
Oct 25, 2017
This was my GOTY for 2012. It had some flaws, but it did stuff that other games don't. It was so exciting and refreshing.


Oct 28, 2017
I'd like another one if they fixed the foul UI and created some kind of cohesive and/or interesting narrative.
Nov 9, 2017
Considering the spirit of the era, I find it pretty gross that this trial is still ongoing and gamers don't give a flying chimera fuck.

"The harassment did not stop. It got worse and worse until November 11 of that year when the woman sought medical help and was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. And on December 10, the young employee took time off of work. She was depressed and dejected, and she took a large quantity of sleeping pills, antidepressants, and cold medicine in hopes of killing herself. The young woman slept for four days, but thankfully, she did not die.

Even after her mental and physical health improved and even after she finished rehabilitation, there were those at Capcom who apparently did everything possible to make sure she couldn't work, by insisting she had not recovered, suspending her, and ultimately dismissing the employee."​

But this is different, right? Nothing has been proven! Why should we believe her? It's just the way it is over there in crazy Japan. Our actions won't make a difference. What's done is done. Right. Right?


That's really sad to know. It's like there is no place safe, and I guess there isn't really, because after all, all of this come from us humans. And one thing is sure, this game won't look the same to me now.


Oct 26, 2017
It sold 2.3M on those but Capcom was expecting 10M for some reason - probably because of Skyrim the year before.

The original release sold something like 1.4 million. Capcom's budget for the game was their highest ever and it didn't sell enough (2 million) to warrant a sequel in their eyes at the time. Don't know what they think of the added sales from Dark Arisen and PC port though.

Zeta Ori

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, Kotaku is a pretty obscure website, as is Forbes and NE°GAF where the info also appeared...

Person you responded to admitted to not hearing about the situation and admitted it was a horrible one, and this is your response?

So is your purpose to share awareness of those horrifying circumstances, or chastise people who are fans of the game and didn't know what was going on behind the scenes?


Oct 27, 2017
Kansas City
The original release sold something like 1.4 million. Capcom's budget for the game was their highest ever and it didn't sell enough (2 million) to warrant a sequel in their eyes at the time. Don't know what they think of the added sales from Dark Arisen and PC port though.

Yeah this data seems to be dated in some way because, as you said, there's Dark Arisen, the PC Port, and then lets not forget the recent PS4/XB1 port. Sure, there may not be many sales for any of these platforms, but I feel like there's more to this story behind the scenes. Dragon's Dogma Online was an okay follow up for a pseudo MMO and Deep Down was sure looking like a follow-up, but I think it was all marred by something stifling development. Either way, would love a sequel although it seems less likely every passing day and really enjoyed returning for the PC port in 2015.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, Kotaku is a pretty obscure website, as is Forbes and NE°GAF where the info also appeared...
I wasn't on Kotaku, nor used GAF back then. I already said I didn't even get the game when it first came out. I was still playing games back in 2012 as I have done all my life, but I was in my early 20's and between my stages of being knowledgable about the goings on. Ie between being a kid ad religiously reading magazines, and the last few years where I see video game websites every day.

Regardless, seems like you just want to call shame on anyone who likes this game because of that horrible incident. There's certainly a conversation to be had about the topic and wether it should effect your view of the game in question, but the way you did it isn't that way. If you'd have just posted the link like 'by the way, you might not have heard about this' then that would have been fine. Because as I said, I didn't. But you just want to be antagonistic as if it will solve anything.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah this data seems to be dated in some way because, as you said, there's Dark Arisen, the PC Port, and then lets not forget the recent PS4/XB1 port. Sure, there may not be many sales for any of these platforms, but I feel like there's more to this story behind the scenes. Dragon's Dogma Online was an okay follow up for a pseudo MMO and Deep Down was sure looking like a follow-up, but I think it was all marred by something stifling development. Either way, would love a sequel although it seems less likely every passing day and really enjoyed returning for the PC port in 2015.
Perhaps sales from the remaster are going to be used as a test. Who knows. Think people got their hopes up as that was announced at the games 5th anniversary.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes we do, I'd love to see what they can do after learning from the mistakes of the first and with more powerful hardware. I'm hoping Monster Hunter World scratches some of that Dragons Dogma itch.


Oct 27, 2017
United States
I agree 100% Dragon's Dogma is in my top 5 games of last generation and absolutely demands a sequel. The game has it's warts for sure but it is really is a fantastic overall experience. I know the game sold well on Steam and hopefully the console remaster sold good as well to prove it's viability to Capcom.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Seeing how well it performs on PC, it's pretty crazy that the remasters aren't 60fps.
Yeah I find it weird. My aging PC can run the game at 1080/60 with most settings pretty high (maybe not maxed out, I can't recall).

