Deleted member 6056

Oct 25, 2017
Apparently their is a crowdfunding on FIG for a Smash Bros style game with some neat changes. It adds High lows and mixups as well as an ability to recover health and another ability to dash through bullets. Plus it mentions things like when you lose a stock you can add terrain to the stage to change it. Looks really whimsical with cute characters and stages.

Link to the crowdfund for anyone who wants to support

I think the gameplay and art direction both look pretty fun. Looks like it could be a fun addition to the genre. Hope they make it. Figure I'd let people know something like this exists.


Catch My Drift
Oct 27, 2017
Looks fun, but I so desperately want this sub genre to take off and some of these games to actually come out strong. Always thought some fighting game properties would fit better in this realm. Could you imagine Marvel Heroes with this kind of freedom of movement? Oh boy


Nov 16, 2017
Bruh Tech Romancer.. you cant fool me on that name

But they got the most important thing right with having your moves have impact. Looks like Bloody Roar mix Smash, Hmmm Nice!


Oct 25, 2017
Very interesting for such a early stage.

The designs are kinda all over the place, both mixing humans with furry likes and how the fox dude has a mechanical arm out of nowhere, fire atacks and I think I saw some rock based atack ? Some consistency would be appreciated =P

But it has lots of potential =D
(and those 2d fire and water effects on the trailer are beautiful !)

Wish the best of luck

Looks fun, but I so desperately want this sub genre to take off and some of these games to actually come out strong. Always thought some fighting game properties would fit better in this realm. Could you imagine Marvel Heroes with this kind of freedom of movement? Oh boy

Marvel ? how about I don't know some more traditonal fighting game companies like snk and that other one... xD


Oct 25, 2017
Looks fun, but I so desperately want this sub genre to take off and some of these games to actually come out strong. Always thought some fighting game properties would fit better in this realm. Could you imagine Marvel Heroes with this kind of freedom of movement? Oh boy
Imagine a Bandai Namco Smash clone with all of their anime IPs or maybe even a Square Enix one. The Smash genre is criminally underutilised.


Oct 27, 2017
Looks neat! I like the way the combos look.

Not a huge fan of either of those character designs though. Neither really grab me.


Oct 25, 2017
I really don't like the initial two characters designs but the gameplay looks promising and I see a couple of nice looking characters.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This looks... awesome. I've been wanting some more devs to shake up this genre a bit. I really like the character designs, too.


Oct 25, 2017
The gameplay looks very fun and the artstyle honestly impressed me for this early, I'll keep an eye on this! :D


Oct 29, 2017
Not into the character designs but the movesets look dope. Gonna keep a close eye on this.


Oct 27, 2017
Just a heads up, the campaign hasn't actually started. Its been in backstage mode for the last week or so, and probably isn't meant to be shared widespread. That said, out of all the new platform fighters coming out, this one has the most promise.

Also, you could've just put "Platform Fighter" in the title, as opposed to having it mostly be question about it might be like smash.

Not into the character designs but the movesets look dope. Gonna keep a close eye on this.

Not sure if you saw them, but they have bios/descriptions up for some other characters on the fig campaign. No moveset stuff though


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Terrible character/world stuff names and the art style is not entirely up my alley, but it seems neat.

I see Not-Ky and Not-Fox so far.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
I for one am all for these indie devs trying their own take at smash.
So odd no one else has really tried it. PSAS doesn't even count with how much it deviated.
Oct 25, 2017
Not the most cohesive roster in terms of design, but it pops with color and quite a bit of flair - every design is pretty appealing. The animation seems pretty competent and the mechanics seem to be both on point and trying to take the smash style to another level. This jams with me a lot more than Icons:CA, that's for sure. I think I'll keep an eye on this.


Oct 25, 2017
Loving the artstyle so I'll keep an eye on this.
The game reminds me of Monster AC though ToT


Oct 29, 2017
It has lots of potential, but imo it should have done a step further and try to be even more different from smash, like using a different way to ko opponents for example.
The designs are kinda all over the place, both mixing humans with furry likes and how the fox dude has a mechanical arm out of nowhere, fire atacks and I think I saw some rock based atack ? Some consistency would be appreciated =P
I agree, it needs more coherence, i don't like mixing humans and animals, especially when the entirety of the video seemed to suggest that there were only animals, i also agree on fox' moves, i understand fireballs but that giant mechanical/metal arm...


