
Jun 4, 2018
60 hours in and still not seeing this 'buggy mess' of a game others are. Runs incredibly well and I've hardly had any bugs in my time with it.

Also, I think the 2nd city is awesome for traversal, the tall buildings add a layer of verticality that was sorely missing from the Old Villedor area. When combined with the new paraglider and the awesome parkour, it's just such a fun area to play around in.

I just finished one run at 48 hrs, and while I really enjoyed the game, there were plenty of bugs most of which required a hard reset to fix:

- Sound glitched out completely making a loud buzzing sound (2x)
- Lighting glitched at nighttime making it impossible to see (1x)
- Quest givers did not actually talk when I interacted with them, but then the prompt to talk to them was gone completely, making it impossible to progress (2x)
- Final boss got stuck inside the level geometry making them impossible to hit (1x)
- Various glitched bodies ending up stuck in level geometry and flailing around

That being said I don't feel like the bugs detracted too much from the experience, it was more like "charming Bethesda glitches" instead of "Cyberpunk 2077 at launch".

Wein Cruz

Oct 27, 2017
I can't believe the new patch for PS5 doesn't have a fix for their busted ass co-op in their co-op game.


Oct 27, 2017
Just started this game, and I'm having fun, but wow is it buggy.

Before GTA Trilogy, I'd have had to go back a long time to find a game I played that was as buggy as this.

I'm still in the prologue / tutorial and I've already experienced the lighting completely break (twice) and turn into some weird black and white mode (almost like a photo filter) where you can barely see anything. I also just had an issue where my character's model is freaking out for some reason so I keep getting bits of the texture zooming everywhere in front of the camera. You can see a bit of it on this screenshot, but it's difficult to notice because of the aforementioned broken lighting.



Dec 2, 2017
People saying that progression is slow need to play the main quest a but more, they shower you with inhibitors and skill points in each mission. I tried doing side quests mostly and I felt like I was barely getting any skill points, now I'm halfway through the story and I'm almost fully upgraded lol.


Oct 28, 2017
Has the 'The only way out' please wait bug been addressed in this update? Wouldn't mind being able to continue to play the game I bought if that's ok!


Mar 6, 2019
Well, finished the game last night. Very enjoyable for the most part. The traversal and upgrading your skills is the best part. Still had the audio bug on occasion but no more graphical glitches.

I found the story ok and not nearly as bad as some people are saying. Was it top tier stuff? No, not at all but hardly awful for an action video game. I was fine with it overall.

Things I was not fine with: the final battle was drawn out beyond belief. Seriously, I ended up thinking they were just taking the piss out of me by the end. Horrible.

Secondly, and without getting into spoilers, making irreversible consequences for your actions in these kind of games just pisses me off. It's one thing if you are aware what your are doing is going to effect the outcome of the game but when one seemingly inconsequential decision locks you into an undesirable ending it's a real pisser. The same thing happened to me in Metro Exodus and it pissed me off so bad I didn't finish the game once I became aware. I realize YMMV on this but once I invest 50 hours in something I would really like to be able to have more control over the outcome of the game.

I also think the facility takeovers should have been more explicitly pointed out. I never even got the crossbow because I only freed up four of the facilities despite doing tons of side missions. Ugh.

As others have said, the end game as currently set up is a mess. The leveling problems for equipment have been talked about and I agree. All i want to do post game is to be able to keep exploring the city and leveling up without having to worry about enemy scaling.

The way the first game was supported I have high hopes that this game will continue to get better. I hope they revamp the end game to make it more fun just to hang around and travel the game world.


Oct 27, 2017
Why the fuck have the grappling hook indicator always active if it's not selected? Bloody idiot behind this just like the rest of the cloned Ubisoft UI.

The copy-paste open world aspects like dark zones and the metros are a huge disappointment given the interesting landmarks and parkour mechanics. Thought it was weird that the metros that needed to manually turning on generators had completely non-interactable ones in the same rooms. Turns out that exact layout is duplicated across all metro unlock events and the game decides to select 3/4 of them to have your player interact with. It's rubbish.


