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Oct 25, 2017
Could be just my imagination, everything but the blood spatter on the face looks good.
I think one of the reasons that gamers are so quick to say "downgrade!" at everything is that they don't understand different lighting conditions are not all equally flattering, yet are technically of the exact same quality.


Oct 28, 2017
Ben's aggressive response to the Link's Awakening L&R on the podcast sucks. The question was about the value proposition of remakes that have technical issues, not dissing the game as a whole. First party Nintendo games usually have an expected level of polish, so it's perfectly acceptable to be skeptical of one that does not.
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Mar 11, 2018
Ben's aggressive response to the Link's Awakening L&R on the podcast sucks. The question was about the value proposition of remakes that have technical issues, not dissing the game as a whole. First party Nintendo games usually have an expected level of polish, so it's perfectly acceptable to be skeptical of one that does not.
And this is probably literally the first 2D Zelda game with performance issues. That sucks. It's especially jarring with this type of game.


The Million Post Man
Oct 25, 2017
Kyle streaming an empty screen as he works on secret things for the Gameboy game is the final frontier of streamed content
Oct 25, 2017
Do we really need a new OT?

New ot is always annoying.

Gotta load that fucking Mega first post for a few days till it hits page 2.

I Never see the point.

Ben Moore

Nov 30, 2017
Ben's aggressive response to the Link's Awakening L&R on the podcast sucks. The question was about the value proposition of remakes that have technical issues, not dissing the game as a whole. First party Nintendo games usually have an expected level of polish, so it's perfectly acceptable to be skeptical of one that does not.

I feel like if you listen to the whole discussion I try to show sympathy toward that perspective and the conversation evolves throughout. My initial reaction was not needing to feel guilt over something you're enjoying, but it's a perfectly valid thing to criticize. Of course games should be technically sound, I just don't think the issues lined up with the gravity presented in the question which I think is fair. Is the person "part of the problem" for enjoying a remake that is largely great? No.
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Mory Dunz

Oct 25, 2017
Just stated the pokemon stream.

not surprised the allies didn't recognize it was the Goku vs Piccolo punch from dragonball,
but almost no one in chat knew either. They all said gohan vs cell heh

I didn't even watch OG dragonball much, but instantly knew. Is it's not as iconic as I
Oct 27, 2017
'Aggressive' is a strong word lol. I didn't really see it as an agressive response.

Anyway, personally i bought the game for 60$ myself and am enjoying it soooo much. The framerate problems are there but not really stopping my enjoyment (for me anyway).

And i understand Ben's point of view, if you enjoy it so much, the value is there, no need to question your purchase.
I personally regret paying 60$ for RDR2 and i dont regret it one bit for Link's Awakening.


"This guy are sick"
Mar 24, 2019
Pokemon stream was excellent again. Really thought Miltank was going to wipe them.

Have to catch up on the UGG stream and Shenmue III, at least. So much good content recently


Aug 7, 2019
Yup Thursday is truly amazing, Damn Jones got so lucky with Miltank and should of gotten Swept. I and chat was patiently waiting for that Milk Drink but didn't happened T_T

Same here, I was just waiting for the moment of the Milk Drink happening, but it just didn't. It brought me, and by the look of it, many others, a lot of pain in my playthrough. Jones is sure a lucky guy :P


Are there any plans, of the Allies playing through Kyle's Game ?


Oct 25, 2017
'Aggressive' is a strong word lol. I didn't really see it as an agressive response.

Anyway, personally i bought the game for 60$ myself and am enjoying it soooo much. The framerate problems are there but not really stopping my enjoyment (for me anyway).

And i understand Ben's point of view, if you enjoy it so much, the value is there, no need to question your purchase.
I personally regret paying 60$ for RDR2 and i dont regret it one bit for Link's Awakening.
This post made me realise I regret the $40 AUD I spent on Monster Hunter World more than I did the $70 AUD on Link's Awakening.


Is this tag ok?
Oct 25, 2017
Nice, new LiS 2 Spoiler Mode came out last night, been looking forward to this.


Oct 25, 2017
Game pricing and perceived value is a super interesting topic that will always be around. I can admit that I've passed on Links Awakening for now because of the 2 reasons listed in this weeks L&R. 60 USD is 80 CAD and it's not like we all make 25% more money up here to compensate for that. Hearing this new version , faithfully great though it may be , has a number of odd technical issues combined with the pricetag put me away from "must own" to "will wait for a patch + a time when I feel like powering through it".