Self-requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
Looks cute

Switching movesets (?) mid battle and changing the stage layout after KO sounds like neat features
Oct 27, 2017
Really don't like the art direction. The world seems way too bright, almost garish, and the anthro characters look very generic. It looks like it plays well, but that's because it looks like it plays like Smash :/

So far, none of these Smash clones have sold me on their "Smash-killer" premise.


Nov 8, 2017
Did I just see a Ken Combo?
Anyway, it looks pretty good. Definitely better than Icons.
Still, I don't believe any of the games will convince people to move over from smash.
Nov 1, 2017
This is another case of why you need to nail down characters and art design even if your gameplay is there because this isn't grabbing me at all. It's probably the generic anthro look that puts me off the most but it certainly isn't the only problem.


Oct 27, 2017
It has lots of potential, but imo it should have done a step further and try to be even more different from smash, like using a different way to ko opponents for example.

(I didn't expect this to turn into an essay when i started it)

In the 6 minute tutorial video on the fig page, it mentioned that there are 2 percentages. The first is the normal white one, and the second is the red one. Its similar to how 2v2/3v3 fighters, in the idea that the red one is heal-able with certain actions. That said, i believe knockback is calculated based on the red one, and that heavily impacts how KOs are handled.

That said, i believe changing the KO/Percentage system would only ever hurt any platform fighter, and would be akin to saying that a traditional fighter should change the health bar or that a shooter should change the way opponents are killed. With the exception of PSABR, Platform Fighters are interesting due to a few key differences from Traditional Fighters.

1. Variable Knockback. In Traditional Fighters, doing certain moves will always move the opponent a certain distance. In Platform Fighters, knockback is based on percentage, so it could be different at any point in the game, changing the way combos are handled, if at all.

2. Directional Influence (DI). If you hold the stick in a certain direction while being hit, your character will move in that direction. In non-competitive, its an intuition that can save your character, but in competitive, it also changes how combos are handled.

Those two systems make it so that every hit in a game can lead to a unique result. This works well with (Hell, is literally designed for) the percentage system, because as the number goes up, the knockback increases, and the potential for directional influence does. If you change things, youll lead yourself into the following.

1. Changing the objective while keeping the percentage system. In Splatoon, you still kill people by shooting them, but the objective is different. In this case, Time and Coin mode already exist in Smash, and assuming we aren't removing the systems that make the games interesting, your left with modes like King of the Hill and CTF. I can't think of a decent objective to design around this type of game if the percent system is kept.

2. Change the objective while removing the percentage system. This is where PSABR comes in. PSABR changed the objective to winning by scoring points with specials, and it didn't have percentages or health of any kind, so it also didn't have Variable Knockback, and to my knowledge, Directional Influence. Because of this, combos were like those in traditional fighters, in the idea that they are always consistent/the same. This is problematic, as a big difference between Smash (and games that want to be like it) and PSABR, is that in those games, unless it is literally an infinite, you will rarely sit there without some sort of option to escape. Casual smash is designed so combos aren't stupid, and competitive smash has DI, allowing you to interact with the game while being hit. In PSABR, when Kratos hits you, you sit there and watch. Outside of the excessive salt introduced from losing specials to grabs or outright missing with them, this is what made PSABR unfun for me.

3. Change the Health Portion of the percentage system to something else. With the Percentage system, as the number goes up, so does knockback. Smash also has a Stamina mode, where when you get hit, you health goes down. Due to not using the percentage system, knock back is disabled, but DI still works. While you could remove the stage boundaries and make a game based on this. At the end of the day, you'd end up at what amounts to a Traditional fighter with a different set of movement options (Similar to PSABR, cept with a Health Bar. Fake Edit: This seems to already exist in Jump Ultimate Stars)

There is alot more to what makes Smash fun and unique, as it accounted for everything for its party game format. A notable example is Items, which shortly put, are randomly placed incentives for you to participate. That said, if you look at the competitive side of Smash and decide to make a game like it, you'd be hard pressed to end up at a result other than the KO/percentage system.

