Deleted member 2585

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Project M died for this

I have this downloaded and ready to play, I just need to find a block of time to play it


Oct 27, 2017
So, after watching two livestream VODs play the game (first Geoff Thew, then Dodger and Jesse) and both take the Yuri route, I downloaded the game and played a Natsuki route...

...well, 90% of her route, then I saw it was going to share the same 'end' as Yuri. It's a shame that Natsuki doesn't have her own 'end' beyond the few dedicated scare scenes, which is disappointing to me but the game is still great regardless.
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Deleted member 9857

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I'm a complete scaredy-cat but even knowing the twists to this game I still find it weirdly intriguing though I haven't worked up the nerve to actually play it yet :-/


Oct 29, 2017
Honestly, this game didn't do it for me. The way the game played out tore down my suspension of disbelief.

Despite that though I still thought it was a cool game. It just didn't affect me the way it seemed to want to affect me.
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Oct 28, 2017
Just finished it... I think... I saw the credits so is there anything else worthy?

Very good game, definitely disturbing but honestly I was so amazed by it that it didn't affect me that much.
Now the way the game presents itself is pretty interesting, it could have just throw all the surprises with no warning and catch everyone by surprise but (I'm guessing in respect to people easily disturbed and with mental health problems) it decided to give a warning at first, so everyone already knew it the game was not what it looks like. But everyone would know anyone, you can't hide stuff in the youtube era. But...

I started playing without knowing what the surprise was, so I was expecting some disturbing lovecraftian stuff, some jump scares or some gory imagery. Every time something different happened I went full alert! When Sayori hits her head, I was seriously expecting some gory scene or for a tentacle to grow out of her forehead or something... but nothing happens, everything stays pretty normal for more than an hour and started questioning if the game really had more to it. I started getting interested in the world and the characters, Sayori got jealous of Yuri and a whole talk about depression came up. That's when I thought the game would be about depression and that was the big surprise... then she kills herself and everything goes cuckoo bananas!

So, the game goes into a lot of effort to throw you from one side to another so you don't expect what's coming. And it keeps doing it until the end, I really like that.

Anyway, amazing game, very well written, but I'm curious about it having multiple endings. Will it...
..always be Monika at the end?
Can you kill the characters just by deleting their files out of nowhere?
This was a pretty cool mechanic and Monika gives you a lot of hints of it through the game, found that pretty cool.


Oct 27, 2017
Working to get the true ending. Playing it through for the 2nd time really lets you see the hidden meanings behind a lot of conversations and the poems.


Oct 27, 2017
I really wanted to like this game but after an hour and a half I wanted to rip my hair out because of how unbelievable boring it was. I understand the whole point of it is to play through it to get to the "good parts" but is it really necessary to make me suffer for over an hour via tedious dialogue and cliche characters to get to them? After
the first girl killed herself, and then removed from the game,
I thought it was pretty interesting but by that point I had had enough of the game and I couldn't bother to continue. I looked up some of the endings and read about what happens later on in the game, and it really seems like the game itself was fairly well thought out and clever, but I can't help but think that there was a lot of potential there squandered by a terrible build up.

I see almost nothing but universal praise for this game, so obviously(?) I am in the minority, but I was wondering if anyone else felt similarly to me.
Oct 25, 2017
It's only been a few days since finishing the game, and I've gone from restless nights of ruminating on the end game, to talking with various people about more personal issues that pertained to the game's message and themes. Hell, it's even gotten me talking more about those issues even without the game as a point of reference.

A VN like this getting me to reflect on myself as a person makes me feel more confident in listing this game as a GOTY contender. It may not hit everyone the same way, but I still feel good about the things I got out of it.

I still have Just Monika running on my desktop near constantly. Those topics she discusses still resonate with me to a point that it's kinda uplifting to see them scroll by on auto and make my day. I'm not crazy for doing this, I hope.


Oct 26, 2017
For people who enjoyed the game and are looking for more 'interesting' VNs, I will repeat my recommendation of Cupid. Free on Steam.

Other games I'd recommend are the Higurashi and Umineko games (especially with Voice Acting patches applied to both of them).

Salty Catfish

Oct 25, 2017

Oh, Dan. (Loved this game, btw.)


