
Oct 25, 2017
I thought the Japanese live-action movies were pretty good, so it is absolutely possible to make a good adaptation of Death Note.


Oct 27, 2017
honestly, unless you go ALL IN, a Death Note live action attempt will *always* be a mess. Light's portrayal cannot be sympathetic anti-hero schmaltz, it has to be all-in and people will love him or hate him but no kiddie gloves because you are afraid of audience reception... just tell the story.


Oct 25, 2017
Good for them, but I'm always a bit leary of creative types who try to parlay that into decided less creative ventures.

As long as it doesn't distract their focus from ST5 it's all good.


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Oh shit count me in for Death Note! I hope they make it work, the movie was a bad adaptation and ir sucks that the source material is so good, yet adaptations can't get it right. A 2 season 8-10 episodes long series could work and they should try to stay true to the manga where possible (except for the setting, as I imagine it'll be US based).


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
honestly, unless you go ALL IN, a Death Note live action attempt will *always* be a mess. Light's portrayal cannot be sympathetic anti-hero schmaltz, it has to be all-in and people will love him or hate him but no kiddie gloves because you are afraid of audience reception... just tell the story.

Honestly I just don't think there's anything meaningful to say about "privileged boy decides to start a murder spree" as a central narrative when we have that in real life on a near-weekly basis.


Oct 28, 2017
A Duffer-produced series of "The Talisman" is like a dream project for me. The novel holds a special place in my heart (the "sequel" less so). I want it - Right here and now!


Oct 25, 2017
Duffer Brothers Death Note is not something I would've ever thought of, ever.

Fuck it, why not?


Oct 25, 2017
The Talisman? Damn thats right up their alley. I loved that book when I read it as a kid.


Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like the Talisman is going to be primary for the brothers, and they will delegate showrunning duties for the spin-off and Death Note to someone else.

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY

A new live action series adaptation of Death Note, the Japanese manga and anime series originally written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata. The original focuses on a bright teenager who discovers a mysterious black notebook that gives him supernatural power over life and death, the latter caused by writing a person's name in the book. The teen becomes intoxicated with power as he decides to cleanse the world of undesirables, as a law enforcement team tries to stop him. Netflix made a film adaptation in 2017, but this will be an entirely new take.

Please no.


Apr 29, 2019
I know a lot of people don't want Death Note to get yet another adaptation, but I still think there's a good story to tell there.

It can easily be updated for today. How often do we see (everyday) people escape justice for crimes they clearly committed? Politicians, celebrities, police, the rich and powerful, and so on. You can make Light more sympathetic by making him kill people who are otherwise untouchable. People who probably deserve some sort of punishment, and wouldn't get it otherwise. But the question is whether or not that power belongs in the hands of any one individual - especially when (inevitably) that power corrupts.

In this instance, L would be a tool of the status quo. He's not wrong in that he's fighting a mass murderer who probably shouldn't be wielding such power, but on the other hand, he's also preventing any sort of meaningful change.

Of course, the change Light brings about would inevitably be based on fear, and that opens up that Watchmen-esque question about how can any peace based on the idea that society has a gun to its head be true peace (and that's even before Light's own ideals become twisted), but even so, L offers no other solution other than catch Light and return things to the way they are - a failing society where corruption is rewarded.

I think it could still work with only some slight updates. I think one great change the live-action Japanese TV drama made was Light hating the police. In that version, not only are the police were not only completely ineffective at stopping crime, but because his father is an officer, it meant that he wasn't around during the period when mom's Light got sick and died. Even after this, his dad still wasn't around due to his job, and he kind of ends up being the de facto parent to his younger sister. And he blames the police as an institution (and his father) for all of this, seeing them as ultimately useless.

Now, ideally a new remake would take this even further and would make Light aware of the corruption within the police as well (even if they make his dad "one of the good ones"), but even just keeping him apathetic towards them due to their inability to bring about real justice would help modernize it.

Light is never just a killer for the sake of killing, and he doesn't target randomly. At the start of the series when he first sees Ryuk, he believes he's there to take his soul, and he's fine with that trade. Even though he's only had the Death Note for a week, he feels that his own life is worth sacrificing if it can make a difference in the world. This new show would just need to play up that idealism, and show how it becomes twisted over time. Something which happens way too fast in the original. Maybe take a few queues from Breaking Bad, in that regard. Walter wasn't Heisenberg by episode 2, after all. Light shouldn't be full blown Kira that quickly either. Give that transformation some time to breathe, and be more subtle about it, so that by the end the audience feels that the Light from episode 1 and the Light from episode 100 are hardly the same person anymore. But even so, it happened so gradually that they barely even noticed the change.

If you really want to, you can take further inspiration from Breaking Bad and have Light come to terms with being Kira in the end, the way Walter does with being Heisenberg. Have him stop lying to himself and admit that in the end that he enjoyed the power trip. That on some level, playing Kira was always for himself, no matter how much he said he did it for the betterment of society. Even when he was willing to sacrifice his life to make a change, it was still for him because he was the one making that change.

