
Oct 25, 2017
Every time I think about Konami I'm left with feelings of resentment. They were, without a doubt, one of the top-tier premiere game developers/publishers for decades, and then they just threw that all away last generation mostly by way of greed and poor management. In lieu of a long rant on the subject, let's just summarize the situation by saying that Konami effectively bowed out of the industry altogether outside of making gambling machines in Japan and occasionally trotting out ports/anthologies of their classic games to make a quick buck. And with their exit from the industry went some of their best talent (e.g. Kojima), and all of their most beloved and valuable IP's were left to wither and rot.

I honestly wonder what younger gamers think of Konami, if they even know about them at all. Would it surprise them to know that Konami was, for a very long time, an elite company that consistently put out some of the best games of each generation?

Anyway, it seems like in the last few years we've begun to hear rumblings of Konami seeking a return to the gaming industry, with some rumors finally coming to fruition like the SH2 remake and the MGS3 remake. But honestly, are we supposed to accept this and forgive them? I know that "forgive" is a dramatic word choice, but you know what I mean. Even if I didn't think that these two remakes of games from their glory days were going to be shit (which I do), I'd still struggle to fork over my hard-earned cash to support them at this point. It's too late. We've gone an entire generation and a half without any new entries in any of their once-coveted franchises because they took the ball and went home, so to speak. And now we're supposed to welcome them back with remakes? I'm not feeling it. Not one bit.

Now, if the rumors of a full-fledged new Castlevania game ever prove to be true, then I might be more inclined to give them a chance. After all, that series has so much potential in the modern era with FromSoft games achieving increasing success with every release, and Konami putting real weight behind a whole new game in the series would be something that I could appreciate and support financially. I know that they are doing this with Silent Hill, technically, but in my view that series (along with MGS) are better left in the past because I don't trust modern Konami whatsoever to resurrect them.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Konami has enough insane fans who don't care about anything beyond "more Konami games, whatever it takes", so I doubt they care that much about being "forgiven".

They absolutely don't deserve it, though.


Oct 25, 2017
People have memories like gold fish. They'll undoubtedly throw money at Konami the second they release a good game.
Like - look at the Castlevania ports, people happily buy those (I was one of them), people are happy they are getting physical releases, and people are also seemingly excited at the MGS releases...

Basically - this is MWII boycott all over again. Only Id guess most casual fans of the series may not even be aware at what happened to Kojima etc.


Oct 26, 2017
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Everything will be forgiven in seconds when they release something good. "Gamers" have no honor and the general public never cared.

Edit: That was meant to be sarcastic and dramatic 🤷🏼‍♂️
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Oct 27, 2017
Games are games.

If they're fun, people will buy them.

You guys overthink the market way too much.


Jun 7, 2018
The first sentences of your last paragraph explain why they do expect people to forgive them.

Even people like yourself who seem to remember the way they treated their employees and IP will change their minds once a reboot of their fav series is announced.
Mar 5, 2019
Now, if the rumors of a full-fledged new Castlevania game ever prove to be true, then I might be more inclined to give them a chance. After all, that series has so much potential in the modern era with FromSoft games achieving increasing success with every release, and Konami putting real weight behind a whole new game in the series would be something that I could appreciate and support financially. I know that they are doing this with Silent Hill, technically, but in my view that series (along with MGS) are better left in the past because I don't trust modern Konami whatsoever to resurrect them.

This paragraph kinda undermines your point, don't it?


Oct 27, 2017
If the games they release over the coming years are great, then I'll happily buy them, but I think with Silent Hill getting a barrage of different games is the same problem as to what was happening with the series before it went on break (And before Silent Hills was revealed and cancelled).

Their biggest franchises need quality games above all else, if the MGS Collection turns out to be a dud that'll be a bad sign, and I'm skeptical about the Silent Hill 2 Remake thanks to the choice of developer. To be fair, if my fears turn out to be unfounded then that's on me.


May 14, 2020
I know that "forgive" is a dramatic word choice, but you know what I mean

Nothing to forgive, people on forums as usual get too personal and too emotional over the silliest things.