Nov 2, 2017
I just finished one run at 48 hrs, and while I really enjoyed the game, there were plenty of bugs most of which required a hard reset to fix:

- Sound glitched out completely making a loud buzzing sound (2x)
This is a hardware issue if it also locked up and required a hard reboot. Doesn't matter whether you've never seen the issue on other games - this game has stressed your system in such a way that it has exposed an instability, other with the GPU or PSU or something else.


Oct 27, 2017
No PC patch yet to fix the stuttering? Does Techland even give a shit lol
I'm on a 3080ti and havent had stuttering issues since Patch 1. Apparently the game loves chewing up VRAM(which would explain why I am not having the issues)

I heard this fixes it for most people:

1. go to Documents\dying light 2\out\settings
2. Open video.scr with notepad or notepad++(lmao screensaver file)
3. Replace textures with medium instead of high.


Oct 27, 2017
The more I think about it the more I know that Lawan was horribly miscast as Rosario Dawson. The character seems to be mid 30s and acts like a fucking teenager.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm short 6 inhibitors... I know you get 5 in the final area of the game which I have yet to reach, so that leaves just one, but man it's stumping me. I did all the metros, all the anomalies, got the one from that first biomarker side quest, got the unmarked one locked in a safe, don't see any on the map from the radio towers, so I just have no idea at this point.


Jun 4, 2018
This is a hardware issue if it also locked up and required a hard reboot. Doesn't matter whether you've never seen the issue on other games - this game has stressed your system in such a way that it has exposed an instability, other with the GPU or PSU or something else.

Sorry to clarify by hard reset I meant closing out the game completely by force quitting, as opposed to backing out to the main menu. Nothing actually happened to the Xbox itself (dash and other games etc still worked properly). In hindsight I used the term incorrectly, should have described it better.

M. Wallace

Oct 25, 2017
It's working fine with me with RTX maxed and DLSS at performance at 4k.

Odd occasional stutter when entering a new area as it is shader caching but it settles down fine.

Ever since the latest patch it's been a shitshow. See the steam discussion forum. My FPS has tanked and the game constantly stutters. I was fine before, now it's pretty much unplayable and nothing has been done about it. I've tried this and that, but the game is in an awful state right now. I turn the camera and get nothing but stutters. Doesn't matter what setting I have things on, it's stutterville.


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh UK
Ever since the latest patch it's been a shitshow. See the steam discussion forum. My FPS has tanked and the game constantly stutters. I was fine before, now it's pretty much unplayable and nothing has been done about it. I've tried this and that, but the game is in an awful state right now. I turn the camera and get nothing but stutters. Doesn't matter what setting I have things on, it's stutterville.
I am using G-sync, maybe that is smoothing it for me.


Oct 25, 2017
I have giant graphical glitch lines through the sky on series x. Also in the interior of buildings. they just keep getting worse too.
Oct 26, 2017
I'm almost finished, kinda rushing it now so I can get to elden ring lol

But yeah the writing really falls flat towards the end. Like I'm clearly meant to care about lawan but I just don't, in fact I find her incredibly annoying.


Oct 30, 2017
Yeah my game is definitely bugged. I only have one inhibitor left, but there's none I missed I'm aware of either. None show up on the map.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
New Orleans, LA
I beat the main story. Took about 30 hours. Loved if from beginning to end. Story was garbage so I ended up skipping a lot of it.

Traveling the world is so much fun and I love the combat. I want to run around and explore the world more but I have Horizon and Elden Ring.


Oct 27, 2017
Just finished the tutorial (hospital), hoping the amount of cut scenes drops because my god, you spend the first hour of the game running for 20s and getting a 3 minute cut scene.
If they intended on destroying any immersion then they did a great job there.
Oct 27, 2017
Got to the central loop this morning. Playing on PS5–so far no bugs or problems. Really enjoying the game so far. Just like the first game I feel like it gets better as your parkour skills level up and traversal becomes easier.
Oct 26, 2017
Just rolling credits now.

Despite how many people mentioned how awful the ending was, I was still taken aback by just how bad it was. Those final 2 missions were just awful in every way. Story and gameplay. Like really just a huge mess.

The game ultimately was very fun to play but wow. What a terrible taste to leave in the mouth at the very end.

Still ill be back for the inevitable


Oct 27, 2017
I have giant graphical glitch lines through the sky on series x. Also in the interior of buildings. they just keep getting worse too.