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I played it last night, and it was interesting to say the least.

Its a very interesting story and uses the medium well, though I do think more could have been done with the meta nature of it. The ending with the retread and finding out the president position is what gives self awareness was interesting but it ends without a lot of closure, which might be the point. The "true" end, while happier in tone didn't have much more closure than the original. I think I was a little disappointed because I actually got a little invested in the first act with the girls and their depression and problems. To see really not anything come of it is mildly disappointing and makes it feel like the first act was really just there to pull people in with a false sense of security, and then do the shift.

Overall, I have some slight problems with it, but it's still an enjoyable ride with some of the more interesting ways of using the medium in recent memory.


Oct 28, 2017
Played it last weekend with the wife. Interesting & funny VN, definitely a must play if you like the genre and you're not a child or "easily disturbed".

Personal note:
I find the whole "disturbing" thing is kinda overblown. But I could just be an "oldjadedgamer". ^_^

I don't think I got the good ending but I bet I won't pursue it later on.

Can't beat the price for the experience though. :-)


Oct 25, 2017
It's damn good. One of the few games to actually make creative use of the medium it's in. The fact that it's free, well, I hope a lot of people don't sleep on it and check it out.
Oct 29, 2017
Oh wow, I opened the game today to start playing again and instead of the usual warning message I got:
It was only partially your fault.
Hahahaha that's great.


Oct 27, 2017
Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi by nitroplus
Can people recommend any other visual novels like this?
I'm interested in VNs with similar meta/horror elements, and also in VNs that play the early part of the DDLC straight, since that was quite enjoyable too, until everything went wild.

A handful. You should be able to reach all endings in about 4-5 hours, depending on your reading speed.


Oct 29, 2017
Doki Doki Literature Club is pretty good. Its horror elements really delivered, but I actually found it more scary than disturbing, in the sense that
the writing wasn't really aaaall that engaging. I mean, let me make it clear that the characters are pretty charming on their own and I would have loved to see a "clean" version of this game. I was getting attached to Natsuki, too :(

The characters' developments were too dramatic and not really disturbing. Natsuki's leap from "she's kinda abrasive and likes to cook" to "HER FATHER BEATS HER UP AND SHE'S SHORT BECAUSE OF MALNUTRITION" felt silly, even though the actual presentation was fantastic and truly scary; Yuki's personality felt cliched even after it was revealed she's crazy - some subtlety wouldn't have hurt.

And Monika... I think Monika was the least interesting of all, even if she was the one who was supposed to be "real". The game is so focused on talking about its state as a game that the last story bit in which she deletes the game's contents simply don't work - you know (and feel and understand) the characters are just files by then, so there's no danger in anything. The game tried to scare you one last time, but it doesn't work because there's no harm to be averted. So it kind of falls flat and the whooole Monika shenanigan ended up feeling gimmicky. Not that it isn't interesting, she didn't become a meme or nothing after all. Maybe I'm envious, since DDLC is the kind of game I wish I had made. But I feel there's a lot that could have done better. Not the presentation, though. The presentation is perfect.


Oct 25, 2017
I played through this on the weekend on account of the intriguing reactions to it. I love games that subvert expectations. It was a really well made and interesting game. I was expecting part of the
, but not the full extent. It escalates VERY abruptly but I think that's because otherwise it would be far too long and lose a lot of interested parties.

However, I think the scariest part of this game is the real life consequence of what it has done to my Steam recommendations. Yikes.


Oct 27, 2017
A friend of mine has been pestering me about playing this game. Finally said screw it and started it up today. Haven't seen anything "disturbing" yet, but some of the dialouge is a little suspect. Braced for the worst.


Oct 27, 2017
i think i relate a little to much to sayori

Well, shit's getting spooky now. God damn.
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lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
Using mental illness for cheap gratification is abhorrent and no twist will bring me back to beat this


Oct 30, 2017
As someone who hasn't played this yet, all the talk of how "disturbing" it is, baffles the hell out of me. I don't know what to expect if I played it.


Oct 27, 2017
For those of you that can't get enough, there's a new mod to help with that:

Spend Forever Together

Monika After Story picks up where Doki Doki Literature Club left off, allowing you to spend the rest of your days with Monika as your virtual girlfriend.