The point im trying to make here is this, if you try to make a fighter, history shows that you probably shouldn't change the win condition from a health bar/time out. In the same vein, if you character has a gun and it shoots things, its expected to kill the people on the other side, regardless of the objective. In that same vein, if you are trying to make a game thats fun and in anyway inspired by, or intended to be similar to, Smash, you probably shouldn't deviate from the KO/percentage system.

To address another point commonly seen in "Game Name (Smash Clone)" threads, At this point. what makes them different from Smash? Well, there are two things. The first is that its similar to how most fighters differentiate from each other, and thats through various additional systems or other revisions in the genres gameplay. While it all looks like people punching each and throwing fireballs with different graphics, each game controls and feels differently. This is immediately seen just looking at just the 4 currently available Smash Bros games, and its also why no game will ever be able to achieve the same feel as Melee when played competitively (Ill go into this in the next segment). If you watched the video, this is obvious for Earth Romancer. In Rivals of Aether, there are massive changes to how defensive play and the recovery system work. Icons has something called Gust Shield, but that doesn't seem to change things too much...

Which then leads us to the second thing, the fact that none of these games (to my knowledge) coming out are being designed with the idea of being a party game. This is a very important thing to consider, because if you pull an Icons and literally take Melee Fox and shove him into a game designed around competition, you'll end up with something very far from what Melee Fox was intended to be, and something that still feels, and possibly plays different, from what Melee Fox currently is. As i said before, no game will ever feel like Melee, and that's because alot of what makes Melee what it is would not make sense anywhere else. Mechanics like L-Cancel or Jump Cancel grabs would never make it over to anything else, because at that point you could just design your game around low lag or running jumps being the same as the standing ones. While mechanics like Wavedashing have transitioned, they seen various changes (For example, in rivals, it can be done directly left/right and the input for it is signifcantly easier). And most importantly... Shine/Reflector doesn't reflect. Its because of obvious changes like those and various under the hood changes that these games all feel and play differently from not only the 4 already available Smash games, but the other Platform Fighters available and emerging in the market. And so long as Super Smash Brother's Movesets and Engine/Feel decisions are primarily made for the market that plays it as 4-8 Player Items on Free For All (Which note, it should, as to my knowledge, its still the only one), then these new Platform Fighters shouldn't have a problem differentiating themselves from Smash more than, say, Blazblue Crosstag Battle and Dragon Ball Z Fighters do the same from Marvel VS Capcom 3 and Infinite.


Response that should've ended at the 1st paragraph turned into an essay. Games with guns or people fighting each other don't re-invent the wheel, neither should any game that tries to be like Smash. These games are designed around Comp and not Party, so they end up different anyways. I always end up salty at "Game Name (Smash Clone)" threads because no one else ever seems to look for and discuss whats unique, only whats the same.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand what's so immediately offputting about an anthro aesthetic. There are plenty of classic games by AAA developers with primarily-anthro casts but suddenly it's become an allergy today.

There is a HUGE difference in designs of Sonic, Conker, Lucky's Tale and Yooka Layle from this
While my problem is mixing more realistic human designs with the anthro, I can see how people can look at the fox dude and think "ok the creator already drew his dick once" =P

Deleted member 6056

Oct 25, 2017
I grew up in the era of animal mascot gaming. Sonic, Ducktales, folks making new stuff like Crash Bandicoot or Sparkster or whatever sorta animal mascot thing they could come up with . When I see folks flipout and hate on anthro designs all I acknowledge it with is an eyeroll anymore.

Anthro only has a sexual conotation if they are doing something sexual. If you see all animal mascots in that light the problem is with you not the design. If its not cute or well done art or just not a style you like thats fine. But if its something you always take as creepy and sexual then you should probably take a step back and ask yourself if its just you adding those elements to the characters.

These characters are fine in my eyes. Though the quality of their sketches for the 2d characterssketch art isnt as quality as their anthro detailing strangely. Got that smiles not reaching their eyes thing in their expressions. Could use some touchup there.

All art talk aside I wanna try a brawler with mixups and heals. That sounds pretty crazy for comebacks. Go from nearly ko-ed to healed and mixin up for mad damage and huge juggles toward the blast zones.