I'm in my 30's so obviously I had a gameboy as a kid and I played through the entirety of LA twice back then. Bought it and finished it a third time on the gameboy color too. More recently I even had a playthrough going on the 3DS that I kind of petered out on. Point is I've played the game lots of times over the years and a fresh coat of paint with some QOL changes just isn't appealing at 80$ for me. I've seen the footage of how the game handles it's framerate and it looks like something fixable so , at the very least, waiting until that's working correctly is my own choice.

Do I feel others are foolish to support this game ? naw man. It really is a great Zelda game, perhaps one of the best 2D entries in fact. It was pretty much a flawless gameboy game in 1993 and based on reviews time has been pretty kind to it's oldschool mechanics. It's not like Nintendo marketed it as a new breath of the wild , it's "a beautiful remake of the game boy classic". It probably could have been released for 40 USD , hell I'd have bought it for that price without thinking but on the flipside - if you want a game and are having fun with it , the price shouldn't really be a factor.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree with most of what Ben said, to be honest (though I think he initially may have misunderstood the question a little). However, hearing that Link's Awakening has those technical problems REALLY bums me out. I think it is sorta inexcusable, as this clearly isn't a game pushing the boundaries of the Switch. I think Link's Awakening is the best Zelda game ever made. I want to be able to point to the Switch version and advocate for it as vehemently as I can. It is a kick in the teeth that Nintendo didn't make sure that it was in perfect shape when it shipped. Nintendo is known for their polish. This shouldn't have happened. Now the whole release has been marred to some degree. Which, once again, fucking sucks.

So, is it an amazing game that everyone should buy? Absolutely. But I can understand someone wanting Nintendo to be held responsible for releasing such a wonderful game in a diminished state. Is buying it day one, despite all its problems, sending Nintendo the wrong message? It may be...


Oct 27, 2017
Ruhrgebiet, Germany
Watching this week's Mana Day is a special kind of fun. I remember when GT got moved into the windowless closet by Defy and Blood posted to calm our "Oh no, they're all gonna get fired soon!" panic. I assumed it was just him putting on a brave face to the public, but listening to the conversation with Ben and Brad he really had different perceptions of the situation due to their different rooming arrangment.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Even if Link's Awakening remake didn't have technical issues, a $60 remake of a fairly short Zelda game that is mostly qol improvements doesn't interest me.


Nov 4, 2017
I personally only try to buy games on sale, which means I never have a backlog of Switch games since they only have like 2 good sales a year, if that. There's no way I'm paying a full $60 for LA, though I do plan on getting it eventually. I have enough games on other systems that I never have a lack of things to play, so I'm in no rush to experience it right now.


Oct 25, 2017
Leeds, UK
When the original Links Awakening was probably $30 back in the day due to that being how much GameBoy games were, it kinda makes its new remake price even more ridiculous. The Switch is a console sure, but this is the very definition of a handheld game, so going full whack and charging AAA price is pretty nuts. Losing the definition of 'console game' and 'handheld game' just allowed Nintendo to start going nuts with prices. When you start comparing it to Dark Souls Remastered costing $40 and other such similar titles being priced far saner on the system, it really does just become a Zelda Tax and Nintendo over-pricing situation.

Really enjoyed the Christmas Morning vibes of the Brad and Huber Shenmue stream.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't mind the price, but it is real sad that a game which didn't have framerate trouble on (relatively) potato level hardware from the 1980s has framerate trouble on Switch.

Obviously they've prioritised graphics, and done a great job of that, but first party Nintendo stuff is generally pretty good with framerates. It's a little disappointing.

Hopefully it gets patched.


Oct 25, 2017
I keep going back to the Hearthstone tournament. It's sooooo good, similar vibes to the Gundam streams.

I don't know if they can recreate that magic, maybe if another competitive card game gets popular.


Oct 25, 2017
Occasional Board Game Show is live for Patrons!

Two hours and 20 minutes—strap in!
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Oct 25, 2017
I know Kyle is forcing Jones to play his game on stream because he's basically making the "anti-Jones" game, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Brandon isn't going to be as much of an easy mark as Kyle believes. I'm VERY curious to see if Jones plays into Kyle's expectations by completely undercutting them.

Too bad I'll be on a plane during the stream... womp womp.
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