Considering the spirit of the era, I find it pretty gross that this trial is still ongoing and gamers don't give a flying chimera fuck.

"The harassment did not stop. It got worse and worse until November 11 of that year when the woman sought medical help and was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. And on December 10, the young employee took time off of work. She was depressed and dejected, and she took a large quantity of sleeping pills, antidepressants, and cold medicine in hopes of killing herself. The young woman slept for four days, but thankfully, she did not die.

Even after her mental and physical health improved and even after she finished rehabilitation, there were those at Capcom who apparently did everything possible to make sure she couldn't work, by insisting she had not recovered, suspending her, and ultimately dismissing the employee."​

But this is different, right? Nothing has been proven! Why should we believe her? It's just the way it is over there in crazy Japan. Our actions won't make a difference. What's done is done. Right. Right?

I had forgotten about that. :( It's terrible. Has there been any news about that trial?

Edit: as others have said, there is no need to be antagonistic about this. Most people legitimately didn't know or forgot about this incident.


Nov 1, 2017
Monster Hunter isn't Dragon's Dogma, and vice versa, though.
I've hated every MH game I have ever played and loved this game.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
They really need to revisit this formula. The combat is the best combat in an open world RPG....It just needed some help with the open world design. I think they could nail it the second time out.


Oct 27, 2017
Gimme some co-op

The pawns were essentially CPU controlled player characters, so just let one of them be my real-ass friend in real life. Them being computer controlled adds nothing to the game.


Oct 27, 2017
Manchester, UK
It seems like there is a thread like this one basically every few months when someone else discovers this gem and realizes what a diamond in the rough it is. Truly there has been nothing before or since it in the RPG space. I only wonder what kind of sequel they could have made given the chance.

The photos of the cut content really stings, makes you realize how much they had to scrape out to get this through the door in time. It gives me context for that weird map as well. I just hope capcom can get their act together and not fuck its sequel up , if it ever gets produced.


Oct 25, 2017
Itsuno really shined with this title and it wouldn't surprise me if some things he learned from this game made it into the rumoured DMC4. Would really like to see how this series looks and plays this gen.


Oct 28, 2017
Person you responded to admitted to not hearing about the situation and admitted it was a horrible one, and this is your response?

So is your purpose to share awareness of those horrifying circumstances, or chastise people who are fans of the game and didn't know what was going on behind the scenes?

If you sense snark in my tone, it's just a bit of desperation aimed at gamers 'en masse' and not at mikebison or any individual here. I'm not faulting anyone for liking the game, I heard it's a good game. That's not the point.

I posted my continued amazement/depression that nobody cared at the time, and nobody cares now, the response I get is "oh, nobody knew about that." or "oh yeah I remember reading that but forgot". As if I'm talking about something that happened on Venus in 1953. This is ongoing!

As for my response to 'most gamers hadn't heard of it'... it only takes one article or thread for the most minuscule "injustice" to blow up into headline news, so I'm sorry, but I just don't buy the idea that "oops, I guess we missed this one." Gamers had the chance to speak out and for the most part nobody did. Loot boxes I suppose are the greater evil. (Don't get defensive, I don't mean you think this to be true, dear reader.)

The information was clearly available among the most popular gaming news sites, non-gaming news sites, and message boards. So please forgive me if I've made it a habit of mine to remind people that this is an ongoing issue whenever talk of Dragon's Dogma pops up. I realize it's annoying. I realize it's probably futile. I just want people to be informed.

Any venom in my tone, I assure you, is a culmination of "I don't want to talk about this but I should" combined with severe sleep deprivation, a general sense of losing faith in humanity, and an overall terrible personality.


Oct 25, 2017
It absolutely does need to be talked about. I do wonder though, if back in 2012 gamers by large were less receptive to talking about such issues.
We see it in other media, where people have gotten away with certain indiscretions that would be talked about much more if the news broke today.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I agree.

But ya'll have to wait your turn.

I really hope Dragon's Dogma 2 is next after DMC V!

I hope we get DMC 6 and 7 first.

Considering the spirit of the era, I find it pretty gross that this trial is still ongoing and gamers don't give a flying chimera fuck.

"The harassment did not stop. It got worse and worse until November 11 of that year when the woman sought medical help and was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. And on December 10, the young employee took time off of work. She was depressed and dejected, and she took a large quantity of sleeping pills, antidepressants, and cold medicine in hopes of killing herself. The young woman slept for four days, but thankfully, she did not die.

Even after her mental and physical health improved and even after she finished rehabilitation, there were those at Capcom who apparently did everything possible to make sure she couldn't work, by insisting she had not recovered, suspending her, and ultimately dismissing the employee."​

But this is different, right? Nothing has been proven! Why should we believe her? It's just the way it is over there in crazy Japan. Our actions won't make a difference. What's done is done. Right. Right?