Oct 29, 2017
(I didn't expect this to turn into an essay when i started it)

In the 6 minute tutorial video on the fig page, it mentioned that there are 2 percentages. The first is the normal white one, and the second is the red one. Its similar to how 2v2/3v3 fighters, in the idea that the red one is heal-able with certain actions. That said, i believe knockback is calculated based on the red one, and that heavily impacts how KOs are handled.

That said, i believe changing the KO/Percentage system would only ever hurt any platform fighter, and would be akin to saying that a traditional fighter should change the health bar or that a shooter should change the way opponents are killed. With the exception of PSABR, Platform Fighters are interesting due to a few key differences from Traditional Fighters.

1. Variable Knockback. In Traditional Fighters, doing certain moves will always move the opponent a certain distance. In Platform Fighters, knockback is based on percentage, so it could be different at any point in the game, changing the way combos are handled, if at all.

2. Directional Influence (DI). If you hold the stick in a certain direction while being hit, your character will move in that direction. In non-competitive, its an intuition that can save your character, but in competitive, it also changes how combos are handled.

Those two systems make it so that every hit in a game can lead to a unique result. This works well with (Hell, is literally designed for) the percentage system, because as the number goes up, the knockback increases, and the potential for directional influence does. If you change things, youll lead yourself into the following.

1. Changing the objective while keeping the percentage system. In Splatoon, you still kill people by shooting them, but the objective is different. In this case, Time and Coin mode already exist in Smash, and assuming we aren't removing the systems that make the games interesting, your left with modes like King of the Hill and CTF. I can't think of a decent objective to design around this type of game if the percent system is kept.

2. Change the objective while removing the percentage system. This is where PSABR comes in. PSABR changed the objective to winning by scoring points with specials, and it didn't have percentages or health of any kind, so it also didn't have Variable Knockback, and to my knowledge, Directional Influence. Because of this, combos were like those in traditional fighters, in the idea that they are always consistent/the same. This is problematic, as a big difference between Smash (and games that want to be like it) and PSABR, is that in those games, unless it is literally an infinite, you will rarely sit there without some sort of option to escape. Casual smash is designed so combos aren't stupid, and competitive smash has DI, allowing you to interact with the game while being hit. In PSABR, when Kratos hits you, you sit there and watch. Outside of the excessive salt introduced from losing specials to grabs or outright missing with them, this is what made PSABR unfun for me.

3. Change the Health Portion of the percentage system to something else. With the Percentage system, as the number goes up, so does knockback. Smash also has a Stamina mode, where when you get hit, you health goes down. Due to not using the percentage system, knock back is disabled, but DI still works. While you could remove the stage boundaries and make a game based on this. At the end of the day, you'd end up at what amounts to a Traditional fighter with a different set of movement options (Similar to PSABR, cept with a Health Bar. Fake Edit: This seems to already exist in Jump Ultimate Stars)

There is alot more to what makes Smash fun and unique, as it accounted for everything for its party game format. A notable example is Items, which shortly put, are randomly placed incentives for you to participate. That said, if you look at the competitive side of Smash and decide to make a game like it, you'd be hard pressed to end up at a result other than the KO/percentage system.

The point im trying to make here is this, if you try to make a fighter, history shows that you probably shouldn't change the win condition from a health bar/time out. In the same vein, if you character has a gun and it shoots things, its expected to kill the people on the other side, regardless of the objective. In that same vein, if you are trying to make a game thats fun and in anyway inspired by, or intended to be similar to, Smash, you probably shouldn't deviate from the KO/percentage system.

To address another point commonly seen in "Game Name (Smash Clone)" threads, At this point. what makes them different from Smash? Well, there are two things. The first is that its similar to how most fighters differentiate from each other, and thats through various additional systems or other revisions in the genres gameplay. While it all looks like people punching each and throwing fireballs with different graphics, each game controls and feels differently. This is immediately seen just looking at just the 4 currently available Smash Bros games, and its also why no game will ever be able to achieve the same feel as Melee when played competitively (Ill go into this in the next segment). If you watched the video, this is obvious for Earth Romancer. In Rivals of Aether, there are massive changes to how defensive play and the recovery system work. Icons has something called Gust Shield, but that doesn't seem to change things too much...

