusion is still alive and well. Not to mention many still being closeted and afraid of LGBT sex, whilst simultaneously constantly looking up trans porn. Those religious folks are some of the worst (best) at favouring the taboo porn they claim God smites them for (often gay, lesbian and trans).

But just because you initially find something "shocking" and it tickles those lust receptors, doesn't mean you lack the actual critical thinking skills to know it's all acting. The industry exploits the human condition like most consumer marketing does. Humans may have been around for a long time on this planet, but we aren't machines or perfectly evolved. Our brain and senses are still easy to manipulate and trick. Getting a response or some sort of reaction out of someone can be incredibly easy when it comes to marketing/acting. Catch the eyes and assault the senses before the brain catches up.

Which is also why you should not be whipping yourself across your back at night because you watched an incest porn video and feel that you need to be judged or it suggested you must want to fuck all your family. The fact of the actual content is, the actors were not related, you knew this when you clicked it, even if your brain just initially thought "OMG INCEST!". You didn't watch actual incest. One might obviously ask themselves questions about their response to a kink like incest, but unless you're actively trying to fuck someone in your family there is a good chance simply a combination of the taboo, mixed with your typical incredibly visual porn scene, just aroused you like most erotic content could stand a chance to.

None of the above is dismissing genuine concerns around adult content, the industry and what people may well do when they do have ulterior motives, are violent/misogynistic or are seeking out genuine CP content. There is a real dark side to humans and sex, and there always will be. There just always has been, all throughout history the atrocities are documented. Statistics around rape and CP would today still cause you to heave, before we even stroll back to the Catholic Church and covering up paedophilia






The internet has been the main vehicle for CP since its inception.

But that doesn't mean unfounded or feelings based causations/correlations help anyone. You have to properly understand and examine everything that is going on, before you think you have it all sorted out in tackling paedophilia. Those who have the unfortunate roles of taking down these networks and finding and arresting people sharing CP, if not producing and actively raping children, probably aren't going to be all that impressed if you present them with two 19~21-year-old porn actresses starring in some dumb video that says "barely legal teen sleepover doing biology homework".

It may well be a bit fucked and/or gross to see that title, but the rational part of your brain has to at least come to terms with what most of this content is aiming to do and that many will click it without necessarily being paedos/wanting to normalize paedophilia. Paedophiles, majority speaking, will use the dark web, torrents and be part of distribution networks. Visting pornhub is not where they will go for CP, as it cannot exist on Pornhub no matter how inflammatory the titles of videos might be. They're on the internet stalking and grooming young teens on social media, or advertising how they are MAPs on Twitter. It's everywhere on the internet. I wouldn't downplay any of that, but targets have to be aimed at appropriately so most of the genuine horrors online/in the world get the resources and funding needed to take them down.

This is why I didn't like how the poll or question is framed. It simultaneously makes a bit of a mockery of actual CP (although this isn't the intent, the intent is to be progressive in tackling it) and I myself would want to straddle the fence and imply both answers to certain degrees. It's fine legally, as it is legal and no the actors aren't underage and I understand most of what the industry is doing marketing taboos. But yes I also think it can be a bit gross if an old man is talking about how much he loves young teens (legal or not, a big age gap obviously raises moral arguments).
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (permanent): We are not interesting in hosting arguments about the distinction between pedophilia and ephebophilia here. Previous severe infractions.
Barely legal porn doesn't promote pedophilia because pedophilia is sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children. If anything it glorifies ephebophilia (attraction to adolescents between 15 and 19).

I mean the age of consent in my state (NC), is 16 I think. 16 or 17. That's not promoting pedophilia either. It's still pretty bad but... it's a different kinda bad.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
The amount of work being put into this thread is somewhat amazing.

The next time I need tow write a paper on a controversial topic, I'mma just let Era duke it out and pick out the links.

Deleted member 1698

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
In the first case, I was mainly referring to the unfair treatment of former adult actresses by society. I stress unfair, but it would still make me discourage an eighteen year old from going into porn. Once they're no longer producing content, society shuns them for taking the 'easy road' and seems to never want to stop punishing them. We tried to hire a girl to work for my department. She was eminently qualified, but because she'd done exotic dancing for a while to pay her way through college, admin made us hire someone else. Again, it shouldn't be the case, but the reality is, long term it's not a good idea.

To the second case, fetishizing youth puts strains on people to look as young as possible, which leads to excessive plastic surgery, and other things. Barely Legal porn intentionally blurs the line between adult and child by fetishizing women who look like children, and I hope I don't have to go into the reason that is problematic. This doesn't just speak to porn, of course. 'Hit Me Baby One More Time', 'all grown up' photo features in the Daily Mail, and incredibly creepy countdowns until teenage starlets hit legal age cause as much if not more harm. It also pressures 18 year olds to be sexually active, which I don't think is something anyone should be pressured into.

I guess the first point would depend where you are. I'd struggle to stop someone doing what they want because of society, but agree you need to be realistic about how things are in many parts of the world. I know at my work I'm pretty sure the same scenario would not be a problem.

Second point is kind of a different (but valid) issue. I don't think porn can necessarily be blamed here considering the problem is very mainstream.
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