
Dec 30, 2018
Who keeps supporting these games? Fifa and Madden are yearly disasters with barely any innovations in regards to gameplay or features with a buggy engine that causes absurd glitches on top of predatory microtransactions, review scores get lower year after year and all you see is people complaining about them and yet the player count increases?

It feels like EA just keep getting worse but their profits just keep getting better, it makes zero sense.


Dec 30, 2018
Expected, safe and boring. That's trippple ay games for you.
The publishing of smaller games is where any unexpected things might happen. Your Unravels and Fares' and whatnot.

Battlefield will probably be my multiplayer jam in perpetuity, so I'm fine with that sticking around for probably about as long, except for the part where EA's idea of live service for Battlefield is often to rush the games out and fix the bugs and/or content shortages later. And I much prefer paying for a season pass, because there's like five times the maps, and less microtransactions, loot boxes, paying for unlocks, whatever else bullshit etc. But there's always the unfortunate issue of splitting the player base, and I don't think EA will be going back.

The Sims 4 is pretty good and they've done some nice DLC (that's also not cheap) but the game's from 2014. It's about time to upgrade the platform. But I don't expect they will any time soon, considering they did a UI/branding update not too long ago. I suppose then that I hope they're taking their time getting The Sims 5 goddamn good and proper before they put it out.

Looking forward to BFV: Pacific, Fallen Order, and maybe NFS Heat.

Sims 4 was such a downgrade in so many ways from previous titles.

My partner is an avid Sims player, she has been since she was younger and still swears to this day that Sims 2 was one of the best Sims made with the most detail and care and attention put into it both graphically in terms of animations and what the Sims do but also in terms of gameplay but even Sims 3 was better than 4 in her eyes, the DLC practices in Sims 4 are terrible, stripping content for the sake of gaining money and even the small details just simply aren't there like they were with the other Sims games.

I can't argue with her after watching her play both.

Metal B

Oct 27, 2017
Who keeps supporting these games? Fifa and Madden are yearly disasters with barely any innovations in regards to gameplay or features with a buggy engine that causes absurd glitches on top of predatory microtransactions, review scores get lower year after year and all you see is people complaining about them and yet the player count increases?

It feels like EA just keep getting worse but their profits just keep getting better, it makes zero sense.
The problem is that EA has monopoly on this games. People want Soccer and Football games with there favorite teams and players over a good product. That is why, they can just get away with crap.
I really wish, some institution would force the FIFA and NFL to give there licenses to at least two different companies, so that there is some competition.
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, Mcgee and his studio were trying to get the license for a sequel.

If EA's gonna do fuck all like usual, just license it to the man to make something interesting instead of hoarding IPs and sitting on them.

I know, I've been a patreon for McGee for quite some time now (got me some nifty Alice merch too, Cheshire Cat plushie, chaos coin, chaos necklace, signed art prints etc.). At this point in time EA could just sell the IP to him, as I'm fairly sure they'll never again do anything with it.


Oct 28, 2017
Reading through this thread it's pretty clear that we 'hardcore' gamers are not EA's market.

Kids? Who keeps putting time into these live services.


Dec 4, 2017
Snooze, make Skate 4... I'll even take it as a damn live service game haha. Its literally perfect to be one.


Aug 17, 2019
Any update on that graph? Been waiting patiently.
Thank you so much for your support! It means the world to me. Unfortunately, due to unforseen circumstances I've had to push the release of the graph back indefinitely. However, I will be releasing a roadmap of my plans very soon! Please look forward to smaller, more frequent examples of data over the coming months.

Again, thanks for your passion and support! I couldn't do it without you!


Oct 27, 2017
Posts like this provide necessary context for the hardcore gaming community. All the bellyaching about EA and all the criticism about their microtransactions seems to be mostly irrelevant. When they get financial results like this, it's pretty easy to see why they ignore the complaints.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jul 1, 2019
is now the right time to get back into it? I bought it around launch and probably havent played it since February

I would say so. New content. Not a of fixes as the Pacific theatre of war launches this week.

