gully state

Oct 27, 2017
There are two transcendent multiplayer experiences in my gaming life. One being original WoW 1-60 and the other being DOTA2. The former was to me the most immersive multiplayer experience while the latter made is the epitome of teamwork in gaming.


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't played Dota for close to two months now.

I agree that Dota 2 is the best multiplayer game out there - there isn't anything that comes close to the rewarding feeling of a well coordinated teamfight or the payoff of an exceptionally risky play. But since you're sharing the responsibility with a group of people to win a match and you need to coordinate well with others, boy does this game become stressful to play.


Oct 26, 2017
still follow dota even though don't play much
everyone's waiting for 7.20 now


Oct 27, 2017
Never liked Dota2. It feels way too slow to me. Like Heroes of the Storm much better. Haven't touched it in 4 months though, thank goodness.


Oct 25, 2017
No lies.

Also Dota 2 eSport scene is the best, you dont have a single team dominating the scene for years, but every year we have new teams, new strats and new champions, everyone can beat everyone.
that is still insane to me. For 8 years we had no one win the aegis twice that is so fucking insane. But dunno my view is biased after growing up on the SC1, SC2 scene where you would get these dominating players staying at the top for insanely long amounts of time. And from the little I know League and Streetfighter have/had these dominating players with Faker and Daigo as well? But Dota 2 just seems to fluctuate like crazy. It's definitely exciting. We're definitely nearing now the time where two times TI winner just has to happen unless an exodus of TI winning players happens.
Nov 1, 2017
that is still insane to me. For 8 years we had no one win the aegis twice that is so fucking insane. But dunno my view is biased after growing up on the SC1, SC2 scene where you would get these dominating players staying at the top for insanely long amounts of time. And from the little I know League and Streetfighter have/had these dominating players with Faker and Daigo as well? But Dota 2 just seems to fluctuate like crazy. It's definitely exciting. We're definitely nearing now the time where two times TI winner just has to happen unless an exodus of TI winning players happens.

Could be because of the metas changing and how much of a team game it is. Someone like Puppey plays with a new team every year these days. Even though he's in the same role it's the team cohesion and being prepared but also adapting in tournaments that seems to get teams to winning tournaments.

Could be people getting burned out. VP and OG have done the same thing where they win multiple majors and just can't finish at TI. Not all games have a season and then one HUGE tournament to cap it off.


Oct 27, 2017
I've played both, a lot. Almost 3K hours in Dota2.. Not sure on my hours, but I had probably 1000 games of LoL. Dota just has far more depth. I like to say that LoL is like Checkers while Dota is like Chess. It's more demanding, more hardcore (meaning that you have to learn to play better and lose bad habits, otherwise you'll get wrecked). But I like that. It's more challenging because there is more room for better and more creative plays.

Plus, I like the aesthetic better. It looks way better, I like that (for the most part) they keep skins pretty down to earth, versus having like Clown Fiddlesticks and Goth Poppy or whatever. Some people would rather have crazy skins, but I'm not that type. I like that everything looks realistic for the world that the characters are in.

I could probably write an essay on why I think Dota2 is a far better game, but these are just the quick points.
This hasn't been true for years though, dota2 jumped the shark with the realistic grounded skins once they released cat girl drow ranger and it has only gotten wackier since.


Oct 27, 2017
A little confused by some of the entries. How is Devil Daggers considered MP? It's a single player game with a leaderboard. Why is MKX on there, and no other major fighting game. Also Siege is criminally low compared to TF2. Honestly pretty good list other than that, I usually agree with RPS.

Teh Radge

Oct 31, 2017
Something to be aware of regarding list which is proved by the beginning of Quake Champions entry:
Right, look, I haven't played any of the old Quake games because my flesh is too young and sprightly. Maybe one of those should have taken this spot, but I doubt it.

It's obvious that this list is the product of just one writer and a young one at that. By all rights, we can all make a top 25 list each and it will have as much credibility as this. Just that we don't all have the platform of a semi-popular gaming blog to post it on.


Oct 25, 2017
League of Legends, World of Warcraft, and Minecraft not in the top 25.

I mean, it's a list thread, so whatever, but...really? Really?

Deleted member 2809

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Played over 2k hours, now don't anymore because of the trash community. Still follow tournaments though.
It's the best esport and nothing comes close.


Dec 28, 2017
yeah it is. clocked in around 4k hrs, i'm done with it for now but it undoubtedly deserves that spot with tf2 as a close second.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
MKX PC is the best version of that game, and it has a crap ton of content (like all NRS games really) and casual appeal. So it makes some sense.
While I don't disagree with any of that, the list is still specifically about MULTIPLAYER games. Particularly discussing the quality of said multiplayer, and not taking into account the single player offerings that they have in store. And within the context of 1v1 Multiplayer, I question the casual appeal of NRS games as they tend to have surprisingly strict execution and a lot of different mechanics at play.