Where in the world did this come from? First, this is horrible, absolutely. Two, but you're acting hysterical. Third, this is a issue with management, the manager in question and Japanese/company culture and not specifically Dragon's Dogma as a franchise.

I doubt most people are even aware of this. I certainly wasn't. It might explain Capcom being super vocal and insistent about making things more open and welcome for female employees in their company reports. Anyway, please don't drop in out of the blue and disingenuously act like people don't care because they want their vidya games more. Bring it up like a normal person that isn't frustratingly tearing their hair out over the uncaring masses you've constructed in your head. It doesn't help. I know, I've tried. You'll catch more flies with honey than with venom. I care, and I'm sure others here do.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I really loved dragon dogma , such a game that just needed an extra push. loved it from start to finish

I really need another dragon dogma.

As for stuff that was discussed 5 years ago , what more need to be said , if people want to talk about it , when most have been said already , no new info to add to the discussion and they know it's futile , good for them


Oct 25, 2017
Game is fucking amazing. It hankers back to the old days with titles like Morrowind and GTA - SA. Where there is this charm in it, not present in modern games. Some of the best moments are those where shit just happens that isn't in the initial design. It's open, you can get lost, die, etc.

Zeta Ori

Oct 25, 2017
If you sense snark in my tone, it's just a bit of desperation aimed at gamers 'en masse' and not at mikebison or any individual here. I'm not faulting anyone for liking the game, I heard it's a good game. That's not the point.

I posted my continued amazement/depression that nobody cared at the time, and nobody cares now, the response I get is "oh, nobody knew about that." or "oh yeah I remember reading that but forgot". As if I'm talking about something that happened on Venus in 1953. This is ongoing!

As for my response to 'most gamers hadn't heard of it'... it only takes one article or thread for the most minuscule "injustice" to blow up into headline news, so I'm sorry, but I just don't buy the idea that "oops, I guess we missed this one." Gamers had the chance to speak out and for the most part nobody did. Loot boxes I suppose are the greater evil. (Don't get defensive, I don't mean you think this to be true, dear reader.)

The information was clearly available among the most popular gaming news sites, non-gaming news sites, and message boards. So please forgive me if I've made it a habit of mine to remind people that this is an ongoing issue whenever talk of Dragon's Dogma pops up. I realize it's annoying. I realize it's probably futile. I just want people to be informed.

Any venom in my tone, I assure you, is a culmination of "I don't want to talk about this but I should" combined with severe sleep deprivation, a general sense of losing faith in humanity, and an overall terrible personality.

I'm not going to tell you it's wrong to feel as passionate as you do on the subject, but you have to understand that the amount of people who actively look behind the scenes of their video games is low, and there are far too many factors involved to boil the responses down as simply not caring. I myself didn't join a gaming forum until 3 years after that article was posted, and was far less interested in looking into things of that nature prior to doing so. I believe you shouldn't approach the topic with such hostility because it causes people to immediately shut down and go on the defensive rather than open up and discuss the subject at any sort of length. I would imagine this is because regardless of your intentions, your approach makes people feel like they should feel guilty for enjoying the game, rather than bringing attention to a serious issue in the games development.

Now, on the actual subject of what you bought up, it certainly does cause me to view one of my favorite games in a different light because I don't have as easy as a time separating the art from the artists like many are capable of, and the treatment of that particular employee was more than wrong, it was disgusting. Coupled with already some already problematic situations in the actual game, such as being able to romance the character Selene as if she was no different from any other NPC, or the portrayal of Aelinore, or the reoccurring issue of female Arisen's having variants of armor that are visually purely for titillation rather than any sort of effectiveness, paints a rather poor picture when it comes to how some people in charge of the games development feel about woman.

That said, I would imagine this is only a metaphorical drop in the bucket when it comes to the treatment of female developers in the Japanese game industry or male developers view on woman representation in Japanese video games due to some cultural differences (not that that excuses anything), and I am truly curious to see what the reaction might be in a forum like this if that particular segment of the industry went through what we are currently seeing with an industry like Hollywood.


Oct 25, 2017
Dragon's Dogma is the best Capcom game released this decade. I can't believe we don't have a sequel, the potential it has for a long running series is astronomical.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a good game with a lot of flaws. I wish the climbing mechanics were closer to SotC, I felt like I was always being shaken off without being able to move, and when I did move, sometimes it was really disorienting. There was a time I actually somehow climbed inside a dragon's belly, that was weird. Besides the gameplay, everything else is really bland.


Oct 25, 2017
Being a huge Dragon's Dogma fan and not liking DMC at all, I will be really sad if the DMC5 rumors are true. This game is such a gem even though it's flawed. Very unique in many ways and screaming for a sequel. I really hope Capcom makes a sequel!!