And I know a lot of people love how pathetically he dies in the manga, and that's fine. But I don't want a carbon copy of the manga again. For all its mistakes, I appreciate that the Netflix Death Note was trying to forge its own identity and do something different. We've had the live action Japanese live action films, the live action TV drama, the musical stage play, and the anime, all of which (mostly) follow the manga with only minor alterations here and there. I want something truly different, that takes inspiration from the source material, and pays homage to it, but has something new to say, rather than simply recreating what's been done time and time again.

In any case, I'm always looking forward to more Death Note!

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
In for the Stranger Things spinoff. I'm all in for all Stranger Things content


Oct 27, 2017
Ah, Death Note. Will it be the millionth time they tell the same story instead of trying to write something more interesting?


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I really, really, really, really, REALLY think making Light into a hero is the exact opposite thing a Death Note adaptation should do. He is absolutely the anime version of a school shooter. He's a sociopathic monster and trying to make him a hero of the downtrodden taking on the establishment completely misses the point of Death Note as a story.

He's the villain.
Oct 27, 2017
I really, really, really, really, REALLY think making Light into a hero is the exact opposite thing a Death Note adaptation should do. He is absolutely the anime version of a school shooter. He's a sociopathic monster and trying to make him a hero of the downtrodden taking on the establishment completely misses the point of Death Note as a story.

He's the villain.
He's like Dexter. A killer who thinks he has a code that he tries to adhere to, but at the end of the day, is still just a killer. But that's pretty much every villain protagonist. People keep acting like Light is unique in this regard or that we don't have plenty of examples of similar characters across other media. So lean in the same way. Focus on how Light tries to justify it to himself and, more importantly, on the cat and mouse game between him and L.

What made DN particularly interesting is that we never get these types of stories with a supernatural twist. Because you suddenly have all these abilities Light has outside the realm of real people that not only greatly affect how he can kill, but also changes how the detectives have to approach figuring out who he is.

But I think having Light believe himself to be a hero is crucial. That's part of what makes him into the sociopath he is. Although having him take on the establishment isn't in line with his character. His motivation is in his belief that his intellect means he can do things better than the current government/law enforcement/judiciaries can. He's more of bro, in that believe. An Elon Musk type
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I would love for them to an X files remake (that would mean working with Disney though).


Aug 27, 2018
Death Note isn't a bad fit for them, though something like 20th Century Boys would've been perfect, imo.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh HELL yes. Y'all losers stay talking about death anime trash while I salivate over a Duffer made Talisman. They're a perfect fit for the source material

  • A series adaptation of Stephen King and Peter Straub's 1984 novel The Talisman which the Duffers will craft alongside Steven Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment and Paramount Television. Created by Stranger Things' Co-EP and writer Curtis Gwinn, The Talisman tells the story of a young man who moves between New Hampshire and an alternate world called 'The Territories' to obtain an artifact that will save his mother's life. While The Talisman shares otherworldly qualities with Stranger Things, "It's much more fantasy. It has sci-fi. It has horror elements. It has a lot of heart. It has everything that we love. And it's got the best werewolf character I think, ever," Matt Duffer told Deadline in yesterday's in-depth interview.


Oct 27, 2017
simply stating X read Y a book in the new season, is not a spoiler.

for instance: Lucas reads the Talisman in the new season. Is another way you can do it. Not a spoiler. seriously people.

That's not what they said though. Reread the spoiler. The book is not the problem.

Edit: The original post removed what it said originally about a character's state.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
I am very curious to see them try a live action Death Note. Surely the 4th time will be the charm.

(Japanese Movie Series, Japanese Live Action TV Series, American Movie - those are the three previous tries I'm referring to, in case anyone is curious, and yes I consider all of them bad)

The original 2 Japanese live action Death Note movies had the best ending of any version of Death Note, anime or manga included.

Also, don't forget the musical!



Oct 25, 2017
Netflix in a bit of hurt seems happy to throw money at the Brothers.

I'm all for it. Let's see how far they can go


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
watch this production studio be in charge of the eventual persona live action series


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Oh cool, another shitty live action anime adaptation.

Because we certainly don't have enough of those already.
Oct 27, 2017
After what they've done with Stranger Things, especially the 4th season, they deserve all the success that comes their way.

If they can wrap it up satisfyingly, and they've given no reason to doubt that will be the case, it will go down as a very impressive magnum opus.


Mar 21, 2022
Netflix should stay away from adaptations until they can prove themselves.I'm tired of them butchering everything.


Feb 12, 2018
I mean, if you're going to do Death Note again I think these guys are more likely than most to do a good job of it

If it sucks, I don't care, I just won't watch more than 1 episode then. But I'm pretty interested to see what they do. The movie really sucked, think it needs to be a 10 episode series at least (preferably just that tbh)