Are you, by chance, playing on Quailty mode? I think Quailty overheats the Xbox, that those graphic glitches could be a symptom of it. I had to switch to Resolution mode.


Oct 25, 2017
Are you, by chance, playing on Quailty mode? I think Quailty overheats the Xbox, that those graphic glitches could be a symptom of it. I had to switch to Resolution mode.
Yeah i was. Had no issues until the other day though. I switched to performance mode and it fixed the issue. Just gonna stick with that.
Oct 28, 2017
Just finished it. Overall I had a great time and thought the story was more or less on par with the first game (damning with faint praise?). I did think that the final mission/section of the game is easily the worst thing about the game, to the point where I was
literally eye-rolling every time Aiden Hulk'd out and lost consciousness.

So a bad ending to an otherwise great time, but I had a blast overall.


Jul 29, 2020
Agree that the final boss fight is one of the worst ever. Love the game, but yeah it was really awful that fight. That said…it was extremely easy. I really think it should've been a giant epic parkour chase across the city rather than a combat encounter.
Oct 26, 2017
Agree that the final boss fight is one of the worst ever. Love the game, but yeah it was really awful that fight. That said…it was extremely easy. I really think it should've been a giant epic parkour chase across the city rather than a combat encounter.

The whole final quest just felt like running down corridors, completely stripped the game of its strengths I don't know what they were thinking.

Also the sudden use of cut scenes and aiden blacking out just to be able to teleport you around the map felt completely at odds with the rest of the game.

Not to mention all the terrible story moments in the final mission too.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Agree that the final boss fight is one of the worst ever. Love the game, but yeah it was really awful that fight. That said…it was extremely easy. I really think it should've been a giant epic parkour chase across the city rather than a combat encounter.
Agreed. Just beat it myself and was dumb/easy. Got the very best ending I believe.

Really did enjoy the game. Took me 90 hours to do so. After beating it I immediately maxed Parkour & Fighting and got my last inhibitor shot too.

Got a few side quests left. But really looking forward to the DLC stuff. Curious what it be like.

Travis Pickle

Jun 21, 2020
Playing on PS5 performance.. this game is so fucking ugly to me. Painful to look at. And hopefully gets more fun soon enough.


Oct 27, 2017
That final boss fight has to be one of the contenders for worst ever. God it was awful.

Think the only positive I can say about it was the lack of QTE nonsense that defined 1's final boss fight.

The Naruto zoom segement of the Waltz fight was frustrating and became comical when he got trapped looping around in one of those corners.

I'm pretty disappointing with the overall plot, especially compared to the E3 narrative focus on the city's need for water. The entire plot here have been solved if Waltz sat down and talked to Aiden like an actual character would. Some absolutely amatuer writing on display here.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Bay Area
Quick question, once you get to the central loop how much of the game is left? I'm just about to go there I think and I'm already kinda ready for it to end, just getting too repetitive and the hand to hand combat is not fun, at least so far. Feels like I've been playing for at least 20 hours now.

M. Wallace

Oct 25, 2017
Quick question, once you get to the central loop how much of the game is left? I'm just about to go there I think and I'm already kinda ready for it to end, just getting too repetitive and the hand to hand combat is not fun, at least so far. Feels like I've been playing for at least 20 hours now.

It's pretty much the beginning of the game, seriously. There's dozens and dozens of hours left.
Nov 17, 2019
Just started this game, and I'm having fun, but wow is it buggy.

Before GTA Trilogy, I'd have had to go back a long time to find a game I played that was as buggy as this.

I'm still in the prologue / tutorial and I've already experienced the lighting completely break (twice) and turn into some weird black and white mode (almost like a photo filter) where you can barely see anything. I also just had an issue where my character's model is freaking out for some reason so I keep getting bits of the texture zooming everywhere in front of the camera. You can see a bit of it on this screenshot, but it's difficult to notice because of the aforementioned broken lighting.

Got this on PS5 except everything is black and blue. Had to shelve the game for now since I can't find any way to fix it.

M. Wallace

Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit really? Lol well damn good to know. I'll finish it for sure just hoping it clicks more as I go. Maybe I need to stop doing all this side shit for a while. Damn I totally thought that area would be the end game lol. Thank you though!

If definitely opens up in the central loop. The tools you start to get increase the fun factor considerably.