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
This video was posted in another thread and I think it might be interesting to Dragon's Dogma fans (well, it was to me >.> it IS pretty nerdy, but in a cool way IMO):

I'm not going to tell you it's wrong to feel as passionate as you do on the subject, but you have to understand that the amount of people who actively look behind the scenes of their video games is low, and there are far too many factors involved to boil the responses down as simply not caring. I myself didn't join a gaming forum until 3 years after that article was posted, and was far less interested in looking into things of that nature prior to doing so. I believe you shouldn't approach the topic with such hostility because it causes people to immediately shut down and go on the defensive rather than open up and discuss the subject at any sort of length. I would imagine this is because regardless of your intentions, your approach makes people feel like they should feel guilty for enjoying the game, rather than bringing attention to a serious issue in the games development.

Now, on the actual subject of what you bought up, it certainly does cause me to view one of my favorite games in a different light because I don't have as easy as a time separating the art from the artists like many are capable of, and the treatment of that particular employee was more than wrong, it was disgusting. Coupled with already some already problematic situations in the actual game, such as being able to romance the character Selene as if she was no different from any other NPC, or the portrayal of Aelinore, or the reoccurring issue of female Arisen's having variants of armor that are visually purely for titillation rather than any sort of effectiveness, paints a rather poor picture when it comes to how some people in charge of the games development feel about woman.

That said, I would imagine this is only a metaphorical drop in the bucket when it comes to the treatment of female developers in the Japanese game industry or male developers view on woman representation in Japanese video games due to some cultural differences (not that that excuses anything), and I am truly curious to see what the reaction might be in a forum like this if that particular segment of the industry went through what we are currently seeing with an industry like Hollywood.
Great post, thank you for this.


Oct 28, 2017

Spending every night in the loving, musky, slightly damp embrace of Fournival is but a small price to pay for ready access to periapts close by the Ur-dragon stone.

hopefully if Deep Down comes out there still exists room for DD2.

I never followed Deep Down news all that closely, but I've always been confused by its relation to DD, or lack thereof. They're completely separate projects?
Oct 25, 2017
Spending every night in the loving, musky, slightly damp embrace of Fournival is but a small price to pay for ready access to periapts close by the Ur-dragon stone.

I never followed Deep Down news all that closely, but I've always been confused by its relation to DD, or lack thereof. They're completely separate projects?

I think so? I dont know much about it besides its medieval fantasy and cpacom


Oct 29, 2017
^ Some good ideas there. I'd totally revamp the affinity system myself. It was completely broken, impossible to control or predict

No, it wasn't. I got exactly who I wanted as my beloved in three separate playthroughs.

Main thing I'd want to see in a sequel is more skill-based combat. Melee combat in DD consisted largely of mashing light attack, or climbing on a monster and mashing light attack. You didn't really need to worry about health or stamina management because you could pause the game at will and consume all the greenwarish or mushrooms you wanted a la Skyrim. There was little mastery of your weaponry required - every weapon in a given class had exactly the same moveset, length, rate of attack, everything except damage and elemental/debuff effects. The silly damage threshold system meant that it was next to impossible to beat the game with early gear if you happened to really like the aesthetics of a low-level weapon, and it emphasized simply finding better weapons with higher DPS rather than buckling down and getting gud if you were having a tough time against a certain enemy.

I loved the game, put more than 300 hours into it, but it could be improved upon in a lot of ways.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
No, it wasn't. I got exactly who I wanted as my beloved in three separate playthroughs.
Let me clarify: if you knew the inner workings of that wonky system in advance, then sure, you could "predict" it (the Arisen's Bond made it easier). I also got the correct NPC in every case myself thanks to that. But without a guide or knowledge ahead of time, you could easily end up having some random NPC you just happened to interact with a lot as your "beloved", not to mention that forcing the player to have a romantic interest to begin with is pretty stupid.

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
Yeah, the team deserves the chance to take what they learned in Dragon's Dogma and make the best possible Devil May Cry game they can


Oct 26, 2017
I still can't fucking believe that after five years, NO ONE ever take the Pawn system into their own game.

C'mon, I'll be honest that Pawn system is the best asynchronous online component for single player RPG game.


Nov 17, 2017
Dragon's Dogma desperately needed a sequel years ago. Now it might be too late due to Souls being everywhere.


Oct 28, 2017
Can anyone recommend a quest guide for this - I feel like I'm under levelled for my current quest (Lost and Found I think).


Oct 29, 2017
I thought Dragon's Dogma was a great game and I hope we get a sequel or Deep Down.
unless it is a MMORPG then they can keep it.


Oct 28, 2017
Can someone tell me if there is an "ennemy-lock" feature now? I hate it when I can't choose ton focus on a specific ennemy : it usually gets too chaotic for my tastes.