I've been pretty critical of BFV as I'm a long term fan, but now I feel it's turned the corner. It really needed another 9-12m development time.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll support ea games like fallen order and Titanfall 2, and probably remasters of my old favorites. But the yearly core titles? I haven't been interested in them in 20 years.

Doesn't mean I'm not a customer, just not a core customer.


Oct 27, 2017
EA literally never learns. After Anthem I would have thought Live Services would be a stigma for them.



Oct 27, 2017
Excited to double down on not buying EA games going forward. Graph to come.

I mean, we all say this. Rightfully so. But their sales are still up. Madden 20, despite being an awful title no different from 19, if not worse, is still doing better than it already has.

We are not the market for these games. The casual install base is huge, and unfortunately keeps propping up these half hearted, undeveloped, sports titles.


Alt account
Sep 9, 2019
Thanks for buying the NBA Jam franchise and subsequently killing it off while making your own god awful NBA game instead. In return, I will continue a years long streak of never buying an EA game.


Dec 30, 2018
The problem is that EA has monopoly on this games. People want Soccer and Football games with there favorite teams and players over a good product. That is why, they can just get away with crap.
I really wish, some institution would force the FIFA and NFL to give there licenses to at least two different companies, so that there is some competition.

True, very true. This is what I would like to happen as well, the NHL series is also dead on its feet, servers are essentially unpopulated.


Jul 25, 2018
Looks like Titanfall got put on the back burner so Respawn could focus on Apex (and Star Wars).

In February this year, Vince teased more TF coming this year and in their earnings CC EA said,

"We will drive the Titanfall universe forward with Apex Legends live service and a premium game later in the year."

In yesterday's CC EA said,

[analyst] "One thing that was not mentioned was Titanfall 3. Has that been sort of integrated now into Apex Legends? Is that still being looked at as a separate title?"
[EA] " It certainly could be a separate title in the future. We really want to keep the team hyper-focused on Apex because we see there's so much opportunity there. But so I can't give you a sense of if and when it will come, but we're -- it's still a great brand and we certainly won't forget about it down the road."

Jun 17, 2019
What if they

Fun is fine, but does a person need every expansion pack to have fun? I'm thinking more of Microtransactions and loot boxes wher kids can spend hundreds of their parents money and they wind up with some serious charges on their credit cards. And what to do if the kid later gets bored with it. There goes all that money. Sure kid can pick it up again but how often does that happen?


Jan 3, 2018
Dragon Age live service would actually be great. Odyssey provided a great blueprint for how to keep players engaged in a single-player experience.


Oct 26, 2017
It's so weird, I haven't seen any other publisher abandon its franchises as readily or as effortlessly as Electronic Arts. Yeah, I mean like Burnout, Mass Effect, Dead Space, and Skate in recent memory; SSX, NBA Street, or DefJam before that; but even franchises like Road Rash and Mutant League Football...all games that earned a loyal fan base only to be brazenly abandoned, leaving an empty vacuum in mainstream games. Over and over and over, without exception. I guess it's not on EA to cater to fans, but sheesh. At a certain point you'd think they'd want to shake their reputation as the worst company ever.


Oct 25, 2017
Why do people say "doubling down"? Wouldn't you instead be "doubling up"? I mean it is more, right? So you go upward?


Oct 25, 2017
Dragon Age live service would actually be great. Odyssey provided a great blueprint for how to keep players engaged in a single-player experience.

And Witcher 2 and 3 before that.

I don't doubt that it CAN be done, I just don't trust EA.

Why do people say "doubling down"? Wouldn't you instead be "doubling up"? I mean it is more, right? So you go upward? said:
Definition of double down

intransitive verb

1 : to double the original bid in blackjack in exchange for only one more card

2 : to become more tenacious, zealous, or resolute in a position or undertaking

the administration needs to double down on the call for political reform

— Washington Post