
Dec 28, 2017
Getting the team to go Roshan in pubs after a teamfight has gotta be the hardest thing to do in Dota. It's fucking infuriating how I call it but they all just decide to fuck off into jungle. This is happening in 6k MMR and just cost me the last two games. Both games had a Prophet that just refused to play too. Absolute insanity.


Dec 28, 2017
Some of these facets just plain suck. Reminds me of when talents were first introduced and some were just way better than the others. What's the point in mixing it up depending on the match-up if one is just superior to the rest. Prime example is Weaver. No reason to go for the Swarm facet when the Shukuchi one is just infinitely more useful.

Also I'm kinda miffed that skills like Counterspell are getting shit on to justify a facet existing. Yeah, sure, take away its ability to reflect spells back and put it in a facet. Even then, the mana thirst facet is wayyyyyy better.


Oct 27, 2017
Mana Bars are always visible for enemies

Sunsfan is happy.

Not sure what to think of the facets system. It took years for the talent system to get balanced, even now some talents are just straight up ignored, so I fully expect the most facets to be either broken or near useless to start with. Must say I'm very bemused at the Alchemist choices.


Dec 28, 2017
List of changes that seem interesting to me, gonna update as I go through this
  • Marci's innate giving the whole team flying couriers at Level 1
  • CK having a 50% to spawn an extra illusion with Phantasm, Manta and/or SD Disruption (!!)
  • Insatiable Hunter bonuses given to Spiderlings
  • March of the Machines back, and can actually heal allies on top of doing damage
  • Windranger has an AoE Focus Fire facet
  • Doom can sell items for 90% of their price but buybacks are 15% more
  • Muerta can always attack Ethereal targets
  • Illusory orb can be vector targeted
  • Shadow Shaman now has an in-built Aeon Disk on death
  • Spectre innate gives her and her illusions perma phased movement
  • Spirit Breaker charge piercing BKB by default
  • Techies can use backpack items as if they were in their inventory
  • Monkey King Tree Dance has no cooldown if he's at full HP
  • Allied heroes that attack the enemy getting dueled get perma damage 🤔
  • Bane being able to reposition nightmared enemies
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Oct 26, 2017
Clock is the new earth spirit.

edit - oh, cog can only hit one hero, and you can easily grief your team by pushing someone the wrong direction lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Someone at Valve must hate Treant, he got nothing.

Lich's passive sounds miserable, but maybe it works in practice.

I guess they are trying to make Faceless Void more viable for support play with the timezone facet? I can't imagine why you would use it instead of chronosphere otherwise.

Mars is probably gonna be picked a lot I imagine, nerfs aren't that meaningful while facets look viable.

Muerta passive looks good, though the ofrenda facet is a bit memey? Can enemies break it?

Dear god, I hope those Naga changes aren't as good as I expect.


Dec 28, 2017
Facets as a concept will be really good in a year or so when they've had time to actually redesign a good 75% of them just like talents but we're really stuck with shit like this in the meantime. Why would you EVER pick the facet on the left over the one on the right 😭



Oct 26, 2017
edit - nm. Misremembering how Meepo worked.

edit again - the Clock radius facet is so shit, people can walk out.
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Dec 28, 2017
Okay played a quick turbo with Chaos Knight and crushed. I'm really feeling him with the innate. Manta feels way more potent on him than before. Wouldn't be surprised if he gets picked in the GG vs Tundra game in a few hours. Willow too.

EDIT: Played some more, heroes that look good so far:
  • Rubick
  • Storm Spirit
  • Bounty Hunter
  • Nyx Assassin
  • Dark Willow
  • Legion Commander
  • Chaos Knight
  • Drow Ranger
Still need to peep Alchemist and Naga. Curious if the 250 extra gold on Alchemist might be worth running him as a support to get a super early bottle on a Zeus, Storm or Lina. You'd still have enough for starting items like tango, a sentry and a few branches.
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Dec 28, 2017
Don't like Gaimin but at least they're actually experimenting with the patch while Tundra are just picking the same shit as before and still losing.


Dec 28, 2017
We're about to see it in this Falcons XG game but I just noticed how insane Wraith King's aghs is. The fact that allies who die in vicinity of him have a reduced death timer is fucking crazy.


Dec 28, 2017
Holy shit WHAT
TT putting his 40k NW Ursa with full HP and no buyback into Phoenix egg right at the start of the fight... What a fuck up


Oct 27, 2017
A game forfeit timer, now that's hype!

Edit: Awww come on, don't put up a timer and then give them more time!


Dec 28, 2017
Aurora being forced to forfeit this game because their ISP shit the bed this late into the game..................... What an anti-climactic way to get eliminated from a tournament, especially with the series being 1-1 😭

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Dec 28, 2017
Heroic - Azure Ray is also a pausefest. What the hell is happening with these internet cafes?


Oct 28, 2017
Is it just me or does this patch seem really... bad? Every game I'm in is a stomp one way or the other and it seems like select heroes are super OP now.