Talk for Hours
Use the new dialogue system to have conversations with Monika about subjects ranging from video games to the nature of god and existence. Or wait for a little while and she'll muse on dozens of new and interesting topics.

Play Games and More
Even with a girlfriend as a great as Monika, eternity can get a little boring. That's why we're always adding in new features like games and activities for the two of you to enjoy. You can play pong or listen to music, and soon you'll be able to do even more!


Oct 25, 2017
Not interested in (the above mentioned) girlfriend simulator. I need more horror/dark story driven games like the main game. I haven't played a game this clever in a long time, and certainly never a visual novel of this caliber. Maybe I'll try Higurashi next, even though the art looks pretty rough.
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Oct 25, 2017
What? Why would there be a content warning for something so generic looking? Is this one of those 'You thought it was this, but nope!'? Sounds like it.

Free is a price I can get behind. I'll check it out OP.


Oct 25, 2017
Played it last weekend with the wife. Interesting & funny VN, definitely a must play if you like the genre and you're not a child or "easily disturbed".

Personal note:
I find the whole "disturbing" thing is kinda overblown. But I could just be an "oldjadedgamer". ^_^

I don't think I got the good ending but I bet I won't pursue it later on.

Can't beat the price for the experience though. :-)
I mean you don't have to be a "jaded gamer" to appreciate a warning for those who are sensitive to those kinds of things. Even if I don't personally care about these warnings because they don't effect me.
So is this VN legit scary, or is this another one of the many games with the "psychological horror" tag memed on to it?
Define 'legit scary'? I found the writing to be more Silent Hill than Dead Space if that's what you mean. Only got an ending though so I don't have the full picture.


Oct 28, 2017
I mean you don't have to be a "jaded gamer" to appreciate a warning for those who are sensitive to those kinds of things.

Don't get me wrong, that was definitely appreciated. It definitely is 18+ only!
What I meant is that I was expecting more on that side of the game...P.T. was way worse in that regard. Had to stop playing even though I watched the whole thing on twitch (hey Uncle Jeff!!).
Oct 25, 2017
Okay, I just got to a part that absolutely terrified me.
Yuri just fucking staring at you near the closet while the lights are off as her eyes go all crazy.

I legit wasn't expecting something that tense. Also I'm playing this at nearly 3 AM in the dark, so that might have contributed.


Oct 25, 2017
Just reached the end of Sayori route.

Man, the build up. It fucked me over so hard that I'm lying up on my bed laughing hollowly now. I dread whatever this game has to offer later.

Anyway, is there any jump scare here? I'm afraid on continuing the game now lol.

Deleted member 6436

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Anyway, is there any jump scare here? I'm afraid on continuing the game now lol.

There aren't really any jumpscares. There's some shocking things, sure, but nothing is gonna pop out and scream at you.

As someone that has struggled with the themes in the game, I'm very glad the content warnings are plastered all over the place. I planned to play it several weeks ago but wasn't in a good mindset. Played it yesterday on a good day and still have a little trouble, but still really enjoyed it.

I was almost angry that you see everyone saying it isn't what it appears to be, but good lord it went beyond all my expectations.

I need more.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
Just wanted to say Monika is pure and good.

Also the stuff Sayori
was saying about her depression hit too close too home.

Deleted member 2620

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Just wanted to say Monika is pure and good.

Also the stuff Sayori
was saying about her depression hit too close too home.

tbh, I think one of the game's weaknesses for me was that
Sayori's death and everything leading up to it and Natsuki's character and what glimpses we get into her home life are, imo, notably more interesting and well-written than what happens with Yuri and Monika.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
tbh, I think one of the game's weaknesses for me was that
Sayori's death and everything leading up to it and Natsuki's character and what glimpses we get into her home life are, imo, notably more interesting and well-written than what happens with Yuri and Monika.
Yeah, I thnk the Sayori stuff leadng up to
her suicide is the strongest part of the game, I would've preferred it continued on that track before going full meta on me. The crayon drawing of her hanging that randomly appears disturbs me the most in "Part 2", the Natsuki neck snap felt like more of a cheap jump scare.