They'll make a product, you want it? Buy it, otherwise ignore it. They're not your friends they don't owe you anything


Jun 14, 2023
Compared to Ubisoft and Activision they're not even that bad and everyone seems to have forgotten the fucked up shit those guys got up to

So yeah, by the time Snake Eater comes out it'll be like nothing ever happened.


One Winged Slayer - Formerly Undead Fantasy
Oct 25, 2017
If the games are good then they are good. That's all that really matters.


Aug 29, 2018
If the games are good, why not?

It's not like Konami is some kind of malicious entity that kill players.

Man God

Oct 25, 2017
Meanwhile in Japan they released one of the best selling games this entire generation.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
Legitimately, what am I forgiving them for? Not releasing new games for a while? I don't understand.


Jul 14, 2019
Are they returning? I just see re-releases and remakes coming from them.

If they make a new game that I want I will support it.


SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
Every time I think about Konami I'm left with feelings of resentment. They were, without a doubt, one of the top-tier premiere game developers/publishers for decades, and then they just threw that all away last generation mostly by way of greed and poor management.
Well it's a good thing they got rid of the executive who was probably the most guilty of all of that.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
I mean, that was literally a generation ago.

The target demographic doesn't remember the MGS series or the Silent Hill series AT ALL, it's been so long. And yes, as we've seen in the past, they do not care what a bunch of dwindling 30 and 40 year olds think about where these series' went.

Like, this is paramount to asking whether or not Konami is worried about whether or not gamers will ever forgive them for Metal Gear Acid.

Jubilant Duck

Oct 21, 2022
I gotta say, the idea that you'd be resentful of Konami or think they need to be forgiven is kinda… well I don't think it's a healthy way to frame the business-consumer relationship, that's for sure.

Company made products you like, so you bought them
Company ceased making products you like, so you didn't buy anything from them
Company now potentially returning to making productions you like, so you might start buying them again

Adding emotion to that process is just all kinds of weird, tbh.


Oct 25, 2017
EA pisses off gamers on a daily basis and it doesn't stop people from buying every Madden game and all the Sims 4 DLC



One Winged Slayer
Mar 12, 2019
If the release good games, no one will care about "whatever" they did

Taking anything Konami has done "personally" as a consumer is ridiculous by the way, they aren't owed forgiveness for anything lmao


Nov 25, 2021
They've turned their business around and are now making games that a lot of people want, so yes I think they're going to be successful. I don't think the majority of people buying/playing the games are taking this personally so I don't think it's really a question of forgiveness, in general.


SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
I will say that it will never not be funny that the same people who constantly whine about the TRIIIIIIIPLE AAAAAAAAAYE games got angry that Konami specifically stepped away from that kind of game.

Like, we have this narrative about Konami trying to come back, but they never even left. They just backed off of AAA game development and then had to rebuild all of their smaller scale stuff because it had largely been withered away due to mismanagement by management that was no longer at the company. They've still been releasing stuff the whole time. It just wasn't always what people wanted because what people wanted from them was always going to take time for them to build back up.
Oct 25, 2017
Konami?? Ain't that what the video game industry does for everybody

And aside from just not making aaa games what are ppl mad at them for? Cuz the business decided to make more money elsewhere?

Unless they did some foul shit I'm missing


Oct 25, 2017
Forgive? They are a company, not some close friend. If they make a good game I'll probably play it.


Oct 25, 2017
Bro is it still 2015 when hating on Konami was the flavor of the month?

Surely being bitter to Konami after all this time for not making games is exactly how to encourage them to return.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Forgive them? Jesus.

I've happily bought the Castlevania collections, the Contra collection, the Arcade collection, Super Bomberman R, and am looking forward to the MGS collection and Super Bomberman R 2 in there next couple of months. They release games I want, I buy them. That's it. They owe you nothing.

Grow the fuck up.


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
Are they waiting for us to accept an apology? What are they even apologizing for?


Has seen more 10s than EA ever will
Jun 4, 2018
People are going to be upset about what happened with Kojima which is fair. But Konami is going to try their hand at a redemption arc on their video games side.

From what I've seen, have a little faith. They are actually trying. But realistically they were never all that awful to being with.