Dec 28, 2017
Tons of teams are still in Romania since PGL and apparently one of their large ISPs is completely shitting the bed today.
Damn, yeah. Just found an article about it. This is wild.

ALERTĂ | Orange a picat masiv în București și împrejurimile Capitalei. Blackout total sau probleme cu internetul, semnalate și în alte mari orașe | Mesajul companiei • Știri București

UPDATE, ora 19:39: Orange România a transmis un mesaj oficial și anunță că lucrează la remedierea problemei: Ca urmare a unui incident de rețea,
Heroic were just forced to forfeit the first game so AR are up 1-0. Rough.


Oct 31, 2017
Started playing this game heavily again this past month for the first time in 9 years and I've been having a blast! Just in general Dota 2 is such a well made game. Now this patch makes it even more exciting and more even for me against others since now everyone is learning more again and not just me.

So much to learn but the gameplay always feels solid and satisfying. Also man the graphics are amazing as well as the sound design. I love the whole menu dashboard for dota, it's so well done and convenient to check all the characters and the demo mode is so easy to go into and test things out when you're trying to check how things work.

I love the crownfall metagame and that has kept me engaged with trying out some different heroes in my matches and helped me stay focused on learning new things instead of sticking only to my comfort picks.
Getting back into watching the pro scene is the nicest out of any game I've played because I love that you can watch it all in game! When I'm taking a break from playing I just put a replay or live game on from the menu and the quality is so good to watch compared to just watching online streams and I can still hear the broadcasters over it. It's just too good and if I want to go even deeper into learning I can even pick to watch from a specific player's perspective and I can see all their camera movements and mouse movements to really learn how they play their role and hero to the best possible level.

Just so many great tools to learn the game, inside the game itself which I'm really impressed by coming from other games.

Been very impressed since coming back to it. Oh and I love the role queue for ranked matches, never had that back when I played and I definitely like not having to worry/argue about what lane I'm getting at the start of a match.


Dec 28, 2017
Pros starting to realize just how good Pudge shard is, it's so over 😭 😭


Jan 16, 2022
After playing the new patch for a whole day, I think I understand what the idea behind this patch is.
This patch's main goal is to make characters easier to understand, I think.


Oct 25, 2017
After playing the new patch for a whole day, I think I understand what the idea behind this patch is.
This patch's main goal is to make characters easier to understand, I think.
I would also say make each hero feel even more unique given their innate. Main problem is some innates being... placeholder-ish.
Facets might also help balancing of characters as you can nerf parts of the hero that are more carry (or move them to the carry build) without impacting the support part. Sometimes you can feel that some heroes were clearly balanced away from support or carry because their ability to go from one to another in the game was seen as problematic, so a balancing act of making it possible but really sucky was a thing. For instance, void with the new chrono field that "nerfs" the chrono as end game of sorts but works better as a support.


Jan 16, 2022
I would also say make each hero feel even more unique given their innate. Main problem is some innates being... placeholder-ish.
Facets might also help balancing of characters as you can nerf parts of the hero that are more carry (or move them to the carry build) without impacting the support part. Sometimes you can feel that some heroes were clearly balanced away from support or carry because their ability to go from one to another in the game was seen as problematic, so a balancing act of making it possible but really sucky was a thing. For instance, void with the new chrono field that "nerfs" the chrono as end game of sorts but works better as a support.
Yeah, you are right.
Can't wait to see how the DOTA team balances it out.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, you are right.
Can't wait to see how the DOTA team balances it out.
Ye, the more I watch it, the more "this is the Talents patch" once again. From mind blown in scale -> oh it isnt THAT much in terms of real play (viability of many things is eeeh) -> oh this is so gonna change the game as small fixes make everything more unique.
Hope part 3 of Crownfall includes the new hero and map changes for extra niceness.


Dec 28, 2017
Ame with the TI10 Grand Finals Tiny PTSD
God DAMN Falcons just got trounced by Gaimin. I don't think they've ever GG'd out at 20 minutes before.
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Oct 25, 2017
I would also say make each hero feel even more unique given their innate. Main problem is some innates being... placeholder-ish.
Facets might also help balancing of characters as you can nerf parts of the hero that are more carry (or move them to the carry build) without impacting the support part. Sometimes you can feel that some heroes were clearly balanced away from support or carry because their ability to go from one to another in the game was seen as problematic, so a balancing act of making it possible but really sucky was a thing. For instance, void with the new chrono field that "nerfs" the chrono as end game of sorts but works better as a support.
Indeed, and it's been a long time coming. So much friction against it for so many years because "Leeg does innate passives ewwwww". Don't care! Steal that shit, break it and remake it as dota. And they have. The facets are a bonus too, and there's room there for more to be added. Blessing every hero with support or carry potential sounds like a great move for the game's future to me.


Oct 31, 2017
I've been carrying so hard as snapfire mid in like 4 straight games trying it. Having a blast and the full bore facet is just so strong in early game.

I've been wanting to get more into heroes that came out when I stopped playing this before and snapfire is my favorite so far easily