Which then leads us to the second thing, the fact that none of these games (to my knowledge) coming out are being designed with the idea of being a party game. This is a very important thing to consider, because if you pull an Icons and literally take Melee Fox and shove him into a game designed around competition, you'll end up with something very far from what Melee Fox was intended to be, and something that still feels, and possibly plays different, from what Melee Fox currently is. As i said before, no game will ever feel like Melee, and that's because alot of what makes Melee what it is would not make sense anywhere else. Mechanics like L-Cancel or Jump Cancel grabs would never make it over to anything else, because at that point you could just design your game around low lag or running jumps being the same as the standing ones. While mechanics like Wavedashing have transitioned, they seen various changes (For example, in rivals, it can be done directly left/right and the input for it is signifcantly easier). And most importantly... Shine/Reflector doesn't reflect. Its because of obvious changes like those and various under the hood changes that these games all feel and play differently from not only the 4 already available Smash games, but the other Platform Fighters available and emerging in the market. And so long as Super Smash Brother's Movesets and Engine/Feel decisions are primarily made for the market that plays it as 4-8 Player Items on Free For All (Which note, it should, as to my knowledge, its still the only one), then these new Platform Fighters shouldn't have a problem differentiating themselves from Smash more than, say, Blazblue Crosstag Battle and Dragon Ball Z Fighters do the same from Marvel VS Capcom 3 and Infinite.


Response that should've ended at the 1st paragraph turned into an essay. Games with guns or people fighting each other don't re-invent the wheel, neither should any game that tries to be like Smash. These games are designed around Comp and not Party, so they end up different anyways. I always end up salty at "Game Name (Smash Clone)" threads because no one else ever seems to look for and discuss whats unique, only whats the same.
You gave me a lot to read, you wrote a great explanation of some technical features but what i wanted to say was way dumber and simpler.
When i looked at the video i saw a game with good graphics and good mechanics, a game with the potential to something different and of its own... but when i saw the need to push the opponent out of the ring with even a very similar visual effect i was disappointed.
Most of the smash clones just want to be... smash clones, with the inevitable result that everyone prefers the original, this one could have been something unique instead developers just wanted to make a more technical smash clone.
There aren't just health bar and out of the ring as winning system, world heroes(i don't remember which one though) had a mode where the health bar was shared, wrestling games(that technically are also fighting games) have 3 count, divekick goes one shot one kill, nidhogg another one and so on.


Oct 25, 2017
Looks alright. Gameplay is a bit clunky and some of the designs hit all the checkmarks for furry characters.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand what's so immediately offputting about an anthro aesthetic. There are plenty of classic games by AAA developers with primarily-anthro casts but suddenly it's become an allergy today.
To me, it's when the furry deviantart line is crossed like Dust and this game. I have no problem with the classic anthros like Starfox, Battletoads, Conker etc and I'm sold on Biomutant.


Oct 25, 2017
QUOTE="Ardiloso, post: 1961488, member: 14252"]To me, it's when the furry deviantart line is crossed like Dust and this game. I have no problem with the classic anthros like Starfox, Battletoads, Conker etc and I'm sold on Biomutant.[/QUOTE]

I'd be curious what makes Starfox any different...

OT: Does look interesting, will need to play it to see how it feels though. New mechanics sound like it could mix up the gameplay.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand what's so immediately offputting about an anthro aesthetic. There are plenty of classic games by AAA developers with primarily-anthro casts but suddenly it's become an allergy today.
You know how when you watch a Tarantino movie, and you're aware of his foot fetish, and you see the foot stuff in the movies and it doesn't bother you on its own, but the knowledge of the fetish behind it makes it a little uncomfortable to watch? It's a little like that.

Right or wrong, furry stuff often conjures up mental images of bad edgy fan fiction and porn. The most comically sad or extreme stuff is, ironically, what most non-furries get exposed to, because someone posts it for reactions or laughs and then they see it.

There is nothing wrong at all with games like this being made and finding success, but for many it's going to make it harder to get into.