I mean heck, there are games on that list that don't even HAVE single player content (like Quake: Champions).

It's why I think Street Fighter V and Tekken 7 are much better candidates as "the FG representative" for that list since not only do they have active playerbases, the matchmaking allows you to find people of your level fast and the games themselves are still easy to get into if you're a casual (SFV moreso than Tekken 7).


Oct 26, 2017
MKX PC is the best version of that game, and it has a crap ton of content (like all NRS games really) and casual appeal. So it makes some sense.

yea i think it's accurate to say that today, but if you were around for launch, WB and high voltage studios completely fucked up. angry joe even interviewed ed boon before release and ed boon said oh no it's going to be a great pc port, which turned out to be a complete lie. the game it was garbage at launch and remained garbage for about a year and half and WB went radio silent on the PC version of the game while they were updating the console versions.

this was in 2015 -- arkham knight released that same year and the PC version had to be removed from sale due to how shitty that port was, which only compounded the PC playerbase's negative feelings towards WB

i'd think other fighting games on PC deserve the nod first due to not abandoning their playerbase for the first ~18 months of the game's life
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Oct 26, 2017
lmao this site is run by hipsters.

Yea, Nidhogg, Chivalry, dead ass Stacraft 2 and others are better than CS:GO. sure thing LOL


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
Funny enough, DotA2 is the least of my problems with this list

Nidhoog? Towerfall Ascension the second best PC multiplayer game? MKX?

Nope today, satan

Deleted member 5545

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
lmao this site is run by hipsters.

Yea, Nidhogg, Chivalry, dead ass Stacraft 2 and others are better than CS:GO. sure thing LOL
chivalry being on there is so FUCKING weird

CSGO not in the top 3 is already questionable and not in the top 10 is ridiculous

the more i stare at this list the more i feel myself going insane

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Not ArmA 2, or ArmA 3. Not Tabletop Simulator. Not Insurgency. Not Red Orchestra. Not Total War. Not Civilization. Not DBD. Not Payday 2. Not OpenRCT2. Not Duck Game. Not Mount & Blade. Not Minecraft, Terraria, Starbound, or friends. Not even League.

Devil Daggers is an interesting pick. If considerations are to be made for a game where the multiplayer is limited to leaderboard competition, though, then there are a fair number of other technically single-player PC games that I'd have chosen for a list like this on the basis of their social and cooperative elements, like Planet Coaster, and maybe even Skyrim, a game transformed hundreds of times over by its community.

Mortal Kombat X tho. (its a good game but far from being one I'd ever pick to represent PC's finest multiplayer offerings in a world where PC is rife with seriously unique and engaging multiplayer games.)

I'll play devil's advocate for a second tho - Chivalry belongs on this list for sure
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Oct 29, 2017
What a garbage list. DotA 2 but no mention of League of Legends? World of Warcraft? Fortnite?!?

Deleted member 15440

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Could be because of the metas changing and how much of a team game it is. Someone like Puppey plays with a new team every year these days. Even though he's in the same role it's the team cohesion and being prepared but also adapting in tournaments that seems to get teams to winning tournaments.

Could be people getting burned out. VP and OG have done the same thing where they win multiple majors and just can't finish at TI. Not all games have a season and then one HUGE tournament to cap it off.
OG just won TI8 back in august


Oct 25, 2017
There's no cooperative games on the list at all? Really?

25 best competitive multiplayer games maybe.


Apr 6, 2018
No Fortnite?

I don't think I've ever agreed with anything I've read from this site.

It definitely seems that they constantly go out of their way to be contrarian.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
I have a love hate relationship with this game. It's my most played game of all time.

Community really does hold it back unfortunately. It can make it difficult to progress up the mmr bracket.


Nov 7, 2017
that is still insane to me. For 8 years we had no one win the aegis twice that is so fucking insane. But dunno my view is biased after growing up on the SC1, SC2 scene where you would get these dominating players staying at the top for insanely long amounts of time. And from the little I know League and Streetfighter have/had these dominating players with Faker and Daigo as well? But Dota 2 just seems to fluctuate like crazy. It's definitely exciting. We're definitely nearing now the time where two times TI winner just has to happen unless an exodus of TI winning players happens.

Koreans haven't adopted DOTA, if they did they would dominate it like they do every other esports game they are interested in.

To not have League of Legends on this list is completely silly, I'd put it above DOTA 2, though I do like a lot of things about DOTA 2 as well.


Oct 28, 2017

where the fuck is League? lmfao @ this list