Deft Beck

Oct 26, 2017
To me, it's when the furry deviantart line is crossed like Dust and this game. I have no problem with the classic anthros like Starfox, Battletoads, Conker etc and I'm sold on Biomutant.

What's funny is that the Dust guy (does he have an account here yet?) has a bigger connection to the old school anthro fandom than the creators of any of those other properties. Does that make his work any less impressive? I think its terrific that it draws from such a connection to make such a fantastic game like Dust.

You know how when you watch a Tarantino movie, and you're aware of his foot fetish, and you see the foot stuff in the movies and it doesn't bother you on its own, but the knowledge of the fetish behind it makes it a little uncomfortable to watch? It's a little like that.

Right or wrong, furry stuff often conjures up mental images of bad edgy fan fiction and porn. The most comically sad or extreme stuff is, ironically, what most non-furries get exposed to, because someone posts it for reactions or laughs and then they see it.

There is nothing wrong at all with games like this being made and finding success, but for many it's going to make it harder to get into.

I can dissociate myself from the gross aspects of the anthro fandom while enjoying anthro media. I don't personally feel that uncomfortable about it. If it is distasteful to you because of that, that's fine too. We can agree that it boils down to taste.

Deleted member 6056

Oct 25, 2017
What's with Platform Fighters and anamorphic characters?
Star fox cast were insanely popular in melee. So anthro cast and space animals in particular are popular in thkse circles.
To me, it's when the furry deviantart line is crossed like Dust and this game. I have no problem with the classic anthros like Starfox, Battletoads, Conker etc and I'm sold on Biomutant.
So stubby and small. Not lanky or human proportioned like an adult?


Oct 26, 2017
I don't really like smash but I think the controls and gameplay is really cool. It's nice to see other devs use that as a template for their own game. This is a super similar fighting game tho. Abyss Odyssey took smash style control and made a dungeon dive platformer out of it and it was dope.


Oct 25, 2017
There seems to be a more in-depth look at the mechanics on this video:

Quick summary:
There's a dedicated projectile attack button, tied to a slowly refilling energy meter

There's a Touhou fighter-style graze system for avoiding projectiles (i.e. jumping, dashing or diving makes you projectile invincible)

There's a shield/vitality system similar to white health from Vampire Savior. You can also use melee attacks to restore your white health/shield more quickly

There's also a style (and ratio) system with "BlueShift" and "RedShift"
"BlueShift" has better 'defense', recovery and "familiar controls"
"RedShift" is more unique, giving you better offensive options but weaker defensive ones

You can choose the ratio of BlueShift to RedShift within 4 blocks (e.g. 4 Red Blocks, 3 Red 1 Blue, 2 Red 2 Blue etc.) and if your loadout allows it, you can shift between these two styles mid-match

This all seems to be in addition to
-Spawning stage "additions" when losing stocks (not sure what this means)
-Character specific air actions (same with this)
-High and low mixups


Oct 27, 2017
What's funny is that the Dust guy (does he have an account here yet?) has a bigger connection to the old school anthro fandom than the creators of any of those other properties. Does that make his work any less impressive? I think its terrific that it draws from such a connection to make such a fantastic game like Dust.
I can dissociate myself from the gross aspects of the anthro fandom while enjoying anthro media. I don't personally feel that uncomfortable about it. If it is distasteful to you because of that, that's fine too. We can agree that it boils down to taste.
Yes, I can't dissociate when I feel the artist was touching himself while drawing those animals, see bellow. I'm sure Dust is a great game. I bough it on xbox 360 but could not stomach playing more than 30 minutes.

So stubby and small. Not lanky or human proportioned like an adult?
Yes. Human proportioned and lanky always looks like the furry art used to sexualize animals we see when google search furry. Add this an amateur artstyle like this games' and bam, I'm not touching this without nauseating.


Oct 25, 2017
The projectile focus/graze system also the shield/vitality system look really promising. I've always wanted to see those implemented into a platform fighter. I don't really know about the high low mixups though. It seems like it'd be really chaotic in a four player setting, FFA or 2v2 (that's assuming this game allows four players)

I also don't feel like Keagan's design fits too well next to Palante, but at least